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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 320x180, hang-mans-noose-swinging-above-fog-from-smoke-machine-studio-shot-at-120-fp_rv3xusfkx_thumbnail-small01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9548494 No.9548494 [Reply] [Original]

>about to graduate high school
>400 word essay due in 2 days
>can't stop browsing reddit and /biz/

what do?

>> No.9548507

Why do it? Graduating soon. Keep browsing anon

>> No.9548542

Don't graduate stay a 5th year
Hs is best time in life and better to be a retard senior than a neet unemployed or indebted college fag

>> No.9548562

Just stop. Show us you have some willpower. Don't be a weak manlet who can't control his addictions.

>> No.9548592

Pretend you're writing 23 more of these shitty posts on whatever topic you're supposed to do the paper on.

>> No.9548657

You can't knock out a 400 word essay? Good luck in college

>> No.9548690

>400 words

1 fucking page

>> No.9548716

>bitching about 400 words
The absolute state. saged.

>> No.9548734


>> No.9548737

I always knew that /biz/ was full of Reddit tourists and Pajeet newfags.

>> No.9548760

t. scum of the earth who thinks he's the king of 4chan

>> No.9548764
File: 1.35 MB, 846x1068, 1526129304918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of this board.

>> No.9548772

ITT biz writes an essay one post at a time. The topic is "What what way does this post make OP such a giant faggot".

>> No.9548782

sounds like you deserve to fail, loser

>> No.9548784
File: 70 KB, 598x434, 1515282014144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon I will write it for 20$ in crypto of your choice (pref ETH)

>> No.9548786

t. replied to an ancient copypasta post seriously

>> No.9548796

400 essay can be typed up within half a hour. Are you really that incompetent anon?

>> No.9548803

t. copypasta encyclopedia, assumes everyone has to be an expert in copypastas

>> No.9548814

Hey Reddit how's the first week on 4chan?

>> No.9548824
File: 429 KB, 505x634, _hbt_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't need to graduate if you invested smart my dude
consider HBT , hubii core (wallet and exchange) is in it's working and stabile alpha so you can try it

>> No.9548865

sounds like a shitecoin!

>> No.9548885

400 word essay within half an hour? I'll have you know you can write a 400 word essay in less than five minutes. Damn children these days who can't do anything correctly. Back in my day we had to walk 2 miles just to get to the community bus stop, and after we got to school we were expected to hand in our 7000 word essays we got just the night before as a homework assignment. And they weren't stupid easy topics like pussy kids have today, They were topics like "should cigarettes and other tobacco products be outlawed and why" or "do people who comit horrible crimes deserve the dealth penalty, And if not, What punishment would best be suited for those individuals based on the crime they committed" etc. My goodness, children these days are so entirely brain dead. I'm not sure how long humanity has left but it's time has been cut even shorter given the shit genetics of today's society and the horrible state of the educational syste (IE brainwashing indoctrination centers). And you know what happened when we did not do our assignments on time? We didn't get some fucking sticker saying "Nice goddamn try" we got the shit beat out of us by our teachers assistant while he watched rubbing his god damn cock. Fucking kids. You don't know how fucking good you got it.

>> No.9548935
File: 62 KB, 720x719, C68AA6EA-49EB-48D9-B9C4-D987464F9635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 400 words

With an attitude like that, you won’t succeed in life.

>> No.9548948

This, guy is mad kek

>> No.9548969

Falling for years old bait won't get you far either.

>> No.9548995

stfu op i have 30k words essay on next wednesday

holy shit those high schoolers

>> No.9548998

>That boomer who doesn't recognize copypasta and instead makes a fool of himself

>> No.9549017

Wing it anon.. Nobody fucking cares

>> No.9549033

>those 30 year old boomers from New Delhi who found 4chan from /r/cryptocurency and don't recognize old spammed copypasta that was all over 4chan

>> No.9549038

>can't even maintain the discipline to write a paltry 400 words on time

You're not gonna make it anon

>> No.9549039

hola bebe

>> No.9549058

Nigger I write 400 words of FUD on my lunchbreak. Fuck are you doing son?

>> No.9549076

Stop replying to old copyppasta bait you fucking loser.

>> No.9549092

LMAO you think 400 words is a lot? fucking retard. I write 50 page papers in my sleep. I could probably bang out 400 words in half an hour tops.

>> No.9549102


dude fuck that shit... i'm not even larping. 400 words is a lot i don't even remember the last time i wrote 100 lol! gonna end up copy pasting some shit anyways. fuck school

>> No.9549119

The fact that so many people fell for this meme is just fucking sad.

That absolute state of this fucking board.

Kys redditor.

>> No.9549176

youre a fucking newfag if you think i was being serious. its called irony on top of irony newfag. you probably own TRX dont you

>> No.9549193
File: 95 KB, 628x585, gaintrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT we have boomers

>> No.9549202
File: 2 KB, 107x125, 1514593788730s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you got me good. Good meming.

>> No.9549215

kys you sound like a newfag

>> No.9549218

Nigga I write 400 words in the pornhub search bar every poop break. GTFO

>> No.9549648
File: 114 KB, 550x413, 1360672418470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit if just cross referenced your ip to the shitpost registry. You've written several pages long stories before

>> No.9549745

das racist

>> No.9550470

400 words is less than two pages , dumbass. What is that like a 5 paragraph essay? Just get to fucking work. Jesus Christ, the absolute state of Gen Z.

>> No.9550554

>>400 word essay

k e k please tell me this is a special-retard tier school in burgerland? I am in high-school as well, our essays are 3000+ words wtf is this autism hahaha

>> No.9550636

Just copy pasta some shit from wiki and rearange some words. That's what I would have done if it was around when I was in school. Better yet, copy from the sources that nobody ever checks.