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File: 133 KB, 550x417, its_killing_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9636323 No.9636323 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of being rich if I can't have love in my life?

I get laid once a month quite easy with almost any girl I like but I just feel empty. Fucked my exgf a couple times in her new house (she lives alone) but she's suddenly not interested in me anymore. Maybe she's already with another man. I'm trying really hard to find a woman I like and spend my money with. But literally no woman is willing to try being in a relationship with me. I only want to settle and have kids. I'm currently consuming drugs every weekend because everything is pointless. Games are not fun anymore. Friends are not real friends anymore. I'm getting depressed more and more every fucking day and I think I might be near committing suicide soon.
Oh and to make everything more interesting, everyone around me ends up depressed too because I say things clearly. My life is empty if no one loves me.

What should I do?

>> No.9636345

send me some money before you go

>> No.9636360

listen to everything she wants by wham and just be gay

>> No.9636371

All women are whores. Sorry anon, Every man has to deal with this realization at some point.

>> No.9636372

Not being mean, but if she's cut you off, it's probably your own fault. If she's still sleeping with you, whether or not she's with someone wouldn't really matter.
Did you sperg out emotionally at her? Did you say something about you being lonely or Loveless? The most unattractive thing you can do is let her know you don't have any other romantic prospects.

>> No.9636374

Quit all drugs and quit all other degenearate behaviors, and have children. It's the only way you can truly make it.

>> No.9636384

This anon is retarded and forever cucked by the social conditioning jew

>> No.9636388

Go to a doctor and figure out if it's a medical issue.

>> No.9636389
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> t. cohen shekelberg

>> No.9636402
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>> No.9636403

It obviously sounds like a lifestyle issue. Why are Americans so cucked for pharmaceuticals?

>> No.9636420

If you have money and plentiful sex, why shit up your life with children?
I wouldn't be a good dad, so I'm not having children. And if I was going to I'd just adopt.

>> No.9636421
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>> No.9636431
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You are a kike.


>> No.9636441


back to /pol/ retard. None of you idiots can ever explain what makes women worth the investment. You just screech about jews and marxism but never make an argument

>> No.9636445

Nope, Australian with Irish heritage.

>> No.9636450

Post address

I'm feeling like being used. Sleeping one or two times with my exgf and having weird sex wasn't the best thing to do. My mind is all fucked up. I'd prefer sleeping with a woman who loves me and not having sex at all. And yes, I cracked myself when I said what I currently feel. She is not even trying to establish any connection with me. Spending weeks to weeks without sharing a word and then everything is fine, we fuck, and then I get even more depressed. I should stop dating women or at least my exgf for sure. Thank you for being honest.

>> No.9636465
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>> No.9636470
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>> No.9636474

My dream.

You don't know what means to be a man. The only reason we live is to reproduce ourselves and if you can find someone who loves you and doesn't treat you like shit, good for you. But suicide rates are rising for a reason. Feminism?

>> No.9636480
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disgusting photo, delete this, post has been reported

>> No.9636481
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>> No.9636494
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>> No.9636498

Women are whores, but not all of them. Generally though, you have to be a heartless nightmare person to keep them attracted to you.

You should fuck your ex, but only on your terms, for fun!. Also, the idea of only wanting to fuck people you love is not a good idea. The fact that you're looking for love specifically, and not a particular woman you're in love with tells me that this isn't actually your problem. It's fair enough being lonely and wanting that closeness, but you're best off just having a few short term flings with nice chicks until you start to get your confidence back.

I'd you can't handle banging your ex emotionally, then cut her off completely. Don't answer calls or messages for a while. She'll respect you more for it too, as an added bonus.

>> No.9636507

What are you even talking about? Who says the only reason for existence is reproduction? Maybe for you and your gay world view, but not for me.

>> No.9636527


>It's his fault

Yes it's always the man's fault and never the woman's

>> No.9636537

Thanks again. Was thinking about cutting her off completely. Totally doing that. I can't stand this depressed feeling and having sex. I'm being too emotional.

Yeah, it's just my point. Not everyone needs to agree.

>> No.9636539

You can't control her actions or feelings, but he can control his own actions. Why focus on something you can't control? Do you get angry at the ocean after a tsunami? Do you get angry at a girl for following her basic instincts?

>> No.9636543

smoke dmt and get in touch with yourself brah
if you dont smoke dmt twice a week brah you aint in touch wit your true nature man
listen brah just clear your mind with meditation and smoke dmt and live with unity to natire and give up all your earthly possessions

>> No.9636549


>Woman murders someone

well dooood she's not responsible for her actions just let it go braaah. Don't get upset

>> No.9636555


>> No.9636561

You'll feel better about yourself if you do. Not being a dick, but harden up a bit. Life is painful, and the fact that you have other aspects of your life sorted out, like work and money will make a lot of the other parts easier.

I was the other anon you were replying too as well kek

>> No.9636570

Btw you mentioned confidence. I look pretty confident (that's the main reason I get laid easily) but i'm dead inside. And not even my friends know how to help me. I think I should see a doctor. I don't want to die but I keep killing me with drugs.

>> No.9636591

Will consider it. LSD is saving my most depressed moment right now. We don't have an ego and we mean nothing to this universe. That's depressing. Kinda.

>> No.9636600

kill yourself you pathetic piece of trash

>> No.9636610

Really low energy argument.

And I hear you man, I mean internal confidence. Like in yourself. It's easy to put up a front, especially if you're used to doing it all the time.
Maybe see a doctor.
What drugs though? You said the weekend, so I assume MD a or coke. Not many drugs will actually kill you. You can fuck around for a few years before anything major will happen because of it.

>> No.9636625

>especially if you're used to doing it all the time

>> No.9636643
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>> No.9636649


Surely these are bots?

>> No.9636658
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>> No.9636666
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You must be a very sad, pathetic man. Go back to /pol/ and stay there.

>> No.9636669

What drugs? Every drug. In huge amounts. I'm trying to OD these last 3 weeks with Xanax.

>> No.9636700

If it really means nothing to you could you please give a little bit to me? I disabled and I have trouble paying the rent, I fucked up extremely bad in during the bear market.

I have two great books that I think could really help you, are you interested in reading them?

>> No.9636712

It's pretty hard to od. What country are you from? I assume America because you said Xanax. If you're from Australia, come hang. I'm a holistic dating coach kek.

>> No.9636730


>> No.9636735

Spain. Doctors sell those like candy over here.

>> No.9636759 [DELETED] 

Here's my BTC address
and my ETH address

>> No.9636783

I've eaten like 6 Bars tonight. But not because I'm depressed, just because I like em.

Obviously your best bet is to just find another quick rebound girl, that's nice to you, and that actually wants to fuck you.
Nothing is worse than hanging around a girl, especially an ex, who doesn't really have much interest in you. She's just one girl. Who cares. There are many more. But if you do let her impact you, it can be devastating to your self esteem, which you obviously know.


>> No.9636811

Thanks to all replies. Anon is tired. Anon is leaving the thread. Anon is going to sleep.

>> No.9636819

Anyways here are the books

1. https://ufile.io/tnsgk
2. https://ufile.io/n82c5

If you're willing to take antidepression pills stay the fuck away from ssri's, take tianeptine instead. Srri's will make you even more dead inside, that's pretty much their mechanism of action. Tianeptine works more like just lifting up your mood and making you more sociable.

If you want to help out a guy for which money is his biggest problem right now please send me something
btc: 3Qx73vCHvUNYCZdXNeRhP3LGjjp2Q4Wucg
bch: qq8d0w2zwrfa8aks65mqwp79mj5u44f37qz8cvscs9

>> No.9636869

I can empathize with you OP. I’ve had a drug issue for 7 years and I currently get pleasure out of nothing. I’ve been in love with a girl for 5 years and haven’t had sex with her in almost a year (she considers me her “best friend” and basically said she’d leave her children to me if she had them but doesn’t really want to make children/be with me).

I’ve got enough money that finances don’t stress me, but I sincerely don’t think I can live life in an enjoyable way anymore. Every day is endlessly boring at best...extremely depressing at worse.

The girl still texts/calls me daily which exacerbates everything.

>> No.9636916
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Wow, so Satan himself joins to support his fellow Jews in their war against White children!

"Go back to /pol/" is code for White Genocide.

>> No.9636962
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>> No.9637006
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also clean your room.

>> No.9637020

Cut off the communication with the girl
Makes it work and no positive outcome for you
Cut it

>> No.9637029

Remind him that it can be addicting. Stick with the 12.5 mg 2-4 times a day. Half life is short. This stuff is alright. Could try low dose kratom. Opioids for some reason becuse of the dopamine interaction helps lift mood. Also kratom will make you almost immune to getting sick.

>> No.9637080
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Ok listen up you financially secure fucks cause imma drop some advice that you may or may not take up depending on how badly you wanna help yourselves. The reason y'all feel shitty is because you aren't investing your time in the right areas. What i mean if that you need to put your money towards starting your own manufacturing plant. That means a decent plot of land along with heavy machines to make products.

What products you might ask? I don't know and to be honest it depends on what you think the market needs and something that you like. A good source of inspiration i've found it from the tv show Food Factory (youtube it if you havent seen it before).

Now starting a manufacturing business is no easy task so you might have to "wagecuck" at other places for a while but thats part of the journey and sacrifice. The goal is to have your own manufacturing line with your own products.

This will end up potentially solving two problems. If it doesn't work out and the market isint receptive to your product then you can go ahead and neck yourselves and as you believe no one will give a shit anyway. But if it succeeds...Anons, theres a reason the industrial and manufacturing boom has given rise to some of the biggest motherfuckers in the business world. Shits not gonna be easy. But thats the other problem that this task solves and that is getting you to produce something for people and employ people around you. Best of luck

>> No.9637100

I'm depressed because i don't have any money.

>> No.9637208
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>> No.9637260
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Quad sixes for extra degeneracy and hedonism.

>> No.9637396

I started a consumer packaged good product business from idea to complete product and sold the business two years ago. It really wasn’t that fulfilling an experience. As pathetic as it sounds, the happiest I’ve been is when I’m with the aforementioned girl. I’m archetypically a “provider” I guess and I feel good “taking care of” the people I care about. But I’m pretty solo right now.

>> No.9637434

That’s really probably the best advice...any other girl feels like I’m massively settling compared to her unfortunately. She’s a 10/10 qt, wealthy, intelligent.

>> No.9637447

>qq why doesn't anyone like me
Maybe you're just a shitty human being?

>> No.9637814

Grow the fuck up, you are pathetic.

If you had worked a hard job or had hardship you would now what the point of money is.

Rich people or silver spoon fed kids are like boomers, completely idiotic to what hard work for little pay means.

Give me your money so I can be happy then if your money isnt important.

You wont, everyone knows you wont. That

Money cant buy happiness shit is for people who didnt have to work hard.

>> No.9637982

the only way for a man to be happy is to find something, whatever, and try to get better at it

a mission, a goal, a purpose, a direction

good luck OP

>> No.9638061

Exaclty! thats what I told the young man who was born from poverty and was beat as a child and has severe back issues and cant get disability or welfare or assistance.

I toldem hey kid find one of thos ejobs that no one can find and get yourself a cheap house to rent for the low price of 800 a month while making 8 bucks an hour.

lol oh you silver spoons who never had to work hard, you do make me laugh, you are like boomers.

>> No.9638096

I am working class and was born in poverty, and struggled with all kinds of shit

>> No.9638157
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Sure ya did, I believe you! Truly money is meaningless.

Like all the hard working people say "I dont need this money it cant do anything for me at all it is why I burn it to cook the dirt I dig up to make dirt pies"


I told this one guy who got sideswipped by a drunk who had no insurance and now has severe spinal trauma and still cant get disability. I toldem hey man, at least you dont have a lot of money like those wealthy people, they are the ones that truly suffer. He of course smiled and nodded in agreement as he popped another pill to dull the insane pain in his spine.

Glad I could spread the truth about how working long hours for little pay and worrying about bills, vehicles, a roof over your head is the true happiness and that being rich is just pure torture.


>> No.9638181

I didnt say money is meaningless

kys you fucking faggot. Ddint eve n read the read of your post

>> No.9638248

You seem to have lost your temper there boomer/silverspoon.

Yeah ya did read the rest, and ya got triggered by truth. You richkid/boomer fucks are like all pansies who never worked, you get triggered then lie and bullshit and spout your tantrum.

Dealing with a man who has worked and could give to fucks about your little opinion is hard isnt it? Go tell mommy and daddy how hard your life is and that people on the net dont believe your line of shit.

>> No.9638323

OP every guy in the western world is in the same predicament. Women with notches can't emotionally bond to men and don't marry and have kids anymore until they are 30+ and nobody wants them.

You have to relocate to EE and get a low notch could girl, preferably a young virgin and have kids.

>> No.9638371

Get treated for gambling addiction and have someone walk you through deprogramming yourself so you can derive joy from more available and controlled situations.

>> No.9638379

damn, well at least you know what you gotta do to be fulfilled. Go work for charity or something were your giving back to those less fortunate. Not for everyone, but if you know your calling you can at least work to it. Not like most of the tards here that think money will make up for their social autism and bitterness

>> No.9638404
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Read one sentence of the post and I already want you to KYS.

Don't be spreading this faggot negativity here...just because your life is meaningless doesn't mean everyone else's is.

>> No.9639090



Anon, my mate was in the exact same position. What he did was join different clubs, rock climbing club, hiking club. He made loads of legit friends from those and even met his now wife. You owe it to yourself to at least try this