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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9606031 No.9606031 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any idea what it means, brainlets? Justin single-handedly opened the floodgates for the stock boomers to flock into crypto.

>> No.9606398

Crypto? What is this, 2017 again? People moved on.

>> No.9606435

Why do I have the feeling this is just utter bullshit?

>> No.9606436

Why does ge achieve so much which others cant

>> No.9606455

He is a stevejobsian hype man marketing genius.

>> No.9606475

I find it highly suspicious that this guy is constantly talking about shit that means nothing for the token like climbing up the CMC rankings and getting listed on Apples Stocks app. What the hell does any of that crap have to do with the goal of the token.

I know we’re on /biz/ so every post will be ‘HURRR WHO CARES, TRX MAKE MAHNEY’ but this dude just seems scammy to me

>> No.9606494

more exposure. Apple is hipsters and boomers they see that when they look at the red and green numbers

>> No.9606502


Of course he is but TRX appeals to deluded normies so it makes money.

>> No.9606537

>goal of the token

>> No.9606556

Normies have no interest in either investments or gambling. Normies are not coming to crypto.

>> No.9606573
File: 128 KB, 1100x914, 1394973524666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normies have no interest in gambling

>> No.9606586

Carlos Matos was a scammer. Justin Sun is a hype man with a vision. Maybe he'll make it, maybe he won't. But he's not in this to scam. Look at CL by contrast- team working hard, no news, no marketing, no buzz, no-one cares, top 100 again never. Marketing isn't something you stick on the label once you've finished, it happens all the way through development. Without it, you'll never penetrate the market. Normies and boomers love TRX- GOOD! Normies and boomers also love iPhones and Macs, would you turn down Apple shares at 1985 prices because you're "idealogically committed to Linux"? The great myth that we somehow know better because we're tech nerds is a fashionable nonsense. TRX is going to $0.5 this year, ride it with me or don't

>> No.9606639

You can also add LINK to the stocks app. Try it

>> No.9606655

the link team is not shilling to normies and reddit.
its shilling to big business

>> No.9606690

>this is what stinkies actually believe
I bet none of the businesses even heard about this vaporware shitcoin.

>> No.9606701

theres threads daily here if you dont know this then sorry

>> No.9606753
File: 5 KB, 159x318, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what? Apple has added ChainLink to their Stocks app! Just add LINK-USD and you will be able to track it. Billions of users around the world. Hey hey hey!

>> No.9607333

My BS detector was spot on. You can add pretty much anything you want on that Apple Stocks app.
Yet another scammy shill attempt by a scammy Chink shill.

>> No.9607929

Reminder that a guy literally copy pasting other coin's white papers got his coin in the crypto top 10....

>> No.9607957
File: 31 KB, 250x251, 1500449841759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not in this to scam

>> No.9608043


Can literally view any crypto to Apple stocks app now. Claims it’s something special for TRX.

>> No.9608230
File: 347 KB, 1242x2208, 9C57BA37-C7BE-4AC6-9A74-526C52180B54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link already has this for months. And they didn’t make an big deal about it.

>> No.9608720
File: 166 KB, 640x922, 28CF0F82-E1A9-45AF-A6D1-889717A80C8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow so revolutionary

>> No.9609586


>> No.9609713

Fuck him even link is on it we don’t see sir gay doing this ,

>> No.9610308


What he is doing is literally illegal. He's not supposed to promise investors that his coin will appreciate. There are good reasons to believe he dumped over $1 billion of premined TRX back in January.

Tip the SEC:

>inb4 I'm a libertarian and I don't trust governments!
Fuck off then, I'm not. I think this market needs to be regulated and bad actors locked up.

>> No.9610322

This is absolutely pathetic lmao.