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File: 11 KB, 178x178, StakeNet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9619517 No.9619517 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a little run down on a project that is still being accumulating by whales. This is potentially the next big thing to hit top 100 Coinmarketcap.
Just yesterday, it gained 800 satoshi, and it looks bullish, and will likely continue to rise!

Coin: Stakenet ($XSN)
Entry: $0.4+
Target: $3-$5 (end of year)

XSN could be one of 2018s best performers

Stakenet is a Proof of Stake digital currency which provides a brand new technology called TPOS - "Trustless Proof of Stake" - a revolutionary feature in my opinion.

I am very excited about Stakenet, here are some of the main features:

• Masternodes
- Cost to run a masternode at the moment is around $6,000 (cheap compared to most)
- Annual ROI around 40% currently

• Upcoming Ledger Support
- Ledger Wallet has confirmed that they will support the coin and users will be able to stake directly from their cold storage wallets

- Upcoming Decentralised Exchange launch, ability to stake any PoS coin and trade your earnings

• Merchant Staking
- Effectively stake your coins with a trustless system, very secure

• Amazing Development Team
- They are working around the clock, making lots of Github commits
- Fully dedicated and transparent

• Ambitious Roadmap
- Lots of things planned for this year, you can check out the Roadmap below


The Future:

Mainstream adoption of this coin along with the ongoing development and success could easily see it sitting at $3-$5 by the end of 2018 in my opinion.

Currently XSN is priced around 0.4 USD


Where to buy XSN?

You can only buy XSN on a few exchanges at the moment yet it's gonna be listed on bigger exchanges soon.

Note: It is quicker to send ETH to Livecoin and then exchange to BTC as Livecoin is slow for BTC deposits


Useful Links:

New Website (awaiting launch)

Current Website:



>> No.9619614

Thank you for your umbias opinion

>> No.9619675

It's probably going to settle at around 6k sats for the next few hours, but I'm certain it's gonna go past 7k next week, only due to their upcoming announcements
>Feels good

>> No.9619688

Well getting in below 6k sats right now, is a steal.
I'm buying more when I get my paycheck next week

>> No.9619700


>> No.9619754

Your point?

>> No.9619873

So they are going to run their own DEX?
How is that different from any other upcoming DEX'es?

>> No.9619923

It's not just "any other DEX"
Its gonna be run by masternodes only, and through CCPOS, and Atomic swaps they'll be making their own "shapeshift", but not only that, with StakeNet.io they'll make an online wallet with multiple currencies.
Using CCPOS, you can stake XSN, and recieve any coin you wish as a reward for doing so.

It's FUCKING HUGE, so better get in before it's too fucking late

>> No.9620060
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Pic related

>> No.9620108

So if the DEX is ran by the masternodes, all the fees from the pic you just shared goes to the MN holders?
That's fucking EPIC, if that's the case

>> No.9620148


>> No.9620206

How is it a scam faggot?
If you can't prove anything, please refrain from posting you imbecile

>> No.9620318

Don't feed the fudders, they just want to get in lower

>> No.9620529

Got in a few weeks ago when it started getting shilled on Biz at 4K for the pump but as I read up on XSN and learned more this shit is the real deal. Thank you anon for bringing XSN to my attention, there is no doubt in my mind it is going top 100 soon and then even further once all the cool stuff they have lined up starts to be released

>> No.9620607

Looking for it to hit 60k

>> No.9620732

why this target?

>> No.9620743

Probably because it's a 10x from current price? I think it's attainable by August if they actually live up to their vision

>> No.9620818

would be okay with it

>> No.9620949

I think x10 is a very real possibility if they list on bigger exchanges if they deliver what they building. On current exchanges x2 is easy though

>> No.9621344

They'll become their own DEX (Decentralized Exchange) soon enough, FUCK those centralized exchanges. They'll go down all together eventually.

>> No.9621409

That's fucking dope. Running a masternode will probably be super profitable once they get it going

>> No.9621560

How big a vps to run an exchange masternode?

>> No.9621759

Yeah I am currently using TPoS on my stack but will defs be switching to MN’s once the DEX comes for all that extra revenue

>> No.9621948

I asked one of the team members this in the discord and they saidthe devs are compiling the stats and will released the spec in the near future.

>> No.9622111

I want moon now lol

>> No.9622166

Well we are above 6000 sat again, 7k next week.

>> No.9622297

I love this coins and would like to start staking, but the .exe doesn't have a checksum for me to verify on github and im too lazy to compile the source code. I would need to download 15 GB of Visual Basic.

>> No.9622391

Devs just said yesterday they would start having the checksum show up on GitHub

>> No.9622457

Yeah they should have been doing this since day 1. I cant wait so I need to compile it.
What program do I need to compile the source code.

>> No.9623174

Running my masternode, loving the passive income!
Have to upgrade my VPS once they roll out the DEX though

>> No.9623207

>all these shitcoins in the top 50

>this coin burined below 200


>> No.9623538

Well yeah, but it's going up...
If you still haven't bought, you should do so soon, it's going straight to 10k sat soon.

>> No.9623934

Nearly 7k day’s on Topia now!! Thank you anon for getting me on this a few weeks back, holding until this is worth at least a few $’s it’s got so much room to grow for such a solid project.

>> No.9623976


if you can stake from your cold storage wallet, who runs the network nodes and performs consensus? Only a handful of masternodes? Seems pretty centralized like DASH/EOS

>> No.9623981

Kek pump and dump on /biz bros then change name come back 6 months later and pump and dump on /biz bros it's like pottery.

>> No.9624004

My prediction is $10 by end of year

>> No.9624019

Thank you /biz/. Actually a good coin and not a street shitters dump.

>> No.9624633

You're welcome. Now don't listen anyone on biz again, this was a fluke.

>> No.9624668
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>An actual good project on biz
>people still don't get how much potential this has

This is an obvious shitcoin moon mission. You dont see many of these nowadays. You'd have to be a moron not to see it. I dont even think I'd dump after the moon considering how much stuff this team has planned.

>> No.9625306

This shit is goin wild bruh

>> No.9625425

Spock an ex PIVX dev is now in the discord and has been checking the code out he seems pretty impressed. Says it’s PIVX without the bugs and TPoS so far

>> No.9625434

thx for shilling this after it's gone up 20% anon

>> No.9625485

Much cool. So yuge. Wow.

>> No.9625491

when the OP made this thread, XSN was still 43 cents to be fair

>> No.9625518

Currently over 1400 nodes online so I wouldn’t say it’s centralised at all anon

>> No.9625553

Yeah, and we are FAR away from it's real value, I'd say any coins bought below $1 is a fucking steal at this point.

>> No.9625616

@spock welcome to XSN discord, I manage the operations and direct the development for our dev group working on XSN. Right now we are finishing on segwit integration, sending our masternodes challenge requirements that need to be passed (so we can add intensive computational features in the future) , and setting up lightning channels + atomic swaps. Our overall vision right now is to push the boundaries and test the capabilities of both second masternode layers and off chain layers. feel free to dm me if you have any questions about the overall vision

Wow, just wow.

>> No.9625619
File: 47 KB, 1024x668, 80NPpqU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posw hit $1 as it was
the potential of this coin is tremendous
the DEX looks nice and im looking forward to using CCPoS

>> No.9625747

Exactly the current marketcap is still only $30M it’s worth at least $150M on speculation alone with what they are building so x5 from here at least minimum

>> No.9626079

This shit is the antshares/neo of last bull

>> No.9626099


>> No.9626132

posw 2.0
I remember the countless thread on posw.
>muh masternodes

>> No.9626173

>muh Masternodes with an actual usecase besides locking coins to inflate the shitcoins price


>> No.9626213

If only you knew about the upcoming tech...
Have fun missing out on easy as fuck gains.

>> No.9626363

>t-this time is different
>t-trust m-me
>p-please b-buy my coin

>> No.9626443
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That is some weak fud lmao

>> No.9626546

Stakenet will be the top100 biggest Gainer in 2018!!

>> No.9626581

Steak rewards?

>> No.9626793

I love a good fat steak..

>> No.9626907

Anyone holding less than 10K XSN at current prices deserves a bullet to the brain.

>> No.9626938

doesn't that immediately kill off all the potential buyers that don't currently have 10k, leaving only xsn dolphins and whales and no one else in the world? why

>> No.9626977

10k owners must buy more.

>> No.9627056

Just bought 8000 coins. Wish me luck anon

>> No.9627241

Good luck!

>> No.9627283


>> No.9627570

10k? Might as well buy the extra 5k for the node.

>> No.9627624

Indeed, I only need 7k more. Need to sell some NEO I guess

>> No.9628154

What website is this ?

>> No.9628229

The future xsn staking site.

>> No.9628250

can you fags tell me how i go about staking my 4k xsn and how many xsn i would earn daily from staking?

>> No.9628298

Indeed, but do you need to pay for a VPS? what is the costs/benefits like?

>> No.9628558

I dig it.

When does it come out and what coins are supported?

>> No.9628989

Still not yet specified but apparently larger market cap PoS coins (PIVX, DASH, etc) are the priority

>> No.9629413

Time to sell or what?

>> No.9629431

Give proof or get in the bin you bottom feeder

>> No.9629678

There have been discussions in discord about the amount of stakes per the amount of xsn you have. Asked many times.

>> No.9630244

100 biz responses = 0 dollars good luck

>> No.9630512

Do none of you faggots even remember POSW?

It’s easy as fuck to get your money.

>> No.9630647
File: 17 KB, 266x190, whatnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obvious shill thread
unfortunately, as I see it, also an obvious buy

>> No.9631003
File: 395 KB, 866x957, 1504390663752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I’m not loyal to any one coin but lel, where does COLX fit into this discussion? Being that it is a literal fork of PIVX, after all.

If I wanted to suddenly lock up my stack in a random masternode I’m not sure which shitcoin is more profitable. XSN has the whole cold staking sure, but I already leave my monero miner on 24/7 so if COLX was any more profitable than LelNet I’d just do that. Especially considering the strength of their development team, and plus their platform actually seems to have a point. Super fast/low fee POS-based privacy coin for the masses. As far as I can tell, StakeNig makes
>omg muh cold staking!!!!11!!1!
their primary focus, and threw in some other seemingly random/aimless Soon™ features like a DEX (ok and why exactly?), and the classic vague catch-all promise of Even More To Come™.

I do admit, the idea of sending any of my dormant funds to my Ledger Nano S wallet and earning passive income for literally just having them exist there, is appealing on a normie-cognitive level. But I haven’t seen anyone explain how exactly the tokenomics change once everyone and their mother starts staking?

>> No.9631299
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Are you fucking serious? Why are you bringing colx into this thread? They are both great projects..Your fud is so fucking unoriginal. If you cant see the potential of tpos and ccpos you're a complete brainlet and you shouldnt be trading crypto.

>But I haven’t seen anyone explain how exactly the tokenomics change once everyone and their mother starts staking?
You're a dumb nigger, their system makes it very easy for people to stake 24/7 via cold staking. Simple. Yes you can leave your computer on but its safer to cold stake.

You fucking dumb nigger. jesus fucking christ.

>> No.9631326

Oh and no, cold staking is not Stakenet's primary focus. You didnt read the whitepaper because you are a dumb ignorant nigger.

Stakenet is going to essentially provide services to the industry. They are going to provide Masternodes services, Cross Chain staking, and a DEX, all in one.

Stakenet sees a business potential in servicing the crypto industry itself. While other cryptos go after certain sectors like shipping, invoicing, healthcare, food, etc, Stakenet is going to be targeting the crypto industry itself.

They are the bank, 2.0

>> No.9631834

CCPOS is what I'm looking forward to the most.
Stake XSN, and recieve DASH/PIVX or any other currency you want as a reward.

If you don't see the value in that you are seriously retarded, the hype about it will be fucking insane

>> No.9631949

No shit. Most advanced project in crypto. Not for the faint of heart.

>> No.9632252

I'm using tpos via providers in the discord super easy to stake

>> No.9632256
File: 202 KB, 750x1271, E595B6EB-5506-4D7B-A48E-CAD3A968B2EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Former PIVX Dev has been looking through the code and is impressed, first impression is that it is a newer PIVX without the bugs and also TPoS to start with.

Better than PIVX with a fraction of the marketcap and XSN is only just getting started, Biz why are you not all in on this moon mission. Get in or die poor!!

>> No.9632568

If you're not all in this, youre litterary retarded, it's gonna surpass PIvx eventually. Do the fucking math and compare the marketcap of the two

>> No.9632662

That’s what i’m thinking anon, better code than PIVX fixing many of its underlying issues and way more actual use cases. Why use PIVX when XSN is way better

>> No.9632666

I don’t have any but am interested. Does that make me retarded?

>> No.9632775

I'm pretty new to this coin but it's doing alright so far.

Fuck, they've even got YouTube videos to help people do the basic shit and announcements for lazy fucks like myself who can't be arses to read things.

I'm all in.

>> No.9632785

Their YouTube channel is pretty new, so is their project, but I must admit I really think their approach to this whole thing is very professional.
I'll read their white paper later today, and decide whether I'll invest or not, but from reading about it here, it looks very promising

>> No.9632795


>> No.9632822
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I-is it too late to swap for POSW?

>> No.9632827


>> No.9632840

Thanks. Just lost 100k interest

>> No.9632848
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What should I do? Im sitting on 12k POSW

>> No.9632883


>> No.9632894

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.9632905
File: 112 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing you can do tard

>> No.9632942

Thanks just sold 100k interest

>> No.9633012
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There's no need to be rude - really though, what do I do?

>> No.9633037

Swap is finished and burn complete POSW is gone if you have any it’s worthless

>> No.9633073

I'm serious you mong. It's too late. There nothing that can be done. Posw is dead, they're burnt. The end. It's not what you want to hear, but it the truth. Rip.

>> No.9633094
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>> No.9633114

3 million coins wasn't swapped. However the remaining 95% was. Your own fault for not following the project closely. There was like 6 months notice, and the swap period was 2 months or so

>> No.9633198
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>lose 300 NANO in bitgrail
>lose out on 12k XSN
Screw it, I've got too much going on to keep track of all these low cap coins. I'm sticking to BTC, BCH, and ETH from now on. Yeah, the big gains are gone, but at least I can let them sit for a month or two without suddenly everything disappearing.

>> No.9633203

any predictions for 2019 price? assuming crypto magically enters full adoption

>> No.9633306

$10 and i’m not even joking and that’s still only a $600M marketcap

>> No.9633354

$10 is just a conservative estimate, personally I believe it will go MUCH higher, but that's mainly because BTC will push it up, along with a lot of other ALTS.

>> No.9633384


>> No.9633453

Easy now buddy..

>> No.9633497

obviously you don't understand the potential of this project and what FULL ADOPTION entails..

>> No.9633504

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.9633548

Full adoption would make me a millionaire then, nice.

Thanks anon, I just jizzed in my pants

>> No.9633551

yea thats what i meant. If magically by next year 100 % of the world is to use crypto, what would be its value in such an economy? Just thoughts i have

>> No.9633735

I believe it will take a few more years, but not denying the crypto sphere could BOOM, once Crypto is tradeble at NASDAQ

>> No.9633753

Well I believe NASDAQ will open up trading crypto this June or July. So things could move FAST, very soon

>> No.9633982

I feel like I haven't seen a thread last this long on /biz/ in a while

>> No.9634002

Me neither, it's one of the only coins in the green, and I'm guessing it will continue that trend for awhile actually. I'm just afraid to hop on and the price immediately dumps, but also afraid to lose out. What to do?

>> No.9634043

>fear of missing out
Clear buy signal

>> No.9634046

Currently in a pullback so I'd say it's a good time to get in. Looking at the 2hr chart, as long as it doesn't dip below 6200 we should be good to continue this trend upwards. Seems like later today we should be primed to either dip below 6200 or retest our previous high

>> No.9634357

Cool, I'll set my buy order at 6300 just to be "safe", lol

>> No.9634457

NASDAQ and NYSE are scheduled for june. But you didn't hear this from here, got it. Now continue with the red wojak psyops to keep normies from getting in. Thanks.

>> No.9634686

That's crazy dude, need to buy MOAR

>> No.9634828

Hah, I'm having a hard time not to FOMO on this one, especially considering it's low marketcap and tech. It's a solid buy

>> No.9635606

it is awesome

>> No.9636008

What is awesome?

>> No.9636015

I can only warn peeps here. While I own XSN, there is a P&D group currently shilling it on /biz/.

It will dump first, then recover - its predecessor, POSW, was manipulated hard.

>> No.9636108

There is no PnD group you dumb dumb...not in this bear market

>> No.9636593

This is the only coin that actually isn't total shit so it's worth shilling.

>> No.9636777

Is there any news coming out for this? Why's it been pumping

>> No.9636933

Because people are getting aware of the project, and why it is SO important for the crypto "industry"
We're talking "Banking 2.0" here

>> No.9636943
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Buy now or get BTFO

>> No.9636951

TPOS is a bank you have control of. It's brilliant and simple, the best possible combination.

>> No.9637300

Yes, there are P&D groups - and most likely you are part of them.

>> No.9637324

I'm not part of a P&D group, this coin does have potential and hasn't been pumped. Unless you count +20% as a pump

>> No.9637352

I cant beleive xsn is finally being shilled on XSN...we've come along ass way. LOL .

Anyway. i dont care i been holding since way before. and there are too many things to list on why this is a top 100 coins.

>> No.9637358

Alright I'm fucking SOLD!
Transfering some ETH to Cryptopia now, and will buy in as soon as they are transferred.

>> No.9637426
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>> No.9637477


>> No.9637544

tomorrow what

>> No.9637851

Tomorrow, tomorrow, it's only a day away

>> No.9637855

Just bought my first 1200 coins
>Feels good

>> No.9637877
File: 208 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180527-221429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A LOT of buy pressure, paper thin sell resistance.
It's gonna FLY tomorrow, wouldn't fucking surprise me.
I'm buying more

>> No.9637911

It's gonna stabilize at this price for a few hours, watch what happens next.
You might be in for a surprise.

>> No.9637963

10k sats next week.
Can't wait for the their mobile wallets with CCPOS. I'll be able to store all my coins on it!

>> No.9637964

If they can sign some hedge funds or something to use the tpos and ccpos, shit gonna go big

>> No.9638250

Twitter shilling has gone down and it has pumped quite a lot since the move from POSW to XSN.

I would not be surprised to see it dump back to 0.00045 - POSW had this strange habit of going see-saw.

Long-term, I easily see it in the $100m+ camp if the team doesn't fuck up (again)

>> No.9638723

Won't come down again... Can't tell you why, other than BIG news coming

>> No.9638743

spill the beans or scram kiddo

>> No.9638830

Yeah right. The P&D group pays you well?

>> No.9638849

PnD group? What group are you talking about here, as far as I know there aren't anyone targetting XSN, what you see here is natural growth, otherwise this coin would of have moved up to like 10k-12k sats AT LEAST.

>> No.9638868
File: 108 KB, 1080x1457, IMG_20180527_235220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah, that's a weak ass PnD if you look at the growth here.
Seems pretty natural to me?
You just seem butt hurt.

>> No.9638929

They tweeted out an update for Stakenet.io, at 80% ready now.


>> No.9638952

Once they release it, I think the price will litterary EXPLODE. The preview pic I saw a couple of days ago was fucking DOPE.

>> No.9639084

Why are you bringing up posw? That shit is history

>> No.9639337

Because he doesn't know any better. Just leave the fudders. They miss out like the rest of the losers who doesn't see the HUGE potential in this project, which has a ridiculously low marketcap still

>> No.9639541

True, I don't see why they couldn't accomplish something like that, honestly

>> No.9639787

Keep dreaming faggot.

>> No.9639845

Stakenet fucking.sick

>> No.9640186

Sure is. Glad I got in last week below 5k sats.

>> No.9640496

We're moving back up soon, holy shit, look at the order book, and how the walls are being taken down piece by piece, it's fucking brilliant

>> No.9640667

What a cringy thread, holy shit. It's obvious some shitty group is here.

>> No.9641037

Gotta get in NOW

>> No.9641179

My body is fucking ready for this

>> No.9641691

I hope the devs can handle the volume of users that's gonna use their site. Poswallet didn't really go as planned

>> No.9641919

Well it's a completely new Dev team running it, and it's more than twice as big.
They'll do fine

>> No.9642130

Don't FOMO into it, or you'll be burned..

>> No.9642258

Best altcoin in the game BY FAR.

>> No.9642550

It's one of the most promising coins on my radar right now, that's for sure