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9567183 No.9567183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ive been unjizzed for 4 days but i havent noticed any difference yet other than being depressed because i cant masturbate

inb4 not biz related

it is, i am in the bizness of not beating my meat

>> No.9567204
File: 11 KB, 309x343, 1524816262024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is, i am in the bizness of not beating my meat

>> No.9567209

try 40 faggot, then report back

>> No.9567234

nofap for more than 1 week is a meme
start lifting, high protein low carb meals & cold showers

>> No.9567295

one life

>> No.9567314

If you aren't very sensitive you wont notice the effects.

You can get more sensitivity by also eating clean and doing meditation.

I recently broke my 45 day nocum streak.
I don't do nowank. Sometimes I wank. I just don't waste the juice.

>> No.9567322

90 days

>> No.9567333

I did it for 4 months cause of a bet. Its not really worth the struggle desu. I would say cut yourself down to once a week or once a month but nofap forever is just pure punishment

>> No.9567481

Try to avoid looking at porn in any capacity, 90% of the problems that nofap aims to fix are caused by the dopamine hit you get when you see a sexually suggestive image. Fapping isn't even that bad as long as its in moderation and not death gripping w/porn.

>> No.9567510

>actually doing no fap
you guys are retarded, how about you stop watching midget tranny porn and just beat your meat once a day?
>try no fap
>get agitated
>wet dream after 3 days
you're all a bunch of beta losers if your balls dont explode on their own after a few days, try leaving your basement every now and then.

>> No.9567882

There has to be a way to circumvent the wet dream problem. They're the only thing breaking my nocum streaks.

>> No.9568058

>wanking without cumming for 45 days
that cant be good for you.

>> No.9568293

you can orgasm without releasing.

orgasm != ejaculation

Why would I waste my seed? tell me?
Do you go around and give everyone of your friends your seed? r you retarded? that's how your funds get stolen. You DO NOT give your seed to anyone you don't trust.

>> No.9568324


>> No.9568378

Seriously wtf

>> No.9568560

Taoist practice involving lots of kegels and edging you build up strength and control to the point where you can orgasm without ejaculating and if your healthy enough you don’t lose wood, can take months to develop the skill but it’s definitely worth the effort, that second or third orgasm become a religious experience. The next step in training is being able to do it while fucking, ladies will be shocked, this shit will make you the god of fuck look into it anon

>> No.9568618

Stop being faggots, they've done studies and you actually lower your testosterone by not having an orgasm for a long time.


>> No.9568626

Forgot to add that using fleshlights is a great idea

>> No.9568637
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>> No.9568715

Something about that freaks me out, because the jizz is released but doesnt ejaculate and can end up in the bladder and be harmful. fuck that...

>> No.9568757
File: 56 KB, 444x414, Your Fello White Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>semen retention is harmful

>> No.9568832

NoFap is worth it, streaks have been the best periods of my adult life. I am addicted to shit porn and its gotten me brainfog, anxiety, ED and sexual retardation.

>> No.9568891
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, 20170314-video-backstage_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never do that, I need to cum after 3 days max because at that point I can already cum as much as fits in a whole cup and if this gets released during a wet dream than its game over man

>> No.9568929

and it doesnt reset nofap/nocum?

>> No.9568967

It's a meme. It won't change shit other than you won't have brainfog anymore. That's it. Focus on other shit, improve your life in other ways, focus more on creating instead of consuming

>> No.9568968

Ofcourse it does, in a way. There are certain hormonal effects that actually having an orgasm triggers that should be unvoided when credit (actual sex) is not due. However, just edging is still a bad thing since it deregulates normal levels of dopamine receptors while the access to that dopamine high effortless. In that sense, pornographic masturbation is not far off from opiates...

>> No.9568979

dont do this, I did it and broke my penis

>> No.9568984

See, I understand that you think that but when you actually have a problem, it’s worse than just that.

>> No.9569002

Good, good.

>> No.9569003

I've completed nofap previous for a bit over 4 months. It's a literal meme. I'm not talking out of my ass.

Other than brainfog, or p.i.e.d., it doesn't do shit

>> No.9569018

You should consider why you really think you have a problem in your life, if that's why you try to improve it. Then improve these things. If you think because you reach 4 months you will become a super hero then your falling for the biggest meme on the internet

>> No.9569023

it's not released you mong.
I've never pissed seed.
Where the fuck idd this retarded meme come from?

you realize you can't pee when you have a hard dick right?

>> No.9569079

My problem is discipline, anxiety, ed and brainfog. All of those are related to excess dopamine and overstimulation. I am susceptible to addiction, epigenetics I guess, but I personally hold the belief that this is my only actual problem in life. Looking back, my lust for learning was destroyed the moment I discovered the immediate satisfaction of porn. I didn’t even know back then, I was twelve. Thanks anon

>> No.9569143


>> No.9569167

I've tried a few times, around the 7th it starts to feel good, by the 10th day it reverses and my dick gets hard at anything and everything.

Now I have a GF so it's impossible to go more than 2 days without cumming, I fap a lot less, maybe 3 times per week.

>> No.9569170

>this is my only actual problem in life
Anon, I fell for the same trap. Nofap won't do this. If you frequent these nofap sites just get away from them. They are more triggering than any helping. You probably have all the knowledge, right now, to stop fapping; yet you still do it.

My advice:literally forget about nofap. Don't visit these meme sites. Forget that your life problems come from it. Focus on other stuff. What do you love to do, or want to do more? Do that. You fap because either you're tired, have too much time on your hands, don't know what to do, you're bored and out of habit. Notice why you want to fap when you do, and don't do it. Simple as that anon

>> No.9569188

Ever notice the nofap memers rarely advise abstaining from sex for weeks. Your body doesn't know whether you're jacking off in a cup or a vagina, it makes no sense other than an excuse to make up for their lack of a roastie cum deposit.

>> No.9569194

Takes at least 1-2 months to start seeing results. I did it a couple of years ago because I was addicted to porn/masturbating and it actually improved my life a lot.

>> No.9569213

Nofap is stupid as hell and lowers testosterone levels. To much jerking is worse on it but no release weeks at a time still brings it back down. Just have 1 glorious fap every 7-10 days for peak test levels

>> No.9569253

>My problem is discipline, anxiety, ed and brainfog
almost everyone on earth has these problems to varying degrees beating your meat isnt the cause you fucking retard. you're just dumb. nobody wants to admit it but some people are just dumb. if you want a real solution get an adderall prescription and start exercising more. these threads are cancer.

>> No.9569359
File: 347 KB, 1204x606, nofap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're playing with your dick, you are a supreme faggot


>nofap for more than 1 week is a meme
>start lifting, high protein low carb meals & cold showers

Get your shit together

>Fapping isn't even that bad as long as its in moderation and not death gripping w/porn.

Quit playing with your dicks you dirty fagits. It's fucking gay.

>> No.9569420

>cold showers

>> No.9569473

No fap is a meme. It won't help with anything. No porn is more beneficial than nofap.