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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 524 KB, 2976x1080, ettqxhnks4011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9621416 No.9621416 [Reply] [Original]

staking is coming.

>> No.9621426

If people on this board don't already have ETH they don't deserve to be rich.

>> No.9621432

You'll be earning passive income


True NEETdom awaits for hodlers.

>> No.9621434

Unironically all in margin longed ETH @ 780k

>> No.9621462
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>> No.9621470

Eth follows the price of BTC because ETH is pegged to BTC. It's a curse and a blessing.

Secondly elliot waves = astrology

We don't even know if BTC is going up or down.

>> No.9621483

Anyway to take a selfie without a webcam for GDAX? I know I'm retarded for paying CoinCuck fees all this time but I can't be fucking arsed to get a cam just for GDAX KYC. Any GDAX alternatives?

>> No.9621501

How many eth to make it?

>> No.9621526

Bought 500 ETH at $80 each last summer, will I make it?

>> No.9621543

1500 ETH and you are set for life with solo staking gains


500 ETH is great though, you can stake using a pool for nice returns.

>> No.9621598
File: 64 KB, 618x597, 1523382951713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people on /biz/ have 900k to spend on eth you think?

>> No.9621601 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 209x241, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this shitcoin literally never doing anything? I'm really close to dumping all of my stinkies on the market and never looking back

>> No.9621614

Apparently staking will eventually only require 32 ETH

>> No.9621623

Yes that is true once sharding is implemented! :)

>> No.9621639

hahahah exactly

>> No.9621651

Comfy sitting on 3040 ETH here

>> No.9621674

Your own shard @ 32 ETH will give you a nice passive income stream. At $600 each, a shard is now $19.200.
When ETH does x10 and 5% dividends, you'll get sweet $800 each month.

>> No.9621699

Damn that isn't bad. I'm super excited for staking

10x from here would be $6000.

or in market cap terms about 600 billion.

Considering how lucrative staking could be if Ethereum becomes a highly used and scalable network I don't doubt it.

>> No.9621728

t b h, i'm content to not say anything supportive about eth and let /biz/ chase bitcoin and shitcoins, and so should you. i know these threads are covert bagholder doubt after market dips, but you really shouldn't be worried about eth. staking is actually the less consequential news about eth right now, you should be looking at the numerous scaling solutions coming out or about to, and understand within a few months we will see a dapp gaming gold rush similar to what happened on the app store a few years back

>> No.9621741

In the future, crypto investments will be like any other investments like REITs. People think "oh yeah, real estate is a solid investment" and some REITs are shit others are good.
People in the future will think "oh yeah, crypto is a solid investment" and will buy coins, some shit, others not.
With ETH we're looking at one of the safest blue chip bets of all. The whole market will easy x10, while many many coins will die and new will arise.

>> No.9621747

Interesting insight anon..I can see that comparison.

Eth holders are going to come out on top.

>> No.9621751

eth won't ever be scalable

>> No.9621755

that's acutally a really good anology with the app store from like 2008 or 2009. There were only farting apps and shit, it took years to develop a real market.

>> No.9621765
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Heres cheers to you for staying poor

>> No.9621777
File: 61 KB, 470x627, 20180324_151826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw holo

>> No.9621800

comfy sitting on 3040 larps here

>> No.9621811
File: 18 KB, 253x229, tumblr_o0y977rrgc1v0pigno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw not a larp

>> No.9621818

sure anon...

>> No.9621819

If you hold ETH before block.one dump theirs on June you are gonna have a bad time. I will buy that dip though, no questions

>> No.9621822

fuck it, bump.
if it works out I'll kiss your dick

>> No.9621823

I got 25 eth. I should just sell them then ?

>> No.9621830

32 and you'll be making $800 a month passively.

25 you can join a pool and be earning just under that. Still totally worth it.

>> No.9621834

Crypto is dead you stupid fuck. There is literally no chance of any “moon missions” as far as ETH is concerned. It would take a miracle for ETH to finish the year above 500.

>> No.9621840

Hahahaha. Priceless.

>> No.9621844

remember the inverse H&S on BTC .....kek. This shits going to dump.

>> No.9621847

Hey, how do you make these calcs?
how much passive income monthly do I get from 3000 Ether?

>> No.9621855

Of course it will dump. This market is unironcally dead. Try again in a few years... maybe.

>> No.9621866

see >>9621674

It's an asumption of the price. When the price stays the same at $600, you have $1.8 million in ETH. At 5% a year, that's $7500 a month.

>> No.9621867

Ok, so heres how I did that.

3000 ETH @ X price.

Lets assume once staking is in effect the price is 3X the current $600.

So we get $1800.

We know average interest rate will be between 2.5% and 5%. So lets say 3% yearly.

Now we go $1800 * 3000 = 5.4M

3% of 3000 ETH = 90 ETH earned each year from staking.

Or 90 * 1800 = 162K

162K / 12 (months) = $13,500 a month passive gains.

This is more conservative. Everybody is going to want in on this.

>> No.9621877


it is just wishful thinking

do you honestly think someone with 3k eth would be on biz begging pajeets to buy his bags

>> No.9621886

I'm just trying to help educate people about staking.

Suprisingly a lot of people are still clueless on this.

Just read:


>> No.9621892

Deflationary currency with inflationary characteristics

>> No.9621901

Fixed supply is gonna be 120 million, with a burning of ETH (decrease in supply over time)


>> No.9621944

I actually have 3.5k but whatever, I'm probably a larp

>> No.9622034

I know about staking man... I've been in crypto since 2013
I just think there is going to be time to pick up eth at 300 again soon

there is really no point in saying you have 3.5k unless you prove it somehow...
if you don't nobody is going to believe you anyway.
if you really do have 3.5k and didn't take out 3.5MM when you had the chance your risk management really fucking sucks

>> No.9622091

Will pooled staking be trustless?

>> No.9622109

probably not.

>> No.9622143

I believe rocketpool is working on this

And yes it is decentralized


>> No.9622180

i used to think like you, then my crypto assets ballooned to 500k worth. two realisations followed:
1) i have no use for this extra money right now
2) as a western european concerned about geopolitics and demographics, china fake cities powered gdp growth, the canadian/australian housing bubble, no crash in 10 years, interbank loans flashcrashing, debt increasing, new european bank legislation allowing them to repo your savings account if you have above 100k and my own socialist country having growing support for authoritarian measures and redistribution schemes, ETH is a safer store of value than fiat money or real estate investments

>> No.9622193

Most people in this market don't understand Elliot Waves, I've had some difficulty learning it at first aswell but I succesfully called the top at 9.9k with EW and today I made another 120$ on a smaller trade with EW.

People in this market especially on Tradingview that show EW are fucking clueless and haven't done their research, occasionally you will see someone who does get it and you can make fabulous fucking trades on it. It's hard though, it's highly subjective but if you follow the most basic rules, and there are rules that help you identify which wave it is, you can do exceptionally well, especially in this retail market where everyone seems to just fuck around and is still learning TA.

>> No.9622202


Is it trustless only as far as I can audit code or trust a third party doing so?

>> No.9622225

In that regard, yes.

Do you have any elliot wave resources you would recommend to help?

I'm really interested in learning.

>> No.9622235

It's OK, but the capital gain is king, price will dump once staking implements, nobody gives a shit about 3% on volatile internet money

>> No.9622240

already effectively scaled with Loom network

>> No.9622266


Site occasionally doesn't work for whatever reason, save it and try again in a few days.
You could also just read a book, many have been written, I find that most sites only give you half of the info on TA. If you pay for the information you will get far better info and since you're trying to make money its well worth the investment to buy books instead of reading online sites. This site is really good though regarding EW information, one of the few out there.

>> No.9622274
File: 443 KB, 480x480, 2017-01-09 03-42-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have about a million eth no?

are they really gonna dump all at once?

>> No.9622290
File: 9 KB, 258x206, nocoinersbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't buy eth during the ico

only regret is not buying more lma0

>> No.9622299 [DELETED] 

theyre dumping all 1 million eth at once?

>> No.9622303

Got it, thanks very much


>> No.9622312

>tfw ethlet

Too little too late

>> No.9622363


Just read the rocketpool FAQ. There's a shitload of trust involved. I hope the staking requirement is lowered because I'd much prefer locking up my ETH in a deposit address I completely control then delegating the node operation to a third party as typical with coins like Dash. Do you think that would be a thing in the future?

>> No.9622384

Solo staking totally will let you, as for staking pools lets hope so.. I trying to remain optimistic!

The incentive is definitely there to get it right.

>> No.9622403

>today I made another 120$ on a smaller trade with EW

The absolute state of Elliot wavers. Unironically EW is the best way to identify shit traders

>> No.9622441
File: 311 KB, 831x485, 6goq7rbx8jez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this, 100% unironically.

I started a meetup in my town and had the pleasure of getting into working with a guy who started a dapp company. After hiring some real developers, didn't end up having money to hire lil old NEET me, but I've talked with him at length about the scaling solutions he sees and wants to implement on his own platform as well as what people connected to the Ethereum Foundation itself are saying. For one, he wants to develop his own mined sidechain for his platform to allow superfast operations on his local chain, that are valid when settled more slowly on the mainchain. He sees this being one of the major avenues that most ETH projects will go towards pretty soon.

tfw still-learning Solidity developer; here's hoping I can become one of the early codemonkeys that gets paid obscene amounts to make Cryptokitties-type shit when the dapp-store explosion happens because there are just no developers right now.

>> No.9622454

Shoot me an email:


I'm also learning Solidity, lets connect and learn together

>> No.9622471

If you're trying to imitate Elliot Wave Theory with your shitty png then you should know that waves 1 & 4 cannot overlap.

your chart is invalid faggot

>> No.9622507

Don't meet this pervert, he's only interest is luring you to a rape.

>> No.9622528

This H&S looks very biased, i'm no H&S trader cause they're prone to failure and fakeouts but this looks like you just drew it to your own bias to make it fit without. Confirmation bias. For instance the H&S starts halfway down a down rally, if you actually follow the neckline as its supposed to be (atleast from what I think its supposed to be) it already failed hard.

Looks more like there's a bearflag forming/rising wedge depending on the angle of the wicks.

>> No.9622551

You think that amount is a larp? kek.

>> No.9622555

Yeah I've been buying ETH since 2016

>> No.9622587

This is super based, the neckline doesn't make any fucking sense at all and is just drawn to fit whatever the observer wants to see. Sorry dude but looks like ETH will take a dive.

>> No.9622653
File: 108 KB, 1436x661, ETHUSDFailH&S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, not experienced with H&S's, btw whales often use this pattern to trick newbie traders (just look at BTC)

>> No.9622660
File: 110 KB, 1448x654, ETHH&Sfail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're giving yourself confirmation bias I think OP

>> No.9622759

I also heavily disagree with your EW count.

>> No.9622896

I disagree with you

>> No.9622952

>new european bank legislation allowing them to repo your savings account if you have above 100k

where are you from?
you should just diversify, some eth/some fiat/some gold etc

>> No.9622960

You're right, I'm going to rape him.

but don't tell him sshh

>> No.9622977

i do think so yeah
you've really been putting like 30k in eth in 2016/17? or what is your average buy in price

>> No.9622986

word, same boat and same conclusions. good luck anon

>> No.9622987

Go ahead but nothing implies this is done correcting and if you actually read the website on corrective waves and motive waves you will understand why. In fact I'm going to short ETH/USD

>> No.9622996

Shoot me an email, my offer is legit. Would be awesome to work on it

>> No.9623163

>I'm not going to say anything supportive
>Ethereum is the greatest coin

>> No.9623379

>just have $900,000 and you'll be fine
Whoa no way

>> No.9623393

do it on your mobile, the web browser can use the mobile's camera

>> No.9623406

remember when you found that nice lady on Craigslist Missed Encounters?

>> No.9623495

$1000 eth eoy

>> No.9623877

Actually, BTC follows the price of ETH because BTC whales are giving everything they got to keep it relevant. It's a curse, but even so, the sat price of ETH is in a general uptrend since December. In the end, BTC will become obsolete.

>> No.9623922

You do realise /biz/ is full of ETH ico buyers right? The ETH meme started on /biz/ my late adopter friend. You are amongst the future elite, talk with respect.

>> No.9623956
File: 20 KB, 300x250, 5XBGnpHSCa-4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 4 ETH. I'll make it too, r-right?

>> No.9623986


>> No.9624513

except I am an earlier (crypto not eth) adopter than probably everyone itt
that said I never had 3k eth, peaked at about 2400
but buying at ICO and still holding deserves respect for massive balls (although shit risk management)

>> No.9624540

maybe I will buy 3k when we reach despair and enter the next accumulation phase (hopefully $300 eth or lower)

>> No.9624641

You are all making me feel poor with my 79 ETH. Christ is everyone just a millionaire but me?

>> No.9624642

I sent you an email, but dunno if it got caught by your spam filter due to my gmail name. You'll know when you see it.

>> No.9624718
File: 109 KB, 206x360, Goldenboya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously they're as retarded as perma bulls maybe even more so because they actually believe that shit works. Elliot waves are always subjective at best and most of the time they're just wrong. TA is gambling at best in all markets. Just buy once support cracks and sell for profit or just sell your original position and keep the few btc you made for free.

>> No.9624798

you are way above average biz
at least 80% are larping on this board

>> No.9624890

Would 2 eth help pay rent in 6 months

>> No.9625034
File: 137 KB, 749x1163, IMG_1827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I had a solid port and did my own research. In reality my port sucks. Nobody uses Monero go check XMR block explorer. Ethereum can't scale Casper isn't coming until 2019 and LINK who the fuck knows.

>> No.9625072

Fuck off I got 25 poorfag here underwater.

>> No.9625092

25 here as well, we have a long road ahead of us brother, need to acquire 7 more before bullrun, to make it to staking

>> No.9625105

I was mining ETH back in 2016, every early miner who is still in the games already has a staking amount (32 ETH when full proof of stake rolls around).

Once staking will generate ETH, the incentive to sell your stack will be much weaker. Supply will constrict, sending the prices into stratosphere

>> No.9625110

thats not how ew corrective waves work

>> No.9625114

what will happen to mining when staking comes around? is it dead?

>> No.9625383

For partial proof of stake, vast majority of blocks will still be mined the old way. For full proof of stake, the incentive algorithm will switch to proof of stake and mining will be kill

>> No.9625441

>and today I made another 120$
this board is dead

>> No.9625461

Anyone remember all of the stupid shit people were saying a few years ago about how it was all doomed?
>well THIS time it really IS doomed!

can't wait to rub your faces in your shitposts 5 years from now you stupid fucking niggers

>> No.9625471

any realistic estimate when that is going to happen?

>> No.9625492


And moneyskelly gets mad when people make fun of his retarded fucking names. What an autist.

>> No.9625557

years away. But the time will pass anyway and you'll regret it just like you regret now not buying in some time ago.

>> No.9625590

Partial proof of stake will happen by the end of this year, maybe even October - November.
Full proof of stake is two years away or so. Considering the initial Ethereum ICO happened in August 2014, there has been steady progress and innovation so I'm satisfied with the project so far

>> No.9625646

I'd say about a year after the Casper update if it's succesful.

>> No.9625740

>tfw only 96 eth