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9589478 No.9589478 [Reply] [Original]

>" There are jobs available even for those with a poor work history like you. Get one - you have to work!"

[citation needed]

I have been a NEET for 3 years and have been unavailable to get a job even as a janitor or trashman because of the intense competition from other NEETS (100 applicants for 1 position).

So explain how someone like me with zero work history can get a job.

>> No.9589484 [DELETED] 

It should be a mistrial the judge wasn't taking this seriously you could see it in his face. He has solid ground to appeal.

>> No.9589488

Get a job that doesn't require work history. If a former crack addict with brain damage can get a job, so can you.

>> No.9589498

I have a degree and a masters degree. Left work a year ago and learned to 'day trade' ....if you literally can't work out how to make money even whilst being a NEET then you've got serious problems.

>> No.9589508

Depends on where you live. Keep in mind that he lives in NYC. That's New York CITY, not just the state of NY. He can walk into restaurants and ask for work as a dishwasher or busboy and can be taken seriously if he gets a haircut and shaves his face. Public transport is also very competent and existent, he will have no problem finding and getting to his shitty service job. With a good head on his shoulders (which he does not have) and with a good set of parents, he can send good looking applications to low level office work etc, shitty low paid desk monkey work. He can afford to do this because his parents provide everything for him for some reason. This is what enables rich kids to put together better resumes. The point is that he clearly had opportunities handed to him and he squandered them all, with a massively entitled and arrogant attitude about it. YMMV

>> No.9589510
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Janitor and trashman are actually jobs in high demand. The latter a comfy public job where you spend all the day outdoors and the former kinda a relaxed job depending where you work. Perhaps you should try getting jobs not so many people wants?

You haven't worked in years. Be a little more humble.

This board is not meant for whiny boys.

>> No.9589598

Youre telling OP to start selling gimmicky pillows?

>> No.9589659

It's a known fact you get the job in the first 15 seconds of the interview. Look at OP pic. Who wants to look at that every day? Wash your face, comb your hair and brush your teeth. It's not fucking hard.

>> No.9589869

If you can't get a job you make one OP.

>> No.9589979

Why not both?
>work out of parents house
>build portfolio
>retire, slipping them money if they get bitchy.
Why would anyone work to death for 60 years? Praying that each month they have just enough to keep the bank happy.
30-40 years ago housing was a fraction of the price it is now and wages are about the same

>> No.9590003

Poor kid

>> No.9590040

the comfy ride ends for him :^)

Boomer BTFO by Elder Boomers

>> No.9590047

You didnt get hired SOLELY because you weren't the best candidate. Sell yourself better in interviews, appear indefinable, make the interviewer feel like not hiring you would be a mistake.

>> No.9590063

>buzzword of the week

>> No.9590168

I dont know, maybe you should have thought about that before you spent 3 years of your life doing fucking nothing except fapping, video games and buying link. Go and sell your body somewhere to pay your bills until finally one lonely KFC that's 80 miles away accepts your application. Fuck you, loser, you can't just NEET away and not pay for it.

>> No.9590205

While population grows, city centers stay the same size. Affordable housing is available all across the USA, but not inside of the biggest and most desirable cities. If you want to live better than everyone else, you must be more valuable than everyone else.

>> No.9590382

>trashman is a comfy public job
lmao you clueless pontificating prick

>> No.9590411

Most of them pay fairly well for the work. As they are often (not always) public sector work they usually have good pension and leave as well.

>> No.9590439

of course, the remuneration is decent, but that doesn't make the job 'comfy'

>> No.9590444


I'm curious do 30 yo NEETS with zero work experience really exist in this world? What exactly do they do with their lives on a day to day basis?

>> No.9590446

How’d you Learn?

>> No.9590457

>So explain how someone like me with zero work history can get a job.
Temp agencies. Nobody hires off the street above retail, and if you can display basic skills, tolerate some bullshit, you can get placed by an agency. You'll be doing shit work, but it's work, the pay is okay and will get better, and you can get some good experience or even offered a full time job.
Complete moron mouthbreathers can get work through agencies. Call every one within 50 miles from you, and do what they tell you to.

>> No.9590465

Have you spent 40hrs a day looking for an job?

>> No.9590514

>He can walk into restaurants and ask for work as a dishwasher or busboy
In NYC? Only if he's a mexican or some other sort of illegal. Anything in the kitchen below cook now, especially in NYC, is ALL spanish. And they don't like working around non-spanish, so they cause all kinds of shit if the owners hire none-spanish.
However, the low level office thing is real - most companies these days don't hire off the street, they hire through agencies, and a mouthbreather with any degree will get work quickly. It will be entry level pay - but not minimum - and you'll be doing warm body type work, but you can work your way up fast, especially if you have half a brain.
I know people who graduated from good colleges who had to go through agencies to get started, because they didn't hustle in school, get internships, and had B or C averages. But once they got in, and worked a couple shit gigs, got decent positions, and worked up from there.
Agencies will get you experience, if you don't have any. They can send you out as a pre-interviewed worker, the people you work for won't know and won't care about your work history. They just want warm bodies to show up, do the work their full time people can't or won't do, like filing or inventory, and won't cause problems.
They even have agencies for manual labor. That's even more shit work, like demoing an old fast food place or cleaning up worksites, but it's work.
Trying to get a job like picking up trash, which is union work, with no experience or connections? That's funny.
But speaking of, if you work near a port, go try to get on the call list for the longshoreman type stuff, and try to get into that union. Damned good pay, nobody fucks with them, and after enough time, you get paid to lean on a shovel while someone new like you breaks his ass.

>> No.9590529


Get a job working in a warehouse with a temp agency. They don't really care if you have a work history or not.

>> No.9590602

Yes they do. Consider this a class action lawsuit between the NEETs and the enablers. NEETs lose.

>> No.9590666

Oh, please do tell how much you've made today and yesterday from trading.

>> No.9590767

A lot of video games usually. There are actually these things called "achievements" that consoles reward you with, so these guys can say they have hundreds or thousands of achievements and feel validated. It most likely started out as a way to sink the hooks deeper in the consumers' wallets, but I'd say there are unintended side effects.

What really gets me about this case is the 30 year old's complete lack of shame. How could a person not be embarrassed over their personal lack of financial sense, planning skills and lack of utility to literally anyone being displayed on nationwide news? He's literally up there preening his fucking hair on the news outside the courtroom and twisting logic around to prolong his parasitism of the people who created him, like it's a totally normal thing to do. I don't think there's any way his parents don't deserve a son like him. They failed so badly.

>> No.9591245

Hahaha, fuck wagies and Neets are the most pathetic people on earth.

All of you are plebs beneath me.

>> No.9591375

The proper attitude right there

>> No.9591405

A driver who was clearly a heroin and meth user delivered a parcel to me the other day. Get some damn self respect.

>> No.9591486
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i chuckled

>> No.9591537

you're not very susceptible to peer pressure in the first place if you neet it up at your parents in your 20s, and over the years that lifestyle is challenged often
either you crack or your shame goes
a 30+ years old NEET has been through so much humiliation there's no possible way it registers anymore, it's like being surprised a drone operator cracks jokes about killing children

>> No.9591815


Keep in mind that a job like that may very well not pay for an apartment in NYC. Not from there, but what I've seen, the rents are fucking out of control.