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File: 162 KB, 1000x1000, DdUusEjV4AAVxhM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9609862 No.9609862 [Reply] [Original]

I have 0.5 btc. What do I buy to get rich in a week?

>> No.9609884


>> No.9609887


>> No.9609997

pic is bullshit, I've been on big ships on the ocean and the curvature is obvious

>> No.9610005

IOST, AMB and Wabi

>> No.9610016


>> No.9610017


>> No.9610033


>> No.9610136

Bitch, reply to me and I will smack you down with facts that will want to kill yourelf. I dare you.

The earth is not fucking flat you morons

>> No.9610161

ya it is, you dumb fuck
i don't even care to debate anymore, dumb fuckin brainwashed globe believers are truly not going to make it in what matters - being aware of what's true and what's fake. You are literally cucked by jews and satanists

>> No.9610232
File: 48 KB, 600x632, 1526985634664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people unironically believe the earth is flat

>> No.9610245

Lets all just get along. Its not what we know to be true.
Leave truths like this to God.

>> No.9610270

How fucking....delusional....do you have to actually believe the earth is flat?

If you possess a modicum of brainpower you would realize that it's impossible for the earth to be flat.

Literally a few minutes of critical thinking.

I'm surprised you know how to fucking breathe. Please kill yourself immediately and remove your broken genes from the pool. If you have any offspring please kill them first.

>> No.9610347

I feel bad for OP because he's retarded

>> No.9610482
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>> No.9610495

if it is so easy to realize the earth isn't flat, why in your 4 sentences didn't you specify the reasons

>> No.9610584

OP, did you actually want advice or did you just want to start shit with your picture? You must be dense as fuck if you believed hat no one was going to comment on that.

>> No.9610619
File: 16 KB, 483x479, 1527120847597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only genocide that ever needs to happen is on flat earthers.

>> No.9610628

BST. x100 next month.

>> No.9610712
File: 103 KB, 515x475, God-and-Brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls someone else a cuck

>> No.9610868

because people shouldn't explain basic truths of the world we live in to you you absolute sub human. Read a book.

>> No.9610928

These are pure b8, everyone actual intelligent person knows flat earth theory is a psyop. A Cia initiated psychological operation, now that you morons believe this, they can group all you together nicely under a coocoo umbrella, even if someone comes with a 'truth'

>ie. There's evidence that fluoride in the water lowers IQ!!
>ah, you're just one of those flat earthers, aren't you

>> No.9611124


>> No.9611227
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Breath more chemtrails

>> No.9611478

>taking the bait like a newfag

>> No.9611730

Why would any person (or even any government) lie about the Earth being round? What's the point? What do they gain from it?

>> No.9611743

BTC and pretty much everything else is gonna be flatlining for the weekend. But feel free to do your own fucking reasearch in the meantime.

>> No.9611767

Optical illusion
The earth is cube not sphere

>> No.9611793

It’s called a pysop
They do it because they can
And they want to see how far they can go

>> No.9612087


>> No.9612103

absolutely zogged

>> No.9612259

How exactly would the water stay on the earth if it was flat

>> No.9612303

Seeing curvature at eye level would mathmatically imply a much smaller earth.

>> No.9612368

>What do I buy to get rich in a week?
A gun.

>> No.9612400

google, 'shape of the earth'.


how com the pics that nasa show are of a perfect circle?

>> No.9612406

gravity you fucking mong

>> No.9612421


>> No.9612424

typical psyop

>> No.9612520

Because gravity bends the cube into a sphereical-appearing shape from afar. Learn to quantum mechanics.

>> No.9612529

Hahah, you cannnot see a curve. It doesn’t exist. Water is always level.

>> No.9612616

>muh flat earth

Literally kys. Of all the brain dead shit in the last few decades this one takes the cake.

>> No.9612641

Anyone who believes this has no grasp of physics, mathematics, history, science, or BASIC astronomy. The kind of astronomy you don't need a fucking telescope for.

>> No.9612667

Depends on altitude.

>> No.9612679

That pump is gone. Better to wait for more exchange listings

>> No.9612681

sell it and buy as many OTM MU (62.50/65/70) calls as you can, expiring 6/22 or later. Sell on the 19th or 20th of June. Reinvest back into crypto of your choosing.

>> No.9612683

I've sent an experimental rocket with gopro on it for my thesis and the footage shows that it's actually globe. It weirds me out how people believe flatness.

>> No.9612700
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Alright, I'll entertain you for a bit. You curveather brainlets have 5 minutes to support your view. Otherwise, you're living proof that standardized (((education))) is actually the most effective means of mass indoctrination ever seen.

>> No.9612705

I'm amazed at the number of flattard replies, both larp and not
But the Earth's curvature can't be seen at sea level mate

>> No.9612711

They have no grasp of common sense. I had a coworker who unironically believed the earth was flat. I showed him a video of a ship going over the horizon (it looks like its sinking in slow motion) and he had no explanation. You can literally see the effects of the curvature with your own eyes.

>> No.9612712

If the world ws round we'd fall off when it turnes upside down.

>> No.9612714


because satellites work, because GPS works, because clouds do things, and because we have a moon. should I go on?

>> No.9612727

Here's a protip: If you don't feel like kys then go to a public and highly populated area and start some conversations while wearing a shirt that says the earth is flat. You will either be so ridiculed that you kys or hopefully the crowd decides to stone you to death for being a cancerous brainlet.

>> No.9612756
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pyramids on eth

>went from 1 eth to 40 eth in a month

not even kidding these dApps are so easy.

next pyramid (or 'unit' to the pleb) in 1 hour 15 mins

>prepare transaction at :59
, 300k gas, 501 gwei gas (yep)

>submit at :59:55
>get in first block, one of first tx's.

sell after 15 mins, make 5x

i will post proof after 9pm gmt

>> No.9612807

> t. has never been on ship

>> No.9612834



>> No.9613197


>for my thesis I proved the world is a globe with a GoPro

Jesus, that's a middle school experiment, they accepted this for.. WHAT sort of degree?

>> No.9613232

You've never been on a cruise ship or even a big ferry.

>> No.9613255

You don't need that. All you need is go on a cruise in the mediterranean.

>> No.9613259


he's literally right, you can't see any curvature at water level from a left to right perspective, that requires altitude. however, you can see ships going over the horizon, which absolutely implies "seeing" the curvature of Earth, even if you aren't looking at a fish-eye horizon

>> No.9613317

>curvature at water level from a left to right perspective
That's exactly what you see (in reality, not in photos or videos). Of course it's nothing as extreme as in the OP photo, if that's what you believed I was implying. It's very slight, but 100% obvious.

>> No.9613359

of course if by "water level" you mean sitting in a canoe, then yeah maybe it wouldn't be very visible, but I'm talking about standing on the top decks of an cruiseliner or equivalent sized vessel.

>> No.9613624


>on the ocean
>curvature visible


>> No.9613821

WYS, get in now, thank me later

>> No.9613925

whenever i hear these deluded fucking flat earthers saying "curvature" i want to fucking slam my head into a wall
hearing these retarded dipshits using three syllable words in their moronic arguments makes me feel the same intense cringe and disgust that i feel when i see professors at universities—people who are praised as beacons of knowledge—enforcing the concept of learned gender roles and entertaining the idea of white privilege and shit

reminder to always sage these shitty threads

>> No.9614545

The earth is flat and anyone who says otherwise is a shill.

>nasa pictures
Doctored like the moon landing
>the moon
Fake, image projected into the sky. Why are there no mentions of the moon before 1940? Because it doesn’t exist.
HAARP makes them move
>end of the earth
Military protected. Why do governments keep people from going to Antarctica? It’s the edge of the world.
>stars changing position

>> No.9615061

>cruise in the mediterranean
>cheaper than sending a GoPro up in a model rocket

>> No.9615288

Please don’t breed

>> No.9615307

Australia doesn't exist either, AMIRITE? Fucking KYS.

>> No.9615466

Ships don’t go over the horizon. It’s he vanishing point. Get a high zoom camera and the ship will always be in view.

>> No.9616185

I don't think americans understand how big the world is. Even in a plane you can't see the curvature of the earth. You have to be extremely high up.

>> No.9616226


>> No.9616246
File: 17 KB, 750x154, IMG_1819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Monero

>> No.9616268
File: 5 KB, 200x193, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earth is round
>But if I place a ball on the ground and nudge it it doesn't roll down the curved earth

>> No.9616269

The bbest way to prove the world is curved, would be to make a 100% spherical ball, obviously a very very huge one. If it keeps trilling in the same direction forever, the world is curved. If not, it´s obviously flat.

>> No.9616360


Fucking this. It´s not because they´re dumb, because Americans aren´t that dumb really.

It´s because of emotions-humans are rather emotional than logical, and America is very large in the mind of any American, purely on an emotional standpoint.

Americans literally feel that they´re 50% of the world, and the rest of the world is the other 50%. They know that´s not factually correct, bbut they feel it is, so they operate from that set of beliefs and it affects everything else they do

>> No.9616380

Stocks or start a business (get a loan)

>> No.9616389

Stars spin in opposite direction in Southern hemisphere.

Sun does not start as dot and get bigger, but rather appears to rise out of the water.


>> No.9616409

>You have to be extremely high up.
Luckily its illegal for anyone to go up that high so thankfully the gov can just tell us its curved and we can believe them.

>> No.9616411

Why the fuck do you guys use my thread for this discussion? This discussion shouldn't even take place. There is no substantial evidence the earth is a ball whereas refuting that the earth is flat is something modern day science cannot even do with its technology available today. If you unironically still believe all that NASA propaganda there is something seriously wrong with you. Even after Trump exposed the mainstream media for what it is, people think they were 100% honest with you before?

Lmao get a grip guys

>> No.9616474

NASA is lying about shit, but earth is still not flat.

>> No.9616810

>to get rich

>in a week
Not REQ.