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File: 17 KB, 1200x632, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9617714 No.9617714 [Reply] [Original]

Is now the time to buy? Lowest it's been in a really long time.

>> No.9617721

not even the lowest point its been this fucking week

>> No.9618077

should i buy sumo or masari

>> No.9618093


>> No.9618187

>Buying the biggest cuck coin in crypto


>> No.9618201

>I posted it again!

>> No.9618213

Neither. XZC and/or PIVX.

>> No.9618367

Dude its down over 30% in the past 4 weeks. STFU And yes, this is a pretty good time to buy.

>> No.9618899

Masari easily

>> No.9619152

Sold at $240, bought back in $175. Missed the bottom

>> No.9619774

Suck my dick, Monero cuckold. Hows that 800k watch treating you?

>> No.9619825


>> No.9620119

Japan banned all privacy coins.
Sell before 0.

>> No.9620240

step one
It just needs to be banned everywhere for a price skyrocket

>> No.9620254
File: 179 KB, 375x375, 7E2E9B17-318B-460B-9DD7-DE35B31A2A79.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>banning privacy coins
Thats not how it works anon

>> No.9620263

People think that will stop them being used LMAO
Unironically this.

>> No.9620324

Yes OP don't listen to this faggots, xmr is a good long-term hold

>> No.9620344

It's a good buy right now. All Monero forks being shilled here are obvious scams.

>> No.9620523
File: 17 KB, 750x154, IMG_1819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up.

>> No.9620583

DNMs with xmr support have been shut down left and right. Wouldn't buy atm, there is no actual market for xmr, summer either brings reversal or back to single digits

>> No.9620653

kek just mine it... use your power bill+rigs to be the "buy"

and if anyone tells you it's not profitable they're lying to your face!

>> No.9620665

its not a hold. people realized that without expensive security you can just go in and out if you need it. why would you hold. supply also uncapped

>> No.9620683

zec and eth are still more profitable to mine. I liked xmr, but it will probably die or be forgotten

>> No.9621385

Fucking wtf. This used to not be the sentiment and now everyone hates Monero when markets are down and then when they're up it's
>XMR is king
>XMR is the only true cryptocurrency
It's all bullshit. This entire space is bullshit. Only coins that matter are BTC and ETH.

>> No.9622098

When XMR is overinflated people shill to drop their bags,

When XMR is way oversold people fud to buy back in lower

Hmmm Really joggin my noggin here

>> No.9622132


>> No.9622147

PIVX would be better alternative
XSN even better right now

>> No.9622186

its a golden opportunity before Tari on XMR

>> No.9622223

tari is a scam

>> No.9622894

>wanting to use crypto without privacy
>wanting to use crypto in a lightning bank kind of style
>retards don't realise this is the same as the current system and people will have no reason to use it anymore

Monero is the only actual crypto bit somehow people this k its k that the entire ledger is public. Prepare to get burned faggots

>> No.9623072

B-but what about the miners? Is it still gonna get 50-fucked. Hidden blockchain just seems so fucked

>> No.9623098
File: 16 KB, 483x479, 1526609671472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prohibition causes prices to drop

>> No.9623113

>Infinite supply
>What is a tail emission?

The supply will be lower than BTC until about 2050