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9553019 No.9553019 [Reply] [Original]

Smart contracts on bitcoin with RSK who's partnered with IEXEC

I know you faggots don't want brainlets to find out but who cares since the market sucks.

Why is this not being talked about???

>> No.9553038

there have been multiple threads a day for the past week.

>> No.9553056

Are we going to make it?

>> No.9553133

Yes, this and ETH are my only longterm holds.

>> No.9553246

I am holding. BTC, LTC, ETH and RLC. Literally the only token I'll hold onto.

>> No.9553296

I'm starting to regret my buy after all this link tier shilling lately

>> No.9553341

Nothing compares to link shilling, that is on another level.

>> No.9553402

Because RLC is bloated with “partnerships” and without them the RLC platform would never be fast enough to useable, you may get a good exit pump but the only people who can affordably host for RLC are large centralised corporate entities, all they have to do is wave a little math in the normies face and say their all about decentralised networks and you fucker feed them your money, enjoy paying the middleman anon? Have you forgotten about peer 2 peer? You’d suck a lying dick just to sniff a dollar bill from 10 feet away. Pathetic

>> No.9553940

Is this true?

>> No.9553999

wtf did i just read?

>> No.9554006

No, RLC is one of best places to throw cash right now. It's dropping because reddit and biz cucks are trying to make a quick buck and had a mini pump of the market.

When V2 release it should up and 100% a HODL token. Long term has 0 loss potential

>> No.9554144

I don't see much Link shilling on here actually. It's all fudding.

>> No.9554182

Imagine being this deluded.

>> No.9554282


Explain why you think otherwise

>> No.9554323

>off-chain computing
Yeah I'll pass. No point in cloud computing if you're going to do it off chain, now its just slow and insecure (just like iexec holders)

>> No.9554325

>started out riding on eth but that’s not viable because crypto kitties can slow the network to a crawl
>RSK smartcontracts on bitcoin only works when processed off chain
>bigblockdb partnership allows for fast transaction, again off chain
>offchain transactions require centralised oracles unless chainlink stops shitting the bed
>CoPo is someone elses work, bastardised to meet RLC needs
>all of these middleware solutions to create supposedly p2p decentralised cloud computing network
>RLC claims they will reduce the operation costs and environmental impact of big data, theyliedtome.jpg

This is corporate cloud computing pretending to be a p2p solution the money flowing from their clients to the people providing the hosting (supposedly normie old you) will be sucked up by the many middlemen, only corporate entity’s will profit from this model, in no way will it effectively reduce the energy costs of the current cloud computing market because it is the same ol shit in a different wrapper

>> No.9554586

thanks just sold 100k

>> No.9554779

GNT faggot shill detected.
>Ixec has no middle man fees
>Everyone will be able to participate in marketplace, from simple laptops to giant clouds.
>Not realising that this is a gateway to fog computing, which will have the biggest positive impact on environment since forever

>> No.9554907

>>Ixec has no middle man fees
>>Everyone will be able to participate in marketplace, from simple laptops to giant clouds.
>>Not realising that this is a gateway to fog computing, which will have the biggest positive impact on environment since forever

Thank god I'm not alone, felt shills over powering me

>> No.9555075

Don’t even know what gnt is buddy, if you think the companies inbetween the client and the workers are involved out of the goodness in their hearts and that offchain transactions aren’t inherently centralised there’s no hope for you, even many “small” centralised players competing with one another on the same network will lead to the the same outcome, RLC might have good intentions and create a good working product on paper, in practice however it is far more b2b than b2c and definitely not p2p I can’t see how the platform can be viable p2p energy efficient model when it relies upon third party platforms some of which are pow to be effective, offchain is the bullshit bandaid holding all this crap together all I can say is good luck, you’ll need it

>> No.9555430

Are you literally this stupid?
While some shit tier dapps which can be heavily parallelized might run on home grade pc's computationally intensive tasks like most ML algorithms will require top tier servers which have all it's cpu's and gpu's in close proximity.
And of course it's not a fucking p2p market, it's not a fucking torrenting site you retard, there must be price for computations and repercussions for tempering with computations.
At early stages most of the user will be businesses while computations providers will be mixed. And yeah if big clouds will provide computations cheaper they will win, but the marketplace will still be decentralized as single entity leaving marketplace won't affect shit.
Now take your hippie ideas and shove it up your ass you stupid faggot

>> No.9555553
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>Long term has 0 loss potential

>> No.9555627

I almost want to troll more, but this was quite satisfying

>> No.9555661


Okay we'll call it a draw in saying I was being a little over-ambitious

>> No.9555943


Should I just kms for falling for another shit-tier scam?

I geniuenly thought it was a good project, but over the last few days people just point out facts that make me want to sell all of it and gtfo

>> No.9555988


>> No.9556425
File: 6 KB, 106x250, 1Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The transactions aren't offchain retard, the computations are and the results are committed to the blockchain once verified.
Why do we have so mentally deficient Pajeet FUDing iexec?
They obviously don't understand jackshit but still type entire walls of gibberish.

>> No.9556821


You do what you want bro I admit I do get tired of the shilling and Fuding but if you read the whitepaper you would realize this project is legit.

Most of these FUDers on 4chan are morons. Did you believe the morons saying ETH in 2015 was a scam?

Yeah didnt think so.

>> No.9556887

How does iExec works. Is the computation carried out twice or more to verify it is correct?

>> No.9557175

>mentally deficient
>decentralised offchain computing
Pick one

>> No.9557208

Read whitepaper & Medium blog.

>> No.9557325

scam coin