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File: 86 KB, 723x757, 352F9E2F-29BF-4179-BF3A-1CDCE9E85ABF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9619180 No.9619180 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you faggots not buying bags of this before it goes x10 in 2-3 days? 0xBTC is the first ever mineable ERC20 token and created the standard for mineable tokens. The creator of the 0xBitcoin contract made the smart contract so that it was impossible to change. It’s true PoW distribution with no one in charge. The algorithm is unable to be used on an ASIC, and can be GOU mined. It aims to be the BTC for ETH. A currency that only gets better as the ETH netoerk grows. I’m telling you faggots this because I know some of you here aren’t actually autistic and read these things. No normie would read this far. The supply mirrors BTC and has around 3M currently circulating. It’s only $0.50~ now, but it has been rising steadily. It’s a first for ETH and will eventually become the BTC for the ETH network. If you invested in ETH why not just get this and see what happens? Oh and it’s being listed on PayFair as well as Mercatox!

>> No.9619204

Buy my bags

>> No.9619232

Not yet. Im still qMuL8n, lil nigga.

>> No.9619273

What's this? When on mercatox? When lambo?

>> No.9619304

I’ve accumulated enough let’s just instamoon now I’ll start the rocket

>> No.9619832

0xBTC is really polarized here huh?

I believe in it, let's see EOY who is right.

>> No.9619848

Lmao kek pajeet shill post
But seriousy, LAY THE FUCK DOWN!
I'M still accumulating faggot!

>> No.9619857

When on tradesatoshi? I hate mercatox, it really sucks, it's the worst exchange after Bibox wash trade pajeet exchange

>> No.9620106
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How much is enough???

>> No.9620125

I want 2100 so I can be on the 0.01%

>> No.9620130
File: 39 KB, 646x594, satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOY 2018

>> No.9620132
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I have roughly 2250. Was considering increasing to 5000...

>> No.9620158

0xCATE. 'nuff said

>> No.9620165


>> No.9620427


>> No.9621265

Shit is 7k enough?

>> No.9621350

and i thought it was a lie to make people fomo in

>> No.9621437

still just a shitty exchange

>> No.9621710
File: 28 KB, 1351x325, 0xbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the spread is huge

>> No.9621737


>> No.9621848

Shame it wasn't on coinexhange.

>> No.9622493

unironically $1000/coin eoy

>> No.9623206

it will go 100 dollars end of year. screencap this

>> No.9623208

It has a lot of potential. I have been mining in for some time just in case.

>> No.9623221

>bloated blockchain that cannot be audited because it's filled with shit making it undownloadable from scratch
>trusting any of these fucking tokens

>> No.9623224

found the eos kike

>> No.9623243
File: 8 KB, 228x221, altcoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another piece of shit that hasn't collapsed yet because no one cares.

>> No.9623266

lol it's doubled in price since this post

>> No.9624354


>> No.9624553


>> No.9624572

This is a POS shit coin with ONE mining pool.

Sadly it will still be worth 10 EOY.

>> No.9624578
File: 4 KB, 279x181, cagelaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice pajeet level shill. I'm 2k deep in 0xbtc and am expecting lambos, but this is dogshit shilling.

But seriously get in now, don't miss the only real moonshot we've had in ages.

>> No.9624606

>dogshit shilling
>shills dogshittingly

>> No.9624939

Friendo, that was an honest plea to poor fags everywhere. If I was shilling you'd have no idea until it was too late. I'd have you addicted and sucking sweaty dick for just one more 0xbtc.

>> No.9624995

nobody cares about this

>> No.9625275
File: 732 KB, 748x1145, catsavior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not pos
at least 5 pools
>number of pools does not mean shit becouse you cant 51% attack a token
>only 10 eoy
better kys anon before you miss this one as well

>> No.9625282

Being this deluded, kys kike

>> No.9626115


>> No.9626227

new ATH nigga

>> No.9626262


You can't mine fucking tokens.
Sure you can simulate mining but the actual purpose of mining blocks is to secure the network.

BTW you mine Bitcoin miners mine blocks not Bitcoins.

With 0xBitcoin you are not doing anything but distributing a pre generated coin

>> No.9626264

Leave the discord/telegram/whatever and take your lumps. You could've sold and worked back the loss at a mcjob by now.

>> No.9626294

>You can't mine fucking tokens.
You can now
>Sure you can simulate mining but the actual purpose of mining blocks is to secure the network.
>That's just one purpose, which is only needed for coins, not tokens
>BTW you mine Bitcoin miners mine blocks not Bitcoins.
>With 0xBitcoin you are not doing anything but distributing a pre generated coin
That's the point, fag. No ICO bonus whale to dump on you

>> No.9626385

> You can't mine fucking tokens.
you can you nigger braindead faggot
> With 0xBitcoin you are not doing anything but distributing a pre generated coin.
impying Bitcoin isnt pre generated aswell lmao

>> No.9626496
File: 181 KB, 491x597, 1525010097350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9626518
File: 24 KB, 646x594, cmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9626867

Unbeliable that his shit is rank 91 while Stakenet is 200+ lmao. It's obvious going all in on XSN is the real moonshot.

>> No.9627164

its fake u brainlet

>> No.9627189

its sarcasm you dumbcuck

>> No.9627213
