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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9552781 No.9552781 [Reply] [Original]

If I buy at 7700 sats and sell at 8800 sats it this 10% or 1%? The sats throw me off for some reason just trying to comprehend. Or if I buy at 7530 sats and sell at 8600 sats, how much percentage gain is this?

>> No.9552811

ten percent means you take a zero away and add that number to the original price. you really should learn basic math before putting money on the line

>> No.9552821

so......10% or 1%

>> No.9552930

It's the same % as if it was dollars. Make it easy and just use the first number, if u buy something at 7 dollars and then sell it for 8 dollars that's a 14% increase.

>> No.9552940

Geezus fucking christ its at least least 12% if you cant learn basic math use a graphing tool for a long/short position. I am seriously loosing faith. How can that even be 1%? Think anon. Think.

>> No.9552951

Dont blame the sats. Youre just plain dumb.

>> No.9552959

Just download this app. I use this for more complicated math because it's quick. Plus u can calculate stops and exits quick based on entry price and your desires gains or loss.


>> No.9553315


Cross multiply, you fuck. And then find your 6th grade math teacher and boot her right in the cunt for failing you.

88 x 100 / 77 = 114 -100 = 14

>> No.9553838

The only thing I know how to cross is ur mums legs. Sorry I was fucking sluts and committing crimes back in 6th grade I never went to school. I’m a simple business man who has to try harder than most but still successful at everything I do, thanks now I get it

>> No.9553870
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Kek, this fucking thread...

>> No.9553926

>complicated math
>moving a decimal over

>> No.9554028

Ok smart guy, if you’re so Jewish and smart then what percentage is this? If I buy at 46470 and sell at 47200, what percentage gain did I just make?

>> No.9554063

This faggot just sold at a loss lmfao what a nigger

>> No.9554106

what the fuck is this thread
go the fuck to bed

>> No.9554150


Divide the difference by the original price and move the decimal two places. It's 14.28%

>> No.9554372

Hmmm, I think I got it now. So if I buy a coin at 46470 and sell at 47200 that’s 1.5% ?

>> No.9554453

1.57%. You should google how to do percentages.