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9620016 No.9620016 [Reply] [Original]

Another day, another JNT thread.

>How much are you holding
>What's the next milestone you are looking forward to
>EoY prediction

>> No.9620126

oh god not more threads of this fucking shitcoin

can't u discuss this on the isis telegram or something

>> No.9620142

>(its already confirmed) but public confirmation regarding those proposals

>> No.9620609

How long do we have to stay tuned for announcements? I'm getting hungry

>> No.9620884
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I enjoy your dedication goyyim. Here, have a selfie.

>> No.9621275

Why did it get removed?

>> No.9621283

Why not? Are we TRX shillers or what?

>> No.9621313

Still shows up on my phone...

>> No.9621540

Then why fucking post it in the first place, "shiller"?

>> No.9621577

No idea if they are still coming at all.

>> No.9621597

It's because they insulted the sheiks honor by trying to make an announcement before he did. He's not very happy about it and has been talking about pulling his money out of the project. I doubt that's going to happen though, it seems like he throws one of these tantrums every other week.

>> No.9621716

Anna was like trying stuff out and the sheikh forced the Jibrel Team to remove such an unmature behaviour.

>> No.9621722

It's one of the downsides of working with someone so young. On the upside, a nice ice cream can often bring him round.

>> No.9621835

Anyone who actually believes this deserves the brainlet of the year award.

>> No.9622051

t. paedophile

>> No.9622096

i find it hilarious

>> No.9622137

Top tier humor hahahaha XDDD I'll post it on facebook.

>> No.9622268

Haha, lol ;)

>> No.9622328
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>yeah fuck YOU for liking things I don't like!! Back to le reddit!!

>> No.9622344
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Anons, should I buy some JNT? Animechan shilled it to me a while ago and I didn't listen because I was fucking bullish on REQ.

>> No.9622413


>> No.9622435

Just buy 1k so you dont kill yourself when this takes off.

>> No.9622456

Fucking this. Animechan shilled MBRS,ODN and fucking LINK.

Animechan was the person who brought Link to the attention of the board and shilled it.

>> No.9622492

Forgot ODN. He shilled literal shitcoins and now he acts all high and mighty. Started DEM capital and still larps on twitter as "Crypto Ernesta". Has a Discord where he writes mysterious shit because of his US government connections.

>> No.9622516

You have chosen your words whisley. Not a question of IF, more a question of WHEN.

Good job Stefan.

>> No.9622520

Animechan shilling it to me would be an instant red flag.

>> No.9622543

Why is it “semi-pumpin”?

>> No.9622570

because it never has any volume

>> No.9622576

Because the whole market dragged it down after the nice pump a week ago. Now we are testing new highs. Product releases are on the way, like jNode, jWallet in Beta etc. Announcement tweet was cancelled, because sheikh forbid every form of shilling.

>> No.9622589

Quiet high volume for its ranking and the shit exchanges it is on.

>> No.9622606

XTO is literally my ticket out of wagecucking, thanks animechan

>> No.9622631

Who is animechan... another larper?

>> No.9622690

I accumulated with animechan below 2k sats before he told you faggots. I'm 3x already. But it's still the poopstain in my portfolio, because all my other shit did way better.

I'm holding a few 100k to see if he ends up being right. Free party and cruise if it works out. If not I get to keep shitting on him.

>> No.9622935

It was stabilizing when the market shat itself which pulled it down. It is recovering back to the 50 cent range.

>> No.9623043
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>> No.9623262

XTO sounds good tho

>> No.9623318

it kinda is pumping
but why?

>> No.9623350

Hence why I have some, but the fat scammer Bryce cannot help himself so it's kinda risky.

>> No.9624414


>> No.9624454

Please elaborate.

>> No.9624494

on one hand i'm glad it's semi-pumping, on the other hand i'm still accumulating so i wish it'll drop a bit; but it's ok either way

>> No.9624533

I wonder if this means the news is soon. Their past two tweets were around this time in the evening.

>> No.9624670
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I hope so anon, I'm thirsty for news

>> No.9625324

I wouldn't expect much on a weekend.

>> No.9625342

>Thinks the entire world has the same work week.

>> No.9625540

I think the last medium article was on a Saturday but yes, probably not.

>> No.9626224

I found Talal on Instagram. Why is he a hairdresser? https://www.instagram.com/talaltabbaa

>> No.9626253

Stefan please stop it, we wanted to safe our fud for the product release....