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File: 4 KB, 231x90, 108 chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9551917 No.9551917 [Reply] [Original]

>acumulation zone guys dont sell
>collective positive thoughts, VISUALIZE YOUR CHAINLINK GAINS!!
>chainlink is undervaluated! think of the benefits!

>> No.9551939


>low volume is a good thing, it means no one is selling

this is my favorite one

>> No.9551965
File: 286 KB, 1680x1680, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9551966
File: 331 KB, 1434x1554, SmartSelect_20180522-021412_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fudding when it is at all month low
Remember rookie marines, dont sell to the coordinated FUD

>> No.9551978


> I'm so smart I'll sell the bottom and hopefully buy in cheaper, this lack of volume will bring the price down right? R-right?

Volume this low will blast that price upwards and you'll be posting pink wojaks crying why you're not rich.

Brainlets... they're everywhere

>> No.9551981

Guess it's time to load up the 135k I've had on a ledger since last year and sell. Thanks for your convincing points, OP, really raised some issues I hadn't considered before.

>> No.9551988

Will market dump my 88k stack in a couple of hours. Love link but better options for now

>> No.9551995

>88k stack
>88 dubs
Confirmed, sell everything.

>> No.9552004

infinite bags
cant believe those retards actually felt for the shit good work guys

>> No.9552013

Checked. Reporting in

>> No.9552018

Post proof. I know you won't because you are a retarded larper.

>> No.9552025

low volume and price is going down, what does that mean anon? you're probably too retarded to know

>> No.9552030

Lesson number 2., rookies
Watch the thread and spot all the (((1))) id posts

>> No.9552033

His proof is that he got dubs 88 with an 88k stack

>> No.9552050

It means no one is buying, brainlet

>> No.9552066
File: 97 KB, 1255x597, VISUALIZE YOUR CHAINLINK GAINS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel to get absolutely no gains in crypto,
no other coin performs worse than chainlink, no other coin has retraced to 2017 levels

>> No.9552081

the problem is that sergey couldn't join the high IQ discussion because he's low IQ and not a developer.

How can you lead a software project without being a programmer yourself? Simply impossible.

>> No.9552087


>> No.9552115

So no proof, as expected.

>> No.9552125

Fine, lol. You see an opportunity and you take it. I've been trading with the rest of my stack and paying the bills while my lambo ticket sits on a ledger awaiting the inevitable. It's a really nice feeling.

>> No.9552131


cmon man, nobody's falling for this shit anymore. just find something else to to do.

>> No.9552136

Look at all those (((1))), that means op is using VPNs, rookies

>> No.9552184
File: 28 KB, 639x430, op is larping chainlink is PERFECT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9552282

Nice shop, but it also culd be your discord buttbudy posting with vpn, it doesnt matter. What matters is that fudding is at all time high to make you weak handed rookies dump your bags cheap. Dont let them get away with it

>> No.9552332

keep doing your mental gymnastics man you cant deal with the fact that you memed it into failing
1000$ EOY
you have 6 months to pump it

>> No.9552375


>> No.9552522

I fucked your mother in the ass so furiously shit actually shot out of her nostrils

>> No.9552639

Never selling

>> No.9552664

His proof is that he got dubs 88 with an 88k stack

>> No.9552767
File: 14 KB, 286x395, dayswithoutwinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess something is launching with Chainlink soon with posts like these. Time to buy more. When is something launching for this? June?

>> No.9552791

>FUD is just whales who want to buy my shitcoin lower

says every shitcoin holder ever

>> No.9552899


Yeah, anyone can see that the Link fud has SO SO MUCH SUBSTANCE.. lmao

>> No.9552908
File: 179 KB, 956x899, smartcontract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whales? WTF are you talking about?

>> No.9553073

Not sure, but I just bought in as well because the stoch RSI shows its oversold on the daily.

>> No.9553132

The act of these lieing asshats gets old. Nobody is panic selling, so why keep this charade up?

>> No.9553199

I unironically market sold my stack yesterday. The bags were too heavy to keep carrying.

>> No.9553301

this but unironically

>> No.9553480
File: 28 KB, 600x454, itmustbehard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Your weak hands are forever remembered in helping the strong.