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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9588408 No.9588408 [Reply] [Original]

How much money have you wasted on vaginas in your life?

>> No.9588420

>has crypto
>still uses fiat for whores
Never gonna make it

>> No.9588444

probably around $60,000 USD and that's with having only 2 long term girlfriends and only being sexually active/puberty for 13 years. By the time I retire I project that figure to be well over $1,000,000.

>> No.9588457

uniorincally similar $60k expenditure at around ~30

>> No.9588462

They have actually wasted a lot on me. You guys are doing it wrong.

>> No.9588476

0, I have never needed money to get girls.

>> No.9588480

0 dollars, also touchless virgin

>> No.9588483

I learned it from my autistic grandfather. Just buys his wife's love and it's worked for 45+ years so that's my gameplan.

>> No.9588515

When I first started in the fucking scene I spent a little, then I got a protip to not spend a cent on them. I actually was surprised that thots respect you more when you dont give a fuck about them and put no money into them, if your gonna fuck her its gonna happen if you buy her dinner and drinks or not.
The girl I'm with now, I buy her something little every now and then but thats because shes not a thot, still I'll never put any real money into women ever on principle.

>> No.9588537

Go meet, hang out and flirt with a girl anon. It’s good for you.

>> No.9588632

Why use an appreciating asset? Use a depreciating asset and save your crypto.

>> No.9588647

I ballpark $30k for escorts starting 4 years ago when i was 28.

>> No.9588980
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>spending money on women
your grandfather lived in a simpler time

>> No.9588986

~$5,000 from my first and only relationship. haven't spent a dime since.

>> No.9589034

probably less than $2000 lmao

>> No.9589132

Shalom my /biz/raeli friend, this honourary Jew knows what he's talking about.

>> No.9589192
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If you aren't using an escort, you shouldn't be spending any money to have sex at all. Just make it clear ahead of time when you ask her out that you will be splitting the bill. If a girl says yes if I ask her to go out with me, then the next question is, 'Are you alright with splitting the bill?' If the answer is no, then that's it, I move on to someone else. The only money I spend on a date is whatever I do.

If a girl expects you to pay, or acts entitled about it, that's not your problem, unless you let it be.

>> No.9589207


>> No.9589326

Made mine buy me plane tickets and shit to see her.

>> No.9589485

I've spent thousands of dollars on prostitutes across the last three years. I'm broke now and I really need to get a handle on this habit.

>> No.9589550

>actual financial advice in /biz/

>> No.9589614

about $12,000

Boomer here

i am very careful with money around women

>> No.9589690

Some girl gave me crazy head once, magic pussy. Bought the girl a house, we married now.

>> No.9589814

oh shit not this motherfucker loooool

>> No.9589844
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CLASSIC BOOMER! BEST EPISODE. I understand where he is coming from. he probably never even had a 7/10 in his life and suddenly he lands a 10/10 models

u guys dont understand. with 10/10's you bend over backwards for them

>> No.9589941

10/10? Honey, no.

>> No.9589952

Enough for me to wish prostitution was legal so at least I’d have more variety

>> No.9589955

i spotted the fag. if u saw her irl she is a 10/10. big lips, only 20 years old and big boobs. he sex appeal is thru the roof

i have loser friends like you. i hate them so much

can u imagine cumming on her face loser bitch >>9588980

>> No.9589971


>> No.9590121

Shes nowhere near a 10/10 you sheltered delusional lonely nerd

>> No.9590226

Literally all of it. I've never been with a prostitute, but I can tell you they are by FAR the cheapest way to get sex

>> No.9590273

0, too autistic to go outside

>> No.9590440
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Russian women, man...drive you insane.


>> No.9590474


IDK about $100k probably? 31 years old.
Attributing all travel for the purpose of fucking around, all dates, all gifts, all living expenses while chasing tail in a foreign country.
Only about $5k domestically.

Sad thing is if I had invested the money in bitcoin or eth back when I had it, I would be a multi millionaire now. I don't even remember most of the women I've fucked. It's like a drug addiction or something.

>> No.9591232

I wasted most when paying for myself with bitches. although i guess i shilled out about 2-3k USD on them directly

>> No.9591300
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A few thousand probably.

>> No.9591598

cant be serious

>> No.9591618

$0, 26m

>> No.9591715

Net profit tbqh
Putting a number on it is difficult.

>> No.9591748

I'm married. So probably about 80% of my income.

>> No.9592080

why'd you fall for the marriage meme?

>> No.9592119

£80 per hour
fucked 27 escorts multiple times so i'd say about £4k

>> No.9592133

why women is so fucking connected with housing? at times of war housing can be destroyed by cannon and bombers

>> No.9592143

About $750,000 from the divorce

>> No.9592162

this is why you fuck escorts

>> No.9592263
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Yeah, most people here don't care but marriage is just risky a.f.

You can literally lose half of your shit if she wants to divorce.

I can't even believe the vast majority of judges rule in favor of women.

It fucking sucks that literally EVERY friend I've had growing up has divorced parents.

Women just don't seem worth it in the long run, man I hate saying this shit but so far it's all been true.

>> No.9592325


How much money have you wasted on food?

The whole reason money exists is in the service of getting laid. What are you even talking about?

>> No.9592430


Is that two trannies?

>> No.9592546

2 bucks

>> No.9592636
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If strippers count, approximately $12K USD. Not counting strippers, $3400. $950 on penis (feminine).

>> No.9592717

fucking this. girls paid more first dates than I did (which is never)

>> No.9592753

yeah! why anon?

>> No.9592764

Not much, I never paid for dates (other than one or two times), and my current girlfriend buys me a lot of stuff. Being good looking is pretty cool, bros.

>> No.9592775

Zero. It's not a waste.

>> No.9592788

Oh Ansfa, you 6/10 Russian and 10/10 ability to spot cucks

>> No.9592808

about $4k on camwhores, otherwise almost nothing.

thought my camwhore addition has basically stopped, for now.

>> No.9592809

0, 22yo khv.

>> No.9592820

alot, i live in a 3rd world Hispanic country where you can fuck IG level models for $50 to $100 a pop. And where you have such an abundance of women its a joke. You literally dont need to masturbate thats how plentiful pussy is where i am staying.
I had a week where i literally fucked 4 different women that i just chatted up in one week, i was shooting dust at the end of that week

>> No.9592840
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i was going to answer zero but i did actually buy a gift to someone i were interested in five years ago... she wasn't interested in me tho. so 55 bucks.

>> No.9592845
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>what delusional virgins think a 10/10 is
>big boobs and makeup

>what everyone else thinks a 10/10 is
>sweaty nerd who plays vidya with you, addicted to cuddling with you, and is literally never upset or overly-emotional about anything

>> No.9592885

No more than a few hundred, maybe almost a thousand or two, I’ve only had a girlfriend for a year and we split everything pretty evenly. I am
more indulgent when I’m treating her though. Every girl I’ve been with before was a whore who I kept around for sex and wouldn’t dream of spending a cent on.

>> No.9592900

>big lips
rofl jaysus muh fuckin sides. Thanks, anon.

>> No.9592963
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>sweaty nerd who plays vidya with you
this is the worst kind of woman. never cleans, never cooks, will demand you change diapers and get up when the baby cries during the night.

a true 10/10 woman is a woman that acts like a woman should. 5 points are looks, 5 points are usefulness.

>> No.9592974

I never got the appeal of strippers.

You're paying stupid money for the potential chance you might get a blowjob from a grimy whore? Wow! It's fucking nothing.

>> No.9592983

I'm not looking for a slave, I prefer a partner.

>> No.9593006

oh fuck probably 6 or 8k easy

That's not escorts, that's dinners and movies and date shit.

If there are any virgins reading my post, just hire a decent looking hooker, get some head and wear a condom when you fuck her.
Really isn't all that special, I don't understand why so many guys are like rabid dogs for pussy, it's the same shit every time. I would actually liken it to an addiction.

>> No.9593127
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men have different obligations that a woman won't fill, in fact often cannot fill. it's just a matter of give and take in different areas. you don't want a woman that acts like your bro.

>> No.9593287

>tfw not Chad enough to make the girls spend money on me

>> No.9593294
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>visit escorts once sometimes twice a week
>for the past 2 years
Yeah i may have a problem...

>> No.9593326

like $25, being with prostitutes 4 times. they're really cheap where i live, thank god

>> No.9593372

let us know when you lose your virginity with this tactic

>> No.9593411

Between 140K and 150K. My lifestyle would be more frugal without a wife. That's just in monthly overheads over time. If I factored in opportunity cost and vacations, the number would make me throw up in my mouth.

Before her, not that much.

>> No.9593567

about tree fiddy

>> No.9593655

I've gotten a few HJs, with dick out a couple of times. Never a BJ, though. Part of the appeal for me is that I like teasing and foreplay more than fucking. Another part is I hate using condoms and HJs are about as safe as it gets.

>> No.9593767

virginfag is virgin and fag. women are for cleaning and keeping the house. they are made obsolete with vacuum cleaners and dish washers.

>> No.9593894

>few hundred £ on jewelry, gifts and dinner dates on various gfs
>£100 for sex once just to try a hooker

Thinking how much rent I've saved from rent sharing, I'm probably a few hundred pounds in profit.

This anon knows >>9588462

>> No.9593908

Oh and £20 on a stripper when I was 17, she wasn't hot.

>> No.9593934

The appeal is entertainment and desensitization, not sex. That's what a prostitute is for.

>> No.9593940

500 bucks but only b/c I am still young I am sure the expense will be much higher in 5-10 years. Turns out she is bipolar and can't say no to dick. Fucks my friend, and his friend, and his friends friends friend. WOMEN are true POS, ZERO ETHICS ON ROASTIES. Literally ruined 3 years of building trust, it's as much my friends fault as hers. But honestly I do not see how I can trust women after that especially since it happened in a few years ago and I am still in my 20s.

>> No.9593962

Sorry, I actually enjoy having a wife. I have no issue sharing the work when we both contribute to the household.

My ex? 100% expected her to keep the house clean because I paid for everything and she had no job. When she stopped doing it I kicked her out.

>> No.9593967
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probably like 200-500€ or sth
I enjoyed it tho so I guess it's like paying for an experience which isn't too bad.

>> No.9594092

it's all fun and game till she snaps and divorces you for some reason. i'm not saying it will always happen, but a big fat fucking chance of that. and then you're left there holding your dick and 50% of your shit is gone.

>> No.9594146

2k on a holiday
the best part of another K on ubers, restaurants and birthday presents and dates
between 3-6 k on escorts but that might be a little low.
maybe another k or 2 on all previous relationships and ubers

so between 7 to 11 K GBP

>> No.9594316


>that pic
>being such a bitch that you see your natural role as the provider, therefore having the right to pick who you provide for, is women predating on you

This is your brain on mgtow

>> No.9594412

home = stability, a place for children to grow, a nest for all her shit (which will take up at least one bedroom by itself)

>> No.9594523

$5-10k all up in dates, 30yo virgin

gave up years ago

>> No.9594715

5-10k in prostitutes.
100-200k in gf.

t. boomer

>> No.9594834

>Your money isn't your money sweetie

>> No.9594848

4chan wasn't around back then. This much anger and/or virginity, wow, how many digits have you thrown away on girls that didn't even give you a handjob after dinner?

>> No.9594935

>not getting it back at tax time
This anon knows whats up

>> No.9595025

Is ok anon. You could be me. I've spent money on girls and I'm still a virgin

>> No.9595272

200,000 to 500,000 i bit king salomon number of girls

>> No.9595327

That's my 10/10 for sure

>> No.9595361

My sweaty nerd cleaned and cooked for me. Too bad about the PMS, though.

>> No.9595372

What the fuck is money beyond basic survival for if not getting women?

>> No.9595395

>this is your brain on autism

It’s a joke about the girl being a badass you autist.

>> No.9595436

Both my Ex and current girlfriend have split everything we do evenly with me the entirety of our dating.

I've probably wasted like 2k between those 2 going on dates and fucking girls between the two relationships.

Both girls I ended up dating I never spent a dime on them prior to dating, so that can tell you something about which girls are worth dating vs. not

>> No.9595474

>It’s a joke about the girl being a badass

This is so wrong I don't even know where to start. Is anyone on this board not a social retard?

>> No.9595487

bout $2,000 max i'd say

>> No.9595518

sup roastie

>> No.9595546

>this is your brain on autism.

>> No.9595641
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I like to tell myself the number is lower, but in truth it's around that range
There's the money we spend on women, and then there's the money we spend on shit we wouldn't do if we weren't with them
A well-adjusted man could live his entire life on a single million dollar. Then there's women

the smell of curry is overpowering

>> No.9595645

>just repeat meaningless insults, that'll show him

>> No.9595658

You're not looking for a partner, you just wand a buddy you can fuck without feeling gay

>> No.9595868

Not much. I banged a ton of chicks in the span of 4 years but only directly spent money on them a handful of times. I think the most ever was $60 on a movie date and I swore I'd never do it again.

>> No.9596090

Wow I never even thought about it. At least 25% of the money I ever made when considering all the working out and losing work hours and more.