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File: 851 KB, 732x958, yes im salty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9605912 No.9605912 [Reply] [Original]

my blood fucking boils, meanwhile my mother is about to lose her flat due to $80k debt she went into to take her of her mother who is in really bad health, and there's no nice people friendly bankruptcy laws or help for people in bad health in my shithole country, and this fat fucker spends lifechanging money on a piece of outdated technology, I'm fuming mad

>> No.9605934

I don't care much for flaunting my wealth
I don't want to make myself a target
Secret wealth is the way

>> No.9605937

Your mom's a dumb bitch like all women

>> No.9605952

Welcome on planet earth. You wouldnt say that if you could afford an 800k watch^^

>> No.9605973

Welcome to capitalism. Tell your ancestors to make better choices, wealth is generational.

Or, learn to program and start a crypto people use.

>> No.9605975

the sad thing is we are responsible for that smug fat fuck having so much he can spend $800k on a fucking watch while your mother burns

>> No.9605989

it's not fluffypony's fault that you and your mom's disgustingly poor. jesus christ take your frustrations out during your masturbation sessions and stop sperging your garbage.

>> No.9606018
File: 61 KB, 500x444, 1521748444911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it blows me away that nobody ever realizes that he doesn't fucking enjoy that shitty watch nor none of his "watch collection"

he's a dev of a privacy coin, he buys watches like this on the black market, shows them off like everybody is so buttmad about, he gets private offers on the watch, he sells it for an unknown amount of monero,


>> No.9606039

It's also designed for people who are left handed to be worn on the right wrist so it's upside down.

>> No.9606107

Who cares poorfag. Get a job

>> No.9606145

let it settle in

The life of all your family is worth less to the world that 1 peace of metal and plastic !

>> No.9606235

who said I'm poor you fucking braindeads?
she's definitely dumb intelligence wise, but still can't blame her for helping family at her own cost

>> No.9606374

Then stop whining and pay your mother's debt, you pathetic piece of shit. Neck yourself, seriously.

>> No.9606393

>implying others are at fault for the debt you willingly took to have it more comfortable for the time being, even though not actually having the wealth

>> No.9607036

>pay your mother's debt
haha no, not really my problem, and I only have like $10k anyway
did you even read a word of what I said? she took it to help her mother who needs almost 24/7 care and expensive medicine due to health problems

>> No.9607049

Let him have his watch, he'll die of a massive heart attack within a decade.

>> No.9607057

Who are the biggest scumbags in crypto?

The Mt gox guy
Charlie Lee for dumping
The ODN Ceo

>> No.9607072

Your mom should have invested better

>> No.9607084

kill yourself, you communist shit.

>> No.9607139

Are you not entitled to any luxuries just because someone else has a necessity that is more expensive?
Can I be mad at you for owning a computer, when I don't have power?
Can I be mad at you for being fat, when I don't eat every day?
Can I be mad at you for owning a car, when I have no roads?
Can you be mad at someone for owning a watch, when you don't own a flat?
What did your family contribute to society to deserve your grandmas health care? Doctors and pharmacists worked their asses off so that treatment could exist. Why should you get it for free?

>> No.9607150

sad story, got a smoke?

>> No.9607166

Sure, it's his fault he got in btc in 2011 and was rich before that because of running a successfull business.
You fucks are worst than plebbitors...if he was wearing a 800k watch in a bull market no one would be bitching

>> No.9607172

>not really my problem
>my blood fucking boils
Stop shitting up the board with your pathetic whining, you stupid currynigger.
>not poor
>only have like $10k
Neck yourself, poorfag. You legit disgust me.

>> No.9607174


You’re poor as fuck and didn’t do shit

>> No.9607467

Salty jealous fuckers should be thanking him for the 500% gains over the past year and the 5000% gains later this year.

>> No.9607797

Fucking cuck coin

You XMR retards literally made a fat cuckold rich

>> No.9607842

He is successful and we are not. He has energy and intelligence that we lack.

>> No.9608128

there is a simple rule: if you can't afford it, do not afford it.

how retarded can you be to almost get 6 figures debt for some 24/7 care for your withering mother? i doubt any mother would want her children to suffer endless debt.

>> No.9608146

good bait

>> No.9608179

hey on the bright side you have some untraceable currency so even if you do bankrupt... hehe you can cashout little at a time as the market goes up, and you won't have to pay your debt. But you should never put up a house as collateral that is just playing with fire OP.

>> No.9608195

Monero is making everyone rich, not just him.

>> No.9608303
File: 26 KB, 600x450, join me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch first 13 minutes of this, you'll feel much better about your life afterwards

>> No.9608834
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>> No.9609256

What has your mother done to deserve anyone's money?

>> No.9609294

Lol, 2018 and no health care. Fucking good job with the elections I'd say.

>> No.9609402

we actually have public healthcare, but it doesn't work when your country doesn't have stashes of money left to burn
not even a bait, fuck this fat pig

>> No.9609430
File: 6 KB, 250x240, 1524517184800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha no, not really my problem
>whines about it on vietnamese duck herding forum

>> No.9609811

The baits are getting more elaborate.

>> No.9609842

Fuck murica. Vote democrat and watch the jews running for their lives.

>> No.9610076
File: 37 KB, 623x295, 2018-05-25 11_19_28-Riccardo Spagni on Twitter_ _Just noting that I’m entering Customs Border Protec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not about flaunting wealth, idiots. It's contraband. It's a way to move money without paying import taxes. He also profits from the sale of the watch. The more he shows off the watch, the higher are the bids. When you idiots create these threads you are actually helping him advertise his limited edition luxury watches.


>> No.9610153
File: 43 KB, 635x355, 2018-05-25 11_26_00-Riccardo Spagni on Twitter_ _I’ve done ok for myself, I have a successful import.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before crypto this guy made money running an import/export business. He literally profits from buying and selling across countries. He knows all the tax loopholes and uses that to his benefit. He probably made 100k+ selling that watch.

Now that you understand what is going on, can we please let this thing die? He is not flaunting wealth, he's just buying low/selling high, just like you, idiots, trading your shitcoins.

>> No.9610225

That’s the kind of wealth you can get if you build the perfect honeypot.


>> No.9610738
File: 3.55 MB, 4032x3024, 20180525_100609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9610780

kys yourself

>> No.9611004

$3000 spent on malaria nets on average will save one human life in africa. 2/3 of those saved will be children.

fatty is wearing 266.67 dead kids on his wrist.

draw your own conclusions. almost all of us engage in indulgences and luxuries to some extent, but they math is the math. most just choose to ignore it...

>> No.9611012

How many dead kids do you have in your bank account?

>> No.9611112

This. All of you hypocrites live in so much unnecessary luxury compared to the poorest people, yet complain when someone is richer than you

>> No.9612154

Thats not 800k idiot. Sub 200k watch.

>> No.9612209

I spent 4 or 5 dead kids a year on rub and tugs. No regrets.

>> No.9612223

It's 800k, fren. You have no clue of anything.

>> No.9612238

where can I buy this dead kids coin?

>> No.9612267

your OP did that's who only poorfags are jealous of richfags...you poorfag

>> No.9612337

>Thats not 800k idiot. Sub 200k watch.
Guys get in here, a watch expert!

>> No.9612393
File: 28 KB, 800x517, wealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh people
Most people don't have money. Which is why "scaling" is a meme, so are 100% of altcoins.

>> No.9612493

Kill your mother's mother, her time is done

Kill your mother, she gave birth to an embarrassment like you

Kill yourself, seriously

>> No.9612847

you're not arguing against my point at all

>> No.9612859

where was my complaint? where was my hypocrisy?
I made a statement you made the value judgement.

>> No.9612862

Are people selling their Monero because of this? lol

>> No.9612901

>having money in your bank account
>having it invested in a watch
It's the same thing.
The only difference is that your bank account is private, whereas the watch was displayed in public.

>> No.9613172

i totally fucking agree its the same thing. you are missing the point.

>> No.9613267

fluffy pony confirmed its their new hardawre wallets and not a 800k watch

>> No.9613282

>be monero dev
>anytime you see some bad monero news, you dump large stacks to blend your dumping in with the crowd
>the perfect crime

>> No.9613310

What's ironic is that it's a runners watch, and he obviously doesn't do anything but eat cheetos all day.

>> No.9613332

Your point is that buying a 800k watch is immoral because that amount of money could save 267 kids from death.

My point is that there's no difference between having money invested in a watch or having it deposited in a bank account. So, if having an 800k watch is immoral, then having 800k deposited in your bank account also is. You could be using the money in your bank account to save children from malaria.

>> No.9613358


You have no moral obligation towards the offspring of another person, this is not even about being a cuck or not

>> No.9613425

Read the whole debate above before commenting.

>> No.9613427

This you idiots. The very wealthy do this sort of thing all the time. Buy a super expensive watch to move money across different borders without anyone knowing, then sell it when you arrive in the destination country. You fags are retarded.

>> No.9613459
File: 691 KB, 625x960, 1519116747315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there dumb fuck 30 year old boomers who actually buy this shit? At least those worthless paintings are useful, you can launder money with them; but a fucking clock?

The fact that he has to sell it as second hand automatically makes it worth far less than he'd save in taxes. Maybe he should just use his cryptocurrency.

>> No.9613552

I didn't even make a value judgement. I literally said draw your own conclusions, you just drew on for me.

The stats are the stats and the math is the math. We all could prevent bad outcomes in the world to differing degrees and to the extent that we can and don't, well that is on us and we all have to deal with that individually. the watch really highlights things. 99% of people deflect (well you could be doing more?), rationalize (not my responsibility, i take care of myself and dont ask for such help from others), or just flat out ignore it.

it is what it is. I'm not making excusing. I never claimed the dude was anything other than a fat fuck and i never once said i was innocent in anyway. *you* made arguments on my behalf in your own head and responded to them.

>> No.9613610

You sound like a socialist lmao

Life is unfair
Innovative people attain wealth
Smart movers accumulate money

It's not about good heart, good heart doesn't bring you power, it brings affection and love.

>> No.9613691


OP I feel your frustration/infuriation. My grandma just passed away, my mom quit her job gonna help her out at her house) and I got fired. It's as if the universe is conspiring against me.

Don't focus on shit like this, get out there and start making smart money.

>> No.9613716
File: 589 KB, 824x719, 2018-05-25 15_59_52-The three richest people in the US own as much wealth as the bottom half of the .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't even make a value judgement.
Of course you made a value judgement, you suggested (implicitly) that the money spent to buy the watch could have been used to save children.

>the watch really highlights things.
Highlights what? What have we learned from the watch affair? That the creator of a cryptocurrency has 800k? Big fucking deal. Satoshi has 10+ billion. Why aren't people outraged at Satoshi's wealth? Is it because Satoshi hasn't spent his money?

If wealth inequality upsets you, you could be directing your attention to the real overlords (pic related), not some cryptocurrency dev with a 800k watch.

>> No.9613815

wealth inequality doesn't particularly upset me. you characterize my position every post. i never said the watch was a "big deal". i never expressed any outrage. i put a data point out there and said most people ignore it and its implications and we(you) have to draw your own conclusions. then you got all butthurt.

you're doing some projecting/cognitive dissonance shit mate.

>> No.9613829

fuck off commie

>> No.9613833

Maybe if your dumb cunt of a mother didn't quit her job, you wouldn't have to be such a butthurt little bitch.

Now sputter excuses at us why your failure of a mother quit her job. As if anyone gives a flying fuck.

>> No.9613950

>The fact that he has to sell it as second hand automatically makes it worth far less than he'd save in taxes. Maybe he should just use his cryptocurrency.
No, it doesn't. Only 30 watches like that were manufactured. People literally compete for this sort of stuff. He goes to a conference, displays his watches, and millionaires bid on it. It's a win-win situation. Fluffypony profits from the sale while the buyer doesn't have to pay import taxes.

>> No.9614157

It's probably easier to make a list of who isn't a scumbag in crypto.

>> No.9614175

I would unironically pay 800k to not look like this guy; count your blessings anons

>> No.9614261
File: 93 KB, 1658x260, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at 11.14.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His biggest crime is putting that watch on the wrong hand desu

>> No.9614388

you don't know shit about haute horology, there are a fuckton of "only 30 in existence" watches in the mid to upper 6 figures. the market is really soft outside of pateks and antique stuff even that the nosebleed price points. its a mostly consumer market with a small investment component and not an investment market with a small consumer component like high end art.

>> No.9614440

what a fucking failure of a son ant even pay his own mothers debt

you should be a multi millionaire by now. it's your fault and your fault only if you're a late adopter.

>> No.9614459

Richard mille operates outside that sphere...his tacky watches make tasteless Arab oil billionaires wet. They hold their value just fine and obviously you can get around paying taxes on a second hand sale with enough liquidity...I really don’t understand what you’re arguing

>> No.9614488

>its a mostly consumer market with a small investment component
Bitch, please.
800k watches are not manufactured to be worn. They are supposed to store value. Watchmakers are very aware of that. You buy the watch, deposit in a safe, and done. 40 years later you auction the watch for 10x the original price and the money pays for your grandkids retirement.

But if you want to understand Fluffypony's move, read >>9610076 and >>9610153

>> No.9614508

shut the fuck up you disgusting commie

>> No.9614525

lol good luck with that. couldn't be more wrong

>> No.9614526

Are you blind? he has it on its left wrist.

>> No.9614532

Most of the "only 30 in existence' watches are for marketing. It's a well known thing done in luxury goods. Get the unique, rare watches out for the shows, catalogs and blogs, helps create the brand. Then sell watches at a more affordable price, so the proles can be smug about wearing a "brand name here" watch. Then sell those pieces off to wealthy types with more case than common sense or style. Win/win for the watch company.
Personally, I don't wear watches, but once in a while I check out what's being made in the very high end, the craftsmanship is insane. Some of the Youtube vids on the guys handmaking shit are fucking addicting, like this guy:
Long video, but it's fucking fascinating.

>> No.9614592
File: 13 KB, 220x259, 220px-Bastiat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we took all the money from Bill Gates in the 90s and saved sick children, we would have a lot of African kids alive...and a lot of people living in worse conditions cause he could have never created the amount of wealth and jobs he created.

You focus only on what you see, the deaths that you could prevent, but not the cost, the deaths that you'd cause.

If the talented and the people who make everyone's lives better don't get to keep the resources they earn, we're not going to have a better future. Would be the same as putting the future of a garden in the hands of retards instead of gardeners in the name of equality.

>> No.9614663

You wouldn't say that to anyone's face, I'd beat your faggot ass with one hand.

She's been working there for 20 years as head supervisor and she quit because she can't overtake her superiors spot. She's basically tired of wagecucking.

I know you're an incel because of the way you're putting down someone's mom. My girlfriend could probably beat your ass lmfao

>> No.9614688


>> No.9614704

Retarded, can't even argue anymore. You lost, idiot. Give up.

>> No.9614710

She quit a perfectly good job "because she's tired of wagcucking". That's not how life works, faggot. Your mom is a stupid lazy cunt and you're - surprise!- just as big of a cunt. And dumb. I bet she drank a lot while pregnant with you, waterhead.

>> No.9614728
File: 44 KB, 500x338, C3BB811A-A7F8-4F58-9090-7214355914C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9614766

are watches a good investment? do they hold their value?

>> No.9614878

Yeah but you need a good brand like Fossil

>> No.9614900

Can you believe that this fat fuck is South African? Grew up in my Province I think.

>> No.9614916

>welcome on
Hi Pajeet, do you wipe your ass with up or down strokes. Oh wait, you're a Pajeet.

>> No.9615493
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1517673861921s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR is absolute cuck of the crypto community

Truly anyone using Monero is a SJW piece of shit

>> No.9616094

How are you today?

>> No.9616165
File: 17 KB, 750x154, IMG_1819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this coin.

>> No.9616243

Buy high, sell low.

>> No.9616350

we need more malaria in africa, not less

>> No.9616646

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, nor my struggles or the house I grew up in. I really wish I knew who you were.

>> No.9617048

Who the fuck uses the word incel?
Kill yourself desu

>> No.9617063

This image is retarded.
If these people gave all of their wealth away to the poor it would only cause massive inflation and the poor would have the same exact living standards as before.

Socialists are fucking retarded.

>> No.9617129

dude that piece of shit watch looks like fucking trash, i wouldn't buy it in a fucking dollar store.