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9632033 No.9632033 [Reply] [Original]

money will never make you chad /biz/

>> No.9632058

It’s neurotic anon again posting something from his fap folder. How’s it going buddy?

>> No.9632353

Bitch I am chad, I'm getting more power

>> No.9632372

Implying he isn't the boss.
Implying he isn't leading everyone.
Implying they don't listen to his every word.

>> No.9632391

His brain is bigger than that whole room combined

>> No.9632393

OP will always be a faggot

>> No.9632395
File: 82 KB, 406x600, 6A7B33BF-9065-40D4-ADAB-3633A87A1C02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But will they make me a reptiloid?

>> No.9632407

so all the supposed 'chads' gathered around some rich omega dude and and spend their 'chad' time to listen what this omega dude has to say?

>> No.9632460

>ITT anon tries his hardest to project his insecurities onto others

>> No.9632461

Lol he is the only one in the photo that looks self aware...

>> No.9632482

Doesn't matter OP I'm already Brad

>> No.9632539

You are wrong. There is a correlation between height and brain size. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Height_and_intelligence

>> No.9632547

Zuck looks like he's one of those nerds that has a 10 incher

>> No.9632565

If that's the case, Shaq should be a fucking genius but he's one of the dumbest people on the planet.

>> No.9632574

>If that's the case, Shaq should be a fucking genius but he's one of the dumbest people on the planet.
pajeets are short and dumb though

>> No.9632618

Lanklets wish they could trade their shitty height for intelligence and money.

>> No.9632649

Taller men have on average shorter lifespans

Being a 6ft8 lanklet and dying of heart complications and crippling joint and back issues when you're 60 is not worth it.

>> No.9633016

6 ft 4 masterrace here
Can confirm we have superior iqs

>> No.9633218

chad without money just a cloun

>> No.9633863

What's your obsession with height OP? Chad can take many forms, it's a personality trait rather than a physical one. If you want proof go watch just one weekend of Super Rugby and check any scrumhalf or players like Damian McKenzie, Beauden Barrett, Kwagga Smith

>> No.9634220

Would you rather be a poor chad or a beta billionaire?

>> No.9634245

not this fucking gay thread again

literally cumming over someone because they’re tall and good looking hahahahahaha

>> No.9634264
File: 103 KB, 640x640, chad and stacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, then they went to fuck Stacy while omega fucks some repulsive chink.

>> No.9634267

im pretty sure most if not all billionaries are alpha.

you don't get to that position being a beta.

u reading too much redpill nerd shit kid. step into the real world.

>> No.9634282 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 1243x1059, bone law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how both manlets and tell people here cope.

Manlets = "haha lanklet"
Tallfags = "haha im so tall" (while ignoring the fact that you are still subchad due your subhuman face)

>> No.9634291

You can't call cuckerberg alpha with a straight face.

>> No.9634307
File: 100 KB, 1243x1059, bone law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how both manlets and tell people here cope.

Manlets = "haha lanklet"
Tallfags = "haha im so tall" (while conveniently ignoring the fact that you are still subChad due your subhuman face)

>> No.9634312

*you walk into the room*
everyone ignores you
random nobody 6'4 faggot

*cuckberg walks into the room*
everyone crowds him
everyone asks for his opinion
*can literally fck any girl if he felt like srsly*