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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9574227 No.9574227 [Reply] [Original]

Back in late Feb, I found out that my dad was actually speculating in crypto, his portfolio was 90 percent in Tron and he got in at like 400 sats.

Told him to sell Tron because it's a chink scam and go into legit projects like Chainlink and Request Network and he followed my advice.

Worst decision of my fucking life.

Both those shitcoins completely fall off the map meanwhile Tron manages to push up close 1k sats.

Now he barely talks to me and whenever I try to interact with him, he's very tilted and bursts out easily. The only way he actually does interact with me these days is writing down the current price of tron in sats on a piece of paper and putting it on the refrigator.

How the fuck do I fix this?

>> No.9574241

Tell him to buy the dip. Then eat it together with chips.

>> No.9574243

You know what you have to do, OP. Send 10 ETH to the REQ burner. People will notice a huge burn and fomo in. When the price hits a significant amount, you cash out, and put the money into better projects like tron or dogecoin.

>> No.9574249

Commit seppuku

>> No.9574272

You scammed your father.
That is low even for a /biz/tard.

>> No.9574286

Here's what to do. If you don't know what you're fucking talking about, keep quiet. You'll also need a time machine

>> No.9574288


>> No.9574289

Rule #7
Keep your family and business completely separated
Money and blood don't mix like two dicks

>> No.9574310

He chose to listen to you. He didn't have to. It's not like you held a gun to his head and forced him by threat of death. If he doesn't see that, your dad is weak. Be better than your father.

>> No.9574336

Victim blaming, abuser logic

>> No.9574363

Make your dad rich by finding and investing in a hidden gem.

>> No.9574397

Thanks for advice. I take full blame. I should have done more due dilligence and used better hingsight. REQ and LINK are /biz/ memes bu don't have any actual qualities to make their ERC-20's top twenty (hype and market making) Tron achieved the best of both worlds. I feel like such a retard for shilling REQ and LINK, I thought i was smarter than the market somehow thinking both those shitcoins would outperform Tron.

What shitcoin do i shill him now? req and link aren't going anywhere

>> No.9574468
File: 166 KB, 602x421, 98BAEF19-3BED-4941-A888-A4A3F48E1045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nt. I’m not selling my REQ and LINK bags for you fucking pajeet.

>> No.9574484

Impressive fudding technique op, creative to say the least

>> No.9574488

nobody is gonna fomo over a few thousand dollars kid

>> No.9574505

>go into legit projects like Chainlink
>he actually used words 'Chainlink' and 'legit' in the same sentence


>> No.9574529
File: 5 KB, 223x226, retarded_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually believing that any crypto project has fundamentals

>> No.9574591

> shilling Chainlink to a family member who loves you and trusts your judgment
That's just cruel. What the hell is wrong with you OP?

>> No.9574609
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>Now he barely talks to me and whenever I try to interact with him, he's very tilted and bursts out easily. The only way he actually does interact with me these days is writing down the current price of tron in sats on a piece of paper and putting it on the refrigator.


>> No.9574651

Never tell anyone about cryptos unless you've made it. Because you'll sound like a Looney to the normies when talking about cryptos (wasting your time). Shilling to your love ones is just as bad. This speculative market can fall to $0 overnight.