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9563244 No.9563244 [Reply] [Original]

5 cent per kw hour is what i pay here.

how much do i need to invest in this shit and what is the roi like? is bitmain still #1?

will tip legit answers. leave ur eth adress.

>> No.9563277

at that price its worth it. 1080ti rigs, mine eth with enlargement pill. or asics if u can stand the noise, sha256 or equihash. amd cards if u want monero. mine and hold as much as you can as long as u can to maximize returns.

>> No.9563300

if i buy 20x s9 and mine btc, how much roi can i expect in a month

>> No.9563301

5c? Seriously? Of course it's fucking worth it you brainlet. You can mine everything there is for a profit.
I pay 30c and mine shitty 0xBitcoin on my desktop out of pure speculation, but you can easily do it to pay off your setup and shit.

>> No.9563309


hey we aren't in 2011 anymore

>> No.9563362

well if id do it, id do it big and i have no clue how much work is involved to keep the asics cool, how loud they are. how often they break down etc. thought its too much of a headache but if its worth it by a by a big margin id go for it thats why im asking now

>> No.9563371

Their are layers too this mining game OP.

1st layer - Using whattomine.com and cryptocompare.com mining well known coins like ethereum and monero

2nd layer - Mining obvious scam coins(masternode coins) that release every otherday and flipping them quickly as possible before its dead. You can probably 2-3x what you can get out of ethereum/monero.

3rd layer - finding hidden gems with actual value and mining them for months on end til it pumps then dump on everyone... example of said coins are raven, stellite, 0xbtc, etc etc etc. You can get probably 5-20x what u can get out of eth/xmr

Not really holding my breathe for a tip, but if ur legit here u go.


>> No.9563381

Pretty cheap electricity anon.
Don't buy cards with the idea of mining eth because they eventually will switch to PoS, also, equihash ASICs have the same problem, Zcash and btg froked themselves to become Asic-resistants.
That's why I would tell you to buy vega 64. They are cheaper than 1080 and have better hashrate at cryptonight, and you can expect xmr to remain mineable in the mid term.
Check also asicminervalue.com and whattomine.com

>> No.9563456

I mine xmr but used to do that MasterNode thing. As you said, good if you are fast but for me the whole point of mining is not having to worry and just have a source of passive income. I'm also mining nimiq, not exactly a gem but makes cpu become useful.

>> No.9563573
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Yea that's how alot of people feel as they are too busy with real life too be bothered, but for a few rare individuals like myself treat this as their job.
I mean honestly if i went with the passive route ill probably would of barely ROI'd after 11 months of doing this, but by going this route with alot of trial and tons of errors i've 6x ROI'd since i started.

You just need 1 coin and ur life changes. ;)

>> No.9563663
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wow I'm happy for you fren.

>> No.9563839
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>mine and hold as much as you can as long as u can to maximize returns
Or he could just buy the coins outright.

>> No.9563922

Zhenya needs to stop ageing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9564198

No. Just grow weed, you’ll make more

>> No.9564230

my energy is free, what do I mine? I don't think I can have a loud ass asic miner here, i get inspected

>> No.9564357

Ok so I mine and just got into it. Pay the same for power here at 0.05/KWh and I'm able to pull profit off of XMR. XMR is totally private and fungible. They (govt) can't tell how much you're mining! No way to know till you start one up. Maybe start small with 1 rig and see how it goes over a couple weeks to feel if you want to drop cash. I'll watch the thread to give more answers if you need. I don't use ETH but you could tip in XMR a penny and I'd cream my pants at

Other thing you should know about XMR is that the private addresses you make lets you be totally private and nobody can tell who you are. Like this address above is made for this instance only :)

>> No.9564382

ASICminer 8 Nano only makes ~50 db noise and 48Th/s

>> No.9564415

Store rigs under the house

>> No.9564521
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>> No.9565136

Oh god please! reddit is so bad! Anything but there senpai

>> No.9565698

You talked liked some kind of initiated with that condescending tone acting like such an expert for shit anyone can do (mining) and quoting what could be a fucking banner on monero webpage and talking about different receiving addresses as something somehow unique when fucking electrum btc wallet do that too. Since you are a condescending normalfag bandwagoner fakely friendly faggot, you'd be better at plebbit.

>> No.9566073

At least someone gave me some XMR.