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File: 19 KB, 496x419, michael-rotondo-062851[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9598282 No.9598282 [Reply] [Original]

The NEET reckoning is here, parents across the world are waking up to your scam. Better get those McDonald's applications submitted soon you leech fucks.

>> No.9598293

top kek

>> No.9598321

Why would anyone hire this guy
>messy beard
>long dirty hippy hair
Is he trying to look like Jesus

>> No.9598335
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you boomer wagies came to the wrong neighborhood

>> No.9598355

Nobody is gonna hire him. He is 30 year old link holder.

>> No.9598368
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No, I need more time!

>> No.9598372
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>> No.9598386

could someone tell me who is that fag?

>> No.9598390

He should hill himself in a really gruesome way with blood all over the house.

Leaving a message:
Good luck evicting my blood stains!

>> No.9598406

>"I was a great father, and [the child] needed me in their life.

>"That's why I'm not the CEO of a big company," he added. "That's why I'm living with my parents still."

Kek, no one is asking him to be a CEO, just to get a fucking job

>> No.9598464
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>> No.9598479

All neets must be extrtminated like the parasites they are

>> No.9598488

>The legal precedent is there now
Prepare for a rowdy ride fellas

>> No.9598565
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Real comfy, while people are out there experiencing life. Girls, parties, gatherings, working, hobbies

You pieces of shit think you are 'comfy' at home all day with greasy hair having momma and dadda take care of you. Don't fucking lie to me, you know damn well your guys life is a wreck and if your parents had any fucking sense they would boot you out after a few months of the NEETness.

I've been a NEET, it is a horrible life full of depression. But... you guys won't admit to it. Stay dumb, fuck if i care
I don't get mad that they get taken care of or leech of gov, it is what it is. I just laugh at the fact that they think they are living the life when that is the lowest of the low human life form.

>> No.9598580

He’s the hacker known as 4chan

>> No.9598595

Which shift will you guys prefer to work, morning, afternoon, or evenings?

>> No.9598623

> Create a human life for your own fulfilment and amusement.

> Take him to court to get him to leave you alone when you're finished.

Some parents are real shits.

>> No.9598640

Called tough love. They were just enablers for his degenerate lifestyle at that point.

>> No.9598641

what is wrong with american families? The son is a fucking retard and the parents are partially responsible. What went wrong with america?

>> No.9598650

its from Canada retard

>> No.9598652

>Create human life for you own fulfillment and amusement
>Kid turns out to be a worthless piece of shit that won't even have the courtesy of getting a job
I would have kicked him out a decade earlier.

>> No.9598654

>it is a horrible life full of depression.
It's really not that bad. It is what you make it.
Also fuck this guy.

>> No.9598678

priced in

>> No.9598711

this is a photo of thunderf00t, a popular youtube scientist

>> No.9598721

>experiencing life means being a boring social normie who submits to society's expectations

Oh sweetie, it's like everyone has the same shitty extrovert personality or something

>> No.9598845

If you aren't leeching off society go for it. I'm happy if you're happy as we all have different personalities. If someone wants to enable you (like parents) more power to you.

>> No.9598889

No, they're from New York.

>> No.9598917

Own a pathetic NEET faggot's soul aenima.io

>> No.9598921

Went to big Buffalo Wild Wings with the guys after work to watch the game! Reuben got too hammered again. He hit happy hour on his lunch like usual, he can't resist those $10 craft flights, problem is he also had a few drinks at BWW then started aggressively hitting on our young waitress. We had to help him back to the car and get him home. I called my girlfriend Amber and told her I'd be running a bit late, she was pissed and told me to get home soon because I promised to make her a pasta (as she says "no pasta no pussy"). Might just bring her back some Panda Express instead, there's one on the way back from Reuben's house that drunk motherfucker. Which reminds me I actually bought that homebrew kit with hops and everything a few months back, but I've been so slammed with this new contract (60+ hour weeks!) I haven't gotten a chance to put it together. Oh well, maybe Brad will let me take next Thursday off if I wrap up the budget sheet in time. But shit next Thursday is when I'm supposed to go to lunch with Amber and her parents, her Mom's still mad about us having to cancel last time fuck.

Yeah neet life is so bad

>> No.9598943

Why would someone be this triggered at the way other people choose to live their lives?

>> No.9598944
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what if it was all just for show, guy is probably gonna make bank from this stupid ass story

>> No.9599032

all biz neets should apply to the same chain so we can talk about shitcoins during our shift

>> No.9599200
File: 145 KB, 670x424, tumblr_o4rrd5IOaB1v0pigno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem salivating

>> No.9599210

What great body language. Obviously used his free time wisely to read books on how to have good open posture.

>> No.9599235
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up the delusion
I'm trying to get neets to wake up and try another way of living. A life with out purpose and productivity leads to disaster....

I mean seriously... think about it. If your parents have guest over and they ask about their kid. You really think they are comfortable telling them you do nothing? Lol
That is a disgrace, your parents feel hopeless that they spawned a useless NEET. But as i said, keep up the delusion. I'm sure you biz NEETS are so happy and full of joy :^)

>> No.9599300

How can I donate to this guy? I wanna see this guy live his whole life as a comfy NEET just as a FUCK YOU to his normie parents and the (((boomers))) in general. I AM A MILLENNIAL.

>> No.9599341

This 100%.
I will donate some $ to this guy just as a fuck you

>> No.9599361


This faggots pisses me off so much.

I bust my ass at UPS day in and day out.....so that this smug sob can just think he can freeload off his crippled old parents.


>> No.9599464
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Maybe he's trolling.

>> No.9599515
File: 839 KB, 1200x1218, cucktendo thwitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this much of a ragie wagie

>"b-but I bust my ass"
And i will busy mu nut

>> No.9599525
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>> No.9599559

can we start this I will donate at least $5.

>> No.9599567

Fuck boomers
I’m also a millennial

>> No.9599586

This is the saddest cope I’ve ever seen. Enjoy beating it and getting scoliosis from 18 hours on your computer daily. How’s the piss bottle collection going?

>> No.9599607

neetbux = welfare
call it what it is
neetbux is just a nice way of saying "white welfare"

>> No.9599671

I do all of this while being a neet. Enjoy sucking shekelburgs dick for pennies on the dollar and your 6 days vacation a year

>> No.9599757

>Enjoy beating it and getting scoliosis from 18 hours on your computer daily.
Be honest anon, it's 2018 gainful employment won't stop either of these two things from happening.

>> No.9599791

i make 6 figures doing supply chain management consulting. i work 3 days a week, if that. i'm 26.
projecting your failure to thrive and advance through society on everyone else blinds you to the actual reality: you're literally human refuse with nothing to contribute to this world and, realizing this, somewhere along the way you just gave up because you're a scared, broken little babe.
i don't mind paying to keep you alive with my taxes, i can afford it ezpz, but don't kid yourself -- keep it real. neet life is great because you know nothing else, because it *has* to be. the illusion's gotta be sustained or else you might suffer enough self-realization and kys over what you actually are.
buy more link, sweetie.

>> No.9599910

they won't understand. I keep trying to get that point across in NEET threads but they all larp like they are having the times of their lives.

Like i've said, i've been NEET as well as a normie and so on. Being a NEET might be fun for a little while, but the enjoyment never lasts. And i doubt any of these goofs are out doing normal activities every day. Rather they are in a rut, stuck at home with no friends on biz and vidya 24/7.

>> No.9600249

I don't know how anyone can have any dignity being a NEET. I literally can not believe you guys sit and defend being a NEET. Like I can't imagine having an actual conversation with you guys. You are by definition who gets cucked, you're mentally and physically frail and you literally stand by it and I can't even laugh at that because it's sad.

One of my best friends became a NEET and is gone. He has a hot girlfriend who he brainwashed and they sit around and do drugs all day. It's so motherfucking depressing, all he does is complain about the world and how hot is girlfriend is and she literally just fucked his other friend last week. Literally defends being a NEET just like the rest of you.

That shit is wild. I can't imagine what some of you look like, let alone your area of living.

>> No.9600437

average people have no inner thought of their own, therefore their existence requires constant external stimulii, especially validation
neetdom breaks them
it takes either mental fortitude or greater ability for abstraction to handle a life outside of a system pushing you from step to step
congratulations on outing yourself as dreadfully average. there's your dunning-kruger syndrome, you can get your 40 years of wagecucking and 4 to 6 long-term relationships next door. have fun!

>> No.9600479

I've been both a NEET and now hold a "good job". There are tradeoffs for both but the underlying constant in both lifestyles is that I'm unhappy lol.

>> No.9600549

You're absolutely insane. I can only imagine what you look like.

>Average people have no inner thought of their own.
>Takes mental fortitude of greater ability for abstraction to hand a life outside of a forced system.

You're better off staying inside man lol. I have never seen a better example of cognitive dissonance, you're more likely to be a candidate of dunning-kruger syndrome considering you're literally saying being an incel is better than working smart to reap rewards.

>> No.9600604
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damn i really was hoping me finding a job would make me happier, i guess ill just stay a NEET until my parents kick me out.

>> No.9600734

sure bud nice larp, did daddy get you that job? Not everyone can get a decent paying job handed to them with a silverspoon. IF this is not larp and yougot the job on your own Good job I guess, but allot of luck played into that im assumingyou werent born with any mental illnesses, decent family upbringing and you were smart and worked hard good job. But it isnt in the cards for us all.

>> No.9600791

this really sums up the thread

>> No.9601016

it will make you somewhat happier anon... trust me
Unless you have a ton of other factors in your life making it shittier

Every time i get off work i catch a buzz. I enjoy my free time more....+ making wagecuck money is cool

When i do nothing and NEET around i feel worthless. Get a fuckin job and try it, if you hate it then leave

>> No.9601056

>be from south america
>even here people are talking about this case
>my parent talked about how it's legal in our country to evict sons after 28
>mfw neet
Is this the end of the neet era? have wagecucks awaken?

>> No.9601077

>Girls, parties, gatherings,hobbies
you could literally do all of those things while neeting, you're just an enormous faggot who likes to suck mr.dickelberg's cock.

>> No.9601106

how to into this shit as a neet

>> No.9601134

The 60's.

>> No.9601152

ITT: Faggots who are never making it

>be this guy
>get fired
>realize the futility of being a wagekek
>move back with parents
>make money from a "business" (guy feeds himself and shit so he has some kind of income) probably trades shit or runs affiliate marking shit
>lives with his parents to cut rent & bills

the epitome of making it
keep working for mr. shekelstein deluded wagekeks

>> No.9601168

I love when losers project themselves onto the whole world.

>> No.9601221

you could
and very VERY few do
But guess what, not you :)

I am certain not you, because you are on biz. Most 4chan NEETS are not guys with a social circle. They are 1 bad thing away from killing them self, not able to get a job . No will to go to school. And have nothing to look foward to in life. But yea of course, they are gonna go party it up and act like everything is just fine.

It doesn't work like that, because the NEET hopelessness will stop you from going out. It will keep you holed up in your room.

>> No.9601373

im goin to school paid for by govt

>> No.9601386

then you're literally not NEET
what you are, is a brainlet, good thing you're going to school

>> No.9601419

Yea.. Unfortunately I have this feeling called pride. I'm not going to just mooch off my parents / government. Even if it means working for Mr Shekelstein (which I don't).

Now, if I make it? I'll quit, buy my 5 acres, and have my own farm based on Jean-Martin Fortier's principles. I actuall yhave enough to do that now, just haven't made the leap yet (I have 36 acres, just most of it is forest and protected).

>> No.9601456
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The media's been striking back hardcore on NEETs and incels. Is this in preparation for the Democrat primaries? Are they trying to put a face on the evil frogposters who helped get Trump elected?

>> No.9601484
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> Better get those McDonald's applications submitted soon you leech fucks.

major shareholder here. i approve this plan.

>> No.9601485

You still have to leave the house to vote. You may even have to talk to someone. Pretty huge barrier for NEETs.

Honestly should sue for discrimination. Those are modern Jim Crow laws.

>> No.9601509
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>canada is not in america

>> No.9601521

yeah. they're taking the whole '/pol/ elected trump' meme too seriously

>> No.9601560

>there are wagecucks browses 4chan

>> No.9601861

lol, you smug NEET fucks should of stayed quiet. everyone gunning for you now.


>> No.9601884
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Ragir wagie

>> No.9601891



>> No.9601943

Help me anon. Pretend I gotta start over from scratch.

what field/profession do you recommend getting in? I'm sick of being a dissapointment to my parents.

>> No.9602006

I honestly think it's this. As another anon pointed out, they've also been pushing the incel thing the past few weeks.

>> No.9602044

Study 40-60+ hours a day for a year and complete the equivalent of a CS Bachelors (you'll probably know more than 95% of graduates if you follow this actually)


Then start a business and tell everyone you went to MIT/Stanford. Nobody will ask for your resume anyways if you are a business owner. It's disrespectful.

>> No.9602068

per week** for a year

>> No.9602154

Thank you, desu. I will do that.

>> No.9602173

did wageposting meme this into happening?

>> No.9602224

Not even McDonald's is gonna hire his ass. McDonald's has a stack of applications/resumes in their desks/filing cabinets. And they would rather hire Pajeet or Juan over hiring a 30 year old NEET. Millennial unemployment in reality is a lot larger than the official unemployment statistics. Don't look at the unemployment rate, look at the employment rate for the real facts (and even then if you work for 1 day/week, you're still counted as employed so the data doesn't show the full picture there either).

Millennial NEETs are the lost boys. No one wants to hire them. His baby boomer parents are out-of-touch for thinking that their son can just go to a store, give the manager a firm handshake, give him the application/resume and get a job. His parents were saying that it's easy for even people with poor work history like their son to get a job. That is totally false. 100%.

>> No.9602250

>Then start a business
Start a business with what capital anon? lol. The vast majority of start-ups fail too.

>mfw Americans are so classcucked that they still believe in the (((American Dream))) in 2018

>> No.9602276



>> No.9602548

It's literally NOT possible to have kids and have a job. Not physically possible.

>> No.9602554
