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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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959811 No.959811 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any ways to make money that is actually fun?

How do you motivate yourself to do work , i just want to sleep and play video games.

Every hobby that I have turns to absoloute shit the minute I try to make money with.

I feel like the only way I'd do work is for someone put a gun to my head and forced me every step of the way.

Even then I might just let him pull the trigger because I'd rather be dead than spend a single day of my life working.

>> No.959812

Dunno about you but sucking dick is pretty fun

>> No.959814
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feel ya bro

>> No.959815

Day trading is really fun once you get into it but you need to study up a bit and not be a fickle trader. What you need is a hobby that revolves around money, then you won't have that dilemma.

>> No.959820

most people get into business/ trading becuase they like the risk

risk is fun for them. from the exhilaration to casting the die to the careful planning of mitigating your risk and eventually the rush of the wind against your face as you meet your hopes and dreams dashed on the pavement 20 stories below.

>> No.959823

>How do you motivate yourself to do work

The money is the motivation.

>> No.959829

try r9k

>> No.959832

>I'd rather be dead than spend a single day of my life working.

Good, die. You're a burden on your family and always will be.

>> No.959835

If you just need money get some easy brainless job and play vidya when you get back.

Not everyone needs to be an entrepreneur. I get a thrill out of things most people consider boring because I love the idea of being my own boss, doing everything my way and don't mind calculated risk.

>> No.959836

What jobs allow you to work from home and be your own boss?

>> No.959841


>mfw the "you will never be successful if you play videogames" meme was correct

S m f h t b h f a m

>> No.959842


> fun ways to make a buck
> suck cocks
> put cocks in ass
> eat cum
> make homeless ppl fight to death
> scream at videogames on YT like faggot
> put out shitty rap albums
> sell drugs
> pickpocket

Need more?

>> No.959886

Play Poker. You will get into it, lose a fuck ton of money probably, but you will learn a lot and be able to make it back if you keep it up.

>> No.959898

>unironically playing poker for money

yeah right. it requires a lot of effort to consistently make money and 99% chance you'll make under, about or at most close to minimum wage. Not worth it.

>> No.960274

OP doesn't have money to lose in poker.

>> No.961315

Don't you already have to be rich to do this?

>> No.961332

You could try investing in what you love: videogames.

Everything is digital now and physical supplies of old videogames is drying up. Yes, you can download the content from piratebay in 10 seconds flat, but that isn't why people buy them.

A collector's edition of OOT with the box is worth $100+.

>> No.961539


>> No.961547



seriously, watts was fucking gnius-tier. your problem i suspect op, is that anything which doesnt further your career seems futile, so you end up directionless, depressed and going nowhere. the best thing to do in that situation is to stop trying, and work on other areas of your life.
watts might be a bit hardcore for /biz/. if so try eckhart tolle. if you like either but are still lost, look into buddhism. consider it a spiritual....holiday. come back refreshed and invigorated, try again.
finding your path isnt the problem, you are the problem, youre looking in the wrong places.

>former alcoholic
>now in property investment, could retire tomorrow... no loner want to.

>> No.961562

If you're in MA or RI, I can help you make a few hundred (give or take) in your spare time.

>> No.961577

I'm in Ma. What you got?

>> No.961589

What county? I need some someone to post advertisements to facebook groups/Craigslist, take orders, and be capable of delivering orders. We split the profits. It's all fairly passive, except the deliveries, and obviously it's a from home thing.

>> No.961590

I'm in Norfolk

>> No.961594

You have access to a truck or van?

>> No.961595

Yeah I have a minivan.

>> No.961600

Awesome! Your ok with the idea typing back and forth with single moms and hipster girls, negotiating firmly on prices, and managing pickup or deliveries of furniture that may weight up to 100-150lbs? You can set your own prices and delivery schedule, as long as I have enough time to build the stuff and I get $xx per piece.

I do it myself currently, and make $1000-2000/month, but I'd rather just build and let someone else distribute. I'm wearing too many hats, basically.

>> No.961602
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>> No.961604

I'm going to drop my kik, because I have to run. If you, or anyone else in MA is interested, please give me a shout there.

Username: davedobbs

(no dick pics please)

>> No.961605

*MA or RI

>> No.961606

Yeah. Everyone absolutely loves working. You're a speshul snowflake. No one feels like you do.

>> No.961620
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I learned to like work and long hours, because I'm being a productive and working towards something. A paycheck. Savings. Social connections. Respect.

I will never understand people who don't fucking work.
Work becomes your life, your career, and what you contribute to society.

I have a roomate who literally does nothing but sits his ass in front of his computer, playing vidya and watching TV.
>He says he's going to become a millionaire one day, after he starts a small business of boba tea/hookah lounge and expands.
Mofo is 22, and hasn't held down a single job for more than a few months, and has said repeatedly how he doesn't want to work a dead end job. So he'd rather sell weed and play video games.

I have no respect for him, or any man that can't hold down a fucking job.

>> No.961623

I can do this from Amherst area for a bit then from a south Boston suburb during break.

I only got a sedan though.

>> No.961626

You're lacking in motivation and direction. I can relate because I used to feel the same way as you, tried monetising my hobbies, failed, and eventually got a real job and discovered that actually grown-up work isn't as inaccessible or as miserable as you might imagine.

Teenagers and hipsters see putting on a suit and tie as "selling out" on their dreams. They'd rather be NEET because even if they're poor and unhappy, at least they haven't become a cog in "the man's" machine. Bullshit. Through work you can build wealth and earn prestige, and those two things are what will enable you to achieve your life goals. Nobody lays in their deathbed wishing they'd slept more and played more video games.

>> No.961627
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The stuff can get pretty big. A sedan may not do the trick. If you have the space for it, you can just do cash and carry pickups only. I'd have to add a surcharge to your wholesale prices to get stuff out to you every other week, or so, however.

>> No.961634

Fucking typos.
I just got a new phone. The sentence above twice came out as "ducking types"
Techtarded or not, my approach worked for me. If you're lost, find a new direction. Watts, Tolle, Jung... Even Teal Swan helped me no end. I just needed to chill, to stop worrying and to allow myself to change.
Anyway good luck op. There are a million and one ways to make money. Relax bro. You'll get there.

>> No.961637

Oh and teal is fit as fuck. So watch her even if she relatively is shit-tier.

>> No.961656

Software would be fun if it was possible to sell good software. Most of what sells is overpriced garbage. Government and corporations never learn so it never makes life better.

I also don't recommend selling toys. The poorfaggotry of prospective customers will ruin collecting for you. Especially if you're sick of companies making the same dozen characters over and over instead of just once making what you want.