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File: 409 KB, 1500x1125, Monopoly money pile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9620703 No.9620703 [Reply] [Original]

When's the next big economic crash? They happen once every 10 years or so, and it's been 10 years.

>> No.9620719
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Not in our lifetimes anon, we're in a golden bull run currently.

The golden bull run lasts 10 times longer than just regular bull runs.

So not for another 90 years. 2108 it will happen, but only after 100 years since 2008.

How do I know this? I'm unironically jewish and both my parents work for the executive department of a large bank in the U.S

>> No.9620731

Trump won't allow a crash while he's president. Make sure to keep voting for him.

>> No.9620770

Wrong. Trump knows he has to crash it. Too much monetary heroin has been injected into the system for more than 10 years now in the form of QE and criminally suppressed interest rates.

Look who trump has a picture of in the Oval Office. Andrew Jackson. Signaling he's going after the Fed and putting us back on a gold standard.

We have been doped up on moetary heroin for too long and now we need rehab and the rehab is the crash and it's going to be painful. But you can't get back to long term economic healthiness without the pain from the collapseZ

The collapse is actually the solution. All the cheap money is the drugs. The economy inflating is bad the crash is the solution.

You need to buy gold. Next crash is going to be in the form of a currency crisis. The deals will be unimaginable for those that own even just a little bit of gold.

>> No.9620781

Bitcoin > Gold

Sorry, cope.

>> No.9620793

Stupid asshole.

The reason you are fleeing to crypto is because fiat is a scam and losing value BECAUSE it isn't backed by gold you braindead nigger.

Gold isn't the problem the unbanked dollar is you idiot

>> No.9620813
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Gold is for people still living in the stone ages nibba. It will lose all relevance as we move towards the cyber economy and the inevitable singularity.

>> No.9620847

Gold is just as relevant today as it was 1500 years ago. Doesn't matter if crypto exists or not. Gold is real money period.

>> No.9620859

Its never been less relevant now that we have crypto actually. Nobody is going to use metals as money, we have the internet and we have digital gold which can be more easily broken down, and sent between people anywhere in the world.

Gold is like what the horse and cart was to the car being invented (Bitcoin)

>> No.9620872

Gold market cap 7 trillion.

Bitcoin 0.128 trillion

Quick mafs.

>> No.9620877
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Bitcoin was designed to protect the common people from the next economic crash:

"It's not going to happen that fast, surely," (2) said.
"Maybe, maybe not," I said. "With the state of the global financial system at the moment it's very clear governments, financial institutions, banks and central bankers really have little idea of what they're doing. They're all experts who are repeating each other like parrots. I'm sure they can all wave a book in the air and say ‘this other expert says I'm right'."
"That's great for us, right ?" (2) said. "With the financial systems broken and in disarray this is the perfect time for a workable electronic cash."
"For this crisis ? No," I said. "It'll take us time to work out the implementation details and create working code. Then it'll take even longer to build up a decent network and start getting value into the system. It's not this financial crisis that Bitcoin is being built for. It is to be built to handle to next Global Financial Crisis."
"And when will that be ?" (2) asked.
"If you look it up," I said, "There have been recessions every 10 years or so for the past few decades. As this one started in 2007/2008 we should expect another around 2017/2018. But it could start before 2014 or after 2020. We really don't know. We just know it will happen. This is when Bitcoin must be fully tested and be able to expand to meet the demand when everything gets screwed up by these experts again. However this time, they will be taking the retirement savings of the Baby Boomers and lumbering the cost of their retirement onto everyone else. The Baby Boomers include these self same experts. This time we need to be able to say no to
these experts and allow folks around the globe to exit their local financial system."
"So back to making Bitcoin a scarce resource deflationary system," (2) said.

>> No.9620911

>implying that the last one is already over

>> No.9620914

This x 1000, the dollar is going to be worth shit soon. So many foreign billionaires have stacks of dollars sitting in basements doing nothing, once it's worth starts to go down everyone will dump, at which point they have to report it and have it massively taxed or try to get rid of it at a bad exchange rate. This also applies to State side billionaires who are going to dump the money into real estate (they've already been doing that) to avoid profit loss.

>> No.9620927

you are brainlets. There is a global bond bubble fueling asset bubbles elsewhere. Google the gigajew Alan Greenspan for more info

>> No.9620964

It's not about using gold to pay for things its about having it BACK whatever currecy is used brainlet.

Gold is currency and money. Obv we aren't going back to transacting in gold but gold is money that has to back the currency. Doesn't matter if it's paper currency or digital currency.

How the fuck you think crypto is ever going to become stable? By backing it with real money dumbass.

You can't just earn .1 bitcoin for a weeks salary and then it's magically able to buy you a house 4 years later. That's not how currency and money works. Money is supposed to store what you have

>> No.9620982

You would probably be interested in this


What gives Gold value? Its just arbitrary.

Just because its physical doesn't mean it has any more value than Bitcoin.

The argument of scarcity can be made that BTC is actually MORE scarce than Gold, giving it more value..

>> No.9620993

It's IMPOSSIBLE to lose with gold. Gold is real money. A gold ounce 2,500 years ago is still a gold ounce today.

If the crash happens in 5 weeks... and you could only put all your net worth into either bitcoin or gold. Your telling me you'd put it in bitcoin? If you did you'd be dumber than a pajeet mixed nigger

>> No.9621002

Muh 7 trillion Gold market

Or, a 0.128 trillion dollar Bitcoin market that will quite likely overtake the market cap of Gold.

Decisions, decisions..

>> No.9621008

Golds inherent value is that it's real money. And has all the properties that real money has to be. Why the hell you think it's been money for thousands of years?

>> No.9621027

This whole discussion about Bitcoin vs Gold...why shouldn't the co excist? Gold has history and represents a real store of value for over thousands of years. Bitcoin is more liquid in the other hand.

No way those assets will kill each other. No need to discuss what is better or not

>> No.9621040

Scarcity is just one aspect of what money has to be. Gold is rare but not too rare. If it was too rare it wouldn't work.

Just because it's physical doesn't mean it's more valuable than bitcoin? I don't mean to be a dick but do you know how retarded that sounds?

Gold is real tangible physical wealth.

Gold is SAVINGS! That's what you don't understand. Because the anti gold Jew propaganda has infected yours and everyone's brain.

How can you market crypto as the new gold but then be anti real actual fucking gold? It defies logic.

Gold isn't the problem and the reason you are fleeing to crypto. Fiat is the problem and the reason you are fleeing to crypto

>> No.9621047
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>inherent value

Gold is inherently valuable because of its use cases and scarcity.

Bitcoin is more scarce than Gold, its fixed supply vs Golds expanding production rate.

Astroid mining will obliterate the scarcity of Gold, and therefore its value.

Sure you might make the argument Quantum computers will destroy the scarcity of Bitcoin.

So at the end of the day we're either betting on Astroid mining or Quantum computers destroying either Gold or Bitcoin.

If you asked me what I find more likely. its astroid mining is far more likely than quantum computers.

>> No.9621059

Exactly. I'm not anti crypto but if these deluded NEETS actually knew what was going on they'd realize that china is going into crypto AND accumulating record tonnage of gold.

Crypto is a potential currency and gold is real money. They can and will coexist

>> No.9621061

Precious metals miners > precious metals

>> No.9621062

I think we can both agree Fiat is not going to survive..

>> No.9621070


muh internet traders

>buys gold on internet exchange
>never sees it or knows where it is
>b-b-but its more real than bitcoin... r-r-really

>> No.9621073

>gold mining in space vs quantum computing

quantum computing is already becoming a reality

>> No.9621076

It's both tard. China and emerging nations are accumulating gold in record tonnage.

I don't know how you guys are so retarded... in that you think the reason we are fleeing to crypto is because there is a problem with gold. There has never been a problem with gold.

The reason you are fleeing to crypto is because fiat is a scam. And unirOnically it's a scam because it isn't backed by gold.

>> No.9621084

And just so you know, this is not a joke.


The asteroid Psyche 16 is a very special space rock: it's almost entirely made of metal, including iron, nickel, and gold, which has led astronomers to believe that it was originally the core of a planet. It's also estimated to be worth around $700 quintillion—enough to give each of the 7.6 billion people on Earth about $92 billion each. You read that correctly—$92 billion each. This asteroid has the potential to make us all richer than the Pharaohs—or, you know, crash the world economy.

>> No.9621093

Nibba, asteroid mining will kill Golds inherent value.

Sorry, but the world is moving on..when I'm your age Ill probably struggle with the changes in my lifetime as well if it make you feel any better.

I'm 22.

>> No.9621094

You must be fucking 12. Literally every human that lived for the past 5,000 years knew that gold was money.

You fucking asshats brag about your IQ's and you are literally dumber than niggers in Africa who dig in dry riverbeds for a tiny scrap of gold in order to get a loaf bread.... who have no formal education.

>> No.9621105

Wtf are they mining for on asteroids??? And how the fuck does that effect golds value?

>> No.9621108

You fucking niggers are so stupid you blast the Jews for fucking up the economy and you unironically don't even realize the reason they are fucking us is because gold doesn't back the currecy which allows them to inflate away all our wealth.

>> No.9621113

Read the article.


The asteroid Psyche 16 is a very special space rock: it's almost entirely made of metal, including iron, nickel, and gold, which has led astronomers to believe that it was originally the core of a planet. It's also estimated to be worth around $700 quintillion—enough to give each of the 7.6 billion people on Earth about $92 billion each. You read that correctly—$92 billion each. This asteroid has the potential to make us all richer than the Pharaohs—or, you know, crash the world economy.

Asteroid mining will kill Gold having ANY value as a form of wealth preservation.

It would be like unlimited Quantum computers printing 100s of millions of Bitcoin a day with 51% attacks that could never be stopped.

I find that outcome FAR less likely than Gold becoming saturated.

>> No.9621129

So you give everyone 92 billion each and a loaf of bread costs 400 million.

Seriously... are you black or just stupid? They bring this space rock here and the all of a sudden everyone is driving lambos? Even the lambo car salesmen selling you a lambo?

>> No.9621134

No, the point is Gold would become worthless as a form of wealth preservation because there would be too much of it..that is my point.

>> No.9621140

Ok fine... so this space rock makes gold irrelevant... so a new space rock replaces gold. So we just reinvented the wheel for no reason.

I mean many of your arguments are gold is just a rock. So let's replace it with another rock?

>> No.9621147
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ever heard of supply and demand? do you honestly think the price of gold would sell at the same rate at that point?

>> No.9621148

Bitcoin can't be "mined" or "produced" so easily thanks to its well thought out PoW encryption algorithm.

It's the most secure form of wealth preservation ever known to mankind. You'll do well to remember that when your space rocks become worth very little in the marketplace..

>> No.9621155

Ok well then a new rock will be the wealth preservation of choice.... so bitcoin will make gold irrelevant but not this new shiny rock?

>> No.9621157

2020 with Jupiter in Capricorn. Screencap this.

>> No.9621163

No it won't be replaced by another rock, rocks in space are everywhere. Thats my point...

It will be replaced by Bitcoin.

No I don't, I was quoting the article, dude.

>> No.9621167

No I'm with you on that.... but what's the point in mining a space rock to replace gold when gold does what it does perfectly now???

>> No.9621181

If Gold becomes as common as lets say sand for an example, do you think it will have any real value compared to Bitcoin?

The answer is a pretty obvious one.

It won't be replaced by another rock, because there are endless rocks in space.

It won't have any scarcity required to be used as wealth preservation.

>> No.9621184

But bitcoin isn't money it's a potential currency. You can't tell me gold is not valuable just because bitcoin exists.

It's like saying a real women giving you a Blowjob is worthless because one of these new robot bitches can suck your dick

>> No.9621194

Gold isn't valuable because there is an endless amount of it waiting to be extracted in space.

There is a virtually ENDLESS amount of Gold floating above us. You understand unlimited dollars has no value, same can and will be said for Gold when asteroid mining takes place.

>> No.9621199
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>he thinks we can go to space

>> No.9621209

But it's not as common as sand. If it weee then it wouldn't have been money for thousands of years.

What do you not understand about you can't touch and hold a bitcoin? And gold is real tangible wealth.

You fuckers are the weirdest people ever. It's like your living life ina virtual reality machine.

Scarcity isn't the only REASON gold is money. There's a reason gold is money and platinum isnt. You know what that reason is? Platinums melt point is WAY higher than gold. Among other reasons why it isnt

>> No.9621218

Not as common as sand now, but when asteroid mining materializes it will be.

>> No.9621219

So then why would we asteroid mine to tank the price of gold? Metals have different functions you know that right?

>> No.9621227

So what's the point of the asteroid mining? To purposely tank the price of gold for fun?

>> No.9621234

Asteroid mining will kill the value of Gold, not saying it won't be used, but it will be worth very little as wealth preservation.

>> No.9621238

We weren't even on the moon and you guys are talking about astroid mining just lol.

>> No.9621241

The point is to get cheap gold for industrial purposes. Very cheap. But in doing so it loses its value in the market place when there is so much more of it.

Bitcoin on the other hand...can't just be printed or produced in vast quantities thanks to the halvening every 4 years.

>> No.9621246

The anti gold sentiment is really an absolute mental delusion. Everyone who's ever lived is literally rolling over in their grave.

Its a mental sickness to be anti gold. Absolute propaganda has brainwashed you NEETS.

>> No.9621252

There are lots of other metals that have more industrial uses than gold and they don't tank the price of gold

>> No.9621262
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Easier to mine asteroids than get to the moon brainlet.

>> No.9621267

So the solution is simple: We need a fiat currency bound to BTC instead of gold.

>> No.9621272

The price to mine asteroids is the price of gold you uneducated inbreed retard.
We won’t be mining asteroids within the next 100 years. And even if we develop the technology to mine asteroids gold will still be valuable as the price to build a fucking spaceship send robots to mine the steroid and then bring back the gold is the value of gold.
does copper not have value because you can just mine it?
Jesus Christ the absolute state of biz.

I’ll give u a little tip, you can actually create gold in nuclear reactors, but the price of the energy necessary to create the gold is greater than the market price of gold, you can profit far more from selling the electricity opposed to using the electricity to make gold.

TLDR you’re a dumb cunt.

>> No.9621277
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t. brainwashed nasa soiboi

>> No.9621280

Short US Treasuries (20y) and thank me later.

>> No.9621289

>The price to mine asteroids is the price of gold you uneducated inbreed retard.


>> No.9621314

Thank you. Someone who has a fucking brain. These (((high IQ))) autists are literally dumber than a bag of shit

>> No.9621327

Except he is just spewing BS.

>> No.9621332

>anti gold Jew propaganda
lmao these gold retards.. jews love their gold they always have. Dont think going back to gold standard would diminish their power in any way

>> No.9621335

What the fuck are you talking about? Quantum computers already exist and will become mainstream in a few decades. Asteroid mining will never happen in our lifetime.

>> No.9621360

when the bond market bubble blows, dragging down the whole damn shit
man im going to make a fuck load of money on the next crash i cant wait

>> No.9621370

Yeah no shit Jews love there gold you dumbfuck. They have the gold which is valuable while they issue us fiat currency.

You fuckheads literally have zero logic

>> No.9621381

And it might not diminish their power... but if you have gomd you won't have your fucking wealth confiscate through inflation DUH

>> No.9621383

Bitcoin will surpass the market cap of Gold.

Just remember that.

>> No.9621386

its only valuable if brainlets like you keep assigning it value. Considering, as you said, they have the gold, then who are you doing a favor to when you keep shilling gold as the ultimate form of money? exactly.. you are the fuckhead

>> No.9621393

no, you'll have it confiscated through a kick in your ass

>> No.9621400

>The deals will be unimaginable for those that own even just a little bit of gold.
oh, it's you again

>> No.9621412

So what??? And bitcoin will go to a billion dollars... and how much will a 2 bedroom home cost?? 300 million?

>> No.9621418

That's why you buy lead and gunpowder too.

>> No.9621439


To take the power away from govt(Jews) you have to reject the source of that power which is the money they spend to corrupt the economy.

So basically if everyone converted their savings into gold the power would be sucked out of Washington literally overnight.

Jews have the gold because they know it's valuable! Because everyone in human history knows it's value. You have to assign value to something you dumbass.

Jews aren't raping us because they own gold. They are raping us because we have been brainwashed into fiat you idiot.

>> No.9621445

no one fired a single shot in 1933 what makes you think someone would risk their life for a piece of metal today, against a 50 times stronger govt. All you tough guys with your gold and weapons are all talk, you would never, ever, risk your family well being to protect your shiny crap

>> No.9621456

Anon, why the fuck would a billionaire have large quantities of valuable paper fiat currency stacked in their basement?

>> No.9621465
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>jews own all the gold which is the only real money!
>instead of forgetting about gold and making their 'real money' useless, and searching for alternatives, lets try to get that gold back into peoples hand which is infinitely harder

>> No.9621492

Inironically you just made a better argument than I have made in this entire thread for owning gold.

Why the fuck would the govt want your gold? And if they want it it means it's valuable.

You fucking pussy faggots scared of the govt.

The govt would be fucked if they came after the people. Millions of gun owners and millions of vets.

The oh so powerful govt you worship couldn't do shit to a bunch of gooks in Vietnam or in Iraq.

You obviously have ever heard of guerilla warfare. And people are woke now and pissed off.

You think there's just a deep state in Washington? I can assure you there is a web of underground Americans throughout this country who know what to do if the govt ever gets uppity

>> No.9621498

They relied on people voluntarily handing their gold in, and most people never did. If they try it again the same thing will happen. If the feds decide to go door to door and just steal people's metals there certainly will be a violent reaction from the public.

>> No.9621517

Literally dumber than a nigger who can't use logic. The economy isn't fucked up because of gold. It's fucked up because of fiat.

It's not about people owning gold it's about gold backing the currency.

You still need gold to back crypto. Nobody is in fucking crypto you idiot literally nobody. You think people are going to put their life savings into crypto??? A bunch of fucking electrons?

But they would warm up to it much more if crypto was backed by gold.

>> No.9621519

they dont have to come after anyone, just declare it illegal to possess and 80% of you will hand it over real quick.
Of course its valuable you retard, the thing here is to stop giving it value since they already control it and you will never, ever get that control back.

>> No.9621534

Not to mention... as much as you want to deny is... there's a real possibility bitcoin was started by the govt.

These central bankers are in it to fucking win it and they knew the dollar was dying over a decade ago

>> No.9621558

never said crypto is the working alternative you brainlet. The fiat system must change true, but going back to gold isnt the real solution, you are just giving insane power to those who already hold lot of gold, and they dont have your best interest in mind. So you replace a flawed system with another flawed system, not smart..
We can figure out better economic models, but you libertards and anarchofags are too stupid to see beyond your pretty, shiny rock

>> No.9621566

How can you stop giving something of value no value?

Nobody fucking uses gold right now you moron. You can go and watch mark dice offering a 10oz bar of silver or a bar of Hershey's chocolate to people on the street and had literally 10 people on camera taking the candy bar over a 10 ounce bar of silver.

It's like you think everyone owns gold and that it's also backing the dollar right NOW. That's not the case you retard. People think silver is a color nowadays... and say stupid shit like but I can't eat gold.

The fucking problem and the reason people are fleeing to crypto is because gold isn't backed by the currency and people don't own it because they are stupid.

Your saying move to crypto because Jews own the gold.... yet nobody owns gold now you moron!

>> No.9621574

It's like you think gold having value is the reason the economy is fucked up. You are a total brainlet

>> No.9621594

Of course it's the real solution! Gold is what gave the dollar its value brainlet.

If they started issuing US dollars 200 years ago backed by nothing the people would have laughed.

Ever heard the term the dollar is as good as gold?

When gold backed the currency you could get a job without a high school degree and have 7 kids before you were 30 with the wife at home raising them.

Gold standard equals life is good and prices are low. You understand that right?

>> No.9621619

>How can you stop giving something of value no value?
its the people giving it value, it doesnt have value in itself besides its industrial use. How stupid can you be?
>Nobody fucking uses gold right now you moron
cause it sucks as currency
>Mark dice video
meh, obviously staged
>It's like you think everyone owns gold
never said that. On the contrary i said jews own the gold and taking it from their hands is gonna be a lot harder than simply ignoring gold and making all their decades work to accumulate it pointless, which is what we should we doing
>people don't own it because they are stupid
people dont own it cause there are many alternatives to store value than a piece of metal sitting on your basement
>your saying move to crypto
never said that, you keep putting worth in my mouth. How about you chill and think this shit through? you gold obsessed morons havent done much thinking apparently

>> No.9621636

gold standard means he who owns the gold becomes uber powerful. 95% of gold is now in fewer hands, wanna give them unlimited power with your gold standard? fucking brainlet

>> No.9621662

It's inherent value is that is real money.

Wrong. Gold is currency AND money. It used to be currency then it was easier to use paper money but you still needed to back the paper with real money otherwise it's just paper duh. Why do you think we have massive inflation and people fleeing to crypto? Because they print money out of thin air because it isn't backed by gold.

Now crypto could still come along on a gold standard because digital is better than paper just like paper was better than carrying around gold. But you still need gold to back crypto

How was dices video staged? You think he got 12 random people to take a candy bar and look like an idiot on tv just to look like an idiot? Are you retarded? Those were regular people on the street. Some people even just said they weren't interested and kept walking

How else can you store your value? Gold is LITERALLY SAVINGS that's what it is savings. Why the fuck you think it's been money for thousands of years??? Gold is the ultimate store of value.

>> No.9621682

The fact is the reason people don't own gold now is because they don't know it's real savings because the anti gold Jew bank propaganda has infected their brains.

What's my proof of that? The mark dice video where people are literally taking a 1 dollar candy bar over a $170 10 ounce bar of silver.

This shit is so easy to understand and realie dude

>> No.9621711

There's nothing stopping you from buying gold right now and benefiting from it too. Just because plebs are too stupid to understand the value of natural elements doesn't make them worthless.

The elites are already uberpowerful anyway. At worst nothing changes, at best you benefit greatly.

>> No.9621769

Haha WHAT. Gold is a fucking garbage currency. What, you're going to shave off a speck for a mars bar? From the giant fucking bar you carry around?

>> No.9621786

>value of natural elements
And what value is that? The intrinsic value of gold is less than that of copper. Gold is a bubble.

>> No.9621792

>How else can you store your value?
i dont know.. maybe land, weapons, art, furniture, canned food, etc? Things that have useful and meaningful work behind them, literally stores of work which is real value.
Gold represents work and resources spent too, but more like wasted cause its not being used, its just sitting on fucking deposits, being worth like entire provinces & countries because of brainlets like you, instead of just being used like any other rare metal in industry, or at most jewelry.
>Gold is the ultimate store of value
really.. when its supply has been non stop increasing over human history? we have better means today to take something scarce and give it whatever value, if what you want is to just grab something and give it no other use than store an agreed upon 'value'. Gold doesnt do this all well either, what it could buy has always depended on the society you were spending that gold in and how well its economy was going. It never had any universal, established value, it varies. So how can that be the ultimate store? Your brain, learn to use it

>> No.9621827

>my proof is this spammed everywhere by liberturds video by i guy i follow blindly
this is your brain on jew
>the reason people don't own gold now
whatever is the reason, fact is they dont own it. You want ALL of them to start buying it from the jews again, which they will gladly do at premium price, and then they'll go and buy REAL wealth like land, property, industry, resources, and open a few thousand more banks around the world. Lmao

>> No.9621843

it'll happen between 2020-2024

>> No.9621862

which they will gladly sell*

>> No.9621880
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yes good goy buy our gold, we will buy all your companies, factories, land and resources with our mad gains

>> No.9621905

Remember this, never trust economic forecasts. Your only benchmark should be historical data, and as such, historical data says Bull Runs end every 10 years or so with about 1.4 years of a recession. However, this time could be different.

>> No.9621942

Lol the Jews already print money out of thin air and have bought all the things you just mentioned. The Jews and politicians NEVER mention buying gold EVER. Why the fuck would they sell valuable gold to the peasants when they have a money printing machine?

You want gold so you can pick up land real estate etc on the cheap after fiat collapses. That's the ENTIRE fucking point in buying gold you brainlet. Nobody buys gold at 1300 to sell at 2000. The dollar price of gold is irrelevant. You buy gold because fiat is a scam

Seriosuly stop arguing back and actually listen to what I'm telling you I'm trying to help you out dickhead

>> No.9621956

Just understand that if you are anti gold your brain is infected. It's fucking GOLD dude. Gold is savings. Gold is wealth. Rewire your brain before it's too late

>> No.9621975

Instead of arguing faggots why not just buy both? They're not mutually exclusive choices.

>> No.9622014

>Why the fuck would they sell valuable gold to the peasants
Their gold is fucking worthless if they cant buy with it. If brainlets like you stopped caring about it and accepting it, they would hold the heaviest of bags.
>pick up land real estate etc on the cheap after fiat collapses
again, because of brainlets like you. You sold your land for a piece of metal? Jokes on you.
Gold is only worth if you're willing to give something of your private property in return, whether fiat(which is your time spent wagecucking and doing business) or things like your house or car.
They already own the gold, get over it. You want to give them valuable things in return for their metal, its retarded. The only way they'll get something out of all gold they own if its idiots give them things for it. Its not that hard to understand holy shit. Stop giving it power and shilling it, and dont buy it or give anything for it. If everyone does this, jews will literally hold the heaviest bags.
We'll find a better alternative to fiat once it crashes

>> No.9622026

>its fucking GOLD
who cares, you speak about jew infected brain, your brain is literally jew-like. Thats how jews think.
Gentiles know real value is people and their skills, and wealth is land, resources, people connections and your ability to influence others

>> No.9622036

Gold is literally a scam. You can't eat it, you can't do shit with it.

When fiat collapses and a barter system takes over? I'm not taking your gold. I'll trade ammo or food.

Gold has value because we all agree it has value. Same as fiat. If it was valued by it's actual industrial use case it'd be far cheaper (same with diamonds).

>> No.9622196

its funny you gold shilling idiots are usually ok with interest on money, which is the root cause of inflation and why the current fiat system sucks. You just think if you remove central banks then interest on money is not an issue, and if you back money with gold all your economic problems will be fixed.
Its not the fact its central that the federal reserve bank raped your anus but the action of printing money into existence through loans.

>> No.9622370

lol I can't eat muh gold. Gold is the money you use to buy food with you dumbfuck.

In a fiat collapse what do you think is gonna happen? We are going to be in some closed loop barter system exchanging toilet paper for blowjobs until the end of time. You need a basis for value and money and gold will resume that role naturally you idiot.

Let's say you knew the collapse was coming a month from Now. Wtf you going to do? Put your entire net worth into canned food and ammo? You realie that there isn't a law stating that you can only buy ammo or gold and not both right?

How is gold a scam it's been money for millenia. It's been savings and wealth for thousands of years and still is today to numb nuts.

Also... proving you are dumber than a nigger. In a societal breakdown you never trade ammo for ANYTHING because than that person you have bullets too for toilet paper is going to use that ammo on you and kill you and take your shit.

>> No.9622392

There's no reason to shill gold you asshole. Gold is gold! It needs no shilling you idiot it's been money for millennia.

You stupid ass niggers think gold needs to be shilled like fucking shicoins like Tronix?

I don't need you to buy gold for my gold to be valuable you stupid ass shit for brains morons

>> No.9622411

No, you need people to agree that your gold has value. And as long as people agree it has value (just like fiat) it will be valuable.

Do you have any use for gold outside thinking it has value and assuming all others feel the same way?

>> No.9622416

There's a higher chance of Btc becoming money for the first time before gold becomes money again.

>> No.9622433

If jews never existed gold would have still been money for thousands of years.

If everybjew got burned in an oven today gold would still be valuable.

How fucking stupid are you morons? Like you need Jews to exist for a rare earth element to be valuable?

The Jews took us off the gold standard so they could steal all our wealth through inflation. Why the fuck do you think you can't make it other than crypto? Because the Jews are printing money out of thin air because we don't have the restriction of a gold standard. Our founders warned us about this.

EVERYTHING is wrong in the economy in America and the world because we don't have any real value backing up the toilet paper money that has the world swimming in debt.

Currencies wouldn't be failing if gold backed it.

I don't know how you guys are so brainwashed you can't understand this shit. It's literally the most simplest easy logical concept to understand

>> No.9622438

>Implying you'll always have access to the internet

>> No.9622447

Dude has been sitting on his stack since 2010. Cope harder, fren.

>> No.9622470

Yeah and everyone for thousands of years and in every part of the world today besides Americans and Europeans agreed and knew gold had value and was money because it's a rare earth element that fits what money has to be.

You can go on YouTube right now and watch videos of starving niggers with no formal education in Africa panning for gold in river beds and when they accumulate .01 gram of gold they go and exchange it for a loaf of bread.

Do you even understand how brainwashed you are??? If every single dead person from the last 5,000 years came back to life and read what you are writing ... they'd think youbarw a fucking alien from another planet.

The literal word for "money" in many foreign languages is the word silver.

Crypto coming online has nothing to do with problems with gold because gold doesn't back any currencies anymore! You are literally escaping the failing dollar because gold doesn't back the currency anymore.

>> No.9622475

your gold is only worth what im willing to give for it. My side will win and you will stick your metal where it wont shine anymore

>> No.9622498

And I can go to any country or any corner of the earth and can sell gold no problem at all. Literal pajeets and starving niggers in Africa understand what real money is.... and you fucking idiots brainwashed in your Jew colleges and bragging about your IQ's don't have a fucking clue.

Think about that... you are college grads and you don't even fucking know what real money is.

>> No.9622510

if they saw how centralized ownership of gold is today, and how its sitting in tons in banks all over the world, they'd start using something else as store of value, you fucktard lol

>> No.9622511

"Gold is money everything else is credit." -JP Morgan (1913 testimony to congress)

"In the absence of a gold standard there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation - there is no safe store of value." - Alan Greenspan

>> No.9622523

>starving niggers in Africa understand what real money is
sure, thats why they accept $1 per day to collect gold nuggets for others. You sound more stupid with every post. Just stop

>> No.9622532

Doesn't fucking matter if most ownership of gold is by central banks and govt. doesn't affect my gold that I own one bit. My savings is secure.

And the fact that governments and central banks own a lot of it... when you know they are trying to fuck us... means you should fucking own it.... if you have any logic whatsoever

>> No.9622541


bottom line is no one is going to carry gold to some far corner of the world and deal with the hassle of selling it

>> No.9622547

And why are they collecting gold nuggets?????? Because the people they are collecting gold nuggets from know gold is valuable.

What would you rather be? A pajeet getting paid a dollar to dog for gold. Or paying the dollar to some pajeet to give you the gold.

Seriously logic is not your strong suit

>> No.9622548

Replace "gold" with "bullets" and you're on point.

>> No.9622554

I was just answering his question.m that nobody would buy it. Which is just stupid talk.

And I'm not saying we are going back to using gold to buy things but gold has to back the currency.... paper or digital

>> No.9622562

Gold became money because it's shiny and rare. There is no other use for it. The color purple used to be a sign of wealth because it was difficult to produce and rare.

You are literally brainwashed on the other end of the spectrum and screaming at everyone else about how brainwashed they are.

Money is a societal creation and has no intrinsic value.

>> No.9622565

no, it means we should stop caring about it and accepting it as money you primate
yes lets fight the system these people set up by thinking exactly like them.

>> No.9622569

WWII refugees did that all the time

>> No.9622586

Bullets are for defense and gold is money and savings . They save two different purposes.

Use your brain. It isn't an either or proposition. There isn't a law stating that if you buy gold and ammo that you will go to jailz. You can buy both gold and ammo, right?

But guess what? Are you going to dump your entire net worth into ammo and perishable food? No you are going to want to protect your savings too

>> No.9622600

then by your logic the niggers dont understand what real money is, therefore contradicting your previous post. Ayy, logic...

>> No.9622613

>Gold is money because it has value because it is money because it has value because it is money.

>> No.9622618

Yeah... it's rare, shiny fungible, Anonymous, indestructible etc etc and that's WHY it's money! That's it's inherent value as money. That is the use for it fucktard. To buy things with.

By your logic I might as well say... you can only eat food... there's no other use for it. Well no shit there's no other use for it. Because that's what it's used for. And that's what gold is used for... to buy things like food.

You guys literally have your brains attached backwards. This is the easiest shit ever to understand and you can't fucking grasp the simplest thing ever to understand

>> No.9622670

You fail to grasp that all money is a societal invention and gold in and of itself has little value.

Keep shilling gold. Maybe the next step after Central governments confiscated all our gold is to sell it back to us. After all, as long as you agree it has value because they have told you it does you will.

>> No.9622678

It isn't fucking legal money anymore you fucking braindead fool. Gold is not money. Nobody buys stuff with it at the store.... it doesn't back the currency anymore.

So gold is basically irrelevant in today's world as it is. So wtf are you even saying? I'm trying to get through your thick skulls that fiat money is fiat money because it isn't backed by gold. Gold is no longer legal tender which is why income inequality is a thing and the reason that you have no chance of making it unless you speculate in crypto.

You guys laugh at bookers with their 10% gains... well when we were on a gold standard and prices weren't inflating 10% gains in the stock market were a LOT and probably equivalent to you making 100% returns on crypto in today's world where prices are skyrocketing.

>> No.9622699

Food has real value.
Now neck yourself.

>> No.9622703

I don't need to shill gold you fucking moron. Gold is savings. If the entire world went into crypto tomorrow my saving would still be stored with my gold.

If the dollar collapses tomorrow my gold is unaffected

You think I need to shill gold like you shill your shitcoins for it to have value?

>> No.9622714

And how did people buy food for centuries? With gold and silver you stupid pajeet sand nigger

>> No.9622721

>Gold is not money. Nobody buys stuff with it at the store
>gold is basically irrelevant in today's world as it is
>Gold is currency AND money.

imagine having this level of cognitive dissonance

>> No.9622731

The gold standard leads to a flat market due to lack of easily obtainable funding.

Food, shelter, safety, warmth, etc. You know, the things you use your gold to buy. If we have a societal collapse and we end up using gold as money, he'll just end up transferring his money to me as I charge ridiculous prices for food. Because instead of investing in gold, I invested in land to grow crops.

You seem to be confused. We aren't discussing crypto in relation to gold. We're just discussing gold. I feel the exact same way about crypto that I do about gold, it's all greater fool's investing.

>> No.9622743

you don't know shit about computer science if you think quantum computers will become mainstream. Maybe someday but not this century

>> No.9622747

>You think I need to shill gold like you shill your shitc
as we said multiple times, if nobody accepts your gold it doesnt have value. The fact its been accepted for millenia doesnt mean that can't change, you fucking braindead boomer. In fact, thats precisely what we want to do, leave you jew faggots holding bags

>> No.9622754

San Fran housing crisis followed by a spread up through california. Too much rising impatience in landlords and fraud rates. Keep holdings in manual labour and agriculture.

Dubs of truth

>> No.9622773

this is why we will make it if this is the level of comprehension of our competitors

>> No.9622774

>83 posts by this ID, all booty bothered outbursts about gold

>I don't need to shill gold you fucking moron


>> No.9622785

You know what I meant... gold is not legal money anymore. But my point remains above.

Your trying to fight the system with crypto... yet your anti gold.... but gold has nothing to do with today's economic problem because we aren't on a gold standard anymore you fucking idiots.

We wouldn't be in the dire economic problems we have currently if gold backed the currency and Jews weren't allowed to print fake money out of thin air, this devaluing our savings.

You people are so stupid.
You can't make it anymore because of massive inflation, which is directly tied to the fact that we aren't on a gold standard anymore.

Your against something that doesn't have any baring on the economy and how bad it is.

Gold is savings no matter what

>> No.9622804

No it doesn't lead to a flat market. We were on a gomd standard for the first 200 years of this country and the greatest country in the history of the world sprouted up.

We created so much wealth. The t eh communist Jews took us off the gold standard so they could extract all that wealth that was created from us. And now you have what we have today everyone in debt up to their eyeballs.

Crypto doesn't solve the debt problem gold does

>> No.9622810

Here, let me make it simple so you can understand it.


You're mad at them for printing money, yet you are keeping their bags pumped by thinking gold has value because THEY'VE TOLD YOU IT DOES.

>> No.9622833

WRONG in a fiat collapse that gold and silver go way up in value.

In Venezuela where they are eating their pets one SINGLE ounce of silver buys you 3-4 months worth of food on the black market.

You don't know shit. Wtf you think is the ENTIRE point of buying gold and silver? So you have money and wealth for when fiat collapses and the amazing deals you will get for owning real money. That's the entire point dude. Why the fuck do you think people buy gold in the first place?
So they benefit from a huge transfer of wealth when fiat dies.

In a fiat collapse your wealth doesn't just dissapear. It get me transferred to those who own real money.

>> No.9622840

again where did i state the solution is crypto? we already crushed your arguments, just stfu already. Maybe that gold backed shit would work 100 years ago when ownership wasnt as centralized but its too late now, get it? they own the fucking gold and we're not giving shit for it cause we will move to other forms of money. The massive inflation is due to loans with interest attached, you can still print infinite money if you back with gold, where each unit of currency is worth less gold with time, which happened too

>> No.9622863

Wait a second....so why did the Jews confiscate the gold from the people? Because it's valuable right?

Then you say I think gold has value because they told me it does... which would mean they don't think it has value yet you said they confiscated it from us all.

You make nonsense and are very confused

>> No.9622878

>ima go hand in hand with the jews and other elites to buy all your shit for cheap after collapse
>im so against them though

>> No.9622880

Again, the people you are mad at, the people with the "real" money are the same people printing money.

Apparently you just want to re-create the society we've already lived in. I'd rather help create a better future.

>> No.9622882

like the lightning system?

>> No.9622893

Doesn't matter if gold is centralized or not. Gold is gold doesn't matter if the gifts have most of it or if the people have most of it.

And the fact the the govt has most of it.... while we both know govts are trying to fuck us.... the if you had a a
Logical brain you'd want some gold

>> No.9622898

he's right though think it through

>> No.9622901

its simple, you monkey. They confiscated the gold, but it has value IF you are willing to give YOUR PROPERTY for IT. If you don't, its value drops to its industrial use. See ?

>> No.9622903

Again, they believe it has value, therefore it is valuable to them. You believe it has value, therefore it is valuable to you.

Gold has value because everyone agrees it does. And the people in power have far more than anyone, the same with fiat.

You are literally buying into the same scheme we've already been on. And when fiat collapses, and we all just agree to go back to the gold standard? Nothing changes. The same people are still in power and still dictating monetary policy.

>> No.9622904

The past WAS better under a gold standard. You need to recreate the economic environment which created the most wealthy country in world history. And that was under a gold standard where people's savings weren't inflated away and stolen by Jews

>> No.9622917
File: 7 KB, 235x214, 150224259235789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesnt matter if this entity holds 99% of this currency/money, we should all compete for the remaining 1%

>> No.9622918

Wait.. you seriously think the logical thing is:

"The government is trying to fuck us and has almost all of the gold, so we should also buy gold."

Because my logical conclusion was fuck the government, and fuck gold.

>> No.9622922

And when fiat startd hyperinflating away like in Venezuela wtf you think people are going to do??? They are going to run to the coin shop and buy gold you fucking dumbshitZ

>> No.9622945

The "most wealthy country in history" was created by World War 1 and 2. The gold standard was gone in 1913, gold was confiscated from the public in 1933.

US Inflation Adjusted GDP went parabolic during WW2 as a result of the rest of the western world being devastate by war. Gold had nothing to do with our rise.

>> No.9622950
File: 36 KB, 381x353, 1525264348380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 30 year old boomer gold schizo

>> No.9622951

Listen nigger.... the govt is trying to fuck us.... we both agree on that.

Govt owns a good portion of the gold. So the entity that's trying to fuck us owns lots of gold.... and your dumb pajeet ass thinks that owning gold is a bad thing?

If you had a brain and owned some gold. And the govt wanted to confiscate it... wouldn't your dumbass think... hmmmmm why do they want my gold? Must be valuable right?

>> No.9622964

You aren't wrong, we're just arguing different points. You just can't seem to admit that gold has value because we agree it has value. Which is literally the exact same thing fiat does.

Know what else you could do when fiat collapses? Switch to a different fiat that isn't hyperinflated. US Dollars work just fine in Venezuela as well.

>> No.9622967

Yes you fucking idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the govt comes to try and confiscate your gold... which is a real life possible scenario..... you aren't going to think they want it because it has value?????

And that maybe you should hide it so you can hang onto it because it's valuable.

How fucking stupid are

>> No.9622980

You could say that about literally anything of value. By your logic art and crypto are also a part of that scheme too.

If you think everything will eventually go to it's industrial value then you should be buying silver hand over fist. It's most underpriced commodity on this planet right now.

>> No.9623005

And why do we agree gomd has value and have for thousands of years? Because it has all the properties that money has to be.

If we all went to live on a beach and decided that sand was money, that wouldn't work out to well right????

And that's almost the same example as fiat not backed by gold. They print so much of the dollar just like there's lots of sand. It just doesn't work anymore.

Why is the dollar failing if all we have to do is agree that it's money.

I mean I don't think anyone wanted the dollar to collapse right? Well why is it about to? When all we have to do is agree that it's money.

See the logic???

>> No.9623023

As I've said before, I think crypto is the exact same way. It's all greater fool's investing.

It has value because you are helping to sustain a system that values it. And of course it's a real scenario, they've already done it before. But it gets confiscated because they were trying to force people to use fiat instead of gold.

>> No.9623049

no if you had a brain you'd say fuck you and your gold and move to other forms of money, rendering their gold useless cause nobody will take it. Boom, there goes their 'wealth'. You really havent thought shit through.
What made the U.S great was its people and their work ethic, not a piece of metal backing your paper notes.
Keep buying gold though, we'll buy it back from you for pennies to use in industry

>> No.9623064

Gold is valuable because it's valuable its a rare earth element.

There's no system sustaining the value of gold brainlet. Tee aren't ina. Gold standard anymore in case you didn't notice and nobody is buying cars with gold.

So gold being valuable is self sustaining. If everyone tonorrow agreed gold was worthless, that wouldn't change our current economic scenario one bit because gold isn't legal tender anymore.

Get it now?

>> No.9623066


Looks like sand is in higher demand than gold.

>> No.9623068

Why would it crash the world economy? Wouldn't it just make precious metals worth a lot less?

>> No.9623074

>Gold is valuable because it's valuable.

That's some Einstein level thinking.

>> No.9623088

Take away Gold's speculative nature, and value it based entirely on it's industrial use cases and it's literally worth less than sand.

>> No.9623097

>price will go to industrial value
>buy now when its inflated by speculation
lol what

>> No.9623099

Why are we saying fuck gold? There's nongomd standard anymore you fucking moron. Nobody buys things with gold.

It's like your typing from the year 1945.

If we all agreed gold was worthless tomorrow. Absolutely nothing would change in the current horrible economy. Because gold isn't fucking used in the economy as far as monetary policy goes.

How stupid are you?

All the dollar value of gold represents now is how unstable, volatile, and lack of store of value the dollar is. Other than that there's nothing gold is doing to hurt the economyz the economy is being hurt because the Jews are printing money out of thin air because we don't have the restriction of the gold standard anymore.

>> No.9623109

It's a Clif High thing. He thinks we're going to find some insane use cases for silver in the next few years including hand held microwave guns.

>> No.9623118

so bitcoin should go up like 70x?

>> No.9623119

It's not about the current economy. If we all agree gold is worthless than when the economy and fiat collapse all the wealth isn't in the hands of the same people it is now.

That's literally what this is about. When fiat collapses, do you want to continue to use a system that keeps all the wealth where it is? If so, continue to buy gold.

>> No.9623138

and you want those same jews printing money out of thin air who also hold all the gold cause as you say, they know what 'real' money is, to bring back money backed by said gold, giving them the same or even more power than they enjoyed before?
Thats some genius thinking right there huh?

>> No.9623140

Jesus Christ... please just listen... gold is SAVINGS. You can literally open up the Bible and read a passage saying that an ounce of gold bought you 350 loaves of bread 2,500 years ago.

If you go sell a gold ounce at a coin shop today you'll get $1,300 for it.... which lo and behold will buy you roughly 350 loaves of bread at the grocery store today just like it did 500 years before Christ was born.

And you actually think gold is a speculative asset like your shitcoin portfolio with tron and EOS?

Gold has been money for thousands of years and you think it's a speculative asset?

Are you black? Because you can't be that dumb and white

>> No.9623145


>> No.9623151

Grug has rock
Work make rock
Rocks are safe

>> No.9623156

Yeah crypto is backed by the fiat that pours into it. In times where physical gold may be hard to exchange with someone, crypto can be sent in a split second to anyone from one side of the world to another and anonymously at that. So it's secure, fast, and has an immutable supply.

What is the fiat that we use to buy crypto with backed by? NOTHING. ((They)) are suppressing the prices of bitcoin in the short term to accumulate after seeing how the past 4 years has worked. They studied how consumers buy bitcoins, how they use them, and looked at the market as a whole. They know the current system is going to collapse.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies altogether with blockchain tech is being prepped for that transition.

Quantum computers available for public purchase is many years away. Scale bitcoin to handle as many transactions as billions of people a day and you got the next system in place. One flaw of crypto is having no internet access and I can't think of a way to send btc to someone without the internet. They are increasing access to the internet all over the world. You can see where this is going if you connect the dots.

>> No.9623160
File: 31 KB, 901x612, Inflation Adj Gold Price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a speculative asset.

Pic related.

>> No.9623237

Silver is used massively in computers electric cars, solar panels, medicine, mirrors, photography, and solder. It can not be recovered without huge effort once it's been used. We've lost 80% of above ground supply and are constantly finding new uses for it. Silver would have exploded in value decades ago if it wasn't manipulated down with ETFs.

>> No.9623282

so if an ounce of gold buys same amount of loaves 2500 years ago as today, production of bread has not increased? lmao if today, producing 1000x the amount of bread, and gold still only buys you 350 loaves, then it sucks as store of value. There, your entire ideology is retarded

>> No.9623349

Jesus Christ... gold has been money for thousands of years. Gold didn't all of a sudden become valuable when the dollar was created. So why would you be valuing gold in terms of dollars?

Also gold just tracks how worthless the dollar is becoming.

100 years ago an ounce of gold = 20$ which was a good weekly salary.

Today 20$ doesn't even buy you 6 tacos at Taco Bell.

But if you take a gold ounce to a coin shop you get $1,300 for it.... which is STILL a good weekly salary.

So that gold ounce didn't lose any value. It's the dollar that lost value and gold price tracks that.

The dollar value of gold is irrelevant Liz

In fact...I wish gold would drop down to 300$/oz because that would mean our govt isn't out of control anymore. And prices would fall... so in real terms you actually don't lose anything if gold were to go down to 300$

Gold is going up because the govt is out of control and printing money.

I mean you must be black. Becaus I can understand being brainwashed but I'm literally spoonfeeding you this stuff and it's literally the easiest thing to understand.

I can grasp how you guys can't comprehend that cost of living is skyrocketing because we don't have the rigors of the goldstabdard anymore.

If they print shitcoins of fake paper money when they spend it first they benefit from it and when it hits the economy it defies lies your savings. And you have major income inequality. How can you guys not grasp such basic simple logic?

>> No.9623351


Might be a good read for you too.

>> No.9623365

>I'm unironically jewish
Oh good, we have a serious problem with "ironic Jews" around here. Thanks Anon

>> No.9623367

>Doesn't know what inflation adjusted means.
>Argues gold doesn't lead to a flat economy yet says One Oz of gold was a good weekly salary 100 years ago and still is today.

Wait.. now you're arguing for wealth equality, while the people who are printing money are also the ones literally holding the majority of the gold?

>> No.9623377

I just gave you another example above.

100 years ago gold was fixed to the dollar and one ounce of gold = 20$ which equaled a good weekly salary.

Today 20$ buys you jack shit. But that gold ounce exchanged for fiat gives you $1,300. So that gomd ounce held up perfectly and is still worth a good weekly salary just like 100 years ago.

I don't know how you can be so fucking stupid and can't grasp this simple basic shit.

>> No.9623384

Read my post above the post you just made

>> No.9623394

Lets make this super simple.

You think the Jews are the problem by printing money, right? The same people printing money are holding the majority of the gold. Supporting a system of currency based on gold would leave wealth / power in the hands of the same people who currently hold it.

You support the Jews. It's ok to be a cuck, but you need to be honest with yourself.

>> No.9623409

so same as 100 years ago buys you the same today, why are you so mad about the end of gold standard then? you have contradicted yourself many times already on this thread and has been pointed out. You are the stupid and we're just fucking with you cause we know shit can change in the blink of an eye with better alternatives

>> No.9623413

Bitcoin (Digital Reserve) and Bitcoin Cash (Digital currency).

>> No.9623418

i already pointed that out here >>9623138
he's having cognitive dissonance and cant answer this stuff. His logic is very weak

>> No.9623426

Doesn't matter who owns the gold or where it is. Gold doesn't back the currency anymore and we have massive inflation because of it.

Inflation adjusted works for a little while and it's not as noticeable until inflation gets really out of control. Frog in slowly boiling pot.

People weren't bitching about income inequality 60 or even 25 years ago. Now it's a top 3 issue. A literal communist in Bernie sanders almost became president because cost of living is skyrocketing.

Unfortunately these kids don't understand it's inflation that's ravaging them.

And even conservatives don't understand it... they say stupid shit like get better educated and you'll make more. But that doesn't get at the root of the problem in that prices are going up too fast.

This is all by design tho... get a whole new generation brainwashed into socialism because it's real that they can't afford shit anymore. They just don't understand why. They just think corporations are hoarding cash.

Well, rich people having shit tons of money isn't the reason price are going up.

>> No.9623443

you realize you can inflate money backed by gold too, right?

>> No.9623472

Yes Jews print the money... we agree thars a problem correct?

Same people printing money own a majority of the gold... yes. Jews own lots of gold.

I'm not supporting a system of currecy backed by gold because the fucking Jews own most of the gold you moron.

I'm saying they have all the gold so they are kosher as fuck... and they won't willingly go back on a gold standard because then they can't print debt notes out of thin air and confiscate all our wealth through inflation.

In a perfect world. Ship the Jews to mars... back the dollar with gold.... and the. We have low prices and a solid foundation for our money.

Get it now?

>> No.9623481

We get it man, you can stop shilling. You want to continue to inflate the bags of your overlords.

Some of us don't want that.

And as far as "inflation" being the issue.. it's a giant red herring. There are massive issues in the value of jobs decreasing, goods becoming easier and easier to manufacture, and over population. We would have these same issues without inflation.

>> No.9623484

but what is more likely to happen, ship the jews to mars, or finding an alternative to gold?


>> No.9623523

>confiscate all our wealth through inflation
so lets recap you say:
>gold is wealth
>jews own most gold
>people dont own any gold
>jews print debt notes to confiscate our wealth
if we dont own any, what wealth are they extracting?
thats right, real wealth which is our time (wagecucks) and our land & resources. Gold is a mental trap you've fallen deep into

>> No.9623536

The same amount of time spent working buys you the same amount. The same amount of USD does not. If someone saved that weekly earning in a bank it'd be worthless. If someone saved that weekly earning in gold it'd still be worth a weekly earning today. Inflation cucks you in the long run if you save your wealth in fiat and the time it took to earn that wealth was wasted, while wealth stored in gold is preserved for all time. That's the point he is trying to make.

>> No.9623548

Im not anti crypto. I'm pro gold and pro crypto.

My argument from the beginning is that you NEED to have gold too. And everyone starts screaming boomer in this thread cuz they are idiots.

The fact that Jews own a lot of gold is probably the best reason to own gold. You think the Jews and Chinese are accumulating gold for fun???

Even if gold was somehow real money even tho it's a currency. That wouldn't make gold any less valuable.

We are 20 trillion in debt... suppressed interest rates, printing of money like crazy... and 80% of the idiots in here are anti gold??? That's stupidity.

You people don't know how crypto will even play out. Bitcoin is a piece of shit nobody buys shit with it and there is also the real possibility that it was created by the NSA to suck us into a cashless NWO.

You'd be insane not to own some gold especially if you aren't a poorfag

>> No.9623567

i know thats his point, my point is that gold bought 100 years ago could've maybe bought a piece of land still worth the same or more today. If you're getting cucked by inflation they buy shit that lasts and has resell value, buying gold is giving ((them)) power, cause they own most of it

>> No.9623598

What do you mean what are they extracting? I just gave you like 5 examples.

20 dollars used to be a good weekly salary. Today 20$ doesn't even bUy you lunch at a bar. Wtf aren't you understanding about that? In 50 years that 20$ won't even buy you a pack of gum.

They are extracting your wealth by printing money that they use first. Then when that money starts circulating in the economy you have too much money chasing too few goods... so prices rise... and that dollar you earned today only buys you 96 cents next year.

On the other hand that gold ounce equals a weekly salary 100 years ago and still equals a weekly salary today. Wealth preserved.

How is this so difficult for you to understand and assimilate into your head??? I'm spoonfeeding you this with crystal clear examples that a 1st grader could understand

>> No.9623608

>So you give everyone 92 billion each and a loaf of bread costs 400 million.
>when you back an increase in currency with real value, it makes the currency inflate

No you dumbass, governments make currency inflate to match an amount of "services rendered" value. It means that everyone will have a fuckton more gold/iron equivalent, whatever that means in the future. Only some people can make anything with the raw materials and the raw materials will become... robots and shit, which will do more work, etc.

When your economy increases by a billion percent because you have a metric fuckton of resources pouring in, you HONESTLY think that the cost of food goes up? all that resource will make things better and cheaper, because producers will not be competing for them. EXCEPT if the cost of asteroid mining is high, which it will be, in which case the prices of shit will stay the exact same and we can just continue to pay it sustainably. In a bad way.

>> No.9623621

>Gold is wealth.
>People have no gold.
>Somehow they are still extracting wealth from us by printing money.

The majority of my money is in land. I have 40 acres and about 30 of them are forested. While real estate is also a speculative market, I don't give a shit. I can actually use my land, unlike Gold.

>> No.9623636

Doesn't matter what you invest in that's not the point. If I earn 500$ this week at my job why should I have to put it into the stock market to beat inflation? Why isn't the money sound where that 500$ buys me the same amount of goods today as it will 10 years from now?

I'm all for investing but you shouldn't have to invest 100% of your income. Because when you leave in the bank your money gets devalued.

You aren't asking yourself the questions WHY is my money losing value? It's because gold doesn't back it that's why.

>> No.9623637

>It's the most secure form of wealth preservation ever known to mankind.

No it isn't. Gold still is. When humans die, the value in gold will be left on this planet for the next species. When the computers stop running, Bitcoin dies. Without electricity, we have no money and are back to paper ledgers. Gold does not have this flaw.

>> No.9623642

problem here is you cant see beyond your nose and personal profit like every hardcore individualist out there, therefore you see no issue in not only playing, but basing an entire economy on a game they've played for centuries and master like no one.
You keep mentioning crypto everytime i talk about alternatives, when i never said anything about it. You are a broken record dude.
>The fact that Jews own a lot of gold is probably the best reason to own gold.
Thats the best reason to IGNORE gold if you want them to lose power! By giving into it you give them power! The belief in gold as store of wealth has given them tremendous advantage cause its literally their religion.
But all you think about is 'muh inflation, muh how do i keep my shekels after collapse' and not figuring out alternatives to prevent this shit happening in the first place. Did your precious gold standard prevent your country from being taken over? Why will it do so if established again?

>> No.9623649

A meat processing plant could be built near the property, and many other scenarios could occur, and that land could become nearly worthless. Why can't you diversify into both gold and real estate?

>> No.9623668

The gold standard isn't a guarantee of price stability and zero inflation. Even during the gold standard they could just print more money by saying "The value of Gold is now $35 an ounce and not $20.67." WHICH THEY LITERALLY DID.

>> No.9623680

When the deflationary collapse of asset prices happens and gold gets revalued much higher I'll be able to buy a home for pennies on the dollar with that one our 2 ounces of gold.

That's the entire point dude if buying gold in the first place. If gold is useless like you say it is then why is it a thing? Why can I go to a fucking coin shop and get 1300 dollars for it?

Great you have land. Are you going to have money tho when fiat collapses?

I'm guessing you have a decent amount of money in the bank right? Are you fuxking deluded and don't want to protect what you ha earned???

You people seriously have fucked up infected brains. How the fuck did the Jews brainwash you so bad that you are actually anti gold and not only that... fucking vitriolic in your hate for it.

Fucking zombies.

The banks could literally fail. We are 20 trillion in debt. And you don't even want to protect 10% of what you own? Because even just 50 ounces of gold will be generational type wealth in
A fiat collapse

>> No.9623709

They could, and likely will. And you really think in the event of a complete economic collapse, martial law, and mass starvation your gold is going to be worth anything?

>> No.9623716

>If gold is useless like you say it is then why is it a thing?
Because it's a bubble that 7 billion people believe in. Once they stop believing, enjoy your worthless shiny yellow metal.

>> No.9623728

A gold ounce was 20 bucks in the year 1800. 100 years later in the year 1900 a gold ounce was still 20$. Today a gold ounce of $1,300.

Sure there's a tiny bit of inflation and price movement but if you think it would be anywhere near what it is now under a gold standard you are deluded.

Free market inflation in a sound money system is fine. It's man made inflation that's the killer literally. I drove
To la last weekend and the. Up to Santa Barbara. Homeless everywhere homeless camps everywhere. That's because of inflation and destruction of wealth.

If you think the inflation we are experiencing which is an made
By Jews at the fed then you aren't paying attention

>> No.9623758

indeed, who goes all in on one bet? No one is that retarded. In a currency crisis money flows to all safe havens, which precious metals and bitcoin both are, but we're still talking about significant inflows.

>> No.9623775

In 1933 the US Government took all the gold from the citizens at a value of $20.67 per ounce. A year later they changed the price to $35 an ounce.

They robbed people of 70% of their value and just printed more money. Inflation exists in both currencies my friend, inflation is a result of monetary policy and has nothing to do with what is backing a currency.

You want to argue that gold should be the currency as is? Fine. But as new gold is mined it will deflate the total value of all other gold.

>> No.9623781

it seems you have a real hard time following this through. So they buy shit first with their funny printed money, what are they really extracting then? the shit they buy, thats the real wealth, either work hours of an employee or some building or some factory.
Now you say, this wouldnt happen in gold standard. How so? They now have tons and tons of gold, they can extract the same wealth from you, because just as the others accepted this inflated dollars for real wealth, in a gold standard they would be accepting gold for real wealth, nothing changes they still own your ass.
Not to mention, they can inflate money if backed by gold too. You are braindead, dude

>> No.9623787

Because he can larp all he wants

>> No.9623789

Of course it is.... world has seen countless economic calamities. Gold never became worthless.

In fact in Venezuela right now where people are eating their pets a single ounce of silver buys you 3-4 months worth of food on the black market.

It'll probably be a currency reset with the dollar. Either whilst precious metals wins big time.

Think about that tho one ounce of silver buys you 4
Months worth of food. The dollar value of silver is 17$. 17$ barely buys you lunch but when fiat collapses it's true worth shines through. Just goes to show how badly we are being fucked by the Jews.

Remember... a days wage used to be a silver piece th size of a roman denarius or silver dime for most of human history... and even in America back in the beginning.

14 silver dimes equals 1 ounce of silver. So that equaled like 2 weeks of pay on a normal sound economic system. So it makes sense that in Venezuela 1 ounce of silver or two weeks worth of pay would buy you enough staples to let you a few months once fiat collapses like it did there.

Also....there's much less silver available now and billions more people so when fiat collapse you could have a scenario where 3-4 days work equals a silver dime (or the equivalent in the new currency) so something like 9k worth of silver bought right now will be equal to like 25-30 years of days wages when fiat collapses. And then you can scoop up a few
Properties on the cheap

>> No.9623831

Trump trump hes our man if he cant do it no one can!
>w h a t c o u l d p o s s i b l y g o w r o n g?

>> No.9623837

let's say you have a counterfeit money printing machine printing fake dollars. Do you care what the price of anything is??? Of course not. You want to go buy a gigantic farm in Texas for 10 million dollars. No big deal you print and go buy it.

That's what the elite in the govt do... but....they are the only beneficiaries of that Printed money because they are touching it first. Once they buy something with those fake printed dollars... it starts circulating in the economy... and now you have more money in circulation than would be under a gold standard. So prices start rising which hurts the poor the most.

So now prices rise but the elite in the govt don't care because they can just print even more. And buy up more shit and assets continuing to devalue the dollars we earned making things more expensive for us.

>> No.9623854

And owning gold protects your savings from this kikefuckery that they donat the fed

>> No.9623867

So land is the real value?

Again, you can also use other fiat currencies in Venezuela. The dollar is doing well there.

I have 10% of my money in precious metals. But buying / holding physical gold isn't needed.

>> No.9623881

Does it?

The value of gold has gone down since 2011. Without the Internet bubble the value of Gold would barely hold against inflation.

>> No.9623885

What's gone wrong so far??? The collapse will be a result of criminally suppressed interest rates for almost a decade now.

You idiots who are anti trump don't use your brains and don't realize that we were 20 trillion in debt before trump even took office.

Trump needs to crash the economy we can have true price discovery instead of all this inflated stocks and real estate as a result of all the QE poison the Muslim president pumped into the system.

Or the stimulus when the muslim said we have to go deeper into debt to finance consumption. Which is the opposite way of running an economy

>> No.9623909

Oh, and to follow up, the value of gold actually went DOWN from 1934 until 1970 as the purchasing power of the US Economy went up but Gold was pegged to the value of $35.

It went down from 1982 until 2002. And it's gone down since 2011. Great store of value.

>> No.9623911

i understand the problem with current fiat system and inflation, its just that gold standard is not the solution to it.
You put the gold standard, and these elites which hold most of the gold start buying shit with their new money backed mostly by the gold they already own, so how does this fix anything?
As this money enters circulation, say people want to convert it to gold. Now there is more gold circulating and being traded, which lowers its price. These elites then go and buy it back for the cheap with the profits of all the shit they bought initially.
This is but some of the problems that arise. We need to evolve not try and revive old systems which couldnt prevent our society from degrading. Cause thats why your country went to shit, not cause 'muh gold' but because of your own people ethic and thinking which was manipulated in part by mass media and academia. Control over the mind of your population is way more powerful than whatever economic system you put in place.

>> No.9623928

That's because all the QE poison they injected into the market sedated the market. And tricked the market into thinking everything was fine. If they didn't do QE gold was well on its way to 5k. You are also looking at a tiny 6 year period which is a nothing time frame

Like I said read the Bible..says that an ounce of gold bought you 350 loaves of bread 2500 years ago. And that gold ounce equals $1300 on dollars and 1300$ still buys you roughly 350 loves of bread at the grocery store today 2,500 years later.

Good weekly salary 100 years ago was 20$ which equaled an ounce of gold. Today that 20$ buys you nothing while that gold ounce is $1300 and still a good weekly salary. So gold holds up perfectly as a store of value and moneyZ.

>> No.9623942

thats it, its all about 'muh savings' and fuck the rest, thats why your country went to shit. Instead of saying hey lets give a real fuck you to this kikes and ignore they gold, you say to everyone buy their gold, i mean they are hoarding it it must BE valuable, right guys?? right??

>> No.9623962

Read my above post. You are posting literal nothing time periods. Of a couple decades or less. Over thousands of years gold holds its value perfectly

Also you aren't buying gold to get back more dollars. You are buying gold for when fiat fails. That's the end game for gold.

Also comex is suppressing the price of gold by naked short selling futures contracts. If we had free market right now gold would shoot up to 10k easy

>> No.9623967

oh this explains everything, trump has kike dick deep in his ass and so do you. Go back to plebbit the_donald

>> No.9623988

Savings grows an economy you fuckhead illiterate. You can't spend if you don't have savings first you moron. And it's not just the Jews who own gold exclusively. China, Russia, India all have been accumulating.

You know you are dumber than a nigger when you think savings is a bad thing. What are you! A nigger who spends his entire paycheck when he gets it?

>> No.9624003

I think the funniest part of all this is how you claim anyone that doesn't agree with you is brainwashed but you can't see how much influence /pol/ has over you.

Forming your own opinions is hard, but if you actually read things that challenged your point of view and got out of your echo chamber it would do you some good.

>> No.9624007

What has he done wrong? Don't get me wrong Ron Paul would have been better but trump is destroying the deep state. Look at all thebjews in congress that hate him and all the homosexual tv anchors on fox and CNN that can't stand him. That's a good thing

>> No.9624014

use other ways to save, not gold, you braindead burger, too much grease on your brain. Maybe thats what makes you love jews and their gold

>> No.9624022

Hey now, I'm in burgerland too. I just don't eat the SAD.

>> No.9624029

I've posts maybe 2 comments in lol in my entire life.

But no not pol.... our founding fathers you dumbfuck...

Here read this quote and tell me that what's happening now isn't what he said would happen.

Quotation: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson

>> No.9624046

What other things to save?

Gold is LITERALLY savings your brainlet. That's what it is. Gold is savings.

I swear.... you are all black. No white people are this retarded

>> No.9624060

>falls for american politics
sure he hates them too, even though he was catapulted to success by jews. He's gonna give em reaaal trouble y-you'll see!

>> No.9624075

>if i repeat it enough it will be true
truly like a broken record, just stop

>> No.9624093

classic libertard, ive been reading faggots like you for a decade and you all follow the same scripts, like robots, martyring for individualism and you're all the same

>> No.9624102

Yep, he clearly states in that sentence that the Gold standard would be better.

I'm not sure why you think I'm arguing for Central Banks. I'm saying Gold and Central Banks are the same fucking thing and we should let them both collapse.

Britain was using gold as a currency (not fiat) when we rebelled against them. Gold as a currency was just as corrupt when it was run by private banks.

Gold/fiat/whatever else you want to use will still be fucked under a private Central Bank model. Since the ownership of gold is completely centralized, moving back to a gold standard will still result in Central Banks.

>> No.9624148

Come to 4chan and yell at kikes for fucking everything up....

Yet doesn't realize that kikes taking us off the gold standard is what fucked everything up.

>> No.9624167

wouldnt it be more profitable to have the pet retrieve small animals like mice and bbq them chinese style vs just eating the el gato because hunger

>> No.9624171

If gold and central banks are the same fuckinf thing then why do we have a central bank that took us of the gold standard????

And wtf do you want central banks and gold are the same thing??? One isna centralized bank that prints fake money that loses value....

And gold is real money and savings that you haven't tonextract out of the ground and prevents you from
Printing fake money when on a gold standard.

You are truly deluded

>> No.9624184

Gold is savings only if you can trade it for something at some point. We dont want it to be tradeable for anything beyond its industrial value, because otherwise you're giving the gold owners too much power, and we know the type of people holding most of it today, so you want to avoid that. Is your brain hurting yet?
So we're not saying hurr gold is useless shit metal, we know it functions as savings we just dont want it to be so because of its current distribution, which is the result of centuries of this game.
You say lets put the game on the forefront again, we say fuck your game lets play another, more fair one.
This is a subject of OPINION, not science. See faggot? Are we done then?

>> No.9624190

That may be true but we will see. Those kikes in congress seem to hate him. Hes at least disrupting shit and it's fun to watch

>> No.9624201
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>> No.9624209

And when the hell have you ever not been able to trade gold for something? It's been money for 5,000 years brainlet.

And today in the year 2018 I can go to a coin shop today and get $1,300 for it.

Don't know wtf you are talking about

>> No.9624214

its still something you are assigning value to. If you kept the printer but forbid it from printing beyond X, and made sure it would never, ever print beyond X, how is it different if people agree on it? Then fiat becomes, wo and behold, just like your gold. Scarce and not manipulable, and you did it without gold!

>> No.9624232

It's current distribution is what it is because every idiot has been brainwashed to be against it.... just like the Jews planned. The Jews and govt don't want you to own gold. Get it now?

And distribution or not it's still savings and and when the dollar collapses illl be cozy as fuck.

Wtf is the dollar price of bitcoin going to be when he dollar implodes?

>> No.9624284

Well yeah the dollar used to be as good as gold. 100 years ago I wouldn't have bought gold because we had sound money backed by gold.

But now we have runaway inflation because you can't trust man to not print fake money that benefits them. You need gold to back it... so the dollar functions as gold. It's really gold that's the money the dollar just made it easier to transact.

What you think WW3 is over? None of these countries in the east want to use dollars because they are more and more worthless and don't want to buy oil using dollars. And we fight them tooth and nail to keep the dollar as world reserve currency otherwise the Jews lose their power

>> No.9624323

yes and it worked and now they have the gold. You dont see how stupid it is to back your entire economy on it when they not only already own most of it, but can also cycle through gold standard and out of it as they see fit?
The power to brainwash every idiot as you say, they can just as easily use it to brainwash every idiot to support gold standard. They would lose no power, you may be better off cause you own gold but thats not the current situation for most.
Bottom line is there would be no insane boom of living standard just by backing paper notes with your funny metal, changes nothing. Period

>> No.9624346

well then you realise gold is not some magic shit, we could just as easily say: this new dollar wont be printed beyond X amount, and that dollar would not lose value through time.
Now why wouldnt this be better than a gold standard, where the gold is already distributed in a way that wont benefit the vast majority, at all?

>> No.9624455

>There has never been a problem with gold.
Most commerce is now digital, please buy my rock to back up your digital transactions instead of this digital currency.

>> No.9624480

>killing the government and our economy
Benefits us how exactly?

>> No.9624501

we can rebuild a better world from the carnage

>> No.9624517

Great Depression II starts mid October,.

>> No.9624526

You are deluded
50,000 vets with m4s and a dozen warehouses of ammo
Nsa, drones, apaches, our standing armed forces etc.
Thinking we could outgun the government is naive. The best we can do is make our existing government work for us.

>> No.9624571

lol these anarchists wouldnt last a week. Of course a civil war makes more sense to them than taking over the govt and fixing shit, they actually think you can have a modern, civilized country without governance, you just gotta back it with gold.

>> No.9624649

bitcoin has all the properties that make gold sound money, including fungibility, scarcity, etc. and more.

you sound like you're just parroting goldbug talking points without really knowing what you're saying.

gold isn't magic. it was a good store of value because it has various properties. crypto also has those properties. crypto doesn't need to be "backed" like cash did, because cash doesnt have properties of sound money, but crypto does.

>> No.9624678

When you buy bitcoin, aren't you essentially purchases the electricity that was harness and used to create that bitcoin?
surely this has to have value as the energy used to mine a bitcoin was paid to the electrical companies and burnt USD

>> No.9624695

expanding on this:
don't the major players in the making world economies already recognize this? i know China and korea does. many european countries and also burning fiat backed currencies to mine bitcoin

>> No.9624726

expanding on this further
why this would work better than gold:

people in third world countries can begin mining and using electrical power to buy food/clothing/pay rent

how the fuck would the world function if we went to gold standard

everyone would kill eachother lol

>> No.9624737

>50,000 vets with m4s and a dozen warehouses of ammo
50'000 soldiers


320'000'000 citicens with
520'000'000 guns.

What could possibly go wrong ?!

Also : youte stupid-naive if u think at least half of the vezs and soldiers wont be on the side of the people...

>> No.9624740

>he doesn't know about red team planner

how new are you?

>> No.9624748

gold will hold value until it's needed to progress different industries. as the price of usd crashes the value of gold will increase but at some point you will be asked to turn it over and you will be compensated in digital currency

>> No.9624771

> u sound like someone from the soviet area who has swallowed the propaganda hook line and sinker.
Many such cases.

>> No.9624795

Bitcoin has no intrinsic value, dumbass. It will succumb to the same fate as fiat.

>> No.9624819

nothing has intrinsic value except what we need to live, and those things aren't good money because we consume them.

>> No.9624882

we need a currency backed by production, print more as more is produced, burn some if production decreases. It can be done if you digitalize and store the data of every single productor

>> No.9624931

who verifies the production? who manages the data? suddenly you're back to centralized control and have all the same problems and corruption that we have now.

>> No.9624962

apple moved it's headquarters to china
get read for globalism, not communism
don't be mad, friend. it'll work out. we actually have the right people at the table, now.. so there won't be quite as much corruption as there would have been if this was implemented earlier.
you'll get it soon, anon.

>> No.9624970

Like was predicted, Trump is going to be the scapegoat

>> No.9624975

chinese and japanese lenders took the hardest hit in the last financial collapse, not the average american.. believe it or not.
the reason bitcoin was created was to usher in a new era, onions

>> No.9624988

you're being diminutive isn't contributing to the discussion. but if it makes you feel better about your small penis, have at it I guess.

>> No.9625013

top fuckin kek
a1 troll
i gave you the answer to your questions. go do your digging, pleb

>> No.9625025

the verification and management could be done decentralized by the people in public records, but it wouldnt be efficient. Centralizing will always more efficient. The efforts should then be concentrated on making the central authority transparent and honest, which is possible with real pressure from angry mobs of people. Today the corrupt get away with it, cause people dont do shit or give a fuck. This is what must change first, or no system whatsoever can avoid corruption

>> No.9625888

here we go with another gold thread. you realize that gold is not deflationary correct? that created gold in a lab. exact duplicate on the molecular level. you are about to get btfo and it is sad because every warned you.

>> No.9625929

what is gold backed by?

>> No.9625938

The labor it took to get them out of the ground. You know, the real value.

>> No.9626553

the kings and queens of history who tried collecting all of it. we mustn't let their historical efforts die in vane. we must also value it over any thing else. it's fuckin gold. if computer currency was so great why wasn't bitcoin created hundreds of years ago like all the other great inventions like astronomy and electricity

i can't wait to go back to gold standard. why in the fuck would we ever use computer code to facilitate financial transactions when we could just pump value of the rock and then issue more notes with value attached to gold. that way you just carry worthless notes around with you instead of having gold flakes in a vial or some shit

it may not have worked last time but this will surely work. this time people will always remember that their paper notes have value.

>> No.9626566

>grug like shiny rok

>> No.9627054
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>if computer currency was so great why wasn't bitcoin created hundreds of years ago like all the other great inventions like astronomy and electricity
>why in the fuck would we ever use computer code to facilitate financial transactions
>it may not have worked last time but this will surely work
you win the brainlet prize today

>> No.9627127

satire, dude. read my other posts.

>> No.9627399

It gives me just a bit of hope. Was that satoshi who said that?

>> No.9628223

Hey brainlet! If the gov and the rich own all the "values of wealth" when fiat collapses. Aren't they going to wait until the majority are weak, starving, and helpless? If you are starving and all they offer is payment in gold, are you going to reject it and work for free? Just remember you are a pleb, great wealth and power will never fail unless you physically rob them.

Your thinking takes armies of people to think and act as you do. There will always be weak people, taking the easiest thing offered to them.

I would like to say "fuck you and fuck gold" and transfer wealth, but when there is no struggle there is no productivity. We will all just jerk off and lay around all day. Shit at almost feels like 2018.

>> No.9628246
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>being this retarded

>> No.9628288

>When's the next big economic crash? They happen once every 10 years or so, and it's been 10 years.

That's wrong. It's more like every 75 years. 2008 was the biggest one since 1929.

We're definitely due for a regular recession, though. Paradoxically, our shitty slow-paced growth since 2008 has probably postponed a recession from happening.

>> No.9628648

bitcoin is back by energy spent as well. i dont see a difference besides bitcoin is easier to spend, send and receive

>> No.9628770

PRECIOUS METALS: Are Stores Of Economic Energy.. Stocks, Bonds & Real Estate Are Energy IOU’s

Bitcoins value relies on energy produced in the future. Gold is a store of value because of energy required to get it in the past.

EROI is falling over the next few years. Bitcoin will not hold its value.

Your missing the key component which is energy