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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9544593 No.9544593 [Reply] [Original]

>Link FUD filling the front page
Delphi, you are really bad at this shit. People who dislike coins don't make 100 threads about them enveloping page 1. Natural threads don't have "FAT" and pasted FUD posts seconds after the thread is created.

In case you're a newfaggot Delphi is a Discord group spamming this board with various pro/anti Link threads to profit from price movements. They are not very good at it.

>> No.9544607

imagine all the fud being natural. people are losing faith in sergey and co

>> No.9544634
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>No capitalization or grammar
That's a Delphi.

>> No.9544636

When will they get bored and piss off lol? Are you a Delphi in disguise?

>> No.9544640

FUD is never natural. /biz/ is just a big ass social experiment.

>> No.9544717
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Imagine being in a Discord ran by a skinny. balding manlet so you can post bad things about imaginary internet coins on an anime imageboard.

>> No.9544869

bump for visibility

>> No.9545337

bump. Look at that fucking front page.

>> No.9545560


do you have you have to be financially destitute to join Delphi? like how poor do you have to be where your only opportunity to buy link hinges on FUDing it 24/7?

at this point all FUDers are poorfags and all link shills are high IQ chads

>> No.9545592


Delphi is trying to slide this thread..

>> No.9545602

Prove Delphi exist ?
You can't. But it's easy to prove you're a dirty shill faggot

>> No.9545664

If you want another invite so bad you have to ask nicely

>> No.9545676

he cant, its a meme and he knows it, fucking dummies on this board will chase any larp these days. It sad. Delphi is NOT real, nothing to see here.

>> No.9545765

Try beeing a little less obvious