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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9542700 No.9542700 [Reply] [Original]

>Have friend
>Graduated from LMU(California) with a Production Degree
>Doesn't work for 2 years because he wants to get settled in
>Then works as a uber eats delivery boy
>Couldn't cut it in California so moves back to Las Vegas
>Lives with mommy
>Has nice Jeep he bought recently, motorcycle and a bmw
>No job but buys 3d printers, drones, and all this 1st world shit
>Talks about politicals, redpill, and tin-foil theories nonstop
>Likes guns and motorcycles

>Be me
>Live like dirt rat in the downtown LA apartment
>crawl thru the ranks and kissing everyones ass
>many hardships
>too tired for hobbies and personal me time
>get bank loan for mining operation
>finally make it and now earning 6 figures
>despie this faggot friend for living a trust fund baby lifestyle
>what do?

we both late 20s

>> No.9542738

>>finally make it and now earning 6 figures
>>despie this faggot friend for living a trust fund baby lifestyle
Obviously tell this guy you're gay for him since that's the only possible reason I can think of why a man approach 30 who is earning good money off the sweat of his brow gives a flying fuck what some lazy friend of his didn't do. Clearly you're in love with him which is why you despise him because you've had to work hard and yet feel that you can never consummate your homosexual romance.

>> No.9542793

holy shit, you're pathetic and sad.

>> No.9542815

Some friend you are.

>> No.9542820

you clearly want his dick in your ass

>> No.9542844

i still dont get whats the issue here... apart from your latent homosexuality

>> No.9542849


>> No.9542867

your friend sounds like a cool guy and he's got shit figured out.

>> No.9542957

>lives with mom
>no job
>life figured out

>> No.9543006

Stop being butthurt you homo and ask him out already

>> No.9543035

first reply best reply

>> No.9543037

Fortunate son.mp3

Don't worry, brainlets like that will get rekt once theire parents die and they blow all the money away on junk they don't need.

>> No.9543504

OP confirmed homosexual lmao

>> No.9543528

not your blog

>> No.9544258

Sounds like he was given a head-start but is just squandering. You'll probably be better off than him in a couple of years.

>> No.9544333
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>> No.9544725

Why are you so obsessed with this dude? You wanna suck his cock or something?

>> No.9544809

the mystery was solved quickly