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9615137 No.9615137 [Reply] [Original]

Top 5 project or total shitshow?
Can the team pull it off?
Atleast it aint the same shit like 90% of all the other garbage tier scams all trying to do the same

>> No.9615154

jewish CIAnigger scamcoin stay far away

>> No.9615157

unironically a top 2 project
what is a dapp platform without the internet
therefore, ether is third

>> No.9615163


>> No.9615167

This. Sell now

>> No.9615171

wut is bitcoin lol
who do you think keeps this shit running nufag?

>> No.9615184

Give me ur best FUD

>> No.9615274

>S C A M C O I N
A deflationary currency with an inflationary mechanism built in. An incentivized networking protocol. A parallel platform ecosystem.

>> No.9615369

so far only empty promises apart from a vpn testnet

insane claims from synth
dozens of teams work on everything, yet you only see synth in front of his webcam or the marketing crackhead
scammy as it gets marketing on twitter/reddit/facebook about the "next bitcoin" and the retarded miners
testnet rewards are only to lure in retards to buy miners for the mainnet where you only get coinhours depending on usage of your node (so nothing in the next years), total trap
neverending ico
economic model promotes hodling of sky to ensure high price for the neverending ico
richard kastelein on board

you could do that for hours, days

>> No.9615561
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when people scream scam it means it's not.

>binance listing
>own blockchain
>several project under one umbrella
>actual hardware
>guide fors DIY miners
>rewards and incentives
>ICO platform allowing individual blockchains
>no pajeets
>garbage-tier fud "muh kastelein" "muh scientology" "muh alt-right"

>> No.9615671

>when people scream scam it means it's not.
great logic

>> No.9615716

>not countertrading biz sentiment
stay poor

>> No.9615726


why would you care about an anon so much to go out of your way to write out a ridiculous list of shit?
are you just THAT kind or what?

>> No.9615735


>> No.9615776

Comcast btfo and on suicide watch

Think of the call centre pajeets!

>> No.9615782

he asked, i answered
nigger, with the 10+ skyshillthreads everyday since months, to counterthing to do would be shorting

>> No.9615852

>every thread gets bombarded with retards like you screaming scam with brainlet tier fud
>thinks sentiment is leaning towards buy

I'll gladly countertrade you any day of the week. as matter of fact what bags are you holding so I can short or forever stay away from them.

>> No.9615882

I bet he's all in on EOS and HOLO

>> No.9615887

Requires too much adoption to work and doesn't actually solve any problems.

>> No.9615997
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>Requires relatively little adoption with 15km radius wifi coverage
>Can bring the internet to literal 3rd world africans in the jungle by using the skyminer on a ham radio
>Solves the problems of Comcast and Time Warner being cunts and also NSA et al datamining you to oblivion
>It can work with SpaceX satellite backbone to create a fully new internet without the tapped CIA cables

I was into mesh networks back in the day, even the slightest possibility of them becoming a reality is a game changer

William Gibson said "technology is stronger than ideology" or something to that effect, a trully decentralized mesh internet that's not relying on middlemen mafias is something I'd love to see become a reality.

>> No.9616023

no one ever dispells the fud
instead only repeating the bullshit your synthgod spills and the marketing blabla
noticed how the skyshilling here started when facebook and reddit banned cryptoadds?
"sky the next bitcoin" "buy a skyminer" adds all day, scammy as it gets

protip: the skycoin rap- and niggervideos ARE NOT autist-ironic, they are the real deal to target stupid niggers

you are the stupid niggers, its hilarious

>> No.9616024

You brainlets aren't creative enough. Stick to thenextweb articles and the cult memes.

>> No.9616037

so you can share your kiddypictures you retard
apart from that crowd no one will want to use it

>> No.9616060
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>> No.9616095


>never dispels the fud
your fud is retarded tho. that which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.9616104

Shit, if you had to go to that particular monero fud, skycoin must really be a good one.

Guess it's not only the telecom giants that are shitting their pants but also the CIA niggers. Fun fact, the most recent previous resurgence of mesh networks was during the occupy protests.

Also remember that the government can flip the internets switch whenever they feel like and same goes for 3g/4g

Also important to remember that wifi networks are much safer than the shorter wavelength gsm signals

FUDers btfo

>> No.9616114

In case no one's figured it out, 90% of the pro SKY comments in these threads are from the Skycoin staff. Exactly the same writing style as in the telegram.

>> No.9616150

>unironically thinking niggers stunting on pajeets like you on youtube is not ironically hilarious
>imagine trying to argue baseless fud from retards like you on every sky thread

cope harder faggit, no one who believes this is the closest thing to satoshi's vision can be bothered to offer rebuttals to baseless fud posts

most of the sky threads started popping up once they hired a marketing team if you hadn't noticed.

>> No.9616178

plus most of the people invested into skycoin are on the telegram channel for either skycoin or skywire but aren't staff, just passionate about the project. they helped me out a shitload with my DIY miner on the skywire channel.

>> No.9616200

So you lurk hard enough in a telegram group of a coin you consider a scam that you can differentiate between writing styles. Such a noble anon...

>> No.9616333

Just read synths quotes, almost everything he says is true

>> No.9616545
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also synth's quotes are what got me to buy in when it was still $3
>pic related

>> No.9616569

Never said I thought it was a scam. I got in just before the pump so I'm good senpai.

>> No.9616698
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Nick thinks Synth's Scientology partnership was a mistake.

>> No.9616745

Paid shills will fud it because it's the only crypto project that poses a real threat to the traditional financial model.

>> No.9616991

>paid shills will fud it on a Thai rice cooking forum that only NEETs and autists read and who for the most part have zero real world influence outside of the ability to make dank memes.

Makes sense senpai

>> No.9617006


>Quick! The NEETS are planning to put $500 in a shitcoin! This will surely pose a threat to our global financial dominance! We must pay people to discourage them doing this in case they end up with the mighty sum of $50,000.

>> No.9617042

I think its priced about where it should be. The team is real and they know their stuff, but its clear they dont know business very well. I seriously doubt this coin will ever become a household name.

Also elon musk wants to launch satellite based internet in the next few years, and he actually owns a space launch company. Synth does not.

I would put like 1% of your portfolio into this just in case. Not real great odds but if he pulls it off we will all be rich.

>> No.9617185

Well, $500 in btc in the first week would have worked out pretty well.

>> No.9617341
File: 239 KB, 2048x1515, FB07F53C-0F69-436E-8198-88DC8442C8BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when people scream scam it means it's not.


>> No.9617375

this should make it clear

>> No.9617443

Written by a moshe throwing muck. Dyor into all in that article.

>> No.9617698

You're just throwing out buzzwords at this point.

>> No.9617726

Nah, I'd like to be able to talk about things in the comfort of my own home without being monitored for advertising.

>> No.9617747

This one got my attention too. Too bad I bought in at $14 though.

>> No.9617810

Yardbird be praised and may he die a slow and painful death. BTC was built on Pedos drug dealers and terrorists.

If it is not good enough for
Drug Dealers Pedophiles and Terrorists than from a security standpoint it is worse than worthless. It is a liability.
Pedos are hunted and cannot afford a fuckup unless their from congress or in the U.K. and arabic. if the pedos like bird use it it works and its hardest test of anti fragility is passed.

>> No.9617816

Coinhours, Skywire, Skycoin Fiber

>> No.9617858


>> No.9618112


Tech is actually bomb, once Obelisk is realized the gloves are off, VPN is already up and running, seeing SKYblimps forwarding packets will make people fomo in like mad.

>> No.9618488

New video that explains skycoin. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X3vp3wviMoM&feature=youtu.be Who knows if skycoin will accomplish anything but if tron and vechain can be top 25 cryptos why can’t skycoin?

>> No.9618676

Coinhours are a subcurrency that eliminates the need for transaction fees.

Skywire is the VPN network that will eventually be uncensorable.

Fiber is the structuring of individual blockchains for individual projects, as opposed to Ethereum's flawed single blockchain for all its projects.

See how easy that is?

>> No.9618703

>eliminates fees
>you use coin hours to pay fees
Wut. Reduced fees are one thing but I don’t see how this is a fee less platform.

>> No.9618742

best investment right now imo,

its taken a long time, but this i guess the quality of the project shines through after many years of dedicated work

>> No.9618746

skycoin , exrnchain, and nano will be BIG

>> No.9619112

There are only fees for sending skycoin, not for sending coin hours, coin hours are the currency you'll use just like neo and gas

>> No.9619184

Anon. What is exrnchain?

>> No.9619292


EXRNchain is a protocol and network for crosschain value
and data transfer between distributed ledgers (blockchains).


one of the best projects for block chain technology, this is a great long-term hold

>> No.9619384

ARK CEO Mark Dotty is on board of advisors of SKYCOIN. Meaning SKYCOIN will be connected to the entire cryptosphere by Smartbridge. Possibilities are endless.

>> No.9619451

It's Mike Doty lol. But it gives legitimacy that other projects are working together with skycoin, shows that it's not a scam