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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9628995 No.9628995 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW Starting to hate capitalism and see how truly flawed and evil many aspects of it are

>> No.9629009

So your saying our futures should be determined by other people and we should have no say in how our lifes advance?

>> No.9629020

Stay poor

>> No.9629043

You are just seeing that life isn’t fair. Capitalism is just honest about this. Sorry it doesn’t tell you comforting lies.

>> No.9629056


>> No.9629059

No one is saying that

>> No.9629067

*crony capitalism

>> No.9629071


>> No.9629080

>buy shit coins voluntarily
>they revert to the real value

congrats on this

>> No.9629082

Imagine actually being cucked by business this hard

>> No.9629083

>how truly flawed and evil many aspects of it are
such as?

>> No.9629175

Imagine me not having a problem with capitalism because I actually fucking benefit from it

>> No.9629189
File: 116 KB, 1318x763, ThisIsWhatALoserLooksLike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity is evil and flawed.
Capitalism is at least honest about this fact.

>> No.9629224

>I benefit from it therefore it's good and just
ah yes

>> No.9629240

So, how is capitalism flawed?

>> No.9629245
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>tax rate over 0%

>> No.9629296

>capitalism is when the government doesn't do stuff.

This is what ancaps actually believe.

>> No.9629301

because he personally doesn't see benefits.

>> No.9629312

>government is good otherwise we wouldn't have civilization

>> No.9629314

>>capitalism is when the government doesn't do stuff.

it's exactly that

>> No.9629351

capitalism isn't perfect but its the best system we have. if you think socialism is the answer ask one of the Venezuelan anons how that is working out for them.

>> No.9629359

It’s better than the alternative, onions

>> No.9629364


>> No.9629399
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>TFW no option for Libertarianism but no dismantling the EPA or global isolation.

Can't the government just be as small as reasonable, but make sure everybody plays by the rules?

>> No.9629445

eh, I (and the majority of economists) think the MAJORITY of things are better off private. when it comes to economics modern politics is pretty much fixated on like two industries, college and healthcare being fucked (though it's debatable what the cause really is) are little compared to what market forces have done in other industries.

>> No.9629449

That is the government that everyone truly wants but it is basically impossible to achieve

>> No.9629595
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>be economist
>hey guys, we'll be way better off if we ship all of our jobs overseas
>a few decades later
>heh, whoopsie I guess maybe that wasn't the best idea after all

>> No.9629630

Its crony capitalism that is flawed

If companies were properly held accountable then it would be good

Now they have pretty much gotten to a point where they get away with so much that they don't care about the rules and just prefer to pay the fine

Plus its built on rot to begin with

>> No.9629644

Idealistically, two things can be done to make capitalism better

1. In Assam Smith’s original vision Corporations did not exist. The concept was to create a true free market peer-to-peer. Corporations exists to take care of economy-of-scale to supply stuff at a price point that wouldn’t be possible a true p2p market economy

2. Handle governance via liquid democracy and Blockchain/decentralisation-tech

>> No.9629654

fuck off ancaps nobody thinks youre smart or cool

>> No.9629795

Become on of the people that creates a better system. Its easy to spout hate and dislike as a child, much harder to affect change.

>> No.9629806
File: 167 KB, 500x821, last.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when captialism enables elon to become willy wonka
>tfw bezos and musk will colonize the solar system because capitalism concentrated so much paper money into them
true lategame capitalism, idk man idk

>> No.9629862
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Now you're truly red pilled OP

>> No.9629881

This post seems 100% organic and genuine, you're definitely not a brigader from a /leftypol/ discord.

>> No.9629931

Extreme capitalism will fuck over people for money which is why you need a hybrid of capitalism and socialism. Governmemt regulates industries and takes care of infrastructure, welfare and health and educational services. Otherwise the pigs will fuck anyone over for a quick buck.

>> No.9629967

That’s what we have right now, and it fucking sucks

>> No.9629972

>literally the most entry level leftist philosopher
>high iq
18 and up

>> No.9630033

If the workers dont own the means of production it's not socialism. How can you have a mix

>> No.9630041


No your government is bought and doesn't regulate the banking and food industries which fuck a lot of people over. Plus your health and education system is privatized to the max, again screwing everyone over with debt and no access to these services. Don't know too much about your welfare system but probably cheaper to do universal basic income and scrap all welfare services (in theory).

>> No.9630077

Imagine thinking everyone who disagrees with you is part of a conspiracy out to get you.

>> No.9630173


Just make the best of what you've got. And yes, capitalism isn't fair, as is life. The good thing is everyone will die at some point and none of this will matter, at least until immortality becomes a reality. I'm hoping I die before that happens because seeing the rich become immortal and being too poor to become immortal myself would fucking suck.