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File: 104 KB, 330x240, wagecuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9573649 No.9573649 [Reply] [Original]

Your new landlord won't take magic internet money.

>> No.9573663
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1516345887423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom unironically referenced this article today when she talked to me about making sure I pay my rent (missed last rent). What should I do /biz/ in the off chance she goes crazy and wants me out?

>> No.9573684

Landlord here, will accept meme money

>> No.9573687

carbon monoxide

>> No.9573710


>> No.9573759
File: 49 KB, 640x480, EBE7A0F5-3771-4ED5-836B-D2882172BA8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom sounds pretty bad. If my parents were like that I wouldn’t talk to them ever. I would literally become a wagie just to spite them, I’d move out get my own place and ghost. Don’t kick a man when he’s already down then expect him to be “part of the family” then demand he go to family events. Start your family bro.

>> No.9573898

burn the house down

>> No.9573912

i'd give mummy foot rubs for more good boy points

>> No.9573913

Just quietly go, you've caused her enough problems.

>> No.9573936

lmao "problems." isn't america like one of few countries where living with your family is discouraged or something? i mean idk where >>9573663 lives but just saying

>> No.9573965

yeah, how dare op exist after his mother forcibly brought him into existence. and she even provided nourishment for him when he was a child, the hero!
the abolute state of boomers

>> No.9573990

Why yū māk nū thred when old one stil hēr?

>> No.9574005

Rub your unwashed nuts on her pillowcase anon

>> No.9574069
File: 53 KB, 750x563, 5b04790fb9ea531a008b5315-750-563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I understand these neets. the levels of comfy can reach levels of pure Nirvana and sustained bliss. Also every time you see a worker return from work all battered and depressed at 6pm it's like a heroin shot to the vein.

This neet clearly understood that wage cucking does not make you rich and even if he wagecucked he would never be able to buy a house in his city. also with wage -cucking in his city all he would get for a woman is a SJW bi-polar hambeast roast with pink hair.


>> No.9574147


>I would literally become a wagie just to spite them

Oh, that'll do it, anon. They will be properly JUST'd then...

>> No.9574186

Take some responsibility for once in your life, NEET. It's time to grow up Peter Pan.

>> No.9574236
File: 560 KB, 793x794, 1501967257703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worthless NEETs BTFO!

>> No.9574309
File: 77 KB, 900x900, 1517035950569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea im a NEET

Napping all day
Eating all day
Taxing wagies for my own income

>> No.9574364

peter pan assessment can be half true and half not true. the amount of work required of ppl these days is so ludicrous due to currency oppression. if he has a chance to escape it with crypto then more power to him.

>> No.9574379

just fucking start woeking u useless prick

>> No.9574444

Just leave anon.

>> No.9574542

This guy will be sucking nigger cocks for a cheese toastie next week

>> No.9574617

>shitcoins tank
>legal precedent that mom can kick me out

this is too much anons why so many bad news in one day reeeeee

>> No.9574705

>The world is unfair and I am oppressed because of X
>Therefore I just sit here and whine instead of moving my ass even for a fucking second
The absolute fucking state of NEETs and the very reason why western civilization is fucking doomed. Great NEET gassing when?

>> No.9574743

nigga I have a job and do not live with my parents nor receive support from them. sorry for recognizing literal real actual oppression

>> No.9574759

western civ is doomed because of capitalists and free trade. workers in america now have to compete with slaves in china which of course is a problem if you dont want to be a slave in china.

>> No.9574760

>literal real actual
Holy fucking how do you even breathe

>> No.9574772

just trying to be clear because you seem retarded

>> No.9574792

>Poor me has to compete with the rest of the world. So unfair!
Fuck off, pussy. Western civilization is doomed because of whiners like you that cry about their "oppression" instead of moving their asses and doing something about to improve their situation (like the chinks did for the last 50 years, literally brutalizing themselves and their children in order to climb up the ladder). Where do you think the chinks would be if they decided to cry about their poor situation instead of moving their asses? Exactly, they'd be where fucking Simbabwe is now, because they too can do nothing but whine about how evil white man took everything away from them. That's why they still starve and will continue to starve.

>> No.9574841
File: 641 KB, 2048x1536, BEIJING-SMOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the population of simbabwe is growing like crazy, they are definitely not starving.

and which ladder did who climb up? the average chinese is still pisspoor and lives in literal hell now.

great job!

>> No.9574850
File: 82 KB, 1100x619, 151201091236-beijing-forbidden-city-smog-super-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your poster model for a desirable society?

>> No.9574862

>mfw no choice but to live with aunt
Can't afford $1500 rent when I only make $1300
I just want a cosy cheap shack to call my own man...why must I suffer

>> No.9574887
File: 117 KB, 634x630, article-2464715-18CD368200000578-349_634x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and all of this misery just so some rich guy who does nothing all day can have 10 lambos. what a shitty system.

>> No.9574917

>The average chinese is still pisspoor and lives in literal hell
Do we live in the same universe?
The average income per person in china has risen from around 5000$ per year to 15k per year in 2016. It has fucking tripled in a quarter of a century.

>> No.9574937


>just be more competitive, like the chinese! that's really it!

Love these arguments. Suppose you do that, become more competitive. All that will result from this is the Chinese and the others trying to one up and undercut you yet again. The ride (or more like shekel-chasing zero sum rat race) never ends.
You want to compete with the Chinese for real? Then prepare to lower your quality of life to the level of Chinese peasant. Otherwise you will lose.

>> No.9574959

>3 million slaves
It's fucking nothing boi, compared to the amount of total people living there.

>> No.9574960

So that’s why bitcoin is crashing

>> No.9574987

>The average income per person in china has risen from around 5000$ per year to 15k per year in 2016.

Sure, you take 1 billionaire, 9 millionaires and 990 peasants, add up their net value and divide to 1000. Whew, the Chinese are 1st world country nao!

>> No.9575005

>implying the rest is better off

>> No.9575008

I'm not saying that we should compete with the chinese. They are where we used to be 80-50 years ago (in terms of living standard, industrialization levels). Do we want to go back to the 30s? Hell no. They can keep those low-skilled manufacturing jobs.

The problem is that we're even losing in top-tier fields. We should get the appropriate mindset back and move forward again ourselves. At the moment, the western world is whining instead of developing the products that would ensure our economic dominance for another 50 years. The chinese e.g. wouldn't give a shit if cloning humans in order to create a giant army of perfect slave soldiers is ethic. They'd simply do it. The west is hesitating and therefore losing.

>> No.9575012

There’s 1.5 billion Chinese people.
With your logic there would be 150 00 billionaires in China

>> No.9575022

150 000 i mean

>> No.9575025
File: 69 KB, 867x507, E&W2018 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9575045

>It's fucking nothing

Because all these Foxconn workers who can't even leave their compounds and are killing themselves so frequently that the employer had to install nets on the windows - these do not count as "slaves". They are probably "the emerging Chinese middle class". With 'average income of 15k a year'. The success story of China. Of course it's fucking nothing (4u).

>> No.9575053

>I'm not saying that we should compete with the chinese. They are where we used to be 80-50 years ago (in terms of living standard, industrialization levels)
and even that is wrong, china is the workbench of the world, they are far more industrialized than the first world.

you are just showing us that you dont have any insight at all and most likely just regurgitate stuff you heard and that fit your world view.

>> No.9575055

You do realize that for the vast majority of the chinese population, net worth and income as well as quality of life has risen massively? There is a middle class now in China made up out of millions of people. They drive cars, go out to eat in restaurants and send their kid(s) to piano lessons.

Of course there are super-rich oligarchs. They exist everywhere and the west just as well.

>> No.9575092


i'm just saying that using 'averages' is misleading. It's very often used as a propaganda tool or for manipulation. Same as with "rate of unemployment" and other metrics, often used by the governments.

>> No.9575120

and even thats only possible because we ve not yet gone full ancap. if we lowered our standards and cut back on workers rights the chinese would follow immediately and that precious starting middle class would be gone in an instant.

thats why capitalism and free trade are so bad and absolutely need to be regulated if you dont want to live in hell.

>> No.9575180

first you are saying
>I'm not saying that we should compete with the chinese
and then
>The problem is that we're even losing in top-tier fields
>The west is hesitating and therefore losing

you are contradicting yourself.
If the West is not (or should not) compete then why you speak about losing to China all the time?

Don't tell me that you expected the Chinese to just be content with manufacturing sector and not trying to one up the West in high-tech as well. Because this is the inevitable outcome. This is what the Japanese and S. Koreans did. Of course the Chinese will do this as well.

>> No.9575220

what we need is fair trade. products produced in countries where working conditions are bad and where companies dont give a shit about the environment need to be tariffed harshly.

this is the only thing that can stop the rat race to the bottom. too bad trump is a lame duck.

>> No.9575246

>You do realize that for the vast majority of the chinese population, net worth and income as well as quality of life has risen massively?

When you start from the absolute zero (look up the living standards in China in the late 1970's) it's not hard to have VERY IMPRESSIVE growth numbers.

It's like nuking a city and building it up again from scratch. I can guarantee you, you will see some very impressive growth figures as well, for quite some time.
That's why economies of Western Europe and even Stalinist USSR have been growing so rapidly in the first decade after WW2, for example.

>> No.9575250

most neets and hobos probably have undiagnosed mental problems, society is shit at handling those so they just get kicked out desu

>> No.9575278

Where? I'd like to pay in meme money.

>> No.9575293

murder suicide, obviously

>> No.9575390

You misunderstood me; my very point was that the industrial sector in china is much bigger than in the west, around as big as it was 50-80 years ago here. Huge industrial sectors are not desirable, but apparently a necessary step towards a fully developed economy (which happens when the 2nd sector shrinks again in favor of the 3rd sector)

>When you start from the absolute zero (...) it's not hard to have VERY IMPRESSIVE growth numbers.
So why doesn't fucking Simbabwe have massive growth numbers? Or Liberia? Or Egypt? Why are they all stuck in fucking hell? Exactly, because they all have one thing in common: Blaming others for their own failure. Without the right mindset, you will be unable to build anything up, even from scratch.

Another faggot blaming his own incompetence on others (here it is "undiagnosed mental problems") instead of taking some responsibility.

>> No.9575490

>Another faggot blaming his own incompetence on others (here it is "undiagnosed mental problems") instead of taking some responsibility.
cripples are also incompetent, kick them out then. don't have double standards faggit

>> No.9575496


>> No.9575517

Cripples usually have the decency and the intelligence to realize that the reason why they can't climb stairs is their lack of fucking legs and not some made-up oppression or imagined "undiagnosed" (aka: it exists because I believe it does) mental problem.

And because they realize that their missing legs are the problem, they can be helped. Those who don't even realize that their own lazyness is the problem (and therefore still blame something else) can't be helped, because they don't even see the problem itself.

>> No.9575522


>Move back in with parents last year
>Parents make it clear that they expect me to get a job and contribute
>Start off working nights sorting mail
>Move onto shelf stacking job
>Pay is half decent and living costs are low because I'm not paying rent
>Use staff discount and buy most of the groceries for the house, parents are happy because I'm more than paying for myself

I completely blame this guys parents for indulging him this long. If you have to move back in/stay living with your parents after you hit 20 it sucks, but shit happens. The important thing is that the parents don't let them live like a little kid anymore.

>> No.9575531

Nice bait.

>> No.9575568

They probably tried to reason with him for years. Such cases usually have a very long backstory before they actually escalate in court.

>> No.9575595


>They probably tried to reason with him for years.

This is the problem, no spine from the parents..
I'd have been out on my ass in the first few months if I tried to live like I was an 8 year old again.
The guy is obviously going to take the chance at living the dream (sit around playing games and collecting swords) if he is indulged, sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

>> No.9575608


Meant for:


>> No.9575630

pipe down jewish shill

>> No.9575642

I agree and hindsight says yes. Nonetheless, at least they woke up one day, realizing that it's hopeless and that they need to drag him into court. Most parents never do that and end up with a man-child in their house until they die - those stories just never make it into the news.

>> No.9575653

pipe down jewish boomer shill

>> No.9575674

>when your parents are so jewed they make you pay rent after voting to import millions of competing workers who will work for less than you
Many such cases

>> No.9575703

>I want to live in a fluffy cocoon and get spoonfed all day, and someone else (e.g. parents, society) should pay for it
Many such cases

>> No.9575726

>So why doesn't fucking Simbabwe have massive growth numbers? Or Liberia? Or Egypt? Why are they all stuck in fucking hell?

Why does fucking Ethiopia has massive growth numbers? https://qz.com/1109739/ethiopia-is-one-of-the-fastest-growing-economies-in-the-world/

Or fucking Côte d’Ivoire? http://africatimes.com/2018/04/08/imf-finds-cote-divoires-economic-growth-future-outlook-favorable/

Or Kenya? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kenyas-economic-growth-rebound-2018-105927044.html?guccounter=1

Such beautiful success amirite? Some niggers SUDDENLY stopped being niggers and started to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

"Blaming other countries" has nothing to do with this. You think the Chinese have forgotten the Opium Wars? Or how Europeans had colonies in their coastal cities? Or how the Japs massacred them? Of course not.

Well, neither did Ethiopians, or Zimbabweans or whatever the fuck.

Some countries are never going to make it, even if they have "the right mindset". Some countries have to pay the price, like the US/W.Europe did, so the Chinese economy can sustain its growth. The result of that you can see in Detroit, the Rust Belt, in the UK and in the fucking White House.

>inb4 b-but nooo, it's all just because Chinese/Mexicans/Indians/Africans/etc SUDDENLY stopped blaming others and SUDDENLY became competitive!

And i guess whenever growth stops somewhere it is because people in that country just SUDDENLY started to blame someone else.

>> No.9575743


I earn £14,000 stacking shelves 30 hours a week.
Because I work for one of the cheapest retailers in the country, and get a discount on top of that, my "most of the groceries for the house" is about £200 a month. I can't really complain to be honest.

>> No.9575957

>I never experienced it so it doesn't exist

>> No.9576042

Cause you didn't try had enough

>> No.9576054

How about get a job and pay your rent?

>> No.9576135

>Time to get a job

How though? I get dressed up all nice, go into a job interview and they act like I'm wasting their time?

>> No.9576362

>family members must be pay rent in white societies
Wow, and you guys wonder why white societies are falling fast when you don't even have any concept of family.

>> No.9576408

>Mum sent article via Viber to my phone

Bitch can't do shit cause dad is mentally ill cuck and gave me the apartment because there were tax breaks and benefits for him to transfer it to my name.

>> No.9576458

Lol this is what I find amusing about "prosperous" white societies. Parents force their children to move out of the house when they're 18 (whether they're ready or not or they become homeless or not) then expect to be treated like mothers or fathers when they've treated them like shit for all their lives. Then parents in white societies wonder why their children then put their parents in nursing homes as a sort of "revenge" without ever visiting them again and putting their lives in the hands of total strangers.

White society and family is dysfunctional on a grand scale. I may live in a 3rd world shithole but at least it's a happy 3rd world shithole unlike depressing and suicidal first world nations. You may have all the materialism and wealth but I would never trade my soul, my dignity, my pride, my being and my peace of mind for money.