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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9544588 No.9544588 [Reply] [Original]

The Ark departs in 6 days.
You have been warned.

>> No.9544627


>> No.9544628

lisk is better

>> No.9545285

How's the cartel these days?

>> No.9545546
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the nerve on this guy

>> No.9545740

lel good joke m8 i laughed

>> No.9546144


>> No.9546160


>> No.9546563

Why all the hate for lisk? Help a newfag out here.

>> No.9546663

Apparently they steal code from ark. Also their delegate system is all messed up

>> No.9547069
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pls stop these post i need to accumulate :( arkie to arkie , im begging

>> No.9547093
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What happens in 6 days?
The great flood?

>> No.9547261

lisk is bascially a shitty bootleg version
also their proof of stake system simply does not work

>> No.9547275

version of ark*

>> No.9547392

controlled by a cartel.

>> No.9547471

plot twist. departs back into earth reentry. not enough fuel to get to the moon. preparing for descend burn. it'll be a rough decent until 30,000m, expect comms break up.

>> No.9547697
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>be me
>invest in HBT
>do the right thing by helping young creators and artists

>> No.9547943

ARK forked from Lisk because Lisk is shit and controlled by a cartel. Also their devs are retarded. ARK V2 rewrote almost everything from scratch and now it shits on Lisk. That's the gist of it.

>> No.9548280

and yet lisk is still worth over 3x what ark is worth. if it is so superior, then why is that?

>> No.9548671

Why is tron in the top 10
Why are any of the shit tier bitcoin forks worth more than a dollar

>> No.9548724

Lisk spent a shit load on advertising and general adoption. You have to do that to a product when it does literally a tenth of what Ark does.

>> No.9548894

if lisk is worth more than Ark in 2019 eoy, I will eat my own dick.

>> No.9548939

make it 2018 EOY. The cartel price manipulation bullshit can only last for so long.

>> No.9549894

300 eoy

get in bois before it's too late

>> No.9549973

wait i tought it was supposed to depart 6 days ago, what is this weak ass shill?

>> No.9549993

All I know that v2 is a game changer. will shit on eth. this is your warning --- -- -- --- SCREENCAP THIS -- -- - - - - - - END OF JUNE $40!!!!!!

>> No.9550055

quit all the bs "this hasn't moved for 8 months" -- big whoop... been accumulating for the last year. we goin to the moons and all the fudders will be left behind.

>> No.9550092
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You realise we can see you samefagging right?

>> No.9550097

really, oh no deaprt

>> No.9550509

LISK is still better than ARK even with a cartel, let that sink in.

>> No.9550536

>LISK is still better than ARK even with a cartel,


>> No.9550569

>The Ark departs in 6 days.
>You have been warned.
this seams familiar, very familiar

>> No.9550583
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>> No.9550586

I'm talking out of my ass, it sounds good though, right?

>> No.9550670

Ark is a biz meme, just like OMG and Link

>> No.9550682

Lisk is hot garbage. Ark to $50 EOY book it

>> No.9550722

>Ark is a biz meme, just like OMG and Link

LINK is shilled nonstop on /biz/ and everyone here shits on ARK instead, that should tell you all you need to know

>> No.9550780

I saw one of these posts back when ARK was $7. Glad I didn't take the bait.

remember the first rule of biz:
>do not listen to biz

>> No.9550811

I kind of follow that. Lately I've been checking into coins that get mentioned here to see if I like them or not. If I do I just wait a few weeks, it's bound to dump.

>> No.9550826

>back when ARK was $7

if you are comparing prices now to back in Jan, for any coin, then you are fucking retarded

>do not listen to biz

Yes, I agree. Do not listen to biz. 99% of the idiots here bought LINK

>> No.9550858

protip: hunt down coins that have superior tech behind them rather than quick pump and dumps. Look for actual use cases that normies can use.

I have a token that I'm $20k into that is currently 20 cents each. You'll never see me post it here.

>> No.9550859

Lisk's cartel owns 54% of their delegate nodes and they forge and keep an entire day's worth of lisk every day. Right now they have anti dumping rules in place which is artificially driving the price up. That rule can be revoked at any time. I wouldn't put my money into this time bomb.

>> No.9550890

I have a couple of those as well. Just saying not every coin that gets shilled on Biz is bad. Only about 99% of them.

When I find one of those 1% shills though I never buy it. Just wait a week or two and it drops.. Every time.

>> No.9550911

in ark there are no cartels, there are also no anti dumping policies, does that mean that ark will never rise up in price because everyone can dump their forging rewards?

>> No.9550918

k i just market bought, now why is it going up in 6 days

>> No.9550947


Ark has a fixed inflation rate of 7.8 million Ark a year.
At a current market cap of 102 million that comes out to 7-8% inflation for this year.
Next year we'll have an inflation rate around 6.5% and we'll keep getting lower each year.

21,522 is the total amount of Ark forged everyday. If every single person dumped their Ark every single day it's still nothing compared to the total supply.

Right now at this moment if EVERYONE (Which wont happen, EVER) dumped their daily payouts we would have to have enough buying demand to meet 82k in buys. Which again, is nothing.

Even if Ark was $100 ea we'd only have to meet a buying demand of 2,152,200 each day. Which is nothing when the market cap would be at over 1B.

>> No.9550982

I'm half joking btw, I did buy and the chart looks really tasty, I just don't follow fundamental news

>> No.9551159

idk why this is so hard for brainlets to understand

>> No.9551209

Well apparently ark v2 is just around the corner and they are supposedly 5 new exchange listings coming soon as well. Knowing ark though this will just cause the price to plummet even further.

>> No.9552006
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The only thing boomers saw at every turn at Consensus, well that and booth babes.