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957506 No.957506 [Reply] [Original]

I am an unskilled Canadian worker and will be for the rest of my life most likely.

I be making minimum wage @ 40hr/wk and cost of living here is high so I will have a debt of around $500/yr with basic spending. I do have $300,000 in cash sitting around though from a prospective inheritance.

I know nothing about investing or even paying taxes (income or capital gains) because I am a dirty fucking NEET slob that is nearly 30 years old and haven't worked in my life.

My methodology is the following even though I know it is wrong.

1) put $100,000 (max insurable) into GIC's @ 1.15% over 15 month term.

2) wait for the US FOMC to raise rates and the market to bottom out, the the remaining $200,000 gets split between two moderate risk mutual funds (trying to find one that doesn't have stupid amounts of management fees)

3) maybe put some spare cash into an American ETF (SPY?)

After all that is done I will always reinvest the interest on these funds UP TO inflation rate (e.g 1.5 - 2%). I will be supplementing my lifestyle/income with the remaining interest up to a point and reinvesting whatever is left (probably nothing after management fees and taxes).

Please tell me why I am fucking stupid.

>> No.957577

>Please tell me why I am fucking stupid.

Stupid lucky you mean, getting 300k from inheritance.

>> No.957604

>prospective inheritance.

So you're aspiring to wait around and do nothing until a family member dies so you can get their money...

>> No.957605

Jesus. How many Canadian degenerates are there on this board lmao

>> No.957606

Seems like half this board and the majority of retards are Canadian. I think it has to do with no business in our education system.

>> No.957608

i managed money i can send you some info is you want to deal with me, u can begin with 500$ or 100$ it doesnt matter for the begin, and if you are satisfied with the return, u can be rich

>> No.957613

I've seen at least 5 posts about Canadians who are extreme degenerates

Probably has to do with the elected weed man and how there's no jobs and Canadian economy is fucked

>> No.957648

>Probably has to do with the elected weed man and how there's no jobs and Canadian economy is fucked

Something like that. What actually happened is the fall in commodities has kicked the resource extraction sector square in the nuts. There's been a great surge in the how often one encounters the idiot, loudmouth, redneck assholes that were employed in no-skill resource extraction positions, mostly because they're not out there working themselves to death on 12 hour shifts. At the factory I work in (in British Columbia) we've had three or four Albertans come in and all but one have washed out because you can't tell them anything, not even "don't walk under suspended crane loads because it's not safe." They get fucking pissy and in-your-face even though they're the greenest guy in the plant.

Anyway, these fuckers are generally the worst at finance and the reason they're not at home waiting this out on a pile of cash (12hr days @ $40/hr for the oil patch is normal for a no-skill position. Do the math) is because they've spent it all on jacked up coal-rolling trucks, and quads and skidoos, and trailers to haul around their quads and skidoos with their jacked up trucks and a house with enough garage space to store thier quads, skidoos and trucks.

Anyway, none of these fuckers are the kind who would ever vote for weed man. The people who voted the Liberals in all pretty much have jobs, while the entitled, broke, loudmouth, unemployed, redneck assholes you see all pretty much voted for the Conservatives, the party that formed the last government and did nothing for economic development but encourage the very industries that are currently dragging the economy down. These shitheels built a nice shit-pen for themselves and now that the shit's dried up they're bemoaning the fact and blaming it on the current Liberal PM who was only sworn in a week ago. Oy vey!

>> No.957657

As a US citizen living in Sequim, WA just maybe 20 miles an hour ferry ride away from Victoria, BC, this picture is so fucking true.

How do you Victorians keep your city so clean and beautiful?

>> No.957660

>The people who voted the Liberals in all pretty much have jobs

The people who voted in le weed man are college stoners and degenerates.

Tbqh Weed legislation should be a banned topic, it pretty much guarantees a win for whichever candidate touches on it.

Also Trudeau is literally a substitute highschool drama teacher, who only got in because of "le good hair", "le weed" and he's the son of a meme politician that destroyed the country.

His policies are beyond retarded. He's letting in 25k Syrian refugees to Toronto within the next few months... Uh ok. He literally said "Because it's 2015" in response to why a gender balanced cabinet is important to him.

TFSA is being lowered back to 5.5k from 10k, which it was at for less than a year...

>> No.957670

Are you that same idiot from the other thread?

It's a huge generalization to say only stoners and degenerates voted Liberal. Also very few people base their vote on one policy alone.

Also I think you have a flawed understanding of the basic concept of the TFSA. "for less than a year" isn't possible, everyone got 10k dollars more room in 2015.

>> No.957671

>The people who voted in le weed man are college stoners and degenerates.

Keep telling yourself that, maybe eventually you'll be less butthurt.

>Tbqh Weed legislation should be a banned topic, it pretty much guarantees a win for whichever candidate touches on it.

It will become a non-issue after legalization. Until then it is extremly relevant because it's a part of the "war on drugs" that has been killing people and destroying lives for fifty years.

>Also Trudeau is literally a substitute highschool drama teacher, who only got in because of "le good hair", "le weed" and he's the son of a meme politician that destroyed the country.

He got in because Mulcair fucked it up and Harper acted so dictatorially that he pissed off all but the hard rump of his base.

>His policies are beyond retarded. He's letting in 25k Syrian refugees to Toronto within the next few months... Uh ok.

This is a good thing. 25k people for a country of 35m is nothing. Plus, all the refugees with any kind of education or brains will be given permanent residence and end up as a bonus to the country.

It's a good thing the people in charge now aren't as short sighted as you are.

>He literally said "Because it's 2015" in response to why a gender balanced cabinet is important to him.

He's right.

>TFSA is being lowered back to 5.5k from 10k, which it was at for less than a year...

Which is a good thing since even the Conservative finance minister thought the increase would have huge, negative repercussions down the road.

>> No.957685
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>It's a huge generalization to say only stoners and degenerates voted Liberal
>Keep telling yourself that, maybe eventually you'll be less butthurt.

At least hundreds of people when interviewed said "He's making weed legal XDD", the r/canada subreddit also unanimously supported his weed stance(this is hugely representative of the college-age voters, which Reddit reaches out to), and hell that's LITERALLY one of his biggest policies. There is countless youtube videos of women being interviewed and supporting Justin Trudeau because "ohh he's cute :^)", initiatives such as "Nudes against harper or whatever it was called", "Anyone but harper", etc.

>It will become a non-issue after legalization. Until then it is extremly relevant because it's a part of the "war on drugs" that has been killing people and destroying lives for fifty years.

Weed is de facto legal in Canada. No one gives a single fuck about it unless you're selling it in massive quantities. Someone I know got pulled over with an ounce of weed in his car and he got a figurative slap on the wrist for it.

Besides the shit never gets fucking legalized. Trudeau and others have now said it may take several years for it to be done. Also one of Obama's big policies was Weed legalization on the federal level. That hasn't seemed to happen yet, nor will it be done most likely.

>He's right.

How is "it's 2015" a justification or reason for anything?
>Why aren't you gassing Jews? IT'S 1938
>Why aren't you ______, it's _CURRENTYEAR_!

What does the current year have to do with anything? Let alone hiring people based on what they look like instead of their merits. That's discrimination/racism, but just opposite.

>> No.957689
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>This is a good thing. 25k people for a country of 35m is nothing. Plus, all the refugees with any kind of education or brains will be given permanent residence and end up as a bonus to the country.

Yeah I mean bringing over a bunch of people who will get free things and put further strain on our already congested public services isn't bad at all!

Never mind what happened in Europe with the Refugees and all the ruckus they were/are causing and how some have links to ISIS. Nah :DXDDD The more le merrier!

>He got in because Mulcair fucked it up and Harper acted so dictatorially that he pissed off all but the hard rump of his base.

Yeah a highschool drama teacher with no understanding of economics who got in via nepotism is a great idea!

Pic related tbqh

>> No.957702

>My anecdotal evidence is flawless

No it isn't.

>Weed is de facto legal in Canada.

The problem is then that the laws on the books do not match the situation on the ground. The laws either need to be enforced evenly or discarded. This makes the legalization of weed something that needs to happen.

>How is "it's 2015" a justification or reason for anything?
>I have no concept that emerging social morays could differ from my own.


>Yeah I mean bringing over a bunch of people who will get free things and put further strain on our already congested public services isn't bad at all!

Why don't you just quit your job and live on the street so you can enjoy all the free stuff too? Obviously these refugees are getting it so good you'd be crazy not to prostrate yourself in the mud to get what they're getting.

On the other hand, I think all you'll do is bitch about it from your warm house while stuffing your face with good food.


He got in because "a highschool drama teacher with no understanding of economics who got in via nepotism" compared favorably in a national election to Steven Fucking Harper.

>> No.957708

>No it isn't.

You have got to be being stubborn just for the sake of argument.

Ask any person who supports Trudeau what policies exactly he supports, it is nearly guaranteed to be "Weed legalization" as either the first that comes to mind, or if they're trying not to seem so simple minded they'll mention some other shit they have no concept of and then say also weedlmao.

>>How is "it's 2015" a justification or reason for anything?
>>I have no concept that emerging social morays could differ from my own.

What? How is "it's CURRENTYEAR" a reasonable answer to anything, let alone from the newly elected prime minister? You can use that for anything.
>Why don't you own slaves? It's 1840!
>Why aren't you hanging Gays? It's <20xx!
>Why aren't you against abortion? It's 1960!

>Why don't you just quit your job and live on the street so you can enjoy all the free stuff too? Obviously these refugees are getting it so good you'd be crazy not to prostrate yourself in the mud to get what they're getting.

Strawman? I don't have to think it's favorable to be in that situation to be against congesting our already congested social services.

People who are already citizens have a lot of trouble with insufficient welfare, extremely long waits for family doctors/specialists. We should probably work on fixing those issues before letting in tons of people that will use far more than they will contribute(I don't think you realize they're not highly qualified doctors and professors coming over).

>> No.957709

The refugees that come across will be so thoroughly vetted thay will be an eventual economic help wherever they go. We aren't going to be getting unskilled uneducated shlubs, we are going to get the best of the best of these people. Doctors and engineers and their families. That and the fact that they will be dispersed across the entire fuckhuge country makes it highly likely they will happily enter the normal population with no trouble. Also, you could drop 25,000 people in Scarborough tomorrow and no one would even notice.

You should work on your clear racial bias issues.

>> No.957711

>Also, you could drop 25,000 people in Scarborough tomorrow and no one would even notice.

How exactly do you imagine bringing over and fitting in 25k people in a period of a couple months?

>You should work on your clear racial bias issues.

It would be a lot easier to integrate a bunch of white Europeans than people from a backwards as fuck part of the world where they live with medieval traditions.

Canada is very tolerant and accepting of gays, yet homosexuality is illegal and often punished by public execution in that part of the world. I don't think they are very tolerant.

>> No.957712

>The problem is then that the laws on the books do not match the situation on the ground. The laws either need to be enforced evenly or discarded. This makes the legalization of weed something that needs to happen.

>Besides the shit never gets fucking legalized. Trudeau and others have now said it may take several years for it to be done. Also one of Obama's big policies was Weed legalization on the federal level. That hasn't seemed to happen yet, nor will it be done most likely.

Weed will never be legalized, it's just a meme to get the college vote

>> No.957715

>stoners and lowlifes make up 39.47% of the population.

The biggest part of his election was the failure of Mulcair and the fact that the only other option was Steven Harper.

>I continue to have no clue that the current emerging generation of voters see gender equity as an important issue.

>We should probably work on fixing those issues

So who should we raise taxes on to allow for this brilliant social plan of yours?

>> No.957724

>>I continue to have no clue that the current emerging generation of voters see gender equality as an important issue.

>Implying gender inequality exists
Let me guess, you also think women earn 77 cents to every dollar men earn as well?
Equal opportunity yes but it doesn't mean you have to have quotas that will literally find anyone they can that fits the necessary Race or Gender.

>So who should we raise taxes on to allow for this brilliant social plan of yours?

Maybe we could start by not bringing in a bunch of uncivilized people from parts of the world where barbarian practices are still commonplace and not bring in hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year into Ontario, where youth unemployment is already incredibly high and more and more young adults are forced to live with their parents longer because they can't find part time jobs during highschool and University because of saturation.

>> No.957725

I never said those societies are tolerant. Do you honestly believe that the people born in shit holes like living in shit holes? That they don't see how much better other countries have it? These places are obviously repressive because they are led by strongman dictatorships that if you speak out against they disappear your family, not because the people support repressive policies. They aren't representative democracies.

Of corse it would be easier to integrate white euros, but they aren't the ones who need help right now.

And I was using Scarborough to illustrate how small a population change it actually is. 25,000 people is a fraction of nothing to a modern industrial nation. To your point about it being hard to do in a couple of months I would say you are grossly underestimated the capabilities of a first world nation. We have planes.

>> No.957730

>>Implying gender inequality exists

I implied nothing of the sort.

I said that an emerging group of voters sees gender equity as an important issue. I made no claims as to whether they were correct or not, just that the "it's 2015" comment was primarily aimed at his voter base.

>>Maybe we could start by not bringing in a bunch of uncivilized people...

Oh, so you don't actually care about your fellow Canadians. You just want to use the poor and less fortunate as a club to wield in your racist diatribes.

>> No.957736


Just to reinforce your point. 25,000 people is 12hrs of operation at Vancouver International. Shit. All.

>> No.957740

>Do you honestly believe that the people born in shit holes like living in shit holes?

Well who do you think makes them shitholes? When you import shitskins you bring with them shitskin-country problems.

>You just want to use the poor and less fortunate as a club to wield in your racist diatribes.

Why is it our responsibility to help these people?

There was/is a war in Ukraine yet I don't remember hearing about Ukrainian refugees. Is it because they're the wrong skincolour?

I almost think that Canadians deserve the oncoming plague that they voted for. Oh well I'm going to be leaving this shit country soon anyway :^)

>> No.957750
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>Why is it our responsibility to help these people?

Because we're civilized human beings.

Well, some of us are.

>I'm not racist your the racist!

Ayyyyy lmao.

>I almost think that Canadians deserve the oncoming plague that they voted for.
>Oh well I'm going to be leaving this shit country soon anyway :^)

So you were only really pretending to care about all these things? You're so intense and intellectually committed to your views because you will be leaving this all behind soon? Really? REALLY?

>> No.957754

>So you were only really pretending to care about all these things? You're so intense and intellectually committed to your views because you will be leaving this all behind soon? Really? REALLY?

Well if it's all going to shit there's no point staying is there?

>>I'm not racist your the racist!

>No word of refugees for a pretty brutal civil war in a country
>Everyone scrambling over one another to help Syrian refugees to show who's the most progressive and caring
That does no seem to be le biased xD

enjoy ur muslim caliphate senpai

>> No.957762

Invest in Brazil!

>> No.957763

My family earns $150k before taxes, do you know how much we get after taxes? $55,000. That includes income tax, and citizens, as well as social taxes and health taxes.

Social taxes are the second biggest tax we receive, close to % of income tax.

We voted for Harper, because we literally cannot afford anything on $55,000 a year. We have the same standard of living as some of my friends whose families earn $55,000 before tax.

It is not fair, at all, for us to have to pay so much of our money into social and income taxes just so kikes like you, who are fucking retarded, can continue to leech off of us, for our hard work and intelligence. My friends can literally somehow "afford" a car, while I can't even afford insurance. They can afford to eat out everyday while I can't. They can afford to go on trips to Europe and see Paris and Monaco and live there for 2 months every year.

Trudeau is getting rid of income tax splitting, that means, my family will have to pay another few thousand in taxes. He is reducing the TFSA contribution limit which means he has stolen another few thousands from us for our retirement investments. Over his first 4 year term, that $20,000 that he's reduced from our contribution limit could be worth $80,000 10 years from now. He has also said he will "help" the middle class, but only those earning less than $90,000 will be able to take advantage of the extra $50 a year they are somehow entitled to receive under his "reduced" taxes. My mom will have to contribute to the ORPP, but my dad already has CPP, but Trudeau wants to force another 4% of yearly earnings into the CPP, and another 4% into the ORPP as well.

My families tax bill might only leave us with $47,000 next year, a sharp decline, and our standard of living will fall once again.

Canada is not a fair place to live, it takes from those who produce and hands it to those that do not deserve it. It treats outsiders better than insiders, and it treats terrorists better than Citizens.

>> No.957768

>Canada is not a fair place to live, it takes from those who produce and hands it to those that do not deserve it. It treats outsiders better than insiders, and it treats terrorists better than Citizens.

>My family earns $150k before taxes, do you know how much we get after taxes? $55,000. That includes income tax, and citizens, as well as social taxes and health taxes.

Don't worry anon! At least u have access to highly crowded healthcare that takes weeks upon weeks to get an appointment for family doctor then you have to sit and wait for hours because of the lines :^) Oh and also bleeding out to death in the ER is always fun. Never mind the 6month+ waiting lists for specialists. It's not like your condition could worsen or you could even die in that time from not being diagnosed timely.

Pay up your taxes goy! We need to house these refugees!

Really though I don't know why people continue to even contribute to this shitty fucking system. It literally punishes hardwork and success. Better to just be a parasite and not pay taxes, instead of being forcefully taken from for working harder.

>> No.957775

>My family earns $150k before taxes, do you know how much we get after taxes? $55,000

Horse shit. Show the math. Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't.

My wife and I earn close to that as well and we sure as hell don't pay $95k in taxes every year. What the fuck are you doing wrong?

>> No.957782


Never mind the fact my friends get their entire college paid for by grants because they are "needy", even though they wear expensive watches, shop at Costco, get a $20 haircut every week and a half, and live in one of the most expensive parts of town. They beg students for food in the cafeteria, yet drive their immigrant parents Mercedes Benz C300 to school, or their own Infiniti G37 IPL Coupe. Whenever we go out to eat lunch, they won't order anything, and instead beg their friends for some fries or a slice of pizza. They wear their fucking free Palestine propoganda shirts all the time, half a Palestinian blanket in their cars, and wear soccer jerseys with Palestinian colors all the time. They have taken over my school, they get the gym for evening prayer while in actuality no one is in the gym and they just leave early. They beg the teacher for money to buy lunch, then never pay them back.

They are disgusting creatures that need to be annihilated, they are worse people than the Jews, they are not civilized, and it is not out job nor is it my job to make them civilized with my money. Let them rot in open graves in their own country, in their own dirt, in their own hole in ground toilets. Let their families be murdered, raped, trafficked, I don't give a damn, they've stolen so much from me and other Canadians, I could care less if one of their kids drowned trying to illegally enter a country.

>> No.957784

this, was thinking the exact thing.

>> No.957788


I said all taxes. This included income tax, social security tax, health tax, HST, GST, PST, property tax, gas tax, all the taxes that we pay, is equivalent to about 63% - 65%.

We also have 2 people working for that salary, in government jobs, so we don't get paid and pay taxes after, all the tax is taken out right away, except for the property tax and HST and those types of taxes, but income, social security, and healthcare plus a few others are mandatory.

We also have to contribute to CPP mandatoryily, and a bunch of other municipal taxes and provincial taxes.

>> No.957789
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>Whenever we go out to eat lunch, they won't order anything, and instead beg their friends for some fries or a slice of pizza. They wear their fucking free Palestine propoganda shirts all the time, half a Palestinian blanket in their cars, and wear soccer jerseys with Palestinian colors all the time. They have taken over my school, they get the gym for evening prayer while in actuality no one is in the gym and they just leave early. They beg the teacher for money to buy lunch, then never pay them back.

Senpai where the fuck do you go to school so I can avoid it and that area like the plague?

>Tfw finna finish degree and live in cozy country maybe in Latin America or something


>Liberals: The party estimates that its plan to resettle Syrian refugees faster will cost $100-million in this fiscal year, and $250-million overall. Mr. Trudeau has also encouraged Canadians to make donations to the UNHCR.

>$250million to house a bunch of shitskins in military bases

lmao great investment f a m

i guess it's p fair that a bunch of ISIS supports get to skip the line

>> No.957794


Hamilton Mountain and West Hamilton - Ancaster - Dundas

I live in that area, full of shitskins, I used to go to high school right on the border of Ancaster and Hamilton, around Golf Links Road and Mohawk


>> No.957797

>social security tax,

CPP contributions do not go into general revenue, and your CPP benefits are determined by how much you contributed plus increase in market value (all of this because CPP is now run as a sovereign fund).

It's not a tax, it's a compulsory retirement savings plan. Which is a good thing given the degree Canadians seem to be profligate spenders.

You get all of it back

>health tax,

You mean shit like MSP? Which is a paltry yearly fee, a pittance for someone earning 150k?


You don't pay all three of these at the same time, asshole. You're just listing taxes. Throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.

Poster confirmed for not knowing shit about how his own government works.

>is equivalent to about 63% - 65%.

Well, it must be a fucking miracle my wife and I have managed to save/invest 35% of our gross annual income and have no debt then. I guess I live on pixie farts and unicorn shit since the other 65% is taxed away.

Oh, wait, I don't I live on money. The money I have left over after taxes and savings.

>> No.957799
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Bro get one of these and beat the shit out of them lmao

If you hit them in the temple or on the knee/forearm you could really fug them up

Legal to buy in Canada

>> No.957801

Seconded. My before tax salary is 60k and my take home pay is about 3600/month, so about 43k/yr. how the fuck are you paying 95k in taxes? Do you live in Quebec? I'm Ontario by the way

>> No.957804


They've come in here and devalued that entire area, all the white people are fleeing to Dundas or London now or Guelph

All my white friends are also going to university outside of this city lol

McMaster is like the school for shitskins now, every thing there is them, they are the ones that created the BDS movement there and the police did not arrest them because they are new to Canada and didn't know any better.

>> No.957806


you're forgetting about all of the taxes that are "small" but they add up to a considerable amount.

64% on average over the last 8 years is as far as I can go back. Our property taxes are $12k LMFAO.

>> No.957809

Palestinians are such fucking faggots

>Waahh wahhh free palestine :(((

Seriously this country is so shit, you're better off being on ODSP or whatever it is and claiming to be schizophrenic than actually finishing University and working a normal job.

Our currency is in the fucking shitter too, should just buy bitcoins with it at least they'll always be useful

>> No.957813


Because $500 USD = 1.59BTC

Because $500 CAD = 1.20BTC

Not even worth buying BTC tbqh!!!!

Unless we bought when it was $280 and sold at $400+ we might have got our value back. But I didn't even have $280 in cash RIP

>> No.957817

>tfw several thousand in Canadian monopoly money

I shoul'dve bought bitkekcoins are held them like a year ago... They almost guaranteed won't go below $220 so it's a much better store of value than Cukkadian dollars

>> No.957828

>Our property taxes are $12k LMFAO

You own a multi million dollar property, on a $150k/yr gross income?

Seriously, you'd only get that level of property tax in Vancouver if you owned a $3.3m house.

What the fuck/You're a lying cunt.

>> No.957831


Lol, our house is 850k, we live in Ancaster Ontario.... Its the most expensive part in Hamilton for fucks sakes.

>> No.957832
File: 399 KB, 1440x1080, UofT students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao tbqh

>> No.957833



>> No.957835


Your property taxes are $1100 per year based on 2015 total tax rate, you shitcunt, not $12k.

>> No.957839



>> No.957841


Forgot to carry the 1.

In any case, why not just live within your means instead of complaining about taxes. You obviously cannot afford the house you're in.

>> No.957842

average liberal voter tbqh

The marijuana has corroded his brain

>> No.957848


We earn enough to afford it, we do have savings, the thing is, my dad works in health care, you have to live near your work, he's always on call, also all of his colleagues live in the same area, we can't go live in a $300k house somewhere because that will add another hour to the commute. When we bought the house 9 years ago tax was $4k. It's risen each year, and poised to rise even higher.

The property values have been stagnant as well, because these shitskins don't take care of their yards and their driveways are not finished. We bought this house knowing it was away from all these crazy fucks but they've weaseled in. We will probably move to London or Waterloo in 2 years, and build a country home there, but for now, and for the past, this was it, best place to live until 4 years ago.

>> No.957849
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>> No.957850


I have every right to complain about taxes, 64% is too fucking much. It's robbery, in daylight.


Lmfao, yes.

Luckily I go to university in another country, (U of Auckland in New Zealand) so I'm away from all this fucking bullshit now.

>> No.957851

>is because they've spent it all on jacked up coal-rolling trucks, and quads and skidoos, and trailers to haul around their quads and skidoos with their jacked up trucks and a house with enough garage space to store thier quads, skidoos and trucks

This may hold true for riggers and pipeliners, the rest is butthurt desu

>> No.957853

>I have every right to complain about taxes, 64% is too fucking much

And we don't even get good public services for it. Our healthcare is shit, schools are shit, roads are fucking garbage, etc.

Fuck this shithole country that punishes hardworking people. No wonder everyone is a NEET here, there's no point of working!

>> No.957865


Yep, rather work at McDonalds, burn my finger with some frying oil and sit home on disability and EI and say my neck hurts and my ass has hemorrhoids.

Free physio, free rent, free cell phone, free cable, free food, free money, better than our elderlies pensions, almost as good as refugee payouts, and much better than veterans benefits!

Ayy and WEED!!!!!!

>> No.957869

Lol whenever you need to see a family doctor just say you smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day and your cough is really bothering you or some shit.

Also fake schizophrenia so that you get mad disability dough, never have to work again, then just work for cash on Craigslist to buy more videogames and food LOL

we need to make a thread on how to trick this gay ass system

>> No.957870

>I have every right to complain about taxes, 64% is too fucking much

Except it's by choice. So, no you don't get to choose to pay high taxes and then complain they're too high.

Don't want to pay property taxes, don't own property.

You and your family are part of the problem, and when the housing market corrects itself, you'll be crying for other people's tax dollars to bail you out.

>> No.957873

>if u dont want to pay dont own a home!

Amazing advice.

If he doesn't want to pay ridiculous Canadian food prices should he not eat as well?

>> No.957884

>There are no other options but home ownership and homelessness.

Amazing advice.

If he doesn't want to pay taxes for health care should he commit suicide as well?

>> No.957885

No we should pay higher taxes so that we can support more mudslimes aka refugees.

It's a good investment I am sure they will reward us sooner or later for our compassion

>> No.957899


We actually have no mortgage on our home lol, it's paid off in full. LMFAO.

We own our house, but we pay PROPERTY TAXES for property we ALREADY OWN. WELCOME TO CANADA.

If we move further away from the highway, you can bet on another hour of commuting like I already said, that means 2 hours a day of extra driving, more risk, more insurance, and that's another 1000 hours a year of being 'away' from home.

How do we not own a property? Do you expect people that earn $150k to rent? Rent for what? We want to get assets, not have nothing to show for it. We have 4 people in our family, 4 people in a rental will cost the same as owning the home we live in, so why not? Lol

We are not part of the problem, we are not the problem at all. We own our home, we have no mortgage, and we pay our taxes, all of them. We have no debts, we have no loans, no nothing. We are literally the perfect family in terms of finance.

We still do this with 64% of tax, which is unheard of in any other first world country, or even a third world country. Have you seen the interest rates in small countries like Singapore? 15% I think an anon said it was a few days ago. 15%!

We never get sick, but we pay THOUSANDS into the Canadian Health Care system that WE DON'T USE, so why do we pay for it? Why don't we pay for services WE ACTUALLY USE? Why do we pay for shit we never even see put into place? Why do we pay for all the lost money that went into the Pan Am games? Why did those Executives get to split the 'extra' money? Why do we have to start paying TOLL FEES on the HOV lanes WE PAID TO BUILT DECADES AGO?


>> No.957900

Just came in to say OP's picture is glorious. You burgers crying?

>> No.957903

Are you that pathetic fgt whose dad is basically is a teacher so you're still s...ing the gov teat, but complaining about taxes? Weren't you told to f off at multiple times and actually get to work instead of leeching off your parents?

>> No.957904

I feel your pain f a m.

Where u finna move to? I can't quite decide, a lot of choices

>> No.957911

>We own our house, but we pay PROPERTY TAXES for property we ALREADY OWN

What! You mean roads and bridges and street lighting and garbage collection and municipal water and sanitation and street cleaning and parks and animal control and the fire department and building inspectors and city planning the fucking POLICE aren't free!


>We never get sick, but we pay THOUSANDS into the Canadian Health Care system that WE DON'T USE, so why do we pay for it?

Because everyone eventually gets sick. Everyone. One day you will have heart disease, or cancer, or be injured greviously in a car crash and all your years of paying for health care will come rushing back to you.

>>Why do we have to start paying TOLL FEES on the HOV lanes WE PAID TO BUILT DECADES AGO?

Because low taxes means the government needs alternative methods of raising revenue.

Oh, wait, ha ha, I just got the joke. Ha ha ha! You're complaining about taxes AND user fees. Ha ha ha ha! The joke, man, the joke's on you!

Jesus Christ your fucking dumb.

>> No.957912


I'm probably staying in New Zealand after I finish B School, but I'll probably move to Switzerland after that.

>> No.957913

Our shit healthcare, shit roads, etc do NOT equal such high taxes.

It is an outrageous amount that isn't proportional at all.

>> No.957918





Okay, so $95k x 45 years of working in Canada is $4,275,000 dollars, so you think, my heart disease bill will be $4,275,000? AND INSURANCE DOESN'T COVER 100%, so add on another 30% to that, which means, $5,557,000, OR $1,282,500 OF OUR OWN MONEY?




USER FEES, AHAHAHAAHHAHAHA. Google the Red Hill Valley Parkway, and the Lincoln M Alexander Parkway. WORST BUILT HIGHWAY EVER. They planned it since 1950 and only completed it in 2007, AND ITS ONLY 2 ROADS, literally 1 hour of traffic jam every morning to work and school FOR MOST PEOPLE that live near me. Now they want more money, to add HOV lanes, to charge tolls, AND they want to make the HOV lanes on the 400 series highways TOLL LANES. Tolls are used to cover the costs of roads, but we've already built those roads decades ago and the costs are already paid for and now they want MORE MONEY? FOR WHAT?



>> No.957921

liberal weedsmoker btfo

I can't believe this retard actually thinks refugees are good or how retarded our taxes are. Pretty much sums up the average Canadian though, they'll parrot any excuse they receive and argue it to the death

>> No.957923


That's why. Fewer people. Longer distances.

You need more roads, you pay more taxes.


>I think all of my taxes go into a heath care account for me.

No, no they don't.

>I'm a racist! LIBERALS!

Trudeau was sworn in last week. All the federal taxes you've paid in the last ten years have gone to a Conservative government. HTH.

>> No.957925

>All the federal taxes you've paid in the last ten years have gone to a Conservative government

There is no "conservative party" in Canada, it's just a name. They're both extremely left-wing and hold the same policies on many things with just slight variation.

Canada is a socialist shithole that will get destroyed by its own doing when the muslim hordes reach critical point and start rampaging.

>> No.957926


Nigger it doesn't matter who they go to, the point here is, CANADA IS NOT A FAIR PLACE AT ALL.

Anyone who promotes these high tax rates or increasing the number of refugees or wants to bring in more shitskins is an ENEMY TO CANADIANS.

You are an enemy to Canada, you are destroying this great nation, you are responsible for this fucking bullshit, you poor mother fucking shitskin.

>> No.957931

Dont work yourself up to a heart attack there buddy. Save the hospital space for people who need it :)

>> No.957932


Immigration without assimilation is INVASION.

Nuff said.

>> No.957933

Stop paying taxes f a m. Better yet leave the country for ever.

Fuck Canada

>> No.957935


We literally can't just stop paying taxes LMAO, it gets taken off paychecks and we only see the total tax taken away, we don't see the break downs anymore either, THANKS TO MUSLIMS!

>> No.957936
File: 44 KB, 404x405, 1446536819449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw using healthcare as much as possible
>tfw get prescribed a shit ton of adderall and shit and just sell it
>tfw never contribute
>tfw literally ultimate parasite

>> No.957943



I'm tryna get a prescription to Addy but it's so damn hard now, so many loops to jump through, right now I just buy pills from this autistic kid who isn't really even autistic lmfao, only use it for tests and shit, but I feel like such a criminal when I take it on a plane to NZ LOL

>> No.957946

Oh look, /pol/ is here.

The hilarious thing is that the average Canadian pays less taxes than the average American.

Anyways OP, talk to an investment provider and diversify your funds throughout multiple mutual funds. GICs might be safe but 1.15% barely beats inflation.

>> No.957950

>Canadian pays less taxes than the average American.

>look at me I'm spouting government propaganda

>> No.957951

Look at me, I'm having a complete meltdown on a business-themed chinese cartoon message board

>> No.957962

Senpai just become self-employed and claim "$20 000 income" lmao

fuck canada fuck this faggot country

>Tfw u go to foodbanks to take a bunch of food there for homeless people
>Tfw use public services designed for "at-risk youths" by pretending to be from a shit family
>Tfw when safe injection sites come to Toronto I'm going to take free needles/syringes for steroids


>> No.957963

Over valued as fuck shit hole Hamilton has the highest property taxes in the gta

>> No.957978

>highest memety taxes

Senpai have u seen Toronto?

Literal smallest house is at least a million.

>> No.957981


average home in GTA, because of Toronto, is $1.145M now, and in Hamilton average home price is like $545k, and by 2018 they're saying average home price in Hamilton will be $1M already, because all the people from Toronto moving to Hamilton and buying houses here, and it's mostly mudslimes from Toronto doing it here and bringing all their friends with them

+ Hamilton has the most people on welfare in Canada, and we keep asking for more!!!

>> No.957986

Is it easy to get welfare?

I'm considering faking either schizophrenia or maybe suicidal thoughts or some shit

Also can i sell the medication they give me on the internet? since i dont want to take that fucking poison

>> No.958022

can fake autism pretty easily and get a few hundred bucks a month.

But be prepared to be "disabled" officially in the records for the rest of your life.

>> No.958024

Seems not worth it if it's only a few hundid and that record will probably prevent you from getting a job later

How would I go about doing this tho?

>> No.958035

just google autismbux

It's pretty degenerate...;\

>> No.958054

i know but there's no easy to follow guide

>> No.958070

Idk about personnal income but certainly for corporate taxes they made me sign a paper saying I wasn't an american citizen because of all the fraud even had a snowbird clause.

>> No.958075

oooh buddy, you're on the wrong path, go for precious metal. if i were you i'd buy three kilos of gold.

>> No.958092
File: 78 KB, 529x327, 1386460645307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw albertafag
>hardly ever complain at work, worked 2 years in a warehouse doing labour night shifts only called in sick once, meanwhile people say "I don't wake up for anything under $30" and "boohoo my Christmas party was canceled"
>save pretty much all my money
>never worked an oil job but still suffering by proxy
>crack addicted hillbillies are creating shitloads of crime
>calgary is currently detroit tier with people getting shot daily
>people assume you're a hillbilly because alberta

Alberta was a mistake

>> No.958101

Victorian here.

It's not really that nice. It's a capital city so part of the downtown is well kept, but we have just as many homeless/junkies as anywhere else, and more than our share of rednecks.

>> No.958140

Holy shit this thread went straight

A couple of my friends went out to work on rigs for a few months. They told me Edmonton is 10x nicer than Calgary, and the living costs anywhere in Alberta is much cheaper than Vancouver/Victoria or Ontario. Pretty depressing/anti-social climate though. Could only justify moving out there if I had a lot of friends already out there and a good job lined up.

How much did you make at the warehouse?

>> No.958339

Holy shit this thread went straight

When people say stupid shit like how refugees "MUST" be accepted into Canada, and the false idea that this is a good idea, that tends to happen.

>> No.958734

But anon... The refugees are mostly children!

You dont want children to die, do you?

>> No.960269

So he's stupid for not making it happen sooner, amirite?

>> No.960272

I know dat feel brah. It's a big world out there, and most of it has a lower cost of living than Albertastan. might be time for a mini retirement.

>> No.960483

Why the hell are you putting all of your money into mutuals when you're in debt by 500 a year? You've got to do something to make up the extra difference. Put a bit of your inheritance into regular savings to make up for the loss or get a second job or something.

Debt is a serious emergency that you should try to get rid of as soon as possible.