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9590658 No.9590658 [Reply] [Original]

Why poor people wants to move to the U.S?
Every fucking monkey who does not even have money to lay dead wants to go to the U.S, meanwhile U.Stadians and rich people wants to be far away from the U.S and its government.

Why is it?
The U.S is a shit place for poor people.

>> No.9590686


They are stuck in the world of 40 years or more ago when the US was a prosperous country and have no idea how shitty it is now. BTW Mexicans are starting to catch onto this and are moving back to Mexico since living standards there have increased or some are moving to Canada since they are allowing Mexicans to go there more easily than even Americans lmao

>> No.9590701

you know how americans used to believe in the whole "american dream" meme? that meme is still real in third world countries.

>> No.9590835

USD is powerful in places like Mexico. It's still a land of dreams 'cause any retarded ape can roof a house, and when you have no papers you can do it and you don't have to file taxes on your income.

Also...WIC, SNAP, ISS and other social welfare programs make it cheap and easy to get food and even drugs (which are dealt for more $$$). Section 8 provides reasonable housing. Hell, there are even "squatter laws," some so generous that if you manage to find an abandoned home and live in it for a period of time (and prove it) you can legally claim it lol

also it's like $12 for a business license, and you can travel freely from state to state across a vast expanse of land w/ out having to check in w/ border guards.

any car you want. any dog you want. buy a plot of land and build basically whatever you want. don't speak good English? Chinatown, Koreatown, barrios and ghettos await. Own weapons. Make weapons. Free surgeries and medical procedures for prisoners, no torture included (or rape: see PREA)

the US is way cooler for poors in many areas than it is for the middle class. see: CA, WA, MN, etc..

>> No.9590919


Being poor and white in the US is probably the worst though. You don't get any of that free shit and you have people constantly saying you're privileged. And you can't even illegally cross the border like the Mexican do because the US will wreck your shit with taxes, making it pointless.

>> No.9590939

You know those beaners who work for min wage at fast-food joints?

They live like kings in mexico.
They save up or send all that money back to beanerland and then buy a house with their mcdonald cuckwage money.

>> No.9590946

>squatter law
kek we have that here
made $50k last year dealing with squatters
god bless fentanyl, the ultimate pesticide

>> No.9590951

also, while the US has a fair share of corruption, it's nowhere near on the retarded fucking level of the corruption in Africa, South America, Mexico, and even more evolved countries like Italy or Greece. too many people in congress that are too ready to stab each other in the back at any opportunity; they're always on the lookout to sue for corruption or laundering. it doesn't work perfectly, but there's a reason people are even hearing about the corruption that happens here and shitty gov't behavior in other countries causes a general "meh" reaction. US is at a very high standard and is pretty transparent, if unintentionally.

it's clear who the bad guys are: stay away from nigs with sagging pants and any browns that don't speak English, and you're fine. don't be a fag/shoot up and you won't get AIDS. no TB. the biggest problem the poor face is obesity and diabetes. the commies are harmless and scared of guns. the fascists have containment areas and fight each other more than anyone else. no arrests for "hate speech" or wrongthink twitter posts. there's actually housing here. the biggest issues with Islam come from the various Somalians across the midwest and they die p. quickly from drugs and odd diseases.

if you don't like the country itself but still like USD, you can even expatriate and enjoy all the benefits of the dollar while living like a king in your old shithole.

>> No.9590974

I wish they'd all fuck off backo where they came from instead of making me a stranger in the land my ancestors died to protect

>> No.9590990

>constantly saying you're privileged

you're a reasonably healthy human living in the wealthiest nation the planet has ever seen. i don't buy race privilege, but wealth is certainly privilege, and the fact you count hearing about privilege as a problem means you have a lot more than some nig from Ethiopia or Cambodian ladyboy prostitute.

suffering =/= righteousness, but I highly recommend you find yourself real problems. the biggest issues citizens of the US have to deal with are where they're gonna spend their money. we know no different. there are people living here who don't even know how to grow and cook their own food--we have people living here who don't know how to hunt or fish ffs

in fact the ones that know the least about how to actually survive shithole land are usually among the wealthiest in the nation that literally defined the first world, the US

>> No.9591002

>died to protect
>what is thanksgiving

>> No.9591004


lmao fucking call ICE then you pussy, illegals literally make nests by Home Depot.

>> No.9591008

Then get brutally murdered by a drug cartel the next day.

>> No.9591012

>doesn't believe race privilege
>every minority gets sterotyped and shitted on expect whiteys
>asians get shitted on the hardest because they are the biggest threat to whites

>> No.9591021

LMAO Your ancestors didn't give a fuck about you. They imported niggers from Africa to make a quick buck giving 0 fucks about any sort of future implications that might have on their descendants.

>> No.9591022


They are, at least the ones who have made enough to buy land/houses back in Mexico and now live the good life over there. Some are moving up to Canada because they get more freebies up there.


According to this article I'm a peasant of the lowest tier: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-23/bankers-don-t-think-you-re-rich-unless-you-have-25-million

Also I'm not healthy I have at least 5 diseases caused by plastic and lead toxicity and I grew up in the midwest of the US. Thyroid/pituitary gland issues mostly.

>> No.9591043
File: 1.89 MB, 480x480, the wonders of chinese infrastructure.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fucking chink

not even a dime a dozen, isn't China overdue for a needless bloody revolution?

also Asian immigrants take huge advantage of the wealth of the United States. Asians in the US make more than whites by far...but I wouldn't consider them a threat until actual mainland chinks catch up lmao

>> No.9591057


checking. did you get worker's comp, or was it some kind of Flint situation?

are we talking hodgkin's lymphoma type shit or "overworked adrenal glands" type shit

>> No.9591071

>isn't China overdue for a needless bloody revolution?
Yes, but this is postponed as long as significant wealth is able to flee the country, and sees no reason to fund a violent revolution.

>> No.9591086

to be fair they're a tiny minority in the US. people usually waaay overestimate the nigger population because of television, it's kind of like how people think Germany is full of Turks or something from watching TV.

honestly the country is pretty vast. if you didn't have TV you could easily live somewhere and never run into a nigger, mudslime or spic your entire life...i'm sure that'll change in the next century though.

>> No.9591087

not a chink but im just calling it out how i see it.

>war with beaners easily takes over california
>war with niggers bring them back as slaves lol
>war with chinks almost losing in full out royal rumble wars

niggers are the lowest of tiers on the list they are not seen as a threat thus in 2018 they get praised and try to be shown in a positive light.

beaners are mid tier so they are not really mention

chinks/gooks are high tier and the most able minority too overthrow white supremacy. Thus u must shit on them to keep them in check.

>> No.9591100

it'll happen when people realize on a mass scale that the coal industry is a huge racket in China and people are getting sick and dying literally so some slant version of a Jew can make a few extra dollars.

>> No.9591135
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>> No.9591148

chinas fucked. check out their social credit system. ps. waltonchain will be apart of that.

>> No.9591154

you've seen what actually goes on in China right?Japan wouldn't be much different if the US weren't such a giant trade partner, same w/ the Philippines.

Fun fact: Japan invented methamphetamine and prescribed dosages to all of it's citizens during WWII, and still has major issues with narcotics that they don't deal with because of "national pride." the US's laundry is pretty much out in the open, and constantly in everyone's face--a lot of people are concerned with issues that are hugely remote from them in the US, unlike in cramped places like Japan or metro China.

the Chinese have the best deal since they're mainland, but the Japs and Koreans are more developed...still, all it would take is a surge. Japs learned that the hard way. China was threatening to do it to SK through NK, too.

spics are a huge issue. they're moving opiates through the US at a rapid rate--they aren't mentionable because the problem is so serious operations need air silence for success. they're dumb, but they're savages with nothing to lose.

>> No.9591167

Chinks dont care, and if they do care they have no money and no weapons to do anything.
I'm telling you, bloody revolution is impossible in china as long as other countries are willing to host chinese wealth.
It's a disarmed, disenfranchised population of self-hating peasants with insect brains that are satisfied as long as they have cigarettes to smoke, greasy noodles to eat, and beer to drink.
They hate each other too much to ever want to improve their collective lot in life, and the only people who care to change things already realized that Canada, Australia, and Philippines can be China 2.0, and have left the corrupt nobles and stupid peasants to their fate.

>> No.9591171


China is 2nd behind the US for most millionaires in the world, and they are quickly catching up. They are buying up lots of property in the US/Canada and flipping it back to retarded millenials who somehow think it's viable to buy 1 million dollar houses. Shouldn't take too long for them to overtake the US if their amount of millionaires keeps growing at the rate it is right now.


It was caused by my mother being pregnant and being exposed to toxins from working at a plastics plant. The lead poisoning was from our house using lead paint. My thyroid gland is completely fucked (also pituitary due to TSH production being nothing). I had a goiter at one point but it's fixed now thanks to good healthcare. I will admit good healthcare is something that US has the privilege of, but only so far as you have good insurance. That still doesn't fix my lifelong disease as there is no cure for thyroid diseases you're just on lifelong medication. It's also really fucking miserable to have.

>> No.9591184


Only third world retards still believe it anon. Notice how nobody from Europe or Australia etc is lining up to move there any more? Yeah, shit looks bad, you couldn't pay me to go there. Good luck burgers.

>> No.9591199

overtake the US and what? in China it's every man for himself, they don't have the same national pride as Koreans or Japanese. they've eaten themselves alive too many times and learned they can't trust each other. I'm not worried about them.

also it *is* viable to buy expensive houses, and 1 mil places aren't going to private buyers most of the time. in SoCal, NYC, Seattle etc., people buying/selling with chinks own real estate portfolios and are able to do magic Jew money tricks you wouldn't believe w/ equity and financing.

I'm very sorry that you do have legitimate health issues, and I take back what I said about "real problems." I think you understood my point though.

>> No.9591207

>The U.S is a shit place for poor people.
i lived over in 'merica for 12 years, we were not poor. In UK atm, ppl think i am crazy for leaving america. Most do not realise the heath care in america can issue you with a house size bill! the normies watch to much TV think its better, the normies get lied to as much as the americans. america is one of the least free nations on earth!

>> No.9591216

Hi I'm from Venezuela and I have no money, how can I go to the united Estates ?

>> No.9591217

what are you talking about? the US gets ~100k Europeans (legally) every year. they're just overshadowed by the massive influx of shit coming from SA

>> No.9591268

Oh well if Elizabeth says so then it must be true!

>> No.9591279

China are the chad's of east-asians.

They don't let the amerifats aka white man control them like korean & japan.

sadly this is coming from a korean

>> No.9591479

Do you understand why your shithole country is a shithole?

>> No.9591483

Kek you write like a 5th grader

>> No.9591931

that colony kind of getting out control desu, give dem redskins a break

>> No.9591963

OP is a spoiled rotten cunt.

>> No.9592621

Because they want free gibs.

>> No.9592669

Where do stereotypes come from anon?

>> No.9592710

Basically this. Some guy proved that illegal immigrants are more prosperous due to claiming welfare while not paying tax. It's funny that your President trying to stop illegal immigrants is painted as a horrible racist.

>> No.9592726

>mfw displacing white people and making them a minority while breeding brown babies with their women.

Feels good man

>> No.9592756

Two hundred years is not enough to call someone the ancestor, newfren

>> No.9592834

>Cigs, beer and greasy noodles
Wtf I love China now

>> No.9592887

100k to US
200k flock to SEA as sexpats
>What's your point

>> No.9592901
File: 333 KB, 1182x1200, Why build a wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Someone can post that one comic comparing an illegal vs legal construction worker side by side across their entire lives.

>> No.9592905

really, dude? you're really not hearing the sound of parenthesis when you see "whites" shitting on asians?
unless you're talking chinks, who are legitimately derided because they're thieving piece of shits who will steal your stuff then turn around and accuse you of stealing first. utterly repulsive people
but most whites have nothing but respect for japanese, koreans, singaporeans... all east asians who have built successful societies on hard work. and i've never witnessed animosity for filipinos, thais, vietnamese, malaysians...

>> No.9593034

>while the US has a fair share of corruption, it's nowhere near on the retarded fucking level of the corruption in Africa, South America, Mexico, and even more evolved countries like Italy or Greece
lol is this a joke? In third world countries with bad corruption, you can bribe some local official and do whatever you want. Here, the corruption is at higher levels and it's huge so there's no way around it. Corruption is much worse here. You just don't see it in your day-to-day.

>> No.9593097

They basically look at movies made in the 90s and think thats what america is still like. LoL if only they really knew.

>> No.9593197

I blame the US 'education' system

>> No.9593251

venezuelan here. i wouldn't move to the united states unless they offered me a lot of money, but i understand why people would like to move there. their wages are really high compared to any other third world country and services work. you know you're going to have electricity and running water and won't get kidnapped and that your savings are backed by the richest country in the earth. i think you don't know how shitty it is in other countries, so you can't conceive why people would like to move to the us. it's really, really shitty

>Every fucking monkey who does not even have money to lay dead wants to go to the U.S

imagine that you're told you're going to make literally 400 times your monthly wage AND move to one of the safest places in earth. i don't know what's hard to understand about this. you think not being to save is bad? we're used to it. try not being and to save and not being able to buy all the food you need

>> No.9593309

>the U.S
>one of the safest places in earth

>> No.9593463

You literally don't have fucking clue what the fuck you talking about

>> No.9593470

it is
how come

>> No.9593519

Hollywood frames US as "land of opportunity". All normie friends say they want to move to us once they make it. I ask them why, they never know. Shoulder shrugs. I just shame my head.

Last country I want to move to is US

>> No.9593526

All of the good things you describe are because of white people. Safe areas in the US are generally white. Unsafe areas are unsafe because they are full of blacks and mestizos.

>> No.9593557

what's your point. i explained why someone would want to move there, i didn't say it's right or anything

>> No.9593577

I used to want to move there to make money
nowadays I don't even want to step foot in that shithole, fuck having anything to do with the US and having to fill in millions of forms and declarations to the kikes every time you want to do something with your money

>> No.9593614

is it that bad?

my plan has been stealing us programmers jobs by working remotely for us companies, have my money there but don't move there so i don't pay taxes or any stupid shit like that

feels good man

>> No.9593661

Just because the US is safer than Venezuela doesn't meant that it's one of the safest countries in the world. It might be in the top half, but it's not particularly high in any reasonable comparison. Your stubborn retardation about this issue is a perfect example of the sort of foreigner who loves the US so much in spite of actual facts.

>> No.9593683

>It might be in the top half, but it's not particularly high

yeah just over the median. nothing high about that at all


>> No.9593691

well I'm not sure how it works exactly but I think even if you are resident in the US you will have to start filling out all kinds of forms. Every time you open a bank account/investment account/participate in ICO etc they will ask you if you have anything to do with the US

>my plan has been stealing us programmers jobs by working remotely for us companies, have my money there but don't move there so i don't pay taxes or any stupid shit like that
this is the best plan

>> No.9593828


>makes 65k a yearly
>still uses WIC for my twins
>have a total of 4 kids
>2 teenagers
>2 toddlers age 3

fuck my shit up B

>> No.9593864
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>> No.9593877

With two or three cities in top ten the most dangerous in the world

>> No.9593931

It is due to English ofc. Learning an european language is hard and you already know English anyways.

>> No.9593945



>Germany made amphetamine
>Japan developed methamphetamine
>US made it illegal in the 70's
>Drug cartels in the 90's made massive amounts daily
>men on meth like to fuck
>women on meth stay naked and write on paper for 10 fucking hours spewing bullshit

>> No.9593970

>yeah just over the median. nothing high about that at all

Being just over the median is, by definition, not high. Holy shit, you're dumb.