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9561315 No.9561315 [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take to learn the required java knowledge for an entry level position as a java developer from scratch?
I want to get a job in IT and java seems to be the most in demand. I am obviously going to lie about past work experience so I can get employed easy enough. I just want to know how long I actually have to study before I am able to do a good job at an IT job.

>> No.9561451

depends on job and your skill level.

if you've never coded before then it'll take you atleast a month or 2 to get comfortable.

most it companies make you use some shitty frameworks like spring, angular, ionic or whatever, so you need to get used to those too.

overall i think that if you really tryhard coding for 3 months and lie about past experience you could easily land a job as a pajeet who writes android applications or some stupid frontends

>> No.9561477

Nice pits

>> No.9561578

This. If you want to qualify for a real dev job though you're looking at a good year of studying and practice. Also most employers will have you solve some problems as part of the application process to weed out liars. So don't lie about anything you don't actually know about when it comes to things like familiarity with frameworks.

>t. CISSP who did various dev in C for about 5 years

If you want easy work with ease of landing a job, study security. If you really want to write code, specializing in application security can help you get in there.

>> No.9561582

Thanks man, any suggestions on where to start learning java (and the frameworks you named)?

>> No.9561628

these frameworks are far from shitty and you def need longer than 1-2 months to be decent

>> No.9561631


forget frameworks for now, just learn some basics for now and start coding, no matter how shitty it is. you'll get multiple errors on each line you write but you have to actually type stuff, not just copypaste tutorial

>> No.9561654

Just go on youtube and search java tutorial

>> No.9561679

>not using MEAN stack for literally everything
shm thb fma

>> No.9562309

Thanks a lot guys.
I'll start studying as soon as I get home and hopefully land a job in under 6 months

>> No.9562384
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have to say that java is the comfiest language to program in

>> No.9562489

Unless you are 14 yo, and java/programming is something you do because its fun, DONT DO IT.

Seriously. You will just make shitty software and every user will hate you. Also every decen programer will allways look down on you.

>> No.9562514

Java is for pajeets

>> No.9562521

>t. hasn't realized that his bank uses a java backend

>> No.9562775

I dont think banks hire shitty java devs. And unless youve been programing since kindergarder, you will by default be considered shitty dev.

>> No.9562931

I'd guess you're too old to learn now buddy. If you're over 18 and don't have a grasp of at least 4 languages your swimming up shit creek without a paddle. Milleniulls got fucked by the younger upcoming generation they're all fucking autistic proficient hackers and Devs compared to anyone born before 1999, I'm overseeing a data architecture project and have been told to not take anyone older than 19 on as the older generation just don't have he inginuity required for the project.

>> No.9562971

No you scrub.

>> No.9563026

>If you want easy work with ease of landing a job, study security
uhh can you explain a bit more in detail what you mean by this?

>> No.9563271

im in a similar position. about to finish a course on computers with programming included. I can top it up for a degree at the end by doing one year at university, straight to the third year.

Is it worth it though anons? I could probably do a marketing or business/supply chain management top up instead of computer science, which should i do?