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9570940 No.9570940 [Reply] [Original]

You are next you fucking neckbeard faggots.
Imagine being a parentand raising a fucking pathetic NEET like this.

>> No.9570975

>affordable housing

>> No.9570993

>being 30 and done nothing with your life, not even give up mothers breast
Cope harder NEET fag

>> No.9571008

When your parents hand you a eviction notice, you done goofed.

>> No.9571031

Eh, he can always go for some hollywoodesque bank robbery. If it fails the an hero option is still there

>> No.9571043

>NEETs seriously treat life like its a movie

>> No.9571069

As opposed to what it REALLY is

>> No.9571070

Look at the guy. Hes either going to an hero, become a permanent hobo or diddle some kids. Im just offering an alternative

>> No.9571077
File: 55 KB, 960x745, 95DF6B15-494D-4458-9E78-DE99B50C5984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28yo NEET living with parents
>haven‘t worked in 9 years (last thing was some unpaid internship after highschool)
>touchless virgin
>play videogames all day and jerk off to degenerate porn
>have all my money (from welfare) tied up in crypto
>parents are always butthurt about me

>> No.9571107

im 30 dude and a neet shit is not fun. Join the fucking army. Im talking to a recruiter tomorrow. At least i can do my 20 years and get a pension working at a desk

>> No.9571110

You have seen your future. You have 3 years left at most to make it, if all fails at least get a fucking haircut before going to court.

>> No.9571142

I‘m too fat

I‘m bald and it might happen in less than 3 years

>> No.9571152

The job market's never been stronger.

If you're going to become a wagecuck, become one while you've got leverage.

>> No.9571161

me fcking too. Lost weight. ive been doing this shit since high school. Once your parents are dead that it you are for real fucked. The clock is racing

>> No.9571170

have no skills for a job also I can‘t endure 40 hour work week

>> No.9571179

Not your fault. Natalists boomers should go fuck themselves

>> No.9571186

the coins better moon faster
My parents are in good health for now but I could see it detoriate in the not too distant future

>> No.9571202

Doesn't matter. Unskilled labor working part time can land shit nowadays.

As long as you can add 2 and 2 and aren't nodding off on fentanyl, of course.

>> No.9571210

you really are lazy or fucking stupid. you links wont moon anytime soon

>> No.9571238

I need 12 hours of sleep, can not travel far, get tired really fast, no social skills, make constant mistakes if dont care about the work

>> No.9571248


Looks like a fucking Onion article

>> No.9571257

I hope sergey safes me
Have only 36000 chainlink its all I have

>> No.9571262

>I need 12 hours of sleep, can not travel far, get tired really fast, no social skills, make constant mistakes if dont care about the work

you either adapt or die. your choice

>> No.9571274

Work for 60 days and I guarantee you half that shit will noticeably improve.

>> No.9571275

welfare will prevent my death

>> No.9571287

I‘m not a good worker
always late, badly organized, always make mistakes and forget stuff

>> No.9571288
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>After court, Rotondo said he had a business to support himself. But when asked about his business, Rotondo replied: "My business is my business."
/our guy/
trading crypto
saving up
leeching off his parents to avoid paying rent

This is how you make it lads
take fucking notes

>> No.9571306

Stop eating shit food. Give yourself 8 hours sleep. No more, no less.
Go for a walk/jog every day. Fucking get your shit together cunt. Reading that was fucking sad

>> No.9571309

Yeah, be an autist who carries around a notepad while stocking shelves. You'd still probably end up in the top half of workers right now.

>> No.9571345

I‘m not motivated to pull this off
its too much work

I would still fuck up and they would fire me
>implying they would hire me

>> No.9571364

>be a neet
>living at home, everyones fine
>news starts talking about incel rage
>parents all of a sudden evict you

>> No.9571494

Lmao no escape from the normies for the poor neets here

>> No.9571789

>be me
>be NEET for one year after high school, hanging out with friends and living off of my crypto gains
>run out of money, decide to get job at a warehouse
>work is brutal for the first couple of weeks but now I'm mostly adapted to it
>dont even work that hard, just not be a complete idiot
>already get employee of the month and reccomendation for management position
are normies that braindead that i, just coasting along in this job, perform far better than them? how is this possible

>> No.9572383

>>news starts talking about incel rage
Wait, are all NEETs incels?
I've found women who wanna fuck me are quite happy to take me home to theirs and I'm a NEET

>> No.9572529
File: 24 KB, 499x499, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over $100k in crypto
>enough money to sustain myself for 10 years in my shithole country
>still leeching off my parents, who make less than 1/10 worth of my portfolio in a year
who else /worthless parasite/ here and too autistic to move out

>> No.9573125

Absolute 10/10 for making me reply because I feel like a dumbass but it’s only for the genuine hope that you will not post again, unless it’s a good, productive question on how to actually do something with your life. Rather than:
>no I can’t do that I’m too x
>no it’s too y
>no I would z

If you actually want to improve, then just do it. Whether that means getting a job, but I’d say that’s a secondary step to getting healthy which it sounds like you have trouble with too. Go on at least a walk err day. Maybe even try smoking some weed to open up your mind beyond your tiny shit tier sphere of fantasy.

I know because I flirt with it myself, having recently quit my job. But man it feels good to lift weights and eat healthy while I NEET it up at home in between freelancing gigs.

>> No.9573157

I dared my mother several times to evict me.

>> No.9573201

how do you guys let it get so bad holy fuck, im 20 and my parents already want me out