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File: 39 KB, 1023x391, xmrnano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9620201 No.9620201 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys. Going to put 3000usd into crypto next week, should I buy 700 nano or 20xmr?

>mfw things moon during the weekend and I end up with 200 nano

>> No.9620224

NANO is the most undervalued crypto in the top 100, so i'd prefer it

>> No.9620251

I'd go with neither, but I'm all in skycoin so..

>> No.9620256

Kek, mastertroll

>> No.9620262

Agree with this guy, skycoin is the future

>> No.9620266

How long you are planing to hodl?

>> No.9620286

Buy hydro
Easiest x20-50 in current cryptospace

>> No.9620299

Dont know, I have 15k in crypto now I ocassionaly put in a few 100 some months but mostly I put in a few 100. Got some extra cash this months tho so gonna either buy back the nano I sold with the moon or estabilish some monero position (I sold monero for nano back in november)

>> No.9620306


I already have my share of shitcoins thanks. Im 60% LINK.

>> No.9620333

I will go with xmr then, it's really good established in its niche and it's actually the best in his niche.

>> No.9620416

Japan banned privacy coins, I'd stay away from Monero.

NANO is a better choice between the two, but I'd honestly look somewhere else.

>> No.9620476

Also, government cannot actually ban xmr, there are tools like kovri, which will eventually be native in xmr.

>> No.9620747


>> No.9620761


>> No.9620776

fcking kek i sold this bs at 33usd. i shilled raiblocks for weeks in october last year and nobody gave a shit. never again this shitcoin

>> No.9620788

obviously XMR

>> No.9620986


If you're wanting a currency coin with the best chance of mooning, buy Nimiq. Just got listed on tradesatoshi and it's the Facebook to Bitcoin's Myspace.

>> No.9621025

it's not undervalued, it was just pumped with low volume on Bitgrail, nothing else. The same happened to Bytecoin on Binance. it went 90 % down.

>> No.9621049

Buy Nuls

>> No.9621065

DYOR anon and you'll find XMR is the better choice.

>> No.9621487
File: 17 KB, 750x154, IMG_1819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Monero. I fucked up so bad.

>> No.9621868

I'll tell you my orders biz. It is lined up between 1-3 dollars.

Wait a little bit longer for NANO until this whale is completely out of shit to sell. The stolen coins from the bitgrail hack have been being dump for a while now.


It is still going on.

>> No.9621987
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, E41B56DF-320A-45D9-8692-0DAE9FC1A312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not buy an Ambrosus masternode or Link? If it really has to be between nano and xmr I'd say nano since enigma is better than XMR for privacy and not being banned from exchanges. There's better transaction coins than nano as well.

>> No.9622284

Lol that was you?
I saw it and researched and decide between vert or nano but chooses vert.
Would have made 2.4 million if only I listened to your pajeet shill