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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9549891 No.9549891 [Reply] [Original]

>make it
>pay to stick your four inch dick in a warm wet hole
>buy expensive objects that collect dust
>youre still depressed
>get plastic surgery
>still too socially awkward to leave the house
>youre still empty
>no one knows you exist
>your family doesnt want to talk to you anymore because you wont give them money
>post blockfolio on /biz/
>get called a larper
>it's 4am

>> No.9549939

why are you posting the biography of Richard Heart?

>> No.9549944

mo money mo problems
-- tupac shakur

>> No.9549951
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>pay to stick your four inch dick in a warm wet hole
Hit the gym and lose the beer belly. If your dick is below 6 inches it's because of all that tummy fat hiding the actual length.

>buy expensive objects that collect dust
>get plastic surgery
Only normies do this.

>still too socially awkward to leave the house
>youre still empty
>no one knows you exist
There's no easy fix, but if you start exercising, going for walks, and force yourself to talk to people - at first nothing special, just say hello, then eventually you'll build up courage to strike up a conversation.

>your family doesnt want to talk to you anymore because you wont give them money
good, fuck those people

>post blockfolio on /biz/
>get called a larper
why the fuck are you using blockfolio, are you literally a fucking normie?

>> No.9549953

(no giveaways)

>> No.9549965

I'm happiest when I can buy what I want get high when I want-drake

And imo it is the truest thing I have realized

>> No.9549970

Find the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, then your destiny becomes clearer

>> No.9549979

youll be right mate! its a long process but just take it a step at a time. i would say its a great place to start with some RSD videos / start learning social dynamics. You have money now but make sure you have a purpose. Break it down into goals and aim to achieve as much as you can each day to build your confidence and self esteem. If you don't have a purpose, get a shitty job and see what you wish you were doing while you are working at that job, then go do it. The family issue is fucked up but not much you can do. Real family is the people you choose ;) Doing the above should take care of your depression however if its severe consider seeing a psych and getting meds. If you are still struggling with the psychological side of things, hit up some Jordan Peterson videos. They are fucking amazing for learning how to understand yourself. And if you have lots of money, it will also be a cause of concern / worry. I guess you could do something like invest it all / a % in property and tell your family that you don't have it liquid anymore. Live off the rent and spend your time building towards that purpose we talked about earlier.

>> No.9549995


get out

>> No.9550016

If you want to get over your social awkwardness, get a job where you have to talk to people on the phone. I am dead serious. Once you get used to it you'll find a lot of your social inhibitions are no longer a thing. At that point, quit the job and enjoy life.

>> No.9550025

>If your dick is below 6 inches it's because of all that tummy fat hiding the actual length.
You're very naive if you believe that the universe is fair enough for every man on earth to be given a 6+ incher.

>> No.9550039

Give us your money so we can do dope shit with it you pathetic shitbag

>> No.9550066

I was making a generalization about how a majority of /biz/ will react to falling assbackwards into money you dumb dumbs.

>> No.9550093

Look for nearby locations that offer group dance lessons. Go to all of them and learn to dance with people. It will help you get over your fear of people and get you comfortable with touching a girl physically.

A some bars with dance floors will offer lessons some nights of the week and you can undoubtedly find actual dance studios which offer group classes.

This applies to anyone socially awkward. Take a shower first though and understand people get sweaty and you aren't the only one.

>> No.9550171

Why do you fuck traps Chris?

>> No.9550331

You were larping like the sad sack you are

>> No.9550367

>not playing competitive video games
you're gonna kill yourself sooner or later

>> No.9550404

this makes a lot of sense. my social anxiety def went away for the most part once i started working at a call center when i was younger. lot of the people working there were chill too and went out to grab drinks etc. just be cool and social and stop worrying about what others think. that's a main cause as to why us introverts think too much which causes us to act socially awkward that is visible to others through our mannerisms.

>> No.9550474

Only God can bring true happiness. You're chasing temporal goods and pleasure. Never gonna make it.

>> No.9550502

I've got an idea for you - I've been planning to do it once I make it.

They say that charity is one of the best feelings in the world, but maybe you are the opposite kind of person someone who likes to cause pain. How will you know and how can you prevent yourself from wasting your money finding out.

Well here's the idea.

>Find a down on her luck girl
>Homeless is ok but only if you know the risks and she's v recently homeless
>Otherwise find insecure unhappy girl living with bad family (obviously over 18)
>Befriend, look after her - she'll mainly just want to talk to someone
>Then buy her a few small things, lunch etc, a new cheap necklace (she'll have never had shit like this bought before because she'll think she is worthless.
>eventually show her how much better life is with you than with her current situation (shit family, shit squat etc)
>that's when you tell her you want to run away with her
>boom, meme to a city on other side of the states
>she has no friends/family - cut off ties, she only has you
>then, you are her only lifeline
>she is much happier because of what you have done, you saved her from a life of misery.

at this point you decide whether you actually feel good about what you did and then carry on like normal.

if you don't feel good then it's time to see if you get joy from causing suffering.

>stop spending money on her
>make comments about her appearance, just small ones at first
>complain that she doesn't do enough work round the house or bring in money
>call her clingy (even though you made her like this)
>then get more abusive verbally/physically
>when you're reaching peak shitness you kick her out and move city - leaving her with no friends/connections/lifeskills/trust etc

if you get a thrill from that just keep repeating - otherwise see a doc to get some depression pills

>> No.9550555

Women dont remain homeless that long unless they are really messed up. Otherwise they just shack up with a guy as tons of guys would trip over themselves to shelter a homeless chick thinking theyre doing them a favor and will be rewarded with sex/affection/appreciation. Truth is even if you go with your plan eventually kicking them back out on the streets, theyd just need to go to a bar or sit outside a gas station looking sad before luring in another provider.

>> No.9550590

the house idea is better then - college's are always a good place (over 18 of course).

plenty of lonely insecure people in the world that want someone to make them feel happy. which is prime target to do a mid term 3-12month soul crushing game

>> No.9551513

Which god is the right one though? What if I pick the wrong one? Will I still have eternal happiness?

>> No.9551527

There's only one.

>> No.9551687

When you make it and have all the time in the world you naturally will pursue hobbies and find a way to socialize. Expensive objects that collect dust? Car clubs are an awesome way to get out of the house and socialize. Take up autocross or racing even. Or a boat, same thing. Find boat clubs.
Social awkwardness is something you can defeat with time. When you're wagecucking a retail/customer service job all you want to do at the end of the day is not be around people, but when you have all that free time you will want to socialize whether you realize it or not.
Plus, emptiness is subjective. You want to hole up in a hermit cave with your stacks of cash and do what the fuck you want? Don't feel bad about it.

>> No.9551704

>>pay to stick your four inch dick in a warm wet hole
fuck you five inch

>> No.9551727

You've got some issues, Stan.