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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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957721 No.957721 [Reply] [Original]

All fat fedora wielding Shitcoin lovers on suicide watch after they didn't become millionaires over night?

>> No.957726


man i remember the "nocoiners on suicide watch" spam, I was expecting this in a week or two

>> No.957733

Good time to buy soon desu God knows it'll spike again in some months or years for a 100% roi

>> No.957739

Most profitable asset you can buy. Literally doubled in price.

It still amazes me that all these gay little anaylists working for their bigboy investment banks don't shift their focus on one of the most profitable assets money can buy at the moment. Best performing investment of 2015™

>made 10,000 dollars due to the price going up
>now buying 50,000 dollars worth of buttcoins on this next low
>nocoins don't understand the business cycle, they literally don't understand

See you on the other side of the next pump and dump. May the ponzi schemes and chinese arbitrage bots inflate the price again.

Nocoiners on suicide watch. TO LE MOON REDDIT

>> No.957773

two years later: oh nooo my buttcoinz are now worthless


g-guess i'll go lie on 4chan about how I got out before the crash then go jump off a bridge

>> No.957779

>"Volatility is bad!"

Why are poorfags so afraid of learning how to read markets to ride the volatility and make shekels?

>> No.957792

Because you have a better chance at a casino than gambling with penny stocks and volatile unstable assets like shitcoin

At least at blackjack you have a 43-49% edge depending on the decks, etc.

>reading markets

Bait like this really triggers me

>> No.957793

>Volatility for a currency is good


You couldn't even make up the shit people say on here if you tried

>> No.957847
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>Volatility for a currency

Hurr durr we will all use retardcoin in the future were the value fluctuates 50 - 100% in a week.
One day i can buy a new computer the next you can barely afford to buy groceries.

Don't you fucking fat retarded neet neckbeards understand how retarded this is?

>> No.957856

Lol sorry new to /biz/. People on here actually buy buttcoins? I thought this board was financially savvy?

>> No.957857

this board is a fucking meme

if you come here for anything other than cheap laughs or saying memes you're really dumb.
>mfw people take business or career advice from a cantonese noodle board

>> No.957861

Noted. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.957872

I mean there is some good advice here, very rarely though.

But if you're not completely financially retarded there is no new info here, and you could learn much more by visiting a dedicated forum or reading a book or two.

>> No.957939

But if /fit/ knows more than the fitness industry leading experts, surely you can't find a more dedicated business forum than /biz/?

>> No.957971

Il be buying in soon ready for the next bubble when il make bank ,might take a year or 2 but the price is going to spike again.

>> No.958012
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>no intrinsic value

Literally like flipping a coin. Same 50% odds.

Oh well, at least you faggots aren't betting on horses or some other stupid shit.

>> No.958014

That's like saying /pol/ knows best about politics, /v/ knows best about video games, and /tv/ knows best about tv and movies when actually the first is stormfront light, the second is console wars and waifufaggotry central, and the third is simply the shitposting capital of hte internet.

>> No.958023

This board is just 50% trolling and 50% people pretending to fall for the trolls

In shorts its just a retardfest

I remcomend wallstreetoasis really as a forum

>> No.958027

I wonder how many Bitcoiners are aware of this:
End of July next year, the income from mining coins will be halved. Which means miners will have to start charging transaction fees to make mining worthwhile.

>> No.958028

>But if /fit/ knows more than the fitness industry leading experts, surely you can't find a more dedicated business forum than /biz/?

/fit/ is pretty useful, agreed. It's pretty meme-ful but you can get some good responses, especially in the /roids/ general.

>> No.958061

The higher the price goes, the more stable it will become.

There's no reason not to own at least a little BTC.

>> No.958067

>The higher the price goes, the more stable it will become.

the most stable it's been was the last half year @ around $200, lower prices lead to stability as it doesn't attract speculators and peeps hold on to their coin in the hope that it raises

>> No.958078

$220 was an increase from its previous stable period at $120, and the $220 lasted longer.

From here our next stable period could be $500 and last a year, then $1000 for 2 years and so on.

>> No.958103
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And it will go up forever and ever bitcoin 999,999 next!!!!!

>> No.958106

No, it goes up until everyone on Earth is using the currency. At that point it'll be extremely stable.

>> No.958116
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>> No.958322
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Unless Visa will be processing the transactions, that ain't gonna happen.

>> No.958602

This board was literally created for the sole purpose of quarantining the epic doge threads on /g/

AmDoge and the gang would hype doge 4 threads a day

>> No.958617

how stable it was at 1000$

>> No.958648


>The more I take mind bending drugs to a point of total fucking meltdown the more stable I'll be.

This is how you sound

>> No.958683

The only way bitcoin breaks is when this current bubble we are in bursts. Central banks are over leveraged, the fed, pboc, and ecb are all fucked in the next couple of years and when the people all wake up and get their earnings out of Rothschild notes we will be better off. Qe has only propped our economy up, we never actually recovered, where are these new "jobs", there are none we're just in another real estate and tech bubble.

>> No.959430
File: 288 KB, 465x500, 1433463446201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> digital hokus pocus
> gut-churning volatility
> the ability to "mine" something that is imaginary
> backed by fucking nothing
> value is arbitrary, determined by how much demand can be drummed up among idiot college kids and retards willing to buy with credit cards and money they don't have

Why is this still a thing? mfw

>> No.959621

>fiat currency is the same thing

2/10 bait made me reply

>> No.959732

Well actually if they bought in 500k worth @250, then sold at 500 they became millionaires within 2 weeks. Thats pretty good.

>> No.959791


>> No.959857
File: 23 KB, 350x350, 1377719812128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are people still invested in bitcoin? I remember looking at the charts over a year ago and seeing it was being pumped and dumped by a handful of large players.