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9617859 No.9617859 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw no matter how many worthless internet monopoly coins I own, nothing will take the pain away of being a premature ejaculator where I know deep down I could not satisfy my ex gf of two years or that I ended all relationships with girls I dated after having sex one or two times and fucked escorts last year because I don’t have to worry about it so I’m a porn addict who faps to numb the pain that deep down I will never have a long lasting relationship because eventually she will leave me for someone else because American culture is so focused on sex that once the woman is no longer pleased she will leave or divorce you so I might as well be single than suffer the pain of knowing I’m not a real competent man who can satisfy his woman

>> No.9617882

aenima.io is the hole that keeps on giving

>> No.9617928

Get some dapoxetine off the internet dumby. Makes you last longer

>> No.9618129

just do kegels faggot

>> No.9618139

If you stop watching porn and fapping the problem will go away by EOY when link hits 1k you'll be rich and back to normal sexually. Just a thought

>> No.9618167

i know the cure op
fuck nothing but fatties
lower all of your expectations
all of them
find the biggest land whale you can find and fuck em
then find another and then fuck them
the key is to learn how to not care about them at all
easiest thing to learn on is a fattie
then before you know it you are lasting way longer then you ever dreamed
take that experience to someone in your league that you dont want to disappoint.

>> No.9618193

take adderall

>> No.9618634

Edge, find a good kegel routine that includes reverse kegels. Reverse kegels are VERY important, more so than regular. Keep your body relaxed and try to channel the pleasure through your entire body instead of focusing on the sensations in your dick.

>> No.9618662

Porn has an opposite effect, you can't cum by normal sex, she will have to do a hand job for you

>> No.9618687

Anon, most women can't cum from penetration alone anyway. Learn how to go down on a woman, be the best at it. Think about it anon, lesbians on average have better sex lives and feel more satisfied that heterosexual women. It's not cause of penis. it's the quality of the orgasms, focus on that.

Plus you sound like a nice guy, too. That counts.

>> No.9618690

anon i want you to get help, but /biz/ is not the place for this kind of "im a loser" discussion
please take this to /r9k/ or /soc/ or /fit/ or /bant/ whatever just not here

>> No.9618731

>tfw I put my dick in the girls cum right away
>beg me if I’ve cum yet
>say fuck no and plow them some more
>their eyes roll to the back of their as they cum again, this time more intensely
>pull my raging dick out and flip them over like a bag of okra
>proceed final count down, sweat glistening off my body
>their body goes limp, they enter as close to cosmic consciousness as allowed while still alive
>start doggy style
>they cum the fourth time as I volcanically explode
>happens every time

A-a-am i a chad biz?

>> No.9618747

All of my gfs came from my dick easily. My current gf had 4 bf's begore me and none of them could make her cum. Then she met me and now after a year of constant work she cums every time we have sex from penetration alone usually twice or 3 times in a row. Its really not hard to make a girl cum if you have a properly sized dick and know how to use your hands

>> No.9618751
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>tfw gf of 4 years left me for same reason like 2 hours ago
fuck anon, i didnt want a feels thread

>> No.9618767

I meant on average, but I mean congrats on that.

>> No.9618822

How fast do you cum? A minute or less before you bust? Or as soon as you get a boner lol

>> No.9618840

Before, anon. Wat do?

>> No.9618843

>used to be like op
>got put on some medication for an unrelated issue
>now have opposite issue of not being able to cum at all

Although not ideal I prefer it this way

>> No.9618880

If you spell "come" as "cum" you have watched too much porn and are not going to make it.

>> No.9619030

Take hard on helper. I use it when I take coke. Jerk off before you fuck and you should be good

>> No.9619037

I take a couple of thse bad boys to avoid limp coke dick. Will give you boners for days to cum...not gonna promise anything as far aa increasing your time but maybe you can squeeze in 10 mins of fucking between all your cums lol

>> No.9619082

Satisfy your self fucking idiot fuking beta males fagot asses giving advices how to las ltong you know what a fucking chimp doesnt care if the female have an aorgasm you fuckin alfa.beta.epsilon-omega fagggot i cant even.... what the fuck!! please your self why the fuck you xpecty pleasure of the bitch wtf wt wtf trrriggeredo to the moon.......the fuckin stat of the humanity ...damn it fucking omega faggot lack of HUEVOS

>> No.9619087

Shit I've never heard of this. Will look into it thank you.
Did it work for you? I always hated doing them. It felt weird.
Even with fatties I have cum fast before. Only two times I didn't come fast
1) With some cute little thai chick I fucked like 3 times (regular girl not hooker)
2) With some ugly mexican hooker

Other times I came fast like 1 minute, or 3 min tops.

I'm aware of kegels and have tried it but it just always felt weird doing the exercises. I guess I'll have to try it again.
To be honest, I've gotten bretty gud at eating snu snu. But I remember my ex girlfriend getting frustrated at me letting me know it's not good enough. They need to get fucked hard. Made me feelbadman. But she's right though.

And honestly, we're all just humans trying to be happy. I'm actually not mad at a girl if she decided not to be with me. sad yes, but I understand.
Ok no problem. The reason I posted here is because honestly this is the most sensible board.
Wow. I've literally never been able to do this. So, do you just not feel the need to cum or do you feel it from the moment you enter, but you just hold it back?

For me, the moment I enter the snu snu I have to nut. Like immediately. I was actually so disillusioned with this I went to a center where they tested my dick. Out of sensitive, 10 being not sensitive and 1 being uber sensitive, I scored a 2.

Minute. But that's after like slowing it down. if I go poundtown then I got to bust, no stopping it.

which medication?

>> No.9619097
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btw thanks for all the help biz bros. I appreciate it.

>> No.9619101

Just get on antidepressants, ssris will have you in control in no time

>> No.9619134


Something called gabapentin. It's for anxiety, an alternative to Xanax that's non-habit forming