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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9603205 No.9603205 [Reply] [Original]

Req volume is still bellow 100. Req Network Death is imminent, prepare your assholes reqlads we're gonna have to sell one of these to eat.

Which one would you be willing to sell? Your asshole or your Req Tokens.

>> No.9603279
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1520080507776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually pissed at the FUD BECAUSE it's so bad. I'm one of those people that want to keep the price low as long as possible so more gets burned once it starts getting used, but OP you're fucking it up by putting in the absolute minimum effort and looking like a pajeet.

You couldn't be assed to do anything else but a 5 second MS paint job, talk about a network death, and not even come up with some tech jargon to even try and explain it?

You fuckers are causing the pump.

>> No.9603291

Wait you're actually accumulating this piece of shit coin? Are you retarded?

>> No.9603303

Are you?

>> No.9603317

I'm a lot more bullish on Skycoin and HOT as long term picks than fucking REQ, a fucking pay button kek.

>> No.9603354

>Skycoin, a fucking decentralized internet meme that sells people premium miner boxes to pay for their salaries
>HOT, a fucking boomer coin that promises to do everything while they hang out in shorts in a garage for "business meetings"

good one

>> No.9603378

>brainlet can't understand the value of speculation

Just look at REQ, zero fucking speculation value and it shows. Awful volume and constantly dumping.

>> No.9603394

>Talks about speculation "value" for /biz/ meme coins of the week

Looking to dump those HOT bags?

>> No.9603418

>he thinks HOLOchain is a meme

REQ's github looks like a scam compared to HOT. DYOR.

>> No.9603465

also btw HOT already has a higher market cap and pulls more volume than REQ already kek, REQ is the bagholder coin not HOT.

>> No.9603619
File: 48 KB, 1176x850, REQNetworkDeath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know the network death thing isn't a meme, right? It's implied in the white paper where the discuss the fees. They say that as network usage increases, the network is designed to decrease in fees.

However, what we're seeing is almost no network usage. If it gets to the point where we go long enough with very, very low network usage we'll see what's called "network death" wherein fees go towards infinity. At some point, when usage has been low for a long time, it will cost more than all the money that exists in the world to perform a transaction on the Request Network. That's what is colloquially referred to as "network death" by /biz/, it's the crypto equivalent to a death spiral in the insurance industry. I made a shitty graphic to demonstrate.

This is serious stuff bros, I pray someone starts using the network or we'll be bagholding for the rest of eternity.

>> No.9604645

holy fuck..just got word req will announce chainlink partnership tomo..cap this

>> No.9604673


Brainlet level FUD

>> No.9604692

My job is already fucking up my ass so nothing new there. REQ is team tagging me. Can't be much worse than this.

>> No.9605422 [DELETED] 

Peequest haha pooquest

>> No.9605466

Aaaand I just dumped 30k Req.
Will buy back 15-20% more after the announcement !
Fifth time. Works like a charm.

>> No.9605683

did the same. Anyone not selling now is retarded. It will dip for sure.

>> No.9605743
File: 77 KB, 645x729, AEFCE0E4-44EE-42F3-A4AC-DE9E344BA2EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this coin has a higher market cap and more volume
>that’s why it’s better than your coin

Pic related. It’s you. Now go buy some TRX.

>> No.9605915

it pumped last update retards, only 5% or so but it went up not down

>> No.9605967
File: 58 KB, 902x282, Reqt-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REQ is also racist and burns the tokens of random black people

>> No.9605976

and what did it do after pumping 5%?

>> No.9605981

Sold at 2200.
Now I wait.
Order placed at 1900.

>> No.9605984

dumped along with everything else. my point is you're selling before the guaranteed tiny pump that has always come immediately after the update. sell after that pump retard

>> No.9606097

They're based in Singapore and usually publish their Friday updates early (in EST terms).
They are delaying it, why would they do that hmm?
Maybe coordinating with a certain American team?

>> No.9606101


>> No.9606141

The update is usually 7-8am you fucking brainlet

>> No.9606170

still got another 3-5 hours man

>> No.9606612

After months of shilling I think there is enough req fud around here so I can finally start accumulating