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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 250x250, reqgirl231241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9611053 No.9611053 [Reply] [Original]

How does REQ plan to scale when it's an ERC token and ETH's network basically gets deadlocked with a few scam ether shrimp games?

Seriously though?

>> No.9611080

are you a moron? ETH scaling problems will be solved years before REQ would need it

>> No.9611106


what? are you kidding?

>> No.9611157

don't worry, the best brains on Earth are working on this while you jerk off to Fortnite porn

>> No.9611169

Is this a serious question or you don’t follow anything crypto and just get your info from 4chan? Vitalik already teased sharding code

>> No.9611178


I'm a 27 year old boomer thank you very much I don't even really know what Fortnite is

>> No.9611188


And this solves all of ETH's scalability problems? Isn't it due to release in like 2 years? So you're saying REQ is unusable for 2 years?

>> No.9611193

don't worry, the best brains on earth will draw the blood from the stone in no time. just make sure to buy their scaling solution ICOs and support the unicorn faggot who can solve NP hard problems in polynomial time

>> No.9611226

I think Ethereum is fast enough to handle REQ's 0 transaction volume.

>> No.9611240

sharding is a band-aid on top of the speed issues of etereum
its at best a short-term solution

>> No.9611323


>> No.9611893

Isn't REQ supposed to be blockchain agnostic, meaning it could be independent from ETH?

>> No.9611921

right now
theyre waiting for plasma or cosmos

>> No.9612182

No, you are talking about link

>> No.9612248

It burns fren

>> No.9612378

REQ has stated they can switch chains if need be.

>> No.9613264

Don’t even bother, threads like these are proof why you never listen to /biz/, and you’re the biggest retard if you do so without DYOR.

>> No.9613293

REQ team is currently looking into Plasma and Tendermint, as mentioned in their Slack channel.

>> No.9613333
File: 97 KB, 689x473, 1519501708611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bags are heavy, drop them fren. You don't have to carry that weight.

>> No.9613654

sauce on image?

>> No.9613686

Wish I sold. Worst mistake I made so far. They cancelled fiat integration

>> No.9613696



This is the most brutal ass-JUSTING I have received in crypto.

>> No.9613726

based on the OMG roadmap Plasma a scaling solution for ETH and all erc20 tokens will be released in Q3 of this year.