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9584389 No.9584389 [Reply] [Original]

> Does stuff to try to make me flinch such as pushing a heavy bin on my desl at me like it's about to fall but then pulls back and "compliments" me for not flinching.
> Mocked my height in front of coworkers and a supervisor for not being able to reach something he placed high up. I threw a comeback but he continued. He later on approached me and quietly spoke to me clearly mad about it.
> Today he threw some paperwork at my desk in a hard fashion so that it made a loud noise when I was facing away lilely trying to get me to flinch but he didn't saying anything.
> Expects me to greet him first and if I don't he's clearly upset/mad.
> Called me out on saying "shit" even though he has said it multiple times.
> Many other petty things.

Biz anons how should I handle this 40ish year old cunt at work (he is not my superior)? I'm in my 20's. He is probably mad that he can't get a visible rise out of me. We're both at the bottom of the totem pole.

>> No.9584426

He wants to fuck you. Men are like this.

>> No.9584451

>We're both at the bottom of the totem pole.
There's your answer. He's pissed because he wasted 10+ years of his life to be in the same job position as you are. Don't get into an argument with him because that's exactly what he wants.

>> No.9584465
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>> No.9584471

this obv

>> No.9584486

offer him a mug of coffee.
act like its almost spilling and very hot
get close then just throw him the empty mug
do this for a few days until he doesn't flinch.
then throw a real mug of hot coffee at him.

>> No.9584548

you're a beta faggot and he's exposing you. anybody who asks for this kind of advice on a Djiboutian cone snail breeding forum is 100% beta and will never feel the soft moist warmth of a vagina

>> No.9584560

Tell the cunt to step outside and see if he is all bark and no bite. Bare knuckle box the cunt anon. Challenge him infront of everyone

>> No.9584561

Is this the same guy making these threads?

>> No.9584568

its a grill

>> No.9584598

Record incidents. Take them to HR. Use these words exactly when speaking to HR: "This threatening behavior is disrupting my work and creating a hostile work environment."

Shit will change quick. Guarantee it.

>> No.9584616

Don't you pussies got a Humanaties dpt? Just make a complaint. Start with asking the guy to stop being such a cunt and if he's immature about it make the complaint. Otherwise idk get a ski mask and slash his car's tires or something, it's what I'd do.

>> No.9584626

>hostile work environment.
these three words are unironically critical

>> No.9584628

Btw never slash tires. Go buy a valve stem remover (they're super cheap) and pull out the stems. Fuckin rookie.

>> No.9584629

Not this shit again. How about spiking his coffee with laxatives?

>> No.9584638

Yes 3rd time ive seen it. Probably the biz devs using a bot like gsa linm builder to constantly spit out content. Ever notice how youll see similar LARPs or posts over the course of months? Voat does it too, they need content cuz their sites are dying so they fake it.

>> No.9584676

If he isn't your superior these guys are right.

Hostile work environment. Just make sure your shits clean. If he's buddies with your superior there will be retaliation, but they can only do it if you actually fuck up.

>> No.9584713

Call his phone at 3am, slice his tires/put expanding foam in the exhaust pipe. Those kind of things...

>> No.9584714
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Okay jimmy , paul here, im sorry for the stuff i've been doing the past few weeks. My investments in chainlink hasnt been doing too well, i'd try to lay off the bullshit tmrw alright?

P.s. i pissed in your coffee mug last week, sorry.
Best regards,
Paul Cuckstein

>> No.9584725


buy LINK so you can retire EOY

>> No.9584864

piss in his coffee

>> No.9584905

fuck off with this pasta already.

>> No.9584910

Newfag Detected
Ruin life tactics faggot

>> No.9584919

buy a pineapple every day and leave it in a desk drawer of his but act completely oblivious to it. he will eventually make a negative association with the fruit and get angry every time he sees one, at the height of him about to lose his shit at work trying to sleuth it out, stop. stop for 2-3 weeks. then mail one to his house every so often.

>> No.9584936

You sound like a bitch op, so work out. Start doing things that make you feel better. Soon enough you realize these people only live to work .

>> No.9585088

he has a crush on you anon

>> No.9585102

He has hit a dead end in life and rather than deal with his lack of progress he's decided to try to hold you back instead.

You don't have to waste your time on him. His problems aren't yours. If he tries to put you in a position where you can't ignore him, like being up in your face and physically touching you. He's counting on you not retaliating.

You see, most bullies are actually cowards who enjoy inflicting shit on other people to try to make themselves feel better. At the moment it seems like he is getting a free pass and that's why he keeps coming back. The moment he starts having to pay a cost each time (mental or physical) then he will leave you alone and seek out an easier target.

Remember that this isn't about you. A pathetic guy like him probably has a million things wrong with his life that can be used to impose a tax on his shitty behavior.

Oh yeah, and join a boxing gym to learn the basics. That or martial arts. Not specifically to fuck this guy up but to learn how to defend yourself if you ever find yourself in a bad situation. It will give you more confidence in approaching physical confrontations and not end being a complete pussy. Oh yeah and chicks dig guys who actually have a pair, so there's that too.

>> No.9585203


Ignore and get on top of your shit so hard you become his superior. Come a little early, stay a bit later, ask managers or bosses if you can do something extra during down time if there is any. Offer to help co-workers if possible including the shit bag. Be friendly and genuinely want to help others, not just because of the benefits. Offer new ideas to management but voice your thoughts with understanding that there are usually lots of reasons things are done the way they are done, sometimes you can revolutionize processes. I have no secondary education or degree, just a few semesters in college, but over 5 years managing in a few businesses. I worked my way up in 3 separate jobs each profession a slightly better opportunity. Excel so goddamn much EVERYONE notices, but do so gracefully. Lifestyle does matter a bit, I don't smoke or do drugs and drink infrequently. Eat well too, a balanced diet of mostly whole foods and meats has allowed me to give my all every single day. Be consistent! Good luck anon

>> No.9585221

I was in he same situation, told off my manager, didn’t hit him but I wish I did, scared living shit out of him, was fired immediately, but I felt so good about it

Don’t do that unles oh know you can get another job asap

>> No.9585289

my boss was acting the same way.
Then we had a business trip. Originally booked seperate rooms, then last minute he changed it so we split a suite close to where the conference was.Then the second night we were there, I was showing him something on a laptop, he leaned in to look and put his hand on my thigh. gay ass motherfucker has a wife and kid, I mean...I know I have twinkish good looks but come on now. If you're gonna grope me on the job at least give me a raise or some shit first.

Anyway anon, he's just trying to get reactions from you and make you crack. Just laugh whenever he does that stuff. Or stare at him with a weird face every time. Either one would be ok.

>> No.9585372
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>> No.9585511

He sounds like a bit of a pussy to me so i find speaking slowly and giving them just a little too much eye contact is all you need.

Speak directly and be consistent. Its like training a dog but easier.

>> No.9585516

when he does it again pull down your pants and spray your hot diarrhea on him

>> No.9586240

He's a degenerate as well. Even with an ugly wife and kids he talks about his days of "getting it out of his system" At one point he was even encouraging degenerate behavior to me. What if he approaches me in a hostile manner? Like recently when he quietly talked down to me when I stood up for myself?


He once asked me to come outside and fight him in a playful manner but I now suspect he was serious. At least if I go to HR that one can really fuck him over. He's a tall skinny guy so I'm sure i can beat him.

Thanks it looks like that could work. Problem is we sit near each other and I doubt they'll move us far apart.

Lol that is actually quite accurate.

We have different bosses but I suspect he's on good terms with one of the HR ladies.


Thanks and yeah if I were stronger I'd definitely have an easier time with confrontations knowing that if he tried attacking me I'd have better odds. The good part is this guy is skinny which means I have a good chance if he attacks me although I'd be wary of him carrying a knife considering some of the degenerate behavior he displays. Also the cost thing you mentioned, is it like when he confronted me when he was mocking my height and I threw a good comeback, later on he quietly talked down to me claiming it was someone who told him to put the item there but clearly trying to make me look an idiot for my comeback. Funny part is I said the spot is a bad one anyways as most people here can't reach it and it seemed like he got madder.

I'm a fast talker but if I slow it down it will probably piss him off (eg he will think I'm mocking him) and the eye contact should definitely help. If he pulls shit like when he talked down to me I plan on maintaining eye contact and not looking away for the duration. It's quite threatening.

>> No.9586258

I'm op ID changed.

>> No.9586313

unironically this, they will either have security escort him off the premises or force him to never talk to you again

>> No.9586359

If you work somewhere with boxes you can always take an empty sealed box and pretend it's heavy picking it up, then throw it at him.

>> No.9586406

Holy shit, you need to start standing up for yourself dude.

If you don't, then he will NEVER stop, yes never.

Grow a fucking pair and confront him about this shit.

Honestly, stop being a pussy.

Look you need to man up, for your own good.

>> No.9586433

>40ish year old

fucking boomers jesus fuck, just get a management position above him and make his life hell, im getting so fucking sick of these old bastards thinking that just because they can ride in life off the minimum wage cuck job they had in the 70s and 80s that they can project their bullshit onto us REEEEEEEEEEEEEe

>> No.9586438

There is one big problem though even when he "joked" about fighting me. It's that we work for the government job and at some point it becomes difficult to get fired. Which means if I say something there's a chance the faggot will not get fired (likely only a talking too) and will pull more shit. I could sue at the point I guess if they don't get him working right.

>> No.9586460

tell him "okay" calmly and walk away to anything he does. don't process him. he doesn't exist. the concept of this individual in your psyche belongs in an unoccupiable space because he's not even worth the conscious/subconscious energy to occupy your mind. you can not process him at all that's your choice.

>> No.9586498

Recommendations on how to stand up for myself?

I'm on the worst possible office team in terms of standing up for myself. For example my supervisor once told me near the start of employment that some people might give us shit but we just have to bear through it. WTF!? One time I stood up for myself (unironically the woman was talking about something else behind my back and not me) and I got a talking too for being unprofessional even though I was being harassed for a donation earlier on by that woman. I was told that if someone is bugging me to tell her and she will talk with their supervisor as she can't do anything about it. WTF that's unlikely to help! Ended up telling her I can stand up for myself and don't need her for that.

>> No.9586519

fucking pasta fuck you op

>> No.9586528

I wouldnt go above his head, this is something you have to deal with on your own.

Im a young foreman in commercial construction and these guys would walk all over me if I didn't accept that I am required to have awkward conversations and put my foot down.

If you do it once where you make it clear to him that you're not going to accept his behavior he'll back off.

Let us know how it works out because if he doesn't back off you have to start messing with him until he quits.

>> No.9586546

dude there is 0 chance that he actually fights you. people like him are fake tough guys. if he's at the bottom of the totem pole after working for 10 years, fighting a coworker is the worst possible thing he can do. especially if he has a wife and kids to support. he's probably just frustrated with his life and looking for someone to dominate. just stop giving a fuck about him and treat him like the pussy he is without actually calling him a pussy

>> No.9586582

treat him like he's retarded, he'll escalate and end up fucking himself over

>> No.9586598

how do i filter this manlets rantings away jeez give me strength. why doesnt he waddle his midget ass into the broom cupboard and suck his thumb ffs

>> No.9586599


This. Call him a faggot.

>> No.9586878

Sounds good, as much as I'd like to get him fired it'd be difficult since it's government.

>> No.9586904

>t. 5’1

>> No.9586968
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You sound like a liberal manlet... Gas your 20 something self...

>> No.9586983

>tfw you'll never know the struggles of the weak manlet
If you worry about not being able to stand your ground without gayass knifes or a gun you need to pick your bitch ass up and start working out.

>> No.9587009

Also fuckoff from biz with these threads. Go cry on plebbit, completely unrelated bullshit to me, the non omega-orbiting part of biz and making money. Tired of seeing your bitching

>> No.9587133

Fuck off child. We 40 year olds are gen x. If there is any generation that has a hard time due to boomers (1940 till 1950) it is us.

>> No.9587271


Gen x are boomers 2.0

>> No.9587284

Millennials will be boomers soon enough.

>> No.9587378

>He wants to fuck you. Men are like this.
This is correct. He wants in that supple young ass of yours, OP.
He sounds like the kind of faggot that would narc to mommy if you actually called him out, so if you really want to fuck with the guy make a claim to HR first to protect yourself; then you can tell him off for wanting to fuck you. Just rub it in.

>> No.9587384
File: 72 KB, 563x542, 95D39389-96A8-400F-B493-B80786F048FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever heard of character assassination? you should look it up.
basically you tell lies to everyone and slowly brainwash the others against him, you sabotage him at every step, you should know all his work steps and be able to plan your sabotage accordingly.

then give him a stupid nickname and meme it to coworkers so they also call him like that.
befriend and gain trust of others and tell them in secret about disgusting habits you seen about this guy (you are free to invent some but keep it believable).
get a keylogger on his machine asap, get his email and then find out more secrets, push secrets into public and shame him, SHAME HIM.
spread rumors like wildfire.

also when he makes another joke about you you just repeat what he said but in a mocking voice, like a retard or a child.

Its delicious to destroy a person like that.

>> No.9587437

>has no kids
Anon i...

>> No.9587492

This is something I was worried about. As much as I'd like to tell him off face to face I'm certain he will report me to HR even though he keeps pulling shit.

>> No.9587667

>1 post by this ID
Stop speaking with pasta, people

>> No.9587897

What are you talking about ID changed I posted it at work.

>> No.9588342

What happened in the aftermath?