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9620617 No.9620617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>never had any friends
>never had a gf
>never had any female attention that wasn't just pity talk
>kissless, handholdless virgin (obviously)
>23 years old
>manlet (5'8")
>parents are dead
>work shitty graphics design job 9 - 5
>payment is shit
>terrible brainfog, have extreme trouble just focussing on a task
>yellow teeth even though I brush'em every day
>only hobby is art, but I haven't drawn in a month because wageslaving just exhausts me
>weak as fuck, skinnyfat
>dark circles around the eyes that come from my family
>look like I take drugs even though I do not even drink alcohol
>quiet, timid voice, afraid to speak up
>people don't even look into my eyes when I'm talking with them because I am so ugly
>poor, parents were dumb as shit and left only 3k bucks behind
>constantly talk to myself at home
>constantly daydream about what could have been if x did happen / didn't happen
>I literally saved up more money from my teenage years (10k)
>can only save up 500 bucks a month and I still have to pay gas and food with that
>put almost all of it into crypto
>still below initial investment at this point
>literally praying for my coins to reach a decent price in the future
>unironically trying to think positive collective thoughts to have my coins 500x

I am the most justed person on /biz

>> No.9620635
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Anon, you're here before the GOLDEN BULL RUN of the century.

>> No.9620645


Cheer up OP, some guy from Bangalore who was on the winning side of the trade you were pajeeted on is probably so much happier with your money than you are.

Have you considered a life of crime?

>> No.9620654
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Don't listen to him OP. Seriously, crypto couldn't be more bearish if you had to find and fist a bear to buy it.

Sell your shit while you still have something left.

>> No.9620658

Crime is not lucrative.

I am only capable of wageslaving to make someone else, who is more capable at life, richter.

Because I am a worthless, inferior subhuman, and I should be grateful that I am even allowed to live.

>> No.9620659
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>> No.9620670

I have been saving up as much money as possible of the last few months and I am waiting for a major crash / dump, to cost-average it all up.

Never ever FOMOing in again, thankfully it wasn't all my life savings, but damn...

>> No.9620699

try to infect you company's computers with a xmr miner

>> No.9620712

I am too stupid for that.

>> No.9620717

The brainfog is due to constant brain inflamation from external factors (geoengineering etc), leading to depression. The best antiinflamatory out there is weed, but you need to be smoking sativas and not indicas cause indicas may lead you to becoming an even coucher potato than you are already.

And you do need to get /fit/, skinnyfat can only work if you've got XP from talking to girls from before you were a skinnyfat slob. Trust me I know

Good luck but you seem like a tough cookie and you'll be alright

Sorry for your loss anon, wishing you the best and sending possitive vibes

Also buy LINK and REQ

>> No.9620730

doesn't seem nowhere near close to being as JUSTed as me, you have a job, don't have a debt that is about to put you homeless, and I also have micropenis

>> No.9620739

What makes you say crypto is bearish?

>> No.9620740

Accept that if you continue to think like this your life is a waste and the only logical option if you intend to continue on living is to radically force your world view to change.

First step is to fuck off to /fit/ and start lifting.

>> No.9620741
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if you think that chart looks bearish you're literally retarded and i'm glad you'll stay poor your whole life

>> No.9620742

If you are looking for friends/girls/connections, go do a sport anon. If your teeth are yellow, go see a dentist. Your height is fine. Fix yourself.

>> No.9620745

Nice blog post m9

>> No.9620755

Have you considered a sex change?

>> No.9620760


> cost-average

Quit chasing losses - they are gone. They were gone the second you bought a shitty asset. 'Cost-averaging' is just a euphemism for throwing good money after bad.

From the sound of your post it is probably a lot more lucrative than your current life.

>> No.9620780

Git good at eating pussy and fingering the gspot, there's more ways to skin a cat. If lesbians can do it without even a micropenis, you and your micropenis can do it better. Would HGH help you on that front btw? May be something to consider.

>> No.9620782

buy link

>> No.9620791


Look at the chart I posted. It is a textbook bubble pop, and it isn't finished.

If you can't see it, just keep buying other peoples bags. Keep buying and buying and buying until you can't buy anymore. And then borrow money from anyone you can, and buy more again. Sell your grandmothers china, your dogs favourite toy and your entire fleshlight collection. Invest literally every $ you can into crypto in the coming weeks before the big event arrives.

Because if you can't see what is clearly coming, the least you can do is transfer your wealth to people who can see what is about to happen and deserve your money more than you do.

>> No.9620792

No, of course not.

That would make everything worse, I'm not that retarded.

>> No.9620803

What "big event"?

>> No.9620810

Also a trick for yellow teeth: Always brush your teeth GENTLY and with a circular motion, not up and down.

Sprinkle some baking soda on your toothpaste and brush gently with that for 1 minute, then without washing off floss your teeth, then brush for another minute and then wash off.

It's a miracle cure for yellow teeth and as natural as it gets.

>> No.9620825
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Pretty happy with my finances, thanks. The only thing I would regret from here is losing money.

>> No.9620826

Baking soda on your teeth may make them whiter, but it fucks them up over long-term.

Like seriously, do you think I am that fucking retarded?

>> No.9620832

i feel for you op

pretty much in the same boat, but i got in way earlier in crypto, still not much though

now im just agonizing over lost potential
but then again, but good is money with nothing to spend it on, i'd rather have a gf than 100k

>> No.9620833


Don't worry buddy, just buy in. I'm sure the next bull run is just around the corner.

>> No.9620836

I assume there are a lot of graphic cards in there, is definitely worth trying to learn how and it's not that hard. Cheers!

>> No.9620837


>has depression
>just do drugs bro

>> No.9620842

only if you use it everyday

you use baking soda on your teeth ONCE and you are done with it, aslong as you brush you teeth regurally you'll keep the yellow color away

yes i do think you are fucking retarded

>> No.9620862

I'm sorry for your situation OP, but unfortunately you're going to be the only one able to get yourself out of it. You're on /biz/, which funnily enough is not necessarily a bad sign. Just stick with crypto either accumulating ETH or bleeding edge moon missions. I am truly sorry about your parents. I can't relate to that. In every other way I was just as JUST'D as you if not more so at age 23 working restaurant jobs. I wanted to die every day. Just keep cost averaging crypto it's the only hope. When you're getting gas you might see everyone in front of you buying lottery tickets. In America you can't invest in high return early stage equity if you're not already rich. People spend a huge amount on the lottery. Crypto is this for our generation but a lot of it is actually useful tech and only a small percentage of people are participating at the moment. Just keep grinding and truly focus your hardest to put good intention into everything you do, including your job. It took me to age 28 for things to get better but they finally did. It could take longer or shorter for you but you WILL make it.

>> No.9620870

Been doing that for a decade and my teeth are the best they've ever been. Baking soda destroys plaque (which is acidic) and it is NOT hard enough to destroy your teeth, it just melts in the water. The microbeads in your normal toothpaste are actually way grittier and harder than baking soda.

It's not like chemical bleaching at all.

I think I understand what your life problem is, and it is that you pay way too much attention to what the normies call "common knowledge", which is the biggest psyop ever.

Live and think for yourself

>> No.9620878

>/r9k/ demotivational copy pasta
OP is an accumulating faggot

>> No.9620881

Cannabis isn't a drug, it's life enhancing medication

Smoking, alcohol, opiates and amphetamines/coke are drugs

>> No.9620918
File: 3 KB, 225x225, Download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is RLC good?

Or am I gonna get JUSTed again?

I bought some during the last major dip (around 3k) and I don't know if I should keep accumulating.

>> No.9620940


Zoom out. We are in a bubble still not a pop. Pop is after next wave.

>> No.9621004

yes. it is good. probably the best in distributed computing.

>> No.9621068


Jesus Christ anon, pull yourself together.

>constantly daydream about what could have been if x did happen / didn't happen

There's your problem, your regret is driving you nuts, but not only that it's mentally exhausting carrying so much.

Stop daydreaming and realise that the past can't be changed but you completely control your future, the thinking about the past should only be to learn from in, not dwell on it.

Smiling plays a substantial part in being happy, I've met so many unhappy people in my life and teeth they're ashamed of is a trait in all of them. Smiling is directly linked to feeling happy.

RLC is a great hold and project, but what's the point of you're miserable? Sell enough to cover an appointment with a hygienist, they'll scrape and polish your teeth clean and you'll instantly feel like smiling more.

Tell them what smile you'd really like and they'll give professional advice.

Start with getting a smile that wants you to smile more, honestly people flock to others who smile because everyone wants to be happy (more than sex). Keep smiling and I guarantee you'll start making friends.

>> No.9621112


I know this all sounds like Tony Robbins bullshit but I'm telling you right now anon it works.

Get a smile you're proud of, don't stop smiling and a lot of your problems will be solved.

I've seen people countless times getting jobs purely based on huge smiles and making the interviewer feel happier.

You'll gain more confidence, and find that things come a lot easier once your confident and smiling.

>> No.9621254

>Dude just smile lmao

If I would magically bleach my teeth and would smile constantly like a retard, I would still be an ugly manlet and people would probably look at me as if I am retarded.

>> No.9621307

despite the above anon's quite reasonable replies, you keep whining and wrapping yourself in your misery blanket

there's your problem. you enjoy playing the victim/sobbing over yourself. quite paradoxically, it can be quite comfortable to some people

I'd kick your butt out of this mentality if I could. unfortunately for ya you'll have to do it yourself like a big boy. stop the borderline SM "whipping myself for my sins/believing I'm ugly and retarded feels so good", that's all it takes

>> No.9621308

Find the glory.

>> No.9621384

>I also have micropenis


>> No.9621425
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No you're not.

1/3 -20k from XMR.

>> No.9621438
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-12k LINK

>> No.9621447
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-7k Ethereum
I am the most JUSTED person on planet earth OP

>> No.9621512


But at least you have a huge amount of crypto and thus a higher potential to make a massive profit.

Meanwhile I only have 3k RLC and a 100k FUN like the poorfag I am.

>> No.9621653

Look i'm an optimist, yeah you're working hard I mean shit aren't we all?

Your life obviously sucks, apply around at some wage cuck jobs McDonalds etc. Once you find some shitty job fucking do it my bro. Sell all your shit and rough the fuck out of it. Keep your crypto don't liquidate that. Divide a certain amount of your new jobs income into expenses. Now the aim of the game is simple minimize expenses and maximize your income, also go for a fucking run if you achieve nothing at the end of the day at least you can say you went for a fucking run. So by now you're getting fit you have a new job with some other wage cucks, McDonalds cash register should help with your timid as fuck pussy shit personality.
Rinse and repeat, now art keep that shit up my bro that's important always gotta have a hobby or something that you can turn your brain off. Try to mix your life up a bit too sounds like you're the guy from American Beauty.
Life is only as good as you make it anon.

Best of luck, you'll need it.

>> No.9621656

Nice lunch money.

>> No.9621664
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I had 2k eth in a presale wallet that I deleted.

The pain will pass.

>> No.9621725

you're being a huge faggot and if you think you're the worst off out of anybody on this board you're also retarded

>> No.9621806

>$40,000 lunch

>> No.9621859

what coins do you have and how much money have you invested?

>> No.9621861
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>social skills are a skill. skills can be improved upon.
>this leads to gf's
>looks can be a meme girls believe your lies if you're convincing enough
>i can have compassion for the people you've lost that's tough
>you have a job and being grateful for the things you have is a fundamental change in life perspective that will alter the very outlook that is leading you to this JUSTed mentality that you carry with you. meaning you can change it by being more grateful
>brainfog cure is exercise and psychedelic drugs (maybe)
>yellow teeth can be whitened by going to the dentist
>pursue your hobby being happy is important for the soul
>skinnyfat can be changed go to /fit/
>dark circles = looks can be a meme so who cares
>speaking is a social skill and skills can be improved upon. protip google how to speak confidently in business meetings and practice that with strangers.
>people don't look you in your eyes because you don't look them firmly in their eyes to exude confidence and presence in the situation or because there are things in your personality that exude an energy that's offputting that you can tinker because it is in your ability to do so
>poor people can become rich with ambition, protip conscientiousness is the number one predictor of success
>talking to yourself can be a very very good thing https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/08/smarter-living/benefits-of-talking-to-yourself-self-talk.html
>go get a trade job or something for money issues
>you can't bank on crypto alone. you can but you can lose too. so it's a stressful way to live your days
>there's a time and place for praying but not for things you can realistically improve upon on your own. you have the ability to control your destiny and not rely so heavily on crypto so you don't have to pray for your coin to rise
>you are not the most justed person on biz. there's always someone who has it "better" and always someone who has it "worse." stop comparing yourself to people
fuck you if this is bait

>> No.9621912
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same print from early 2013

>> No.9621937

If you are drug free there is plenty of blue collar work available.

Join a union. Welders make so much fucking money. After a year or so you don't even have to position the material. Just show up weld, and collect your 500 bucks for the day.