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9598382 No.9598382 [Reply] [Original]

Biz give it to me straight. I'm 5'6 very good looking and on my path to acquire wealth and power. Is wealth and power the ultimate aphrodisiac? Is there a point when I'll be able to pick any girl?

>> No.9598393

Roger is that you? Bcash is a scam.

>> No.9598399

yeah wealth and power are great for bimbos
to get a woman who isn't only her looks and will have something redeemable when she's 45 and her looks are long gone no they don't do anything

>> No.9598440

Caution: the last time I mined a fresh Bitcoin, billionaire killer Mark February tried to patent my life

>> No.9598441

No. Being able to cook, clean, and speak to other humans with confidence is the biggest aphrodisiac.

>> No.9598455

Man shutup with this heightism bullshit. I don't get why heightism is acceptable in 2018 even though it should be considered the same prejudice as racism/sexism.

If you want a girl then go out and meet one. You think a nigger who faces racism is going to be a bitch and not go after what he wants because racism exists in this world?

>> No.9598478

>good looking
choose one anon

>> No.9598485


you sound like a short bitter manchild

>> No.9598487
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You have to be fun and confident. That is all.

>> No.9598513

This is a joke, right? You're fucking 5'6". Even Zuckerberg has an inch on you. You are 1. not on a path to wealth and power, nor 2. ever be able to pick any girl. There you go. Straight.

>> No.9598517


T. NEET who talks tough behind biz.

>> No.9598529

Roger is 5'5"

>> No.9598530

The ultimate aphrodisiac is knowing how to stimulate a woman’s mind.

>> No.9598532

What about my role model Putin? You don't think he can't pick any girl?

>> No.9598535

Wow dude: you are fucked in life.

>> No.9598542


>> No.9598545

Pretty much. It's like a pajeet calling himself handsome.

>> No.9598546

True. But you can't imprison people for life for turning you down, like he can.

>> No.9598566


>3 posts by this id

Not really brah. I have a great girlfriend, job, and 6 figures in crypto. What do you have exactly? When I make it maybe I'll hire you as my personal lanklet to fetch me cereal from the high shelves.

Kek, thanks for your services poor lanklet

>> No.9598586

Wew. Chinks and pajeets face racism as well and it's socially accepted. The same can't be said for niggers.
Life is unfair and there's nothing with heightism. Why should women want men that look like children?

>> No.9598589

Boomer cope

>> No.9598599


Racism is socially accepted on biz. But in the developed world outside of your mother's basement, things are different.

>> No.9598618

>you will really regret making fun of me once I made it
Come on, stop coping.

Wrong. My best friend is asian and faces racism almost daily, and he doesn't whine about it like niggers do.

>> No.9598628

you're too short

>> No.9598636


In what regard? And you must live in a hillbilly state because in places like New York City that doesn't happen.

>> No.9598668

You should see my sister's husband. He's 5 ft 5 and landed my sister who I'd say from a sibling and beauty view, is an 8/10 (she was before she had kids).

Confidence is key. Looks can be dealt with if you can make a girl laugh and sometimes being a hard ass is good. Real women want a man like that and not a neet little bitch. You know what to do now make money and gain confidence and the rest will take care of itself.

>> No.9598688
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Real racism is ignorant. Jokes can be funny if you have a broad sense of humor but labeling a whole race just shows ignorance. Yes there are nad black people, and bad white people, all races have crappy people... But all of a race doesn't deserve to be labeled because of a minority or majority, each as an individual deserves a chance. With that said, pajeets pooping in the street makes me laugh, and calling little black kids niglets is hilarious. Slavery is and was horrible, but that was a different generation and neither race has a right to claim right to those struggles. Move on.

Also us white people need a proper slur nickname, for good posture... Honky just isn't cutting it, you can do better... Stop being lazy niggers ;)

>> No.9598702

jeez she must be a 3 now

>> No.9598710
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>> No.9598735
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Jokes on you pajeet. U mad?


>> No.9598892

I am still certain you are fucked for life. The namecalling flagged you as an ultimate failure - like it always does

>> No.9598923


>I dont agree with u u a big peepee poopoo head fucked for life teehee

>> No.9599507

>very good looking

>> No.9600176

Im not lying, exotic features and girls have told me I should be a model. No larp

>> No.9600198

Senator, we run ads.

>> No.9600890
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You buy Zuccbucc.


>> No.9600915

an UGLY model? haha gottem boys

>> No.9600926

>exotic features
Being an inter-dimensional lizard isn't the kind of "exotic" girls are looking for.

>> No.9601296
File: 67 KB, 800x600, 1526259336674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be hard being a manlet. You have to lift twice as much and make twice as much money to compete with 6'0+ chads. Don't forget to buy a hummer and some platform shoes to reach the pedals anon.

>> No.9601387
File: 47 KB, 668x362, IMG_2974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are most powerful dictators manlets? Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Mussolini, Napoleon, Alexander the Great... etc

>> No.9601513

Tl;dr no cuz you’re short
With enough money you’ll get all the gold diggers, but is it really better than hiring a prostitute?

>> No.9601575

>Being able to cook, clean
are you actually mentally retarded?

>> No.9601586


This guy gets it. If you can play with her mind her body will open like a fresh blossom.

If you aren't playing power games during sex, you're being lazy.

>> No.9601595

Aren't all women golddiggrrs?

>> No.9601607

Playing bedroom power games will get you on the metoo list real quick

>> No.9601611

Because they learned at a young age to dominate with the mind rather than the body... natural selection.

>> No.9601679

think "not giving her what she wants" not "giving her what she doesn't want"

>> No.9601687


have you ever actually touched a girl? your mother doesn't count.

>> No.9601692

>don't do anything

this is retarded. they will literally score points with any woman, some merely weight them higher than others. if they don't care, you weren't wealthy or powerful enough.

>> No.9601710

yeah I have bedded many women

>> No.9601726

5'7 actually.

>> No.9601748

no matter who you are you wont be able to get 100% of women
top tier players with fame can pull maybe 50%
learn game first
get rich second
and come play in the big leagues

>> No.9601835

move to an asian country once you made it. 5'6 is about average height in some of those countries and if you've been on biz more than a day you know there are some hot ass asian bitches out there

>> No.9601926


Lol this thread is still going on?

Why are you that insecure that you make assumptions on my lifestyle? If you want to have a cock measuring contest post your delta, your w2 form with income, and a picture of you with a woman that is above 6/10.

>Inb4 neckbeard loser NEET works at CVS
>Hurr durr I am twee inches taller then u ehehehe manlet

Wew, I love biz.

>> No.9602039

You dont believe women want tall guys? It is what it is

>> No.9602096

Napoleon was above average actually. The british invented propaganda that he was a manlet.

>> No.9602145
File: 66 KB, 507x768, 22a6e3af38ad71263b013a5fdf27c9ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Putin didn't get power for the pussy, yes he's fucking ex-Olympic acrobats now, but that is an after thought. Putin only went into government because a. when the Berlin Wall fell he didn't have a job, b. he took the mantra "if you want a job done right you have to do it yourself" to heart
2. Putin used his manlet status as a way of sneaking up on positions of power, no one ever suspected that the quiet thinning blonde manlet who had a desk job at the KGB and was Sobchak's lapdog ever had his own ambitions to take over the country. No one realized that he was playing 4D chess from down there (just like another long running Russian autocrat who was a lot shorter than most people think)
3. You're not Putin, nobody is, he even struggles to live up to his own hype some days
4. he infiltrated a oligarchical structure that already possessed great influence, unless you're in the executive wings of a Fortune 500 company or the civil service or diplomatic corps or intelligence agency: there literally is no comparison.

>> No.9602158

women are not de wae. join the space force today! let's colonize the solar system, and fuck alien pussies.

>> No.9602205

OP here
I work for a top investment bank and i'm an all-in link marine, early 20s, no larp

>> No.9602207

Holy shit Putin is 5'6? I genuinely thought he was at least 6 foot from all the pics i've seen. He is truly an inspiration to manlets worldwide

>> No.9602227


>> No.9602323

Good. Now you better start working where the boss can see you - watch interviews with Mike Ovitz where he talks about leaving at the same time as the boss (kinda different since he was an agent, but principle still applies), keeping your head down while also gossiping with everyone you can, hide your power level - make your self indispensable without being conspicuous.

Putin and Prince prove that attitude counts for way more than height.

>> No.9602949

its not an aphrodisiac because wealth doesn't make girls horny. it makes them want to DATE you because they will get some of the money through gifts, lifestyle, alimony, child support ect…

women are turned on sexually by LOOKS and to a lesser but still relevant extent behavior

>> No.9602972

5'6 normie here, my kill count is in the tens'.. people get so hung up on height and as such their shitty confidence drives their results. youll live into whatever story you tell yourself (not just in dating, in life too).

>> No.9603065

Who gives a shit what is “socially acceptable” you brainwashed cretin, we’re still correct even if it hurts your feelings

>> No.9603074


post a pic of yourself alpha male. lets see that scruffy neck beard thinning hair and pimply face, edge master.

>> No.9603095
File: 21 KB, 640x360, weinsteinharvey_gettyimages-687430878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, OP, rich men get to do whatever they want without consequence.

>> No.9603261

Get your legs lengthened with all your money

>> No.9603276

You can get a girl but she will cheat on you. Women don't like short guys

>> No.9603375

This guy is so insecure that he needs to take pictures of himself showing his muscles with a pregnant woman to post here. Wow.

>> No.9603447

Why are americucks so focused on height? I'm 5'9 (not tall for your standards) but I never had a single girl mention my height. According to some around here if you're shorter than 6'1 you're a manlet. So what's the minimum acceptable height?

>> No.9603473

It's okay short stacks, just get good with your hands and mouth and you'll be fine

>> No.9603482

>If you want to have a cock measuring contest post your delta, your w2 form with income, and a picture of you with a woman that is above 6/10
I'll do that as soon as you post a pic of yourself that isn't hilarious

>> No.9603495

What men think most women want -> huge stacked wrestler

What all the women on my social media drool over -> Tiny skinny asian pop stars with zero body hair who will look 15 their whole lives

>> No.9603508

avg american height is 5'10(shorter if ur not white)

only 10% of americans are over 6'0

basically ppl are larping and trying to make themselves feel better.

>> No.9603540

I see, thanks anon.
As long as you're not really really short (like 5'5), you can find a nice woman. All these women who talk about height as if it's a undisputed requirement are honestly making us a favor since you can weed out the retarded ones who spew shit like this.
Just be happy and do your own thing. Any women who talk about height as being important has nothing in their head.

>> No.9603757


100% of manlet bait is made by manlets, it's the weirdest shit. C'est la vie.

>> No.9603775


It's even lower than this desu. Also globally less than 2% are over 6'2, so like all things that women say they are looking for in men, they're lying.

>> No.9603817

>tfw when actually 5'5

>> No.9603942

Sorry anon but just focus on other shit. You'll find someone nice eventually. If you don't, there's a lot of stuff to do in life too. You'll be alright.

>> No.9604058

If your face is very attractive you can pull it off