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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9570827 No.9570827 [Reply] [Original]

So now that crypto is on its deathbed what are you plans /biz/?


>continue to upgrade house i bought last year in California
>continue to try and raise my 401k contribution as close to maximum contribution as possible
>set 401k to highly aggressive tech stock based investments
>not buy a new car since old one was paid off last year
>continue to work at current job and try to promote
>get a backdoor IRA
>might try to open a online store for shits and giggles in my offtime
>pay off all credit cards and student loans

>> No.9570840

Go to law school because education is free here. I have to keep working while studying though. I had this delusion that I could be work free while studying and living good life with crypto gains. I would literally need to 10x to hit my ATH

>> No.9570917

Continue being comfy af and rich. I have 12% of my net worth in crypto. Even if crypto loses 75% of its market cap it's won't change my lifestyle.

>> No.9570934

yall soft

>> No.9570997

>BTC drops 5%

I'm glad weakhands normies are getting shaken out within these last few dips

>> No.9571022
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>> No.9571801

I realized crypto was over back in Jan'18

I've been working lot of overtime and putting money in stocks. I don't think I'll ever be able to afford a house here in NYC so at the end of the year I plan on moving to either georgia or florida and buy a house outright since I currently I can liquidate my portfolio and have about $200k after taxes. If I'm able to do that I'll be pretty comfortable since I work remotely and not having to shell out $2k a month to a landlord will free me from serfdom.

>> No.9571814

>Still off over 50% from Dec '17
>Can't break $10k
It's over

>> No.9571818

just gonna keep wagecucking like i have been this entire time. will be more frugal though, gotta cut back on eating so much fast food

>> No.9571842


>So now that crypto is on its deathbed what are you plans /biz/?

You realize this is the exact reason why you'll never be rich? You will always buy high and sell low and never learn.

>> No.9571858

This but with your future at stake

>> No.9571889

>crypto is on its deathbed
Crypto is still just getting started fuckwit. Stick around though, I'll need someone to buy when the prices are high.