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File: 94 KB, 676x902, Photo26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9629060 No.9629060 [Reply] [Original]

I just bought a 250 square meters/300 yeards square house for $50,000 with my crypto gains. Yes, only 50k.
It has 14 rooms, including 7 bedrooms, garden, fast internet, huge garage, fully furnished house.

The trick is I live in north africa. I can eat for a year with 50 dollars. Cigaret pack is less than a dollar. A baguette is 0.06 dollar.
Coinholders living in the west are cucks. Come to north africa or the middle east or southeast asia and live as kings, you're nolife who won't leave your house anyway.

>> No.9629064
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>> No.9629075

Let me move there and be a neet currently in the US

>> No.9629078
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>Western cuckolds will pay 10 times more to get the same house

>> No.9629087

But anon. then I'd have to live in North Africa.

>> No.9629094

Nice jew house

>> No.9629097

Does North Africa have like live in maids? Trying to get a couple girls as bang maids. I know you can do it in Mexico and parts of SEA, possible in NA?

>> No.9629107
File: 469 KB, 800x533, 276450SAM3987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living in a moroccan ryiad is the dream and a lot of retired westerners do it.
North africa is westernized and pretty good today if you've money.

>> No.9629111

But you have to live around dirty mudslimes.

>> No.9629114

im legit jelly anon, gj.

im spic though so my dream is a house like this in South America with a brown qt3.14

>> No.9629115

You couldn't pay me $50k a year to live in that shithole of a house in a shithole country in a shithole continent.

Singapore master race over here.

>> No.9629118
File: 155 KB, 1140x500, vignette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's maid but they're not for banging.
My family had 2 of them, very nice girls, grew up with them like they were my big sisters.

pic related, a ryiad.

>> No.9629119

>living with a bunch of sandniggers

No thanks bud I'll be moving to Eastern Europe instead.

>> No.9629131

that house looks like garbage

>> No.9629134

Worst mistake ever. Housing is so overvalued and inflated right now. Prices will crash.

Should have bought gold with that 50k and after the deflationary collapse of all asset prices you would have been able to pick up 10 of those condos for 30 ounces of gold.

>> No.9629146

kek at the bars on the top windows

don't you need security OP? was in South Africa last year, if you don't have security or barbed wire high fence you're fucked

>> No.9629152

Anon I've been to Morocco. It's a God forsaken shit hole that's strewn with garbage. There's a reason houses in the West are more expensive.

>> No.9629188

>bars on windows
>random garbage on street
>decorating by Grandmother
>can smell it over the Internet

Nice for a prison I guess. What did you do anon? How long is your sentence?

>> No.9629192

Fuck off, arab scum. I hope the Isrealis bomb the fuck out of that shithole.

>> No.9629213

>You guys I just bought a 400,000 sq. ft. property for $10, the trick is I live in a brownfield site within the Chernobyl radiation zone.

>> No.9629234

Chernobyl radiation zone isn't that bad compared to mudslims.

>> No.9629247

unironically it's pretty safe to live in chernobyl
the radiation has subsided heavily

>> No.9629265

>bars on windows
lmao this

>> No.9629268

do you know why there are bars all over the windows and door?

because feral niggers WILL try to break in and rape and murder you

>> No.9629273

yeah but you wont get to fuck bitches like crazy though.

>> No.9629335

I've only ever seen this architecture and interior design in liveleak videos and isis propaganda.

As cheap as it may be those bars neither the money you have can stop a gang of armed men breaking into your home and killing you whilst filming it on a head mounted gopro.

I expect to see OP in a video next year in orange jumpsuit attire.

>> No.9629370
File: 170 KB, 1280x657, 1280px-Map_of_world_by_intentional_homicide_rate_(2015_only).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, in the real world

>> No.9629392

go get caned you dumb fuck

>> No.9629414

What is the grey? Must we never go there?

>> No.9629438

>US same as North Korea


>> No.9629447

>Morocco : 1.05
>Europe : 3.0
>USA : 4.88

really make you think hmmmmmm

>> No.9629456

Many homicides go unreported?

>> No.9629494

>get to choose comfy life in california or comfy life in ukraine
Honestly I’m finding it hard to justify all the taxes and retarded laws and state government here

>> No.9629497

Looks like shit. I don't understand you're in Africa wheres the sun.

You live in a jail in some 3rd world muslim country and come here to brag.

Make America Great. Stay poor Afrikans.

>> No.9629501


When a random homicide happend in north africa, like the most irrelevant murder, familial issue etc. it's national tragedy, every media and people speak about it for weeks. Millions of people in the street.

Meanwhile in a city like Chicago hundreds of deads annually and it's considered normal.

>> No.9629504

That looks like a nice place. Morocco has the reputation as being the most cosmopolitan country in the Maghreb. If I may ask, honestly, what are your monthly costs (food+utilities+necessities+maintenance+property taxes etc)?

>> No.9629511
File: 56 KB, 478x523, 1512567663617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living with a bunch of sandniggers
>thanks bud I'll be moving to Eastern Europe to live with relocated sandniggers instead.

>> No.9629520

I've an European citizenship and studied in Switzerland. Can move to any european city tomorow if I wanted.

US is 3rd world non white violent shithole whitout any state.

>> No.9629528


You only get cained for committing crimes.
I'm white.

>> No.9629531

Lived with my parents until few weeks ago.

You can live very well with $500 a month, and with $1000/month you're basically a king

>> No.9629533

Whoever trades their rights for luxury is a stupid cuck. I'd rather be a neet in a country with some semblance of a justice system, than a lawless nigger land where you can go missing and no one will give a fuck. Yes, under Obama America sure did start to resemble that, but Trump is making America great again, so fuck you.

>> No.9629539

You really think you can get accurate police reports and crime statistics from third world shit hole countries? Check out what the corruption figures are like for those countries police would rather cover it up if you get killed than bother investigating it not to mention the need I'm sure they don't have the forensic capabilities or skills to creatva proper investigation. The police won't give a shit especially if you are some dickhead 'third world rich' westerner.

>> No.9629551

see >>9629447 and >>9629370
You're living in an other dimension if you think the US is safer than the maghreb.

An homicide here is a catastrophic event that traumatize the country while it's a daily occurence in the US.

>> No.9629558


Fucking dumbass

>> No.9629577

Do you know what is considered normal of north Africa?

Refugee boat smugglers and political uprisings. Is that really a place where you want to be associated with?

>> No.9629583


But where? Would Essaouira be more or less expensive?

>> No.9629587

Baseless claims based on your imagination, not very pragmatic.
Any homicide is taked very seriously in a national scale.
There is no gun unlike the US.

The last time a little girl dissapeared there was million of people in the streets saying never again. It was like the Holocaust.

A school shooting is a weekly thing in Uncle Sam territory.

>> No.9629610

Morocco didn't get any terrorist attack in the last 10 years as far as I know. Meanwhile there is ten terrorists attacks per hour in europe and the us.

Our ruling dynasty is 400 years old or 1400 years for some people.

Big cities are pretry expensive, but the best for westerners. Middle-small cities are the cheapest.

>> No.9629617

Don't worry about the morons here, anon. The sign of a decadent citizenry is ignorance coupled with an unfounded and irrational belief that one's own country is somehow superior than others.

>> No.9629659
File: 8 KB, 619x352, 1526926370671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're living in an other dimension if you think the US is safer than the maghreb.
... or you just live in the 95% of the country that isn't run by Democrats and completely infested by niggers.

The overwhelming majority of all violent crime in the US is blacks attacking other blacks in black democrat cities. Another big chunk of the remaining crime is blacks attacking whites. Spics have decided to jump in and take a bunch for the team, too.

This country has a nigger problem, no arguments. And we have a jew problem, lying about the nigger problem. Get rid of one, we can get rid of the other.

>> No.9629669


Mon père est marocain mais je ne suis jamais visité le pays. Est-il possible de bien s'y installer si on parle le francais mais pas l'arabe?

>> No.9629688

Well USA is really nice on many aspects would be on par with the rest of the west if it wasn't for the gun issues, and the lack of any welfare state. (healthcare etc.)

But really, americans attacking other countries on homicide and safety is ironic.

Oui! Tout le monde parle français dans les grandes villes.

I know it's a minority issue, but there's 120 millions blacks and hispanics in the US and it makes it unsafe for everyone.

>> No.9629698

Can't argue with a stupid racist...but...


>> No.9629713

Oh look, more made up stats from /pol/ retards.

>> No.9629869

Plenty of places in the US to get a place like that for a similar price

>> No.9629886

Id rather eat shit than live with niggers

>> No.9629955

This is Algeria not Morocco; however that 50 dollars will feed you 3 days if you eat properly, 7 if not; so cut the bullshit.

>> No.9630001

I seriously doubt that. Even though the radiation has diminished you still wouldn’t want to live there. Even a microdosing of radiation every day for a few years could give you cancer down the line.

>> No.9630013

lol check out this big shot that lives in africa. i spent 50k for a shed to hold my gardening tools for my landscapers

>> No.9630568

50k can not buy a shake here in Florida

>> No.9630827
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>> No.9630889

>I just bought a 250 square meters/300 yeards square house for $50,000 with my crypto gains. Yes, only 50k.

I'm happy for you and do own foreign property in the EU, but I dislike non English speaking countries and I have no legal right to live in morocco, I also dislike Islam intensely. I am actually pleased you are happy tho anon but its not the place for me

>> No.9630899


Not a nice place...no. Western Europe or the anglosphere only please

>> No.9630933

Watermarked photos of your "house", okay...

>> No.9630953

You are calling that for several years now. And it wont happen in the next years and the housing bubble wont effect half the wolrd like last time.

>> No.9631037
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"they're not for banging"

>> No.9631099

South africa is also on the brink of a race war and is rapidly running out of water.

>> No.9631163


are you fucking retarded?

how about only a couple of years ago when a fuckload of tourists were shot up on a beach

>> No.9631180


>> No.9631229

>The trick is I live in north africa

specifically what country are you in? Is booze illegal there? That's kind of deal breaker for me..

>> No.9631264

alot of /pol/ retards here who never actually been to morocco. congratulations OP on the house though i would have bought one in Béni Mellal instead

>> No.9631335
File: 104 KB, 960x720, FA3D354F-059F-4D74-9B1A-89A47B05054E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is rather have elephant foot as neighbor than subhuman cockroach Muslim

>> No.9631548

What country is this?

Why safety bars even on top floors? Is crime rate high?

>> No.9631802

Moroccan here, that place is a total shithole, and believe me when I say 99% of young people would do anything to leave it.
Luckily, left long ago, got my engineering degree and freelancing now.
PS : USA is a shithole too, racist fucks

>> No.9631838

World real estate is priced in anon, maybe you can brag about buying a cheap house after a crash but this thread is retarded. The places people want to live are expensive because they WANT to live there

>> No.9631884

>Live in Africa
>Get tackled by a ferocious tiger
>Fist sized bug maul your face

>> No.9631897


Fuck off shitskin and dont come to uk either

>> No.9631906

There’s a reason why it’s so cheap: most people with money don’t want to live in a crappy Muslim country. And yes, I’ve been to Morocco. It was interesting, but I’d never live there.

>> No.9631913

Also do not come to Poland, Czech republic or Slovakia, male shitskins are not welcomed here.

>> No.9631914

Hahaha I'd rather stay in Morocco than that shithole of UK, not even sure if UK or Poland
Enjoying the nice weather in Thailand you cunt

>> No.9631933

Those places are fucked up, whole Europe actually. Enjoy refugees you cunts. Soon you will be Africa bis

>> No.9631954

That will never happen, we would rather leave EU. Refugees have nothing to gain in here, our social benefits are very low compared to libtards in Germany or France. Enjoy diversity fuckers.

>> No.9631957

Bow to your jewish cucklords
I would take the sand niggers sides any day of the week
Know many of them personally.... better than kike manipulating lying scumbags

>> No.9631995

Implying someone would want to go to UK to get nanny'ed by the government.

>> No.9632004

Don’t bother educating prisoners. Even when the gates are open they prefer the safety and security of prison.

>> No.9632218

OP is literally living in a prison to keep out the Muslims though. Kek.

>> No.9632285

he said Eastern Europe, not Western Europe, my brainlet friend

>> No.9632339

>I know it's a minority issue, but there's 120 millions blacks and hispanics in the US and it makes it unsafe for everyone.

People outside the US don't seem to understand that it depends where you live and different parts of the US are so different that they may as well be different countries. Living somewhere like Vermont is going to be a completely different experience than living in inner city Detroit.

The laws can also be completely different. In places like Arizona it is incredibly easy to buy a gun, in places like DC or California it can be almost impossible. Some states weed is totally legal, some states it will still get you arrested.

>> No.9632352

OP where did you buy this?

>> No.9632408


I would not even live there if I was paid

>> No.9632494

Backpacked five weeks through Morocco and absolutely fell in love with the country.
Getting a vacation house in Essaouira... would be SO cool. Thanks anon for the inspiration

>> No.9632512


What about those pajeets that keep pestering you? Fuck that must be annoying.

>> No.9632544

God emperor trump will probably drone bomb you before 2020. Have fun.

>> No.9632549

For real, it can be fun, you can meet some nice people or you can just bullshit with them as well. Haggling is great. It's all talk, it's a game, and it's fun to play the game. /biz/ should like that.
Haggling whether to pay 20dh or 10dh (€2 or €1) when you're rich as fuck just for the kek of it, is funny

>> No.9632638

Sounds great. Until the locals realize what's going on and rob you and possibly leave you for dead.

>> No.9633231
File: 129 KB, 1200x674, Abdelaziz Bouteflika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Algeria is a shithole..

and as soon as your president dies (he is 95 now ) it will turn into a second libya..

>> No.9633245

no it's just a waste of time and energy.

>> No.9633286

This. And a breeding ground for delusional suicide bombers

>> No.9633290

Bought a 10k house in Puerto Rico with ocean views-will need 50k in upgrades to be mint. High taxes but still sort of in the United States.

>> No.9633314

t b h as a frenchman my house has become that
living in morocco almost sounds enticing, because the moroccans who live home are good people while the trash goes to france

>> No.9633369

i'd rather be poor in a civilized society

oh and pretty sure living in such dark places with small windows isn't good for you

>> No.9633433

>Lived with my parents until few weeks ago.
>You can live very well with $500 a month, and with $1000/month you're basically a king
$500-1000 a month? You can live cheaper in Mexico m8

>> No.9633464

I have personally been thinking buying property in Thailand or malaysia. If you buy property with around 300k USD, you will basically get permanent residence for life.

Does anyone have experience with these programs?

>> No.9633473

i thought only the people with money are able to afford traffickers

>> No.9633478

I know a couple Morrican dudes here. They were the only ones who tried to help me when my company moved to China even though I had a pretty good network of gym bros and people from work.

>> No.9633509


>> No.9633515

>>Morocco : 1.05
>>Europe : 3.0
Morocco have itself a 30% of the whole European continent. Italy, Greece and Spain are cheap as fuck and at least you are living in Europe.

>> No.9633576

If you are not socially retarded you brush m off. Just smile and say no and continue. Works every time. Ofcourse they will not give up but if you continue walking they wont do shit.

>> No.9633600

Not when you come from a semi developed country like morocco. But getting trafficked will cost you about a2 year salary in other places.

>> No.9633624

Biz are a bunch of racist, jealous and the lowest of human form.
Be happy for the brother instead.

>> No.9633637

OP, i don't know if you will read this but as a muslim, i'm extremely happy for you. Enjoy the 4 wifes too.

>> No.9633667
File: 192 KB, 736x956, a house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile in north-central Europe and eastern Europe and in Scandinavia you can get an actual NICE house (as opposed to that dump) surrounded by beautiful nature, like this, for under $30 000... and the more remote the location is, the cheaper - less than $20 000 is enitrely possible.

>> No.9633899

>cold harsh climate with strict laws
>hot calm climate smoking hashish on the rooftop

>> No.9634231


can you get laid there?

>> No.9634255

I'd rather not have to import all the shit I want to buy

>> No.9634298

Yes, do you like aids?

>> No.9634323

>paying money to intentionally live around blacks, muslim blacks at that

>> No.9634333
File: 133 KB, 1024x497, Ballin Crib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay yo, fiddy g will get you dis crib in Detroit, nigga


Peep dat shit

>> No.9634372

If Thailand weren't full of trannies I would totally move there.

>> No.9634429

Anon that's a fucking shed.

>> No.9634614

Well how much does $50k buy in your neck of the woods?

Also the trick with >>9633667 is to put that on wheels. Then you've got a tinyhouse that can go anywhere and travel with the seasons.

>> No.9634640

morocco and algeria have special treaties with france that let them immigrate without fuss, it has been that way for two generations