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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9545351 No.9545351 [Reply] [Original]

Buying ZCL (pre-snapshot at $220) for BTCP was the worst decision of my life.

Please buy.

>> No.9545466

haha i sold at 220. thanks for buying my bags retard

>> No.9546371

Why did you think this would be a good idea?

>> No.9546415

Pajeets were on here saying it was an easy $1k coin, that's what happens when you get pajeeted.

>> No.9546435

You learned something and paid the adequate price for your stupidity anon. You probably bought my bags at that range btw.

>> No.9546465

hxx and nlx are both due forks soon, if anyone wants to ride the pump. IDK what the exit prices should be after the snap shots though

>> No.9546553

was a painfully obvious scam but you fell for the pajeet shilling new fag

>> No.9546645

the creator himself basically admitted it was a scam you dumb beta

>> No.9546661


>> No.9547077


>> No.9547086

Might buy a bag at $5.

>> No.9547101

The devs had a massive war chest and they fucking blew it.

>> No.9547315

Same, I lost a fuck ton of money on this shit fork bullshit nonsense.

I missed every major fork of 2017, so I figured I'd try the Litecoin Cash fork and this right after.

Worst decisions ever.

If I had just left everything alone, I'd have retarded sums of money still.

Instead, I was buying Z-Classic at $150 - $185.

>> No.9547499

"how do you prefer your JUST, sir?"

>> No.9547546

Pretty much. Extra well done too. Because I got fucking BURNT.

Oh well. Life lesson learned.

If it looks like a Jew, smells like a Jew, and acts like a Jew... never invest in it. EVER.

Otherwise, you are destined to be fucked over royally by them.

>> No.9547608

it was a perfect money making opportunity if only you bought sub $50, holding through fork is just asking for trouble

>> No.9547630


Nodes are the new forks now.
Get in while they are still hot.

>> No.9547680

No thanks. Buying stuff you know has a legit use-case in the future is the new forks/nodes/anything.

Just accumulate on shit you know will do well when it's on the dips.

Keep gains by selling into BTC.

Bank BTC when BTC cycle drops.

If I had done that over the winter period, I'd have over 7-figures right now.

>> No.9547932

please buy

>> No.9548132

how much did you lose?

>> No.9548140

Less than me. I can guarantee it.

>> No.9548167

how much did you lose?

>> No.9548191

I didn't lose anything on this.

>> No.9548224

Too much. I don't want to say.