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9555120 No.9555120 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We share tips for everyday saving

>Ask for no ice when getting drinks

>> No.9555140

get 1 extra napkin from the food store and add it to your tissue box at the house

>> No.9555149

Wtf if your soda consumption is breaking your bank you got issues. Stop eating fast food and learn to cook.

My tip is learn to cut your own hair. It takes less time than waiting in line for a haircut/barber, I do it every 2.5 weeks and I do a better job. Also don't have to talk to anyone.

>> No.9555150

Ask for no salt on fries to ensure you get yourself fresh fries everytime, and then sprinkle on some salt yourself.

>> No.9555153

This called wasting your life being a frugal miserable person.

Apply the brainspace to learning and creativity and don't be scared of life.

>> No.9555172


You don’t do a better job.

>> No.9555191
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>> No.9555204

flip the toilet paper to wipe a 2nd time

>> No.9555206

>I do it every 2.5 weeks and I do a better job. Also don't have to talk to anyone.
The absolute state of biz.

>> No.9555215

High and tight with a fade is easy af sometimes I even get fancy and fade the whole way down.

>> No.9555223
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Pre-gaming should be on obvious one for those who go out

>> No.9555240
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eat less

>> No.9555311
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I cut my hair too but mine it’s long and it’s honestly not that hard, haven’t had people comment on it at least
Pic related

>> No.9555325

>Also don't have to talk to anyone.
Maybe you should work on your autism and you could get a better paying job

>> No.9555346
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>cutting your hair at all
Never gonna make it

>> No.9555396

I make decent money, got a decent place a car I love and a gf, cant complain, didn't come here to brag. Cutting hair isn't rocket surgery.

>> No.9555607

>pay all bills on time.
>go to community college for 2 years and transfer to a university (make sure to get it written in paper before transferring what credits they'll accept)
>Don't change guitar strings so often/boil old guitar strings to renew them
>if you don't smoke to entertain others you can actually save money/get better highs just making and eating edibles
>use wifi on your phone as often as you can and reduce your data plan or go pay as you go
>share netflix/hulu/stream site accounts with others
>dumpster dive for food at grocery stores, it's not expired just past sellby date. The kids who work there are probably doing it themselves desu
>get a filter for your tap water and use refillable water bottles (like buy reusable waterbottles)
>buy sponges and cleaning supplies at local dollar stores (a lot can be bought at dollar stores)
>clothing swaps, thrift stores, etc. if you're not a hype beast/trying to stay up to date with fashion
>craigslist free section for furniture or flips, if you're lucky to find gym equipment there too
>cook for yourself,test generic brands to see what you're willing to settle for
>let her pay for the date
>library instead of buying books if you don't collect books
>solar panels if you can afford the initial investment
>don't smoke cigarettes
>yard sales + flea markets if you need to partake in shopping therapy
>book plane tickets months in advance
>coconut oil or similar oils instead of using lubricant for masturbation. Jar of crisco coconut oil is like $3, just don't jerk off on nice furniture
>if wealthy enough start a scholarship fund, donate a certain amount per year, then put yourself on the board and pay yourself a salary, write it off as a tax-deduction
>sales/coupon clipping
>get insurance for your pets
>don't use a savings account, just get an acorn account or something else.
>exercise and take care of your health, stretch daily for future health savings
>cash crypto out in foreign countries

>> No.9555639


>Not holding it until pre-shower to eliminate the need for tp at all

Still need to buy it for guests but it lasts much longer

>> No.9555958
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bring teabags with you on journeys or when you get the train then just ask for hot water at coffeeshops
I haven't paid for a hot drink in ten years

>> No.9555994

I don't think you understand the point of this thread

And remember to buy your booze when it's on sale. If you're not an alchie you'll be suprised how long it'll last.

Mah nigga.
Does that guitar string thing really work?

>>library instead of buying books if you don't collect books
PDFs if you have a tablet

>> No.9556078

For the Britbongs out there - when you get letters and people banging on your front door to check if you own a television because you haven't paid for your license to fund a social Marxist propaganda machine, then pretend you aren't home.

>> No.9556152

I know right? It's a bloody 'eadache it is when I go down to the ol' Vic to get a 'alf pint of bitter and ol' Ahmed there sells me a bloody Samsung tele wot fallen off the back of a Lorry. Lovley Jubley, no VAT, all under the table like. I'm finking I've saved me a few quid and I can take me ol' bird down to Majorca like on one of them package 'oliday dos.
'ere, but don't I feel like a right plonker when the bloody tele license geezer comes around and wot tells me I gotta pay to watch the ol' East Enders. C'ord Blimey I don't wont the ol' Bill to stick me in the dock like.

>> No.9556210


You fucking retard they dispense the same measure 9/10 times you just end up with a warm drink.

>> No.9556780

> Shaving? Better be with a straight razor. I haven't bought new blades in 3 years.

> Spotify? There's a family plan figure out how to abuse it.

> $50 is enough money for two people per week. Can probably go way less.

> Have a decent freezer? Don't buy frozen meals, just buy frozen veggies, chicken, etc. in bulk.

> Bottled water? Get refillable containers or filters.

> Community Laundry? Fuck that use coffee stirrers and jam those fuckers into the quarter slots. It'll take them and you can pull them out when you're done.

>> No.9556805

>A car I love and a gf

>> No.9556857

I found out walmart sells frozen pizza for $2.70 for a large supreme combo. You can eat half for one meal. Thats like a $1.35 for a pretty decent meal with an indefinite shelf life and no tax. Easy to make too.

Walmart also sell this koolaid mix type stuff over near the alcohol section. They sell it in bulk boxes that will make 6 gallons for 4 bucks. Its got super concentrated fake sugar in it so all you have to do is pour it in water. No calories either. Its good if you have a sweet tooth. 15 different flavors.

>> No.9556878
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>wasting time in community college instead of going to work
>oil instead of spit as lube for jacking off
never gonna make it
>paying for netflix instead of pirating
>living in a 3rd world country where tap water isnt drinkable
>solar panel scam
depends on electricity price and sun 2bh
>going on a vacation
>having pets
never gonna make it

>> No.9556891


Degenerate eating and drinking habits, kys

>> No.9556944

> Fatass? Want to lose some weight? Start counting calories and go below 1,500. This will also help your spending.

> Got $10 or $5 in your pocket? Put it in a jar.

> Don't want to buy a bed? Hammocks are pretty comfy if you live alone. I used to sleep in one for several years. Don't buy that stupid shit with the bars.

> How far is your work? Less than 3 miles? Walk to work you faggot.

>> No.9557093

>dumpster dive for food at grocery stores, it's not expired just past sellby date. The kids who work there are probably doing it themselves desu

You should save on other stuff instead, like toilet paper, instead of running the risk of catching some disease or getting food poisoning.

>> No.9557192

Fucking kekd

>> No.9557239

>drinking anything other than water

>> No.9557257

>Not knowing it's cor blimey
Fucks sake, non Britbong detected me ol fruit

>> No.9557262

>get a filter for your tap water
How does this save money? Quite the opposite. My protip is to man up and drink tap water

>> No.9557353

Getting sick ain't cheap. Especially in America.

>> No.9557497

Wait how the fuck did you put the hammock up in a house?

>> No.9557544

boiling guitar strings actually works

>> No.9557581

just dont cut ur hair

>> No.9557634


Fuck yes, they put so much ice in fucking orange juice these days. Why the fuck do I want to pay for solid water?