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9572240 No.9572240 [Reply] [Original]

What are some careers that are very good in terms of work/life balance as well as being decently financially rewarding?

>> No.9572248


>> No.9572251


>> No.9572253

I was thinking that if you became very good at sales you could probably work your ass off for a while and take periodic breaks throughout the year. The same with construction trades, although I think you could make more with less effort in sales, assuming you were an elite level salesperson.

>> No.9572263

Software engineer if you are high iq and good at tech/math. You don't need a degree to work at a startup. You only need to be demonstrably good.

>> No.9572264

neet is 0 work and all life, unfortunately in my case ( I am a neet currently ) I jump from job to job and dont make much money per year

>> No.9572288

Figure out where value will exist and build a product. It's weird at first since you are building for an audience that may never arrive but you get used to failure and get better at understanding what works.
This way you build recurring income over time that you own.

>> No.9572292

carpentry can be very profitable but it takes years to get to that point, could you explain why you think it would have a good life balance?

>> No.9572308

thanks for this, i will think about this a lot

>> No.9572343

High-end escort

>> No.9572353

Being a cop is fun and pays well, but if your gf/wife can't understand that world, then you know why most cops have had at least one divorce.

>> No.9572357

already covered

>> No.9572405

yknow I wonder if male models ever escort themselves to lonely rich business women

In my area becoming a police officer is very competitive and you need to have a long history of working similar jobs (security guard, etc) as well as having done police courses at a college.

>> No.9572417

Fuck no. If you're just a laborer, you make okay money if you do piece work and can move fast, but you can make more money to push paper in an escrow agency or brokerage.
If you're a contractor, you can make a lot of money but you have to be cutthroat and . Every incompetent asshole wants to get paid to cut corners and blame you for the problems they cause. You have to make up for low subs' low iq mistakes all the time because you lose money if you don't keep projects moving. You have to do business with sociopaths who make their money by welching on contracts and tying their marks up in expensive lawsuits. There are good times of course, but you have to deal with some form of this bullshit on every job and most of the time the pay is just barely worth the headache.

>> No.9572431

nursing if you can stomach it desu. I work 3 12 hour days a week for 70k usd, soon to be about 90k assuming I get this job I applied for.

>> No.9572435

Being a business owner is the opposite of "good in terms of work/life balance". At least for for the first couple of years. That being said, it feels amazing to be your own boss and almost 100% responsible for your own succes.

>> No.9572441

Fed government. Cushy retirement and hours but low pay.

>> No.9572449

36 hours a week and 70k usd per year? Sign me up! Wtf!

>> No.9572489
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Sales is the best job you can be in since you can work in almost any industry and you're in the meaty part of the 'Smile Curve' (you add value). When you can sell, you can sell

>to lonely rich businessmen
Fixed that for you
But seriously pic related, it's just called being a 'toy boy' or in his case a gigolo - back when it was not just about sex, it was about romance. But also sex.

>> No.9572531

Yeah it's the ideal balance for me right now. My pay is a bit higher than average because I live in a big city, but I live with my parents so it works out

>> No.9572534

are gigolos the ultimate salespeople?!

>> No.9572544

How did you go about getting into that career and what pay did they start you at? Could you also tell me whats the shittiest part of being a nurse? I'm seriously considering this career path. I've worked 14 hour shifts for 6 days in a week so 12 in 3 is absolutely perfect

>> No.9572561

>wipe ass all day for 76k
>verbal punching bag for family, doctors, and coworkers.
>bonus: as you wipe ass, the patient tells you to “get up in there and clean it real good!”

No thanks!

>> No.9572579
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hmmm I'll get back to you...

>> No.9572596
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I did not know that was in the job description.

>> No.9572628

bout to start a legit research on gigolos and their ways

>> No.9572652

I went to community college for 2 years for my associate's degree, this grants you your RN license and allows you to begin working. I started at $28/hr in long term care, got a raise to $31 a few months later, changed jobs and moved up to $33ish, then moved again to another facility where I asked for $36. I'm trying to get into the top hospital in the area right now, as their package is just stupid. $41/hr base, 15% extra for nights, 8k/yr tuition reimbursement, full health/dental/vision, and it goes on. As for the worst parts, basically >>9572561. That's an exaggeration, but still on point. I will say that as a male I rarely have issues with docs or coworkers, amd families are cunts to us all so I don't take any of it personally. 90% of my patients are excellent and extremely appreciative of our help. I'm actually at work right now, night shift. No one here so I can just shitpost on biz

>> No.9572665

Okay so my preliminary thoughts on gigolos as salespeople are
>salesmanship is totally part of the deal, firstly in getting the attention of your rich heiress or lonely trophy wife, or well-alimonied ex-wife, or self-made career woman
>however gigolos aren't really selling anything the woman doesn't want to buy already - so the woman is already on the 'market' for this service: a toy boy, a man to bring some spice and excitement to her life. The gigolo just needs to sell himself as the right guy for the job
>compare this to the 'Challenger' model of salesperson -or that spurious quote about Henry Ford 'If I had of asked my customers what they wanted they would have said 'faster horses'. The ultimate salesman sells something the customer didn't even know they want
>I mention this 'she already wants to buy' because the woman is under no illusions about the fact that the only reason you're there is for her money, sure you may play the charade, charmingly refuse the 200 dollars she gives you when you leave in the afternoon, folding back her hand and kissing it -- telling her that a night with her is worth all the gold on the armada. But deep down she knows you're a rent boy

The ultimate salesperson though is the Cult Leader
>telling people something is missing in their life and making them believe it
>giving them nothing physical in return, maybe a few rituals
>all sizzle, no steak
I mean most scams will sell you the promise of big money. Amway or Herbalife even sell a product. Not cults though. They give you nothing but ideas.

>> No.9572703

h-how much poop do you encounter on a day to day basis? I think if I wipe a couple asses I'd eventually get used to it, but do any of your patients fuck with you and shit while your wiping their butt hole?

>> No.9572711


>> No.9572731

I feel gigolos are better than cult leaders because a cult leader usually preys upon people who are initially disturbed while a gigolo is competing against all the other attractive men that hit on rich women

>> No.9572735

government jobs are generally tilted towards benefits + PTO more than cash. And they need all kinds of people, laborers and tradesmen and managers and tech guys and general office droids. I work govt IT and never have to be on call. Access to 403b and 457 and a pension plan. Nice insurance and competitive - not mind blowing but competitive - wages for the area.

>> No.9572746

Haha, the million dollar question. Honestly, in my current role I wipe no ass. The nursing aides take care of all the dirty work. To put it simply, your exposure to dirty work depends on what specialty you choose. The best thing about nursing is that your license allows you to work in any setting. Hospital, outpatient, insurance, case management, in home visiting, administration, etc

>> No.9572774

It's not quite as simple as that, because firstly we need to figure out if morality comes into it (and in morality terms, yeah gigolos are way better because like I said there's no bullshit, they're not tricking anyone), and even aside from that most people who join cults are middle-class to upper-class people (usually women, especially back when women were less involved in the workforce) who have serious cases of Dunning-Kruger
>I could never get suckered in by a cult I'd smell one a mile away, ipso facto the Church of TenPercentSalary is not a cult

>> No.9572784

A male nurse? You have to be kidding. In cali they make 100k+ and it's still not worth it. Have some self respect for yourself. What are you, Filipino?

>> No.9572817

>being a cop is fun

Yeah I’m sure it’s so fun to give people tickets for bullshit. Hurrhurr you went 2 mph over the speed limit, imma gitchew sucka!!!

>> No.9572844

hmm if I could secure a nursing career without wiping ass, that would be golden, what specialty are you in? And also how would I avoid becoming poo-boy in the workplace?

>> No.9572854

Depends on your age and drive

Airline pilot checking in. I make 260K USD / year.

I’m over 40. It’s boring as fuck. You will spend 1/3 (at a good airline) to 1/2 (at a bad airline) of your life in hotels around the country, or likely, around the planet.

>> No.9572867

I hope you have a fat ass, tight waist, and fun personality OP. Otherwise, even with serious skills, you need to get really lucky.

>> No.9572888

Aren't new pilots basically wage cucks now? Either way, sounds like a shitty way to live.

>> No.9572889

I have no doubt in my choice. I took no debt, earn good money, and have career safety from automation. I got in so I could pursure nurse anesthesia anyway, the G.O.A.T job.

In clinical training you'll have to deal with it, it's unavoidable. Anything outpatient will be shit-free. OR as well.

>> No.9572896

profesionnal jew

>> No.9572909

How do you become a non poo wiping nurse? Sounds like a comfy gig

>> No.9572921

Depends on the country and more specially the airline.

I can only speak for the US airlines. I generally fly a single 12-14 day trip around the world per month. The other 18-16 days of the month, I’m off. They’re mine to do what ever.

When I talk to my non pilot buddies from high school and college, they’re jealous I get 16-18 days off a month and get 260K a year for it. They work 9-5s so you’re looking 10 days off and they make about half what I make (again we’re all over 40)

But yes they life style isn’t rewarding, nor is time in the actual seat. Sit there on a 13 hour leg to Shanghai. 4 guys. 2 sit. 2 sleep in the bunks. You swap out a couple of times. Eat. Read your kindle.

Do that till your 60 and retire.

>> No.9572923

How do you get jet lag and altitude changes? That shit fucks me up. I can barely survive a trans oceanic flight.

>> No.9572926

I use to work administration at a hospital. Not only is the health field a slave job but you're around moaning and groaning old, fat bitches all day everyday. Maybe you just have a higher tolerance than me but that shit drove me CRAZY

>> No.9572927

It's comfy as fuck, I'm shitposting from work as I said earlier. All nurses take the same licensing exam and have the same schooling, once you pass your state boards it's entirely up to you which area you work in. So the path is school > licensing exam (NCLEX) > apply for jobs. Choose a good area and you're set.

>> No.9572942

Interesting, I still think it would be harder to live a normal life if you ever decided to become a cult leader, and a gigolo would be able to do this to multiple people while still being able to call it quits and do something else.

>> No.9572951

I’ve never met anyone who even noticed an altitude change. In cruise, the cabin alt is generally between 5500-6000’. Hell thats the same as living in Denver. If you can’t habdle that, I don’t know what the fuck to tell you.

Circadian rhythm shits....thats bad, you’re right. I’ve never met a long haul guy that doesn’t have a prescription for ambien and one for Modalert too. Simply put, you don’t get over it, you live with it. Ask a fighter or attack pilot “hey how do you get over getting shot at sometimes?” You don’t. You do your job and go home.

>> No.9572954

why did u buy a coin that's just a pay button that any dev can code in a few hours? Was obviously a scam.

>> No.9572962

Ah I see where you're coming from now, your opinion is valid. I attribute my tolerance to two things lol, 1) I'm still new in the field and haven't had time to feel burnout, and 2) I'm pursuing a long term goal, so I know that these annoyances are temporary. Maybe that puts it into perspective a bit

>> No.9573007

Making 260k/year while essentially working half a year sounds comfy as fuck, how did you become a pilot and whats the absolute shittiest part of being a pilot?

>> No.9573016

>I still think it would be harder to live a normal life if you ever decided to become a cult leader
Depends how big your cult is. But then again I've never found a 'normal life' all that alluring. That's just me
Quiet? Yes, I love anonymity. But normal, yuck.
>and a gigolo would be able to do this to multiple people while still being able to call it quits and do something else.
I totally dig what you mean. Once your sugar momma moves on you do to, you can get a job etc.

But in terms of technical ability as a salesperson I would still rank Cult-Leaders above all else, above Startup Entrepreneurs, above Gigolos, above fortune tellers, above marketers and self-help gurus. But they all take from the same essential skill set which is identifying the problems or vulnerabilities of a person and giving them a concrete image of a solution. The best 'salespeople' (usually amorally) create or suggest problems, sometimes that's good - part of good customer service is diagnosing problems the customer has but they didn't know they had and posing solutions: like a mechanic who fixes a root cause of a problem in your car that is causing poor mileage rather than just doing a patch-up fixit that will bring you back in for the same problem in a few months time. But sometimes that means creating problems which is what everyone always complains about advertising doing - 'you must look like this, talk like this, you deserve this - why aren't you this!?' creating insecurity so they can sell a solution to plug that existential hole.

>> No.9573027


>> No.9573035

You have 2 x career tracks (again, US airlines only, I don’t know shit how a guy becomes a Lufthansa or KLM pilot)

One: 4 years of college. USN/AF/USMC as an officer. Hope you get a flight slot. 8-10 years later, you skip the shit airlines and go directly to a good one. UAL, DAL, AA, FDX

Two: 4 years of college. Pay for own flying lessons. Get all your ratings up to flight instructor. Teach other people how to fly Cessnas for 1-2 years. Go to a shit “regional” airline. Skywest, Mesa, Republic, etc. work there a couple of years. Hope UAL, DAL, AA, FDX call you. If not, go to a slightly less shitty airline like jetblue, Spirit, Southwest, and keep updating your UAL, DAL, AA, FDX apps. Maybe make it, maybe not.

>> No.9573067


did you ever met some interesting people in first class or business class?

>> No.9573098

How saturated would you say is the job market for airline pilots?

>> No.9573100

No. You have little to zero interaction with your passengers.

You show, often after the FAs are already on board. You walk into the cockpit and sit down. The lead FA is the buffer between you and the pax, which is 90% of the time not even used unless you get a drunk or loony one.

The bunk (long haul guys) it’s own little compartment so when you’re in back for crew rest, you are isolated from the pax as wel.

>> No.9573103
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UX design lead less than 40 hrs week if shit goes right

80 hours if shit goes wrong

started 70k now 120k

>> No.9573112

recently flew spirit and it was absolute ass. sheboon flight attendants laughing and joking on the intercom the whole flight, tiny ass seats, spent 30 minutes waiting at the gate and when i was getting off the flight the pilots looked tired as fuck, with huge bags on their eyes. doesnt look like a comfy job at all desu

>> No.9573130

It’s way way way UNDERSTAFFED with one key caveat: at the shit airlines.

Millenials simply aren’t interested in the 4 years of college + several years of flight training that you pay for yourself, not to mention: NO WEED. All airlines do random piss tests throughout your career. One pop, and your entire career is over.

They are hiring ANYONE who meets the published mins at skywest, republic, Mesa, Pinnacle, etc. even the jetblues and Spirits of the industry are hiring almost anyone.

But the top tier guys, UAL DAL AA FDX and to a slightly lesser extent UPS and SWA.... those jobs are still what we call “the brass ring” and not everyone who wants it will make it.

>> No.9573138

What kind of degree did you do or how did you get into that industry?

>> No.9573147

Yup. Sprit, Allegiant, JetBlue are certainly tier 2 airlines.

Tier 1.5: UPS SWA
T2: JetBlue, Spirit, Allegiant, Atlas
T3: every “commuter airline” Skywest Mesa Republic Pinnacle etc

>> No.9573151

Probably computer science

>> No.9573165

Can you minor in Design when you do Comp-Sci?

>> No.9573178

cult leaders are almost always as insane as their followers, I know it would be naive to assume they don't have any sort of methodological approach to their cult forming, but I think your average cult leader is less technically skilled than your average gigolo, but the best cult leader (being able to flip normies) is better skilled than the best gigolo.

By the way, do you know any good sources of information on sales? Lol!

>> No.9573188

This. Be police in a West coast state for 100k a year. I work 4 ten hours days a week and can get as much O T as I want.

>> No.9573220

Interesting about the divorce comment. This is 100% true for us too (airline pilots)

Well call it AIDS:
Aviation Induced Divorce Syndrome

A lot of pilots have AIDS

>> No.9573227

>all cops do is traffic enforcement
Unless you're a troopie, or your neighborhood is pure white and very wealthy then speeding tickets is only a tiny part of your job.

I only use traffic stuff as a pretext to find other stuff, if not I'd probably go there whole year without giving out chickenshit tickets.

>> No.9573231

this. i've done carpentry, drywalling, framing, painting, etc. in pretty much every role from a general laborer to a subcontractor to a contractor and while you definitely have the potential to make the most money as a contractor especially once you scale up, the headache can be immense with all the shit you have to deal with.

In terms of work-life balance I was honestly happiest as a subcontractor. I got my paycheck and didn't have to worry about the cutthroat side of things very much. Some sites I was making ~$40-100+/hour depending on the deal (piece work combined with some hourly, bonuses for having level 2-3 first aid ticket, etc) Plus lots of opportunity to scam/fudge your taxes and make even more.

>> No.9573236

>By the way, do you know any good sources of information on sales? Lol!
What do you want to know?

Note: I'm probably not a good person to ask because while I've read a lot of literature on sales and marketing, that's only because I'm not a good persuader and I haven't "stress tested" this shit out in real life and gained practical experience.

>> No.9573240

Not sure, might depend on the school. Cs is a pretty broad field, you can take a lot of career paths with it.

>> No.9573248
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I fly Delta and like the comfiness of the pilot greeting us and whatnot desu, I always nod a thank you to him. The "smiley" corp instructionz can get on my nerves, but I'm glad that the Dta pilots are comfy, good bang for your buck it seems

>> No.9573256

I wanna know everything, man. I don't really mind if you haven't tried it out, its always good to have some material to look at to spark some neurons when things get ruff.

>> No.9573260

Fair enough, it's just that unlike most of my fellow artist friends I have some skills at coding (from like 10 years ago though) and understanding how computers actually work so I was wondering if I could leverage that into a UX gig. Like that bullshit Steve Jobs use to say about how Apple were the intersection of humanities and technology (fucking kek!)

>> No.9573271

Some guys are personable. Some not. For everyone guy who wears the silver haired (I’m wide body long haul so we’re old as fuck) Robert Redford personal well...

There’s one of THESE guys. This is an actual DAL pilot. Jesus goddamn Christ I can’t listen to this without throwing something:


>> No.9573299

Skill set wise tho, it’s generally equal. UAL/DAL/AA/FDX (hey your volleyball has to live too) are on the same level. SWA/UPS/JetBlue too.

The one sector that carries risk skill set wise is the regional one. Skywest, RAH, pinnacle, they hire anyone for the right seat. 23 year olds right out of college. And the captain is like 24-25. Fast reaction time and reflexes takes a huge backseat to experience, judgement, situational awareness, all of which come with age and time in the seat.

Still a safe way to travel regardless.

>> No.9573303

How many years did it take you to get to sub/contractor and how common is it for people to achieve this? A lot of my friends ( pretty much all ) that are into the trades want to own their own business, be a contractor, etc.

Also do you have any tips on finding an apprenticeship in the electrical industry? Or any tips on the industry itself? I've done a community college course however it seems all the places want guys with 2-3 years experience under their belt already. Its got me thinking of changing career paths.

>> No.9573304

Roided up government footsoldier

>> No.9573319

Generally, working in the industrial sector is pretty comfy as an engineer. The protip is, the closer you are to the machines, the comfier. I've two jobs before, one in a missile factory and one in another chip fab and that's a pattern I've noticed.
Now I work in process r&d in microelectronics, got 10 weeks of holidays a year, 38h work hours a week. The salary is very comfortable (35k€ starting).

>> No.9573332

That experience would definitely help you, I'd argue you don't even need a degree if you're motivated enough. Try and focus on building a solid portfolio of side projects you can show off during interviews and you're set. College is a bit of meme.

>> No.9573343

Isn't engineering work hard?

>inb4 brainlet

What does a daily workday in a missile factory for its engineers look like?

>> No.9573346
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LOL, damn, that vid. I can see what you mean in it being like a trucker lifestyle but better pay. Delta bois keep it real

I find some pilots have their own distinct flying style sometimes too, with like take offs and turns, but idk that might be routes and winds n such. Some though definitely seems like they got their own style a bit

>> No.9573375

Okay so off the top of my head here's some things that I considered or have heard good things about. But if you can be specific then maybe I can point you towards particular material
>Marketing Success Through Differentiation -- of Anything - Ted Levitt
>Marketing Myopia - Ted Levitt
>Insanely Simple - Ken Segall

>*Sales and Selling*
>Same Side Selling - Quaries and Altman
>The Challenger - ?
>SNAP Selling - Jill Konrath
Watch Grant Cardone lectures, but take like a grain, no a whole tub of salt, in every video there is a jewel, there is some quip he'll make that is actually really insightful but remember that he's just a P.T. Barnum selling real-estate

>*General Persuasion*
>Pre-Suassion - Robert Cialdini
>Rhetoric - Aristotle
>Institutio Oratoria - Quintilian
>The Psychology of Human Misjudgement - Charlie Munger

That's all I can be bothered with right now. My advice would be ask yourself "if I was better at selling things, what would I use that skill for?" and "what parts of selling do I have the greatest difficulty with right now?"

>> No.9573381

Fucking awesome then. This could be a career switch for me.

>> No.9573391

Yup. Depending on your airline and what equipment you’re on, it can vary between taxi driver - truck driver - container ship captain life style.

From the back seat, you can’t really tell anyone’s “style” as you said. The guys are just doing their best to comply with ATCs instructions, their FOM (flight operations manual, and the general FAA regs. Some flights might seem a little off but that’s likely not a function of the guys up front.

I’m not DAL but I have some friends who are, one of which has been the FO (first officer / co pilot) for the guy in that video. It’s fucking real. He actually says this shit over the PA with a straight face, while he FO stares out the side window and sinks further and further into his seat, full turtle mode.

>> No.9573438

Currently working as a tour guide in Australia. A good portion of the job is entertaining Chinese & Koreans. It sounds degrading but it's actually like shitposting IRL. Old Chinese people are funny in their ant-like ways. Also chink qts tryna cop those pictures with you.

I'm studying commercial marine driving at Tafe to drive boats on the river as well. It's a cheap course and relatively low time investment. Working with older skippers is pretty cool. They're often incredibly redpilled due to the JUSTing they've been through (getting fucked over in an industry with a mob-like union, divorce, etc). Cranky old bastards going on about their bitch ex-wife.

>> No.9573445

Engineering jobs are either technically demanding or require being very rigorous.
If you work in r&d or in production support there isn't really a typical workday. You solve problems as they come, or you anticipate on future problems.
My job description at the missile factory was to understand why a certain propulsion design was faulty and how to fix it. The propulsion had a failure rate 20% too high, and nobody knew why. I designed a test method, made a shitload of said tests (some including launching missiles, the fun part), had to read trough most of the documentation made for the different missile designs this new propulsion was based on, and check with the production operators to see if the machines themselves weren't faulty.
In the end it was mostly a problem with the new composite supplier and the guys who approved this new composite supplier didn't check the material properties before slapping it on the new design. It was a 4-months job.

>> No.9573459

Christ man. Half my layovers are in Asian. Tokyo. Shanghai. Hong Kong. Seoul

You aren’t fucking kidding: ANT PEOPLE

I take pics of their city scapes, my sister said “that looks like something ants would do to their city”

It’s true (and sad)

>> No.9573461

>He actually says this shit over the PA with a straight face

Kek, that guy needs to retire or play CoD for his PTSD or something, what a flat-line loser.

Idk tho man, maybe it's just the pilot on the intercom, but I've sat in like the mid areas and felt like pilots were flyin different and such. This one guy had a rough lift-off and rough landing in partocular I remember as one of my last flights I was on, but only been on a handful
>t. auditor100work

That makes sense though. Nice talking to you brah

>> No.9573478

>if I was better at selling things, what would I use it for?

I want to convince people that my product will help them out later in life.

>> No.9573483

You too man. Alpha Mike Foxtrot.

Parting shot: you still can’t tell shit from the back (i can’t either). No one can. Rough rotation (lift off)? Wind makes a difference. Gusty winds especially. Goes for the flare too.

Backseat driving is real tough in a plane. Later dude

>> No.9573533


We get groups of 20-30 from Beijing, Taiwan, Hong Kong on our boat. They get herded around by 'tour leaders' and sometimes even respond in unison like school children. Their bizarre tonal language reinforces the ant-like nature; everything gets pronounced the same, the tones are very rigid.

I appreciate them though. They're the ultimate conformist, but at least they're productive & orderly (even if their productivity is mostly emulation of European ideas).

>> No.9573547

Still kinda vague but I'll try to help you out: totally start off with Grant Cardone, all his stuff is big picture stuff like
>Don't YOU deserve this lifestyle? don't you want to create financial stability for your kids
>When you spend 10,000 dollars on a dentist, it's not a lot of money because your teeth are worth MORE than 10,000 dollars. Man it's your TEETH.

The maybe check out something like 'Innovator's Dilemma' but Clayton Christensen.
He's very much in the Ted Levitt mold of 'your product serves a purpose, not a demographic' which is a very important concept to twig to.
Once you do that check out SNAP Selling and 'How to Read Your Customer's Minds' to start learning the nitty gritty of how to actually start pitching services to specific customers. And get your hands on as much Cialdini as you can, and learn about 'Cognitive Priming'.

I hope this helps.

>> No.9573566

I layover in HKG a lot. Constantly see “mainlanders” (the Hongkongese derogatory term for main land Chinese) and Koreans in your groups like that.

Following a leader who’s holding a red flag on a stick, ordering them that this a good place to take a selfie. None of them have any situational awareness or consideration for anyone outside their 2” bubble.

Read one time on /pol about a guy who worked at group pool parties. Slammed Jews (it was /pol) for being loud and leaving the pool littered with trash. Praised Koreans for at least leaving the pool spotless.

Whatever. Fucking ants.

>> No.9573579

Dude seriously thanks alot, ive downloaded a lot of sales ebooks and ive started to read them, I know im being kind of vague but when I say literally any material I can find that is insightful, ill take it. How did you find these people? Google searches or was it any different ways?

>> No.9573644

Google Searches, trips to the library, and just tugging on the the thread different disciplines.

>> No.9573658

>trips to the library


>> No.9573885
File: 55 KB, 302x720, 1401716596177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any people here that did a trainee program at a big company?

I studied chemistry but don't want to work in research/academia so thinking of operational (/management if I manage to get in) traineeships at big chemical companies or pharmas. I graduated almost top of my class, very young and did an intership at a leading pharma so my resume is pretty good but I have no idea whether these programs are good

>> No.9574240

How long ? Do they hire you at the end ?

>> No.9574275

Fuck you all

>> No.9574316

These threads are depressing. When you see Americunts bragging about their six figure incomes again, it makes you regret that you have wasted your life wageslaving for peanuts in your Eastern European shithole.

Like that nurse guy >>9572431 who earns 70k annually and plans to get 90k? Here, nurses work for ~ €700/month, with constant overtime.
Airline pilots earn 2-3k € (and it's a FABULOUSLY high salary here).
On top of that you're expected to speak 3 languages just to earn over minimum wage at all.

And then you see fuckin' Americucks strolling through life on easy mode, with just one language and earning 100k/year and more.

>b-but your living expenses are much lower! Muh cheap real estate! Muh 100% white communities!

Prices are going up all the time, which fucks up people who are trying to save some money. Real estate is only cheap if you're referring to commieblock apartments.
White communities are just a stale /pol/ meme, if people are poor then even whites will behave like ghetto-tier niggers. And you can't even really blame them for that. If you work your whole life and have nothing to show for it, why would you try to play by the rules? If your BASED government gives your so-called "pension" (pension in EE shithole, lmao) as a bailout gift to some bankster scum then there are no rules anymore.

Sry for a blog post, i just had to let it out

>> No.9574400

>Isn't engineering work hard?
The studies to get thare are hard, the jobs themselves are piece of cake compared to that.
I'd say that, provided you are in a field you enjoy, engineering jobs are generally fun.

>> No.9574598

sales and marketing yeah
if youre a rainmaker you can write your own ticket
protip: look into copywriting. its salesmanship in print. all the upsides of sales without having to interact with people.