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File: 39 KB, 650x367, michael-rotondo-evicted-30-year-old-parents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9622735 No.9622735 [Reply] [Original]

Rumor is he is living comfy coz he knows he will be a multi millionaire soon

>> No.9622848

tell me why if I try to use "Linky Divinsky#faggot" upload fails, but every other password works?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.9622866

the tripcode #faggot is moot's

Reserved for him only.

>> No.9623015


He's building a legit tech business which he can't discuss in his parents basement with zero startup capital anon. Absolutely nothing to do with crypto.

>> No.9623041

Lelel. Its much easier to just buy 1k Link

>> No.9623067

He has one of the top 10 most punch-able faces on the internet right now. If I were his parents, I would start an old folks nudist colony or something just to fuck with him.

>> No.9623120

All i see is 3 boomers booming in an old peoples home together

>> No.9623127
File: 2.97 MB, 570x2427, singularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny because all the interviews ive seen of him it makes sense. he knows it. thats why he doesnt want to wagecuck. hes biding his time until mainnet comes out top kek

>> No.9623166

Hes gonna be fucking models everyday and he will hire his parents as his personal ass wipers

>> No.9623648

Could be Astro. He hasn’t posted in a bit and this guy seems busy. Coincidence? I think not

>> No.9623661


Mah fellow linky

>> No.9623678
File: 265 KB, 460x259, 1522869846827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9623753

I'm making this my screen saver to remind me that 90% of the time I'm arguing with someone that's who's on the other end of the internet

>> No.9624219

no he works for some kind of deep operation it's all a psyop to lay the groundwork for the dissapearance of the NEETs (and financially dependent hippies)