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9615983 No.9615983 [Reply] [Original]

I really fucked up.

>> No.9616019

Thanks for your contribution

>> No.9616032

prolly a whale doe

>> No.9616083

I wish

>> No.9616107

>buys another $1,000,000+ watch
>argues with fans on reddit
>y-you dont know me, i-i have a business and work hard, i deserve this

>> No.9616162

"don't trust Fluffypony, trust the code"

>> No.9616238

Can't even sell now. For a long time. Any of you know how bad this sucks

>> No.9616283

you have no idea what fucked up feels like, i was down 600k on a trade before

>> No.9616326

Go on...

>> No.9616370

The trigger was pulled, but no bullet came out right? I'd kill myself or emit myself into a mental ward after the mental breakdown from that loss. Sorry to hear anon.

>> No.9616371
File: 550 KB, 2462x1641, TLS Share Price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holding on to something because you are currently in the red is a terrible strategy. Anyone who is in business already knows why if you don't cut your losses, you are literally gambling:

1. There is no guarantee the price will recover. See pic related, these guys are still the biggest telco in Australia, and if you bought in the 90s you are still sitting on a 50% loss.
2. Prices normally go down for a reason. You are better off examining why, because generally the money is still in the system, it has just moved elsewhere. A reliable trader follows this money, a gamble tries to run ahead of it.
3. Most of the time you bet heaps of warning for a crash. Take crypto in 2018 - literally investing at any point this year has been like catching a falling knife. There is no excuse for being in this market if you look at the 1d charts over a 6 month period or longer.

t. guy who retired at 41, has never bought an online chuckie cheese token in his life.

>> No.9616401

We need to ask delta if we can switch loss to just.

>> No.9616413

have you got some decent asx picks my fellow ausfag?

>> No.9616575

late adopters are designed to get burned.

>> No.9617054

It's going back to 400 soon

>> No.9617116
