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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9611948 No.9611948 [Reply] [Original]

......we spent actual, hard-earned dollars on a digital chuck-e-cheese token that can't even be used to buy anything without facing outrageously high fees.

>> No.9611981

Holy fuck, you're right...

>> No.9612017

I just can't understand you guys anymore. It's like you're allergic to gains.

>> No.9612036

>only backed by a vague promise
>designed to lose value over time
>not actually owned by you but buy the banks (becomes obvious when there's a crisis and banks don't let people withdraw their money)

>> No.9612049

>we spent actual, hard-earned dollars
fuck off wagie
my dollars come from the part of your salary that the government steals from you

>> No.9612066

>3 weeks of devastating losses
>6 month of bear market to go through yet

>> No.9612130

>Not being able to wait a year for safe massive gains

Unless you have like $100 why the fuck risk buying shitcoins when you can buy a coin that has no other option than to moon if the mainnet is up and running smoothly. The lower it goes before mainnet, the better it is.

>> No.9612151

>backed by nothing but hype and speculators
>outrageous fees and transaction times
>value changes dramatically everyday
>nobody accepts it
>totally useless as a currency
>favorite among desperate millennials who made horrible career and education chooses

Stay poor, friendo. Feeling mighty comfy with my boomer bux and rental property. Building out my asset column like a (((rich dad))).

>> No.9612188

>>outrageous fees and transaction times
Cost me $.10 to send a transaction yesterday and got there in less than an hour. Compare that to bank fees for wiring money.

>> No.9612408

>>only backed by a vague promise
Fiat is backed by the force of government.

>>not actually owned by you but buy the banks (becomes obvious when there's a crisis and banks don't let people withdraw their money)
>herp derp, cash doesn't exist

>> No.9612461

I can buy roids with crypto
I got into crypto because i wanted to buy roids

>> No.9612486

Imagine being so mentally ill that you’re proud of this.

I’m sorry for you.

>> No.9612500

>outrageously high fees
What is it December 2017 again? Get the fuck back to plebbit normie cunt.

>> No.9612569

>hard earned dollars
>chuck e chesse tokens
>TX fees
Pick one

>> No.9612601
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Hahahha!! Blow me wagecuck. Planning to vote for Bernie next election for max gibs. Lube up cu k

>> No.9612661

Congrats, you just realized that you fell for a get-rich-quick meme. By definition, for one person to get rich in crypto, many more must lose. It is just moving money around, and statistically almost everyone will lose.

>> No.9612672

>Backed by governments that have 5% deficits every year and that keep printing money like there's no tomorrow to pay for it

I mean it's totally possible that they can keep losing trillions every year for decades and creditors will obviously keep financing them forever

>> No.9612694

>Fiat is backed by the force of government.

BTC is backed by the immutable force of natural law and a pure free market the likes of which humanity has never seen

>> No.9612722

> Feeling mighty comfy with my boomer bux and rental property.
I agree that real estate is the comfiest hold, but you boomers took that away from us. enjoy the housing bubble collapse btw
>Fiat is backed by the force of government.
governments change, or change their decisions, and not in your interest
>herp derp, cash doesn't exist
yeah go ahead and hold $100k in cash. I agree that cash is better than holding money in banks though.

>> No.9612731
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BTC is backed by the hopes and dreams of bagholders.