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9569725 No.9569725 [Reply] [Original]

They are frozen and protected by an admin pass. Is there any way that I can use them to mine for me? Just for educational purpose.

>> No.9569752
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if you have to ask you're prob not smart enough to pull it off

>> No.9569766

How the fuck does someone this stupid get into college?

>> No.9569827


I know I can mine while I am using them. What I want is instal some modern program to make them mine while I'm at home. Is that possible?

>> No.9569941

Again, how does someone this stupid get into college?

>> No.9569954

>Again, how does someone this stupid get into college?
Affirmative Action.

>> No.9569966
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Sysadmin for college here. Go ahead try. Even if you did get past unfreezing the pc. We have like 4 more layers to detect this shit. Also thunk about the amnout if comp sci students we see who think they can pwn the systems (hint they never do). Dont fuck around with higher es I.T. they are battle hardened and will catch you in the end

>> No.9570002

install this program:pajeet.dlt

>> No.9570007

Set up a website that mines monero on a pop-up, visit that website, hide the window outside of the viewport